HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-12-21, Page 5• `.`UUE WIN(x T)I CF.34I13 E.R 1, 184, CULROSS. , leave it to the Reeve of .any rnunkei- Council met on December 15th, panty or settle it in any honorable in the town stall, Teeswater, as !ler way. but their offer of a payment motion of .adjournment. Members of$50 in settlement of all claims we all p °')t. Reeve in tate chair. The reject, as it IS an inadequate rtntotnit, Mina tea of last meeting were react. but to avoid law, if possible, we Reid -Johnston - - That minutes of ctuthcrize our Reeve to wait upon the y last meeting of council as jest Bread village council to-1iif;tlt and arrange be adopted, and that the finance re -a settlement, if possible, but in no port be amended so as to react 37 case to accept less than half the yds of gravel instead of 27 yds as =01113 in dispute, with interest from paid to Roderich McDonald ---Car- the time the coupons were paid,: but riecl. ,Johnston Mackay - That if no settlement is arrived at, we John B. Ilardie be paid thirty (101- claim the full amount with interest thereon. Culross has always dealt lars, being part of amount clue, on honorably with Teeswater and fuel -- contract opposite lots 25, 26, can., 1, filled their obligations to the utmost and be paid the balance of contract, in every instance. Witness the viz: $10, on certificate of the Ileeve Muuieipal Loan Fund and the Land that the contract is completed sets- Improvement Fund, which we settled faetorily-Carried. Reid ---Kuntz---- without trouble, and we think Tees - water ought to do now ----Carried. Reid--Kuntz--That a by-law be in- troduced, fixing a place for holding That ten dollars be granted to Chris- tina McDougal, she being in need of aid, said sum to be paid to Alex. Mc- Kenzie. to expend in her behalf, as nomination,- also places for polling he thinks best and that lie report to booths and appointing Deputy Return - the council how sa.ici sum is expend- ing Officers for the year 1895 - ed --Carried. Kuntz - Wclwood- Carried. The following are the As the road opposite lots 15 and 10, Deputy Returning Officers : Polling . con. -A, is impassable, baying been sub -division No. 1, J. McIntyre; No. graded and not gravelled, and it 2, Jack McKay; No. 3, R. E, Little; would be impossible to get it fixed No. 4, R. Watson ; No. 5, G. Mc - for use early in the spring, that the Evers; No. G, Lab. Gofrarer. John - Deputy -Reeve get the road put in stop--Reid-That by-law No. 14, for passable condition --Carried. Mac- fixing place of nomination, etc., be . key -Reid ---That John Brown be now read a first, second and third paid ten dollars for crpsswaying . time, passed, signed and sealed - burnt out holes on the 14th eon.- Carried. McKay---Kuntz-That by - Carried. Kuntz =- Reid -That by- law No. 15, extending the time of law No. 14 for appointing Returning collecting the taxes, be now read a officer and Deputy -Returning officers first, second and third time, passed, and polling booths, be now read a signed and sealed -Carried. The first, second and third time, passed, finance report was then read as signed and sealed -Carried. Mackay follows:: Robt. McCandish, work on Pringle's bridge, 820.25 ; • John Sproals, work on Pringle's bridge, $15.50 ; John Kennedy, removing jam, lot 5, con. 2, $2 ; W. R. Thomp- son, lumber, 522.60; J. & II. Field, spikes, 83.05 ; John McRae, 50 yards in connection with Mr. Manley's gravel, 84 ; Mrs. Fizzel. charity, $10; iiot•se that gota McDougal, per A. McKen- burned in the cross- Christina way last Agust, providing he drops zie, aid, $10 ; John Brown, repairing all legal proceedings against the holes in swamp, con. 14 and 15, lots • municipality -Carried. Reid --Mao- 23 and 24, $5; James Manly, damage kaF-That a cheque be issued in to horse by fire in crossway, con. 15, favor of Teeswater council for forty $25 ; Municipality of Teeswater, rent dollars, being for rent of hall for of Town Hall, for 1894, $40 ; Care- taker of Town Hall, f$2 ; John Lock - 1894 - Carried. Kuntz - Reid- hart, cedar plank, 53.2.1 ; J. Wel- That the usual allowance of two dol- lars be granted caretaker and a Cheque issued for that amount -Car- ried. Johnston --- Ktintz - That -Kuntz-That the Clerk prepare a by-law extending the Collector's time, it being up, until January 20th, 1805 -Carried. Johnston -Mackay -That a grant of twenty-five dollars be paid to Help to bear the expenses wood, services Board of Health, 82 ; J. Johnston, do., 82 ; W. Reid, do., 82 ; P. Kuntz, clo., $2 ; P. Clark, six trips to Walkerton, $0.60, postage whereas Culross granted a bonus of I and stationery, $5, total, 114.00 ; $38,000 to the Toronto, Grey ands Y. Kuntz, services as councillor, etc., Bruce Railway, Teeswater then an •$46 ; I4. McKay, do., 848 ; J. Wel- . integral part of Culross, and in order wood do. 803. ; J. Johnston, do.,., �• �'-to secure the railway giving 85000 845.50 `20 ; W. Reid, do., $48.20 ; Chas. Button, part salary as Clerk, 880 ; John . McAllister, work on bridgs, con. 6, 83.50 ; John McLaughlin, do., 81; Chas. MCVally, do., $1 ; T. T. D. Stoba, do., 82.50 ; John Hardy, part contract, lot 15, con. 1, $30. Welwood-Johnston-That the fin- ance report as just read be adopted -Carried. Kuntz -McKay -That this Council clonow adjourn --Carried. CJIAS. BUTTON', Tp. Clerk. 