HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-12-21, Page 8• TUE E i 1•x�\, &i i .. ::/1 ri Et S DECEMIBER 2i, 1894. 1894 XMAS. 1894 CHRISTMAS MPA Rabb.° Soho° An adjourned regalt Suhool Board was bel ing. Present, Mesa's cocks, Abraham, (xrilliu. Minutes o 0 I~'TS and adopteo. The tciptil presented his report for the m" nth of November, which, on motion, vas adopted. The —FOE— ! finance Committee reeommeaded the 1 paymeet of the ullowing accounts: G n f� � � � Cao, l,subst sup lac, 8g,80; Jennie y �j a�g1119 • Cee, i.11, substitute eachino, 80i A. Ross, 1 ( 1 supplies, $4.25; • t. Wilsan, work, 85e; —AT— ( A. Wait, work, 90 go; Wcu. Robertson, C I N D O O'3 postage, eta., $1.2; ; James Portra, wood: 0 Ha °are. meeting of the )n Friday even - Lorton, Bell, His - re, Button and. st meeting read :lit greatest and Cheapest store , all all kinds of Holiday Uoods •-al-st everything imaginable, suitable for 1 nybody teed everybody—at unmatch- ably low prices. We. make special prices 'to induce purchasing 'rxus week. Do your shipping now-�ivoid the rush-- • h, b burst that great headquarters sure to irrica;•-- for Iloli.lay (roods. ;i. CLOAKS. Most astonishing December offer. You eau have a new Cloak for Xmas, don't have to wait until next year. We are cutting the prides d -e -e -p and there's a good choice for early buyers —choice of good at wholesale price. .DESS GOODS. Simply uatonchab3e, never such Dress Goods :tit such prices—highest styles, ' finest art, newest weaves—all at greatly reduced prices. GLOVE?). If you wish to make a holiday pres- ent of a pair of Gloves—if you don't ...-.-. know "her" size, or the color she'd like— :r. 'they can be exchanged for any other size. HANDKERCHIEFS. Our show is the greatest outside the city; with hundreds of elegant Linen, Silk, and Lace Handkerchiefs to move, we make the price do that. FOR MEN. Highest qualities always—in Hatb, Neekwear. Underwear,. Silk Mufflers, Suspenders, Socks. Collars and Cuffs, Ordered Clothing or Ready-made. FURS. Prices this week lower than the tem- perature—always and only on the highest grade of reliable Furs, every sot of Fur Garment offered now atpriresthat are peerless . for perfect goods. Price reduc- tic begins `now—not Christmas eve nor IIFt year' -but Now, by 1 . H. McIRDOO'S. „- - • oil. Saturday evening Membe�;s present, Sperling, Deputy., cruors Green, Mc - Herdsman, Mc - minutes of last proved, . Mr. ,Toe. Golley appeared before the Council, ask- ing for rebate of taxes paid on an entire horse; he thought he w: s entitled to it, as tihe Council had done s • in the case of nether horses. Moved y Win, liohnes, seconded by. Geo. Gre:, , that the taxes, which Jos. Colley psi an entire horae•bs refunded --Carded. :' Wm. Clegg was present on behalf of th : Wingham Literary and Debating' Club a d ask for the free use of Council Chem • er for two nights in the month and the fr use of the Opera Sousa on January 1. th. Moved by Wm. Holmes, seconded by a eo. Green, that the Literary and Debati g Society be granted the use of Connoil C amber and the Opera Emile on January 12th—Carried. A letter was read fro • old Mr. Williams, asking the Council • pay his rent; also from'Miss Wiikins.n and Mrs. McCall, asking Council to refund their taxes. Moved by Geo, Gr• en, seconded by Wm. Holmes, that Mrs. McCall's taxes be re- duced to 113—Carri. d, Moved by P. Deans, seconded by E. A seett, that Miss Wilkin - son's taxes be ref nded and that old Dlr. Williams' rent b paid --Carried. Mr, D. Stewart, poundk eper, presented a state- ment, giving n rnber of horses, cows, sheep, pigs, etc., bich bad been imp'ouuct. ed during the year ' rid he paid oyer $1G,being the town's share •f the fees collected. The finance commit ees report was then read and. ; passed as folloyva : Thee. Irwin, salary, cemetery ,5$.84' supplies, cemetery, $x.G , salary as : night' ciimitable, MAO; V.6.75; t55; Jos. Coa' teaming ashes, 40c.. Moved by Thos. ell, seconded by J. H.. Hiscocks, that MI : accounts be paid and that D. Sutherla d's account be referred to the manageme t committee—Carried. Mr. David Robb Iuspeotor of Schools tor East Huron, • esented his half -yearly report, which, on motion, was received and ordered to e filed. A. statement was received fro•• the Treasurer of the School Board, st: ting that he had ,re- ceived ,20 from COunectiOn with