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The Wingham Times, 1894-12-21, Page 4
E lC jNOD MnMESy mei _fl1B 21, 1894, C. E. WILLIAMS, CHEMIST —AND— DRUGGIST. AND -- DRUGGIST.. A.T.O. N. W. TELEGRAPH GO Opp. Brunswick Hoose. Wingham, - - - Ont tkccortintib a Cats FRIDAY DECEMBER 21, 18:14. Sir John Thompson's Death, CANADA , ,l DEAn Alai. k*ANAi,;f. Alt ti R:�S list TIM I i A 1'1tl mIEIt, In our last issue the bare an- nouncement n- itt „ krt was made Sir John Thompson had fled suddenly at 'Windsor Castle, shortly after being sworn in as at member of the Im- perial Privy Council, Sit' John Thompson had recently complained of ill health, and though, uu his departure for Windsor, he looked well, he complained Of not feeling altogether right, and ap- parentlywuttld have preferecl if his visit to the Castle had been postpon- ed. Shortly after the oath was ad- ministered by her Majesty in person the end carne. The ceremony •of swearing in took place in the pre- sence of the Earl of Ripon and the member's of the court at Windsor. It is supposed the excitement of the ceremony through which he had passed so told on them that he broke down under the strain, Lord Breadalbane, in an interview after his return from Windsor Castle, said 1 accompanied Sir John Thompson to Windsor. At luncheon he sudden- ly fainted, Ind one of the servants and myself succeeded in getting him into the next room, where we placed hire on a lounge near a window. We got some water for Trim and sent the servant for a little brandy. When the brandy was given hint Sir John revived in a short time, and seemed touch distressed at having made what he regarded as a scene, remarking: It seems too weak and foolish to faint like this. I replied : One does not faint on purpose. Pray do not distress your- self about the matter. He then begged me to return to my luncheon. But, of course, I would not bear of it and remained with hies until he seemed to have completely recovered and arose to accompany me back to luncheon room. I offered him my arm, but be walked unaided, cheerfully re- marking» I am all right now, thank you. In the meantime, Dr. Reid, the Queen's physician, whom I had sent for, arrived. Within two or three minutes of Sir John's return to luncheon, and, I believe, before he lad tasted whatever had been placed before him, I saw him suddenly lurch over and fall almost into Dr. Reid's arms. At the doctor's request all the ladies left the rooni and the doctor and i and some of the servants alone remained. We did all possible, but I•felt his pulse, and I was convinced that no aid could avail. Dr. Reid held the same views and it unhappily proved to be too correct. Sir John Thompson is dead,—was the intelligence that went forth from the place of death,. The utmost sur- prise, dismay and horror prevailed and expressions of regret were gen- eral. The English and Canadian press, of all shades of politics, have express- ed profound sympathy .with the fam- ily of the deceased premier, and have referred in eulogistic terms in regaerd to hhi great abilities as a statesman. The body of Sir John will be brought to Ifalifax, where the inter- ment will take place, by the Blen- heim, an Imperial warship. A son of J. J. Kingsmill, ex -judge of Bruce county, has the distinguished honor of being in command of the Blen- heim. It is stated authoritatively in Ottawa that the offer of the Premiership was first made to Sir Frank Smith. He declined the honor, and advised. His Excellency to send for Iron. Mr. Renetta Eon. McKenzie Bowen, Minister of Trade and Commerce, has been en- trusted by His Excellency with the duty of firming a Cabinet. Mr. Howell is the senior Minister and has been acting Premier. LANGSIDE. The weather of late has been both pleasant and profitable to our fa.rhn- ers. A lot of ploughing has been done 111 this section. -----The concert on .Friday evening was famous for its large attendance. ---Christmas day will be spent by £ c leading sports of the county in a shooting contest. A good time is expected. EDITORIAL NOTES, • give gi- I�'1BERALS shouldshould„special at + tention to the Dominion voters' lists just. now. THE election of Mr. Savage, Con- servative in West Algoma, bas been deelared void and the seat vacant: DR. Sale THF., of Kingston, has been unseated for bribery by agents, and Mr. Seem, the Patron member 'elect for Haldimand, has disclaimed l the seat, on account of being an is- suer .of marriage licenses. • TEE SPONTANEOUS movement of 1 theCanadian people to provide for i the family of the late Sir John 'Thompson tells in unmistakeable: Items of the true -hearted sympathy -drat the Canadian people feel for the stricken household. Hex: MCKENZIE BOWELL I:ias form- ed his Cabinet. It will include all the members of the old Cabinet, ex- cept Sir John Carling, who retires, and Hon. Messrs. Montague, Dickey and Senator Ferguson, of Prince ;Jldward Island. Premier Bowel]. swill be President of the Council. .bion. Mr. Coatigan will take the port- folio of Fisheries and Marine, and leer C. H. Tupper will be Minister of justice; Hon. Mr. Ives becomes Min- $ster .of Agriculture and Hon. Mr. .Angers Minister of Trade and Com- nlerce. ' Christmas, 1894, • Whether or not we apprehend its deeper: significance, Christmas is still, as it has been for two thousand *ars, an oeeasion of unbounded good -cheer and festivity. Every