41, additional, said amount to be raised exclusively from village property, but Teeswater not being incorpor- ated, Culross had to become bound for the whole 843,000; the debentures for the 838,000 became due in De- ceember, 1891, and Culross being bound, and naturally concluding that the 45,000 became due at the same time, notified Teeswater accordingly u,ncl they paid over the money, which was placed in the Bank of Toronto to meet the debentures when pre - Muted ; after the Ilioney bad been in the lank about six months drawing no interest, it 4%%s discovered that the debentures were not due unt7't 1892, so the money was placed at interest and the interest Wowed ' n, nounted to $51.11, so there was a loss of 8218.89 up to the prwvment of ' the debentures on der»and being made, Teeswater repudiated their liability for anitaseet of interest eupons, elaining That as they paid tthe debentures, the interest thereon edged; ' ` �d• C i1i't"osa'claims that Teeswater is•still responsible inasmuch as both ,debentures waft coupons wore theirs, a;iithe, debel9'tixres were signed on leer behalf and the interest became due in 181)2 ; and further. Teeswater on the 110th December, 1875, made an agreement, Culross still having a copy, wberchv said village states that 'Teeswater "Shall also for and indem• reify and save harmless the said town- ship -froth V Wpayment of all interest ( coupons thereon and from all loss, ieosts, charges, damages and expenses by reason of, or in any way connect- tcctwiitt said debentures or coupons," Soil"Teeswater ought to have known, if they did not, when the debt be- ta/AG e-ca le due, as it was their business to provide for the payment, and that she has broke her agreement with 'Culross as she bas not indemnified or :tared harmless the said township from the payment of the interest coupons, as Culross had to meet, and pay Teeswater's two last interest coupons, and as vet have received no council then d. veorpensatinn; Ctrlrows ' bens anxious .Ash Belgravc, medical health officer,: adjourned. to avoid all legal disputes with Tees- received, stating that the Board of P. Poltz ratxE>;>;tri, Clerk. wtater, have offered to leave the Health had not been called upon trr matter in dispute to orbit ration, ortake any action whatever in any EAST WAWANUSH. Mr. Geo. Quinn is seriously i11 with pleurisy. -Mr. Geo. Vaucamp of Smiths' Falls is home for the Christmas holidays. - Mr. A. L. Budge, student, of Knox College, Toronto, is spending a few days among friends in this locality. --A number of young people of the 6th line drove to Mr. A. Halliday's, Morris, on Friday evening, where they had a pleasant time. -Mr. S. Walsh has eteeted a considerable ad- dition to his dwelling house. -Mr. W. H. Heard, of London, was through the township on a business trip on , 1 0 •tl cases of sickness during the year, and that so far the people were gen- erally in a fairly healthy condition - Filed. By-law No. 13, 1894, ap- pointing place of nomination, places of election, and deputy -returning of- ficers for ensuing niunieited election; and by-law No. 11, 1894, fixing the amount to be paid to each member of the council for attendance at council and other work: done for the current year, both read and passed. Petition of David A. Dunbar' and 30 other ratepayers of S. S. No. 13, re- ceived, stating that Thomas M. Walsh, lot •12, con. 6, was so situ- IvoWLEDGB ated that it was almost impossible s Bang. comfort and improvemene end for hint to send his children to No. 131 tends 4.o personal enjoyment when school in the winter season, and i e- L rightly used. Who many, who live bets questing that lie be allowed to with- ter than others and enjoy life more, with draw from said section and be plae- loss expenditure, 'by more promptly ed in Union No. 3, East Wawanosh I adapting the world's best products to and Morris. The Clerk was instruct- ; the needs of physical being, will attest ed to look after this hatter, and take the value to health