tion. The Cha examined the tip ials of 58 applica tion on the teao manded five as would make el by Thos. Abr Bell, that Miss on the teachi by Thos. Bell, cocks, that th MUSICAL EXCELLENCE, ARTISTIC DESIGN. DURABLE CONSTRUCTION, Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. MOMS -FEU - ROGERS - CO. • LISTOWEL. HALSEY PARI'. Agent; Wn mHAM. tante wa at once procured and Arr. Lincoln taken to the honse, and medical aid summoned,. but he was e County Treasurer in dead before the doctor arrived. The deceased was an old and highly esteemed resident of Turnberry, and his aged partner in life •anti other members of the fancily have the heartfelt sympathy of the coriuuunity. the leaving examine - man reported having ications and testimon- ts for the vaoant post- ing staff, and recons - es whom he thought dent teachers. Moved aM, seconded by Thos. ey be engaged as teacher staff—carried. Moved eeonded b'y J. H. His- Oh:.irman and Secretary be instructed to issue orders for the teachers and officers salaries for the month of Nov ober, and as soon as the Principal shal certify that the teachers have finished heir duties for the year, that orders b issed for their salary for December—C riled. Board then ad- journed. The TIMES anr Weekly Globe from new till the end of 1805 for $1. Subscribe new and gat the balance of this year free. The Children's Enemy. Scrofula often shows itself in early life and is characterized by swehings,abscesses, hip diseases, etc. Consumption is scrofula of the lungs. In this class of diseases Scott's Emulsion is unquestionably the most reliable medicine. !..The TIMES, Weekly Globe and the Farmers' Sun, for 1805 far $1.35. Balance Tows. .Co of this year free. The Conned met on as per statute. 13LU>VALE. last,ar Hanna, eReevesteatite. Air. Wm. Stewart is home from the SassiReeve Holmes and Co School of Pedagogy, Toronto.—The Finlay, Arseott, Dean: r telegraph office has been re -opened in Lean, and Inglis. The Mr. Jennings store. Mr. John Collie meletin were read and a is the operator,—Mrs. Bickle and daughter Wilma, are home from Manitoba.—Miss Mary Scott is away for a month's holidays, to be speritih Clinton and Seaforth.—Magter Alvin Duncan has returned home frorh Grand Valley.—Mr.: Dunn" of Glen- Annan; `was in the village on Tues- day.—Miss Maggie Hartley has re- turned home from the Clinton Model School.—The following is taken from the Holland (Manitoba) Observer. Mr. Adam Rutherford was once a, resident of the Bluevale road: "A pleasant event occurred on Wednes- day, the 5th of December, at the residence of D. Mayers, being the marriage of his daughter 'Lottie to Adam Rutherford. Rev, D. Camp- bell performed the ceremony. The bride and groom were supported by Miss Mary Mayers and J. Rutherford, The Holland band, of which Mr Rutherford is a member,' drove out and serenaded the happy couple and partook of the bountiful repast pro- vided by Mrs. Mayers. After supper, the party adjourned to the Foresters' hall and indulged in dancing until an early hour, the guests uniting in singing For he's a Jolly Good Fellow.' The presents,were both numerous and costly. he Observer joins with a host of friends in wish- Yipt. Gannett, r 'eerent, chs. fergueotf, seal ohn Dickson, Mary, 4106.25; elm Dickson, d io',itasge, $1.88 il!tainps,$1.65. Al Uannett,1 • which was not do raked the Mayor t and that Reeve¥ road amotion. instil the folloai reel by P. D' that the ties of the tic nt, charity, $6.75; Button ty orders, 56.20; J. B. y and postage, .$77.50; Clary, 7125;• J'os. Bullard, Jos. Coad; etelary, $15; wing cemetery deeds, 710, ohn Nttieraj;, repairs to cconnfs th bb.paid except r. $2.50, a rent account; Depgty-1tetve I1f dirties kindly Ise bhe'•c air Ling take it"iv`Iiile he rigor declined to do so motion wait ,parsed; s seconded by R. nncil br turned into t hole—Carried. Deputy - 1 rewi his motion *blob nreill by) W. He1in JR . Bparling, that for et* Con ; -Ritevaist Minutes of council meeting held in McDonald's Hall, Bluevale, on Satur day, Dec, 15th, 1894, Members of council all present, the Reeve in the chair, The minutes of last meeting were read, approved and signed. A communication was read from Town- ship Engineer re drain on 4th and 5th concessions.—Filed. •Moved by Mr. Gemmill, seconded by Mr. Mus- grove, that the Reeve sign drain agreement on 4th and 5th cons. as soon asaward is corrected—Carried. Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded -by Air. Gemmill, that F. Paterson be re- funded $1.V, account error in as- sessment --Carried. Moved by Mr. Musgrove, seconded by Mr. Gemmill, that A. Dalgleish be refunded $3.53, error in assessment—Carried. Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, .seconded by Mr. Musgrove, that David Moffatt be refunded $1 dog tax — Carried. Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded by Mr. Gemmill, that Edward Farley be granted $2•.25, charity, and that his taxes x:5.41 be remitted—Carried. Moved by AIr. Diment, seconded by Mr. Gemmill, that by-law No. 13, 1894, forholding nomination meet- ing and for bolding an election if re- quired be passed. By-law read three times and passed. The Treasurer presented the annual report for in- spection. Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded by Mr. Gemmill, that the Treasurer's annual statement be adopted,and that the Clerk be in- structed to get 200 copies printed and distributed — Carried. Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded by Mr. Cruickshank, that the Reeve be paid $4 for work at annual statement— Carried. Moved by Mr. Diment, se- conded by Air. Musgrove that the Treasurer bb paid $7 for work at an- nual statement --Carried. The fol- lowing accounts were passed :— John Mulvey, $2.70, gravel; Frank Paterson, $1.38, error in assessment; A. Dalgleish, 83,53, error in assessment; D. Moffatt, $1. refund dog tax; Ogle Johnston, $1, refund dog tax; Mrs. Clendenning, $2, refund dog tax; Ed. Farley, $7.66, charity; Robt. Lowry, $4, charity; John McDonald, $5, rent of room; Wm. McPherson, $4, making statement; Wm. McPherson, $60, commissioner's fees, salary and post- age; Wm. Cruickshank, $45, coo- missioner's fees and salary; John Diment, $44, commissioner's fees and salary; John Musgrove, $38, commis- signer's fees and salary; Win. Gem - mill, $40, commissioner's fees and salary; Peter McLaren, $7, making statement; Peter McLaren, $7, post- age and stationery; Peter AfeLaren, REALITY AGAINST SHA.. , PRACTICE AGAINST THEORY ! Read the Plain Truths in this Advertisement about our Low Prices. Have EBS,000 worth of Good:--: whaeh xr.>iut be dis- posed of a.n the next three moil ths, CONSISTING OF CLOTHS FOR SUITINGS AND OVERCOATINGS, GENT'S FUR- NISHINGS AND UNDERWEAR, VALISES AND TRUNKS, and the Largest and Best selected Stock of BOOTS and SHOES in town. And in order"to move them:quick, we have marked them right down to hard time prices. Profits will be en, tirely ignored, the goods being bought for cash, and being under no expense for rents or hired help, we have taken this method of sharing the hard times with our numerous customers. Next Saturday there will be a drop in prices of alt'elasses of Goods in this establishment, hitherto unknown in Wingham or elsewhere, and we guarantee that our prices will be such as will satisfy the closest cash purchasers. Note a few of the same : • 112en'slinee Boots,wholo stoek,grnin leather,regular 53.50 now 52.90. A Goad•Iiong Boot" 52.75 " $3.35. Boys'' Lopg Hoots, whole stock,grainleather " • $2.25 " 51.84. Menlo Fine Bale and Congress ° " $1.25 " $1.15. " $1.05 " $1.35. $2.00 " $1.05. '' " Men's Long Boots,side seam,whole stock,regular $3.00 now $2.45 Men's Long Boots " $1.75 ". $1.20' Boys' Good Long Boots, grain leather " $1.00 " $1.35 Men's Fine Bals and Congress. " $1,50 " $1.25 4. $2.25 " $1,90 Ladies' Dongola balsor. button,tiped or plain " $1.75 " 51.25 it " r- and Children's Low Beatsat Cost. A Large Stock of Youths', ,Boys At these prices it must be distinctly understood it is for .Cash and Cash only. Boots and Shoes repaired in the neatest and most substantial manner at the most reasonable prices. Wingham, Oct. 30th, 1894. J. J. 