of tho puro liquid the necessary steps for they carrying ; 1.i:ative principles embraced in the icd' Syrup of Figs. out of the reasonable request of . tate ; " 3 - p g ' petitioners, .i communication ad- dressed to the reeve was received! from Janies Purvis, of N s` lot 89, , eon. 10, stating that in his opinion; an item of $2, being fees of Mr. Stuart, Wingham, late township en- gineer, re survey made by him in f October, 1893, Sack charged against Mr. Purvis on this year's collector's roll, should be refunded, and be con- r siderecl the payment of this money to Mr. Stuart was illegal, the survey in question made by 111111 not being. properly carried out ----Filed. Moved . by Mr. McGowan, seconded by Mr. Shiell, that Wni. 'llTightnian, lot 42, con. 7, be authorized by this council Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect Jan ativo; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation, It has given satisfaction to millions and mot with the approval of the medical profession, because it,acts on the 7iid- neys, Liver and Bowels withont weal: - ening them and it is perfectly free frt.rz sv ery objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co, only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not t.ccept any substitute if offered. to take charge of the township gravel pit on lot 42, con. 6; to have the gate ! WROXETER. key in his custody, and to allow no A Christmas entertainment and one (except township pathniaster) to. supper will be given in the Metho- take gravel or sand from said pit, dist church on Christmas night. A without an order from some member good programme will be given. - of the council -Carried. The fel- The anniversary services of the lowing amounts were passed, and Presbyterian church will be held on i debentures issued for payment of the the 30th and 31st of December. The same. viz :-(ieorge C. Taylor, 21 Sunday services «:111 be conducted rods wire fence on western division , by Rev. R. P. McKay, of Toronto, line, con. 8, .82,50; Walter Nicol, 25' and a tea -meeting will be held on 1 rods wire fence lot 39, cons. 0 and 7, Monday evening. After tea, Rev. FOR $2.50; Peter W. Scott, deepening cul- ' Mr. McKay will deliver his celebrat vert, boxing sante and material, lot eel lecture, "Through the Picture 40, cons. 0 and 7, $.2.50; Charles Galleries of Europe." -A gun club Johnston, ditching on sideline 36 and :has been formed in town with the 87, con. 9, $1.50; Joseph Ruddy, following officers : Jos. Cowan, Presi- refundecl statute labor tax 1893, ' dent ; Thos. Rae, Vice President ; 81; 'Robt. I3uchanan, 53 rod,. wire J. W. Sanderson, Secretary ; R. Ross, fence lot 30, cons. 4 and 5,;5,30;' E. Black, and A. Gobel, Committee George Reid, 8 yds. gravel per Jas. - of Management. McOa1111111, pathrllaster, 40c.; David { XIow to Geta '•sunlight" Picture. • McCulloch, 83 rods wire fence lot , Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap - 3 -1, cons. 4 and 5, 88.30; Joseph' per bearing the w^rcis "Why Does a Wo- Golley, Morris, 40 yards gravel and 1 man i.00lc Old Sooner Than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 49 Scott St., Toronto, damages, $4.22; George Daley, gray- i and you will receive by post a pretty pie- el and damages per Messrs. Shoe- ; titre, free from advertising, and well worth bottom and Deacon, pathmasters, : framing. This is an easy way to decorate $ .05; John Hoare, ditching on West- ! your hbme. The soap is the best in the market and it wilt only cost one cent post• ern boundary, 0011. 1, 88; John !age to send in the wrappers, if you leave Craig, St. Augustine, 312 feet cedar I the ends open. Write your address =e- ft culvert ( at 13 e• M fully. McINTYRE'S ANNOUNCEMENT. DRESS GOODS. We will not be undersold in these goods; we have them in many calls below manufactures' prices. MANTLES AND MANTLE COOK We are not undersold in these particular lines; a lot to clear out at one-. half manufactures' prices; now is your chalice. YE" lra We cannot be undersold in this department. We have tlieni at right prices, so our customers say; don't miss them. WOOLEN GOOD -S. We want you to inspect these and buy, thereby saving from twenty thirty per cent.; they are going out fast. S_ r-•�___ .� Early in the season, we placed orders in Eastern Tea Centres, thereby securing the early lick leaf, which has a strength and flavour that is not obtained later, and this puts us in a position to give you Teas right. OT'T-TIP. GOOD =_ Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps and a great many other hues to clear out at a price to suit the times. Dress and Mantle making on premises. All mantle goods bought here cut free of charge. Cutting• and fitting a specialty. G. T 'cINTY:?