'HOMUTH & SON, WINGIIAM. LINCOLN—In Turnberry, on December 16th, John Lincoln, aged 65 years, ass"' HANzL,EWOOD—At Clifford,Cut., on the 17th December, James Hazlewood, Esq,, of the firm of 3. & R. M. Hazlewood, merchant millers, aged 75 yoars,7 months and 23 days. The end was peace. Txom[soN—At 14 Nassau street, To- ronto, on December Oth, Professor R. Y. Thomson, of Knox College, aged 37 years: MoTAvrsa—In Teeswater, on Decem- ber 9th, Roy Stanley, son of John. and Elizabeth McTavish, aged 8 years, 1 month and 4 days. SEIT2—In Teeswater, on December 11th, Joseph Seitz, aged 60 years and 1 month. ing the young�couple a happy and50,salary; John Burgess, $60, sal - useful future, ----The September and Cry; John Burgess, $11, postage and October cheese were shipped this week, This faetory, it is said, can boast of getting the highest price paid in Canada for September and Oetober cheese, being 10 cents per pound. EWAN; llrvrrt--inWinm gba, an the 15th ;net., TURNBl+RRY. the wife of Mr, Geo. 11. Irvin; a son. 4 ' Mrs. Iiobt- G. Maguire, of Delor- ' mammas. Cine, Manitoba, is on a visit to her _ASTirrttt`grin•^--MA'YEns--At the reel - parental home ----qtr. Lawrence Fyfe's `Ma i0 by i ev.ri,bride's Campbell, Mrotlanm' —ttt present, Rutherford, formerly at the Bluevale On Sunday evening last, Mr. John road, to Miss Lottie Mrtyere. Lincoln, who resides near Glenannan, - loricw,, WAS fatally' gored by a bull. It ap- pears that he went out to attend the cattle, and in f once way tut aged bull that was tied in tlr stable gored Mm two or three times and a short time after, when 117. of " lit went to : le, ohs stationery. John Burgess,$>, account Rinloss drain; John Black, $80, part salary. Meeting adjourned sine die. Joni 1luaGl;sq, Clerk. DR. McARLLAN, LOi D 234 Aunaas etre EYE and EA Graduate of th hospital, 1889. the Eye. Ear, New York P and Hospita Applied. Ft ONT., York Eye and Ear Graduate Course on e and Throat at the rad nate Medical Schc.ol 92. Eyes tested. Glaeses e stock of Spectacies,Lenses and artificial Eyes. Will be at the Rattenbury House, CLINTON, The first FRIDAY of every month.at date named below: Next Visit, January 4th, 1895. Hours, 10.10 a. m, to 4 p, m. Charges moderate. r 11e:rr,an o:r --In Morrie, on December 18th, William Henderson, aged 71 years and 6 months.'' The fa torrid will ieave hie late reeidonoe lot 10, Blaevale Road, on Friday, 21st inept., at 2.30 o'oloak p. to., for the Mea- l: • -watery. R esIE Ft.d .ld 5 having decided positively to GIVE UP BUSINESS, and in order to reduce her stock for prospective purchaser, d WILL SELL HER STOCK AT COST AND UNDER, 0 Consisting of SEALETTE, MANTLE PLUSH, SILK VELVET, a full line ot MANTLE CLOTHES, RIBBONS, LACES, WOOLEN GOODS, Fuit TRIMMINGS, Do. GIMP. Also, all her stock of MILLINERY. All acceunts must be settled on or before January 15th, 1895. MRS. HERDSMAN. Wingham, Nov. 28th, 1894. ARIN:'1T;;. SALE. CHINA. GROG Y, GLASSWARE, and complete stock of , to be slaughtered regardless of cost. HERE WE ARAIN! EVE'RYTHING MUST GO with snap shot bargains to suit the times. WATO H ES, Elgin, Walthain, Rockford, Columbus, warranted for four years, FOR, $6.75_ WALNUT CLOCKS, From 82.50 up. We have the largest and most complete stook of SILVERWARE,._, suitable for wedding and birthday presents, in the county. EYESIGET 'TESTED FREE. 'tx`ntobes, Clocks and Jewelry repaired at lowest rates, and fully guaranteed, by MtINSHAAW, The Optician. Wingbatn, Nov, l5tb,1804. PP'W D R S if mit AbA 1 l as we have bought the stock of Mr. Strachan, Goderich, and do not want to move goods. AWE WANT MONEY and must have it. Now is your time to bay your XMAS GROCERIES AND PRESENTS. A dollar saved is a dollar made and the Star Store is the place to save it. MACDONALD BLOCK, Wingham. H. E. SNELL. ]XTRA.ORDINARY 2 _ c 7.-/Ei.111..Fti ► E —OF— BOOTS OF— BOOTS AND. SHOES TWO BIG STOCKS IN ONE. 6,000 PAIRS of SHOES to be SLAUGHTERED. GOO 3 OT F' L 'rave decided to close their Seaforth Store, and remove the whole stock to Wingham. We must have room and in order: to make it we will commence on Saturday, December x5th, an extraordinary Clearing Stile of every- thing now in steel.. We realize that in order to dispose of both stocks this season, the prices must be very low. The Goods will be laid out i i special , lots at special prices, from which you can take your pick, We intend to inako this Clearing Salo the talk aaf the County. Don't spend a dollar in Shoes until you see our prices at this Great Sale. Colntnencing Saturday,' Dee, 15th, to be continued until the Wingltttnl store can hold both stocis TR`U'NKS AND 1TALISES are bulky and take up much room, and room counts just now, Our stock of these goods recently purchased will share in this Great Clearing Sale, If you are needing a Trunk or Valise or Leather Bag, we invite inspection of )W stock, whieh is of the very beet quality and you will not find fault with