<w , WINGrHAM, MACDONALD BLOCK. PURCHASED WI' them Or Cu S e! Oil COIL. ,, ',D per 1 ., $4.05; Municipality of' Hallett, East �aiwanosli share for gravelling southern boundary, 830; John Ar- mour, digging ditch and boxing on road allowance, sideline 36 and 37, con. 5, $3; Messrs. Hart and Riddell, Toronto, two debenture books and postage, $1: Wm. Weldon, cleaning out ditch on sideline, lot 40,�' con. 3, 50e; Wni. Wildon, filling up, hole on sideline 39 and 40, con. 2, 82.50; Jas, Elliott, 03 rods wire fence side- line 39 and 40, con. 12, 86.30; Robt. Mason, 80 rods wire fence lot 41, cons. 12 and 13, $3; Wm. Anderson, 130 rods wire fence on con. and side- line lots 39 and 40, con. 13, $13; Wm. Kehna, repairing railing on bridge, sideline 36 and 37, con. 2, 81; Thos. M. Walsh, 63 rods wire fence on gravel road lot 42, con. 6, $6.30; Jas. W. Mowbray, 1 day Friday and started the Kitselnian shovelling gravel a on not 1 1 bum- Friday machine for M. H. Harrison,dary, 81.12; John Wilson, Wingham, 22 yards gravel, 81.10; Thos Todd, St. Helens, 2484 feet cedar and elm lumber, $29.80; I . Porterfield, use of house for council room, and selecting jurors 1894, 815; John Anderson, sen., selecting jurors 1894, $2; Dr. McAsh, Belgrave, services as medi- cal healthi. officer 1894, 82; Charles Wightman, underbrushing at lot 34, cons. 6 and 7, 84.75; John Shoe - bottom, plank and repairing culvert lot 42, cons. 10 and 11, 75c; Thos. H. Taylor, attendance at council, letting jobs, selecting jurors, etc., etc., 1894, $40; Robt. Shiell, attendance at council, letting and iiispeeting jobs, ete., 1894, $83; Walter Scott, do. -do., 1804, $20; David Robertson, do. do., 1894, $31; Charles Campbell, part payment of salary as collector of taxes 1894, $40; George Orealhing, Blyth, a stone hammer, $1,'25. The 0111WIIITECHURCII. who has the sole right for Morris township. -The Christmas tree and entertainment to be held in the school house, section No. 13, promises to be a success. --Mrs. M. McLarty, of Blyth, was visiting friends on the lith line this week. --A tea meeting will be given in the Brick Church, on New Year's eve, December 31st. Rev. Dr. Gifford, of Wingham, and others, will deliver addresses, and the Wingham Methodist Church choir will furnish appropriate music. Dr. Chisholm, of Wingham will oc- cupy the chair. Tea will be served from 5 to 7 o'clock, All are invited, and a good time may be expected. The last meeting of council for the current year was field on Dec. 15th, pursuant to statute; members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Report of Dr. Mc- The annual meeting, of the White- church Creamery Company will be held on Saturday next, 22nd instant, commencing at 1 p.in. It is expect- ed that there will be a good attend- ance. -The average price received by the Creamery Company for their butter this year is 201 cents per pound. -The contract for the erection of the new Presbyterian clntreli has been let to Mr. J. II. Gay, of Dun- gannon. The brickwork will be done by Mr. Kirk, of Wingham, who has scoured the contract from Mr. Gay. The contract price for the work is $2650, the congregation fur- nishing a portion of the material. - Mr. II. D. Henderson was in Brant- ford this week attending a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Order of Foresters, of which he is a member. Williams, the druggist, sells pure drugs. 2. les and rapidly growing children derive more benefit from Scott's Emulsion, than all the rest of the food they eat. Its nourishing powers are felt almost immedi- ately. Babies and children thrive on Scott's Emulsion when no other form of food is assimilated. Scott's Emulsion igemaike stimulates the appetite,,erlriches the blood, overcomes wasting acid gives strength to all who take it. For Caught, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron• chitis, Weak Lungs, Emaciation, Con. sumption, Blood Diseases and all Forms of Wasting. Semi for pamAkt. Fra. kali* BoWite, Belleville, All Druggists. NC. 11$1, ,,,,Two Stacks, amounting to about $4,000.00, which Ta -B Slaughtered THE NEXT at less than Wholesale Prices for CASH .ONLY. All Wool Overcoats $4.50, worth $6.00, All Wool Tweed Pants $1.65, worth $2.50, Fine Heavy Tweeds from 25c. a yard up. 1Cat11 and see this stock; you will make money. T. A. MILLS, ILLS, WINGHAM. DON'T WORRY TRY IT BRINGS COM FORT CN WASH - DAY HOLIDA GOO A full stock of goods suitable for Christmas Presents consisting of B O O K S, TOYS, NOTIONS, ETO. just received at the POPULAR BOOKSTORE, WINGHAM. Call and inspect goods and get prices. ALEX. ROSS.