one of us finds opportunity to realize the truth of the words of sacred writ,. "It -is more blessed to give than to re- ceive.” The habit of present making is universal, and the only questions 'which any of us has to consider are those relating to the value, the form and the destination of our gifts. Their intrinsic value is, or should be, of little account. To all right-mind- ed persons the most acceptable pres- ents are those which represent some thbuglit and labor on. the part of the donor. An article of domestic handi Work, if it has cost days or weeks of personal application, is much more liltely to be regarded as an expres- sien of genuine love than any article, however •beautiful or valuable, which could be proclued in the course of half a day's shopping, or by writing a cheque. Those who cannot give I time or labor roust, ' of course, pur•- Chase the handiwork of other people. Parents may very properly do this • for their children—who are easily made happy with inexpensive toy:; but the daughter, fol• instance, who • 'wishes to please her father will pre- • pare with her own hands, as far as . possible. some addition to his ward- • robe, or some convenience likely to acid to his comfort, If this rule were generally followed, Christmas would never mean, as it often does, anawk- ward strain upon " Papa's" pocket- book. Between grown people, es- : peciaily during the prevalence of business depression, Christmas•gifts, apart from cards of greeting through the mails, should be limited to ar- ticles of real utility. And if in any have degree we ha a imbibed the spirit of Ilan whose advent we celebrate, our generosity will not be limited to those who are able to recompense us again. The poor and the desolate will share our botenty. BI:LGRAVE. The Christmas tree entertainment In connection with the Methodist Sabbath School in this place, will be held in the Foresters' Hall, on Christ - Inas night. An eiteelient programme prepared,treat being and a richtx eat may be anticipated. Dooas open at :, exercises to begin at 8 o'clock. Wm. h'urguson, son of the late David hie: guson, of the 5th concession: West of Wellesley, took about half a cup of Paris green, and died, in spite of medical assistance. Mr. J S. Jerome, Dentist, i'c'ing- board of health of the towel of (lct(le- favi, says: ""Williams' Little Dandelion rlelt exere6.0 shore vigilance. regard- e - ing the sanitary condition of the �rr• Geo. CruieKshank, `TurnllerrY, Your russet with a Pills are the best in the market." says: '"'There is no Pill equal to Williams' prelnises of the goal, as we find the Little Dandelion :Pills." sewage in the yard emitting a most Mr. Pinlay Anderson, Ex -Deputy- offensive' effluvia, which, in our judge Reeve of East Wawanohh, says: '"`!.'hey Pal are the most satisfactory 1.111 T have ever us(,d:' Thomas Taylor, Warden far the County of ,Huron, says: "I would not use any other Pill:' main sewer or the river. y Chas. Proctor, 4th line of Morris,, says: "I would not be without Williams' 1. li e find the heels and cells in aTh�� for us Little Dandelion Pills."fairly 00(1 condition and the floors 95. Tea S ke S f%Cl � ,lass Gaunt, Ex -Warden for County and walls cleats. yens where it is growii. of Bruce, says: "I have found them in- (, 4i'(' were courteously received deed a wonderful Pill." you We a beautiful crisp Hundreds of like Testimonials furnish by the gaoler, Mr. Dickson, and the give ell on application. matron, his wife, and we are of the FOR • opinion they are discharging their, mens, cc ntaishs and will dissen>inate the germs of contagious disease. In this connection wo suggest that a (h'aiht be imide to connect with the , Of 0111' 1101Y famous . IMPORTED DIRECT JAPAH A VI :11OliRIS• duties faithfully, _ and a regular iV e are collect upon this week to _. d eve stook( Itartrrsota. record the death of elle of the oldest ! `"� `"i •-� �' 1vil.�,i(;l zi.ue $�®1' tiYl,C;. last Buffalo, N. Y„ Dec, 17.--- ® : 3residents of this section ill the person Cattle—Receipts,llli cars throttglt, ?•f0 I �•- of Mr. Win. Ilenderson, of the Blne. g in'IO11C�T, for_____ C.ce vale road. The sad event took place on sale : market et steady for ,,eget _______ 1 grades: shade higher for goodI • on Wednesday last, after an illness of bandy steers and butchers' stuck,' Join our happy throng of Tea Drinkers and be convinced that we have • i, t a ry ' ' • ' • 1 fl • i i in thebest stock in town, and 1 �: about til., from inflammation, motto t, a►1C1 lower for consuon stock. Sales r c sell it at Wholesale I trine. 1115 "( _'ncl year. The (lt'ceaSI'd, aloe f Best Christmas steel's, $5.75 to :.;i6 ;' with two or three of his brothers, (,Xtra heavy exports, $5 to 5.5.2., ; settled on the first concession of this ggood shipping,' 4.G5 to $4.90 ; fah, township about thirty-six years ago, to medium, $1.').5 to $4.60 ; good and by dint of perseverance and light smelters $3.75 to $1 mixed economy succeeded in ,Waking a. butchers stock, X3,50 to old to! competence. IIe 'VMS an upright, ,good fat cows, $2 to $2.40 ; stockers honorable man, and had long been eonueeted with the Presbyterian church. IIe leaves a wife, two suns and two daughters to mourn their loss. in the gar- ZETLAND, The services of our excellent teach- er, Miss V. Cooper, have been re- warded by her being hired for another year at an increase of salary. Miss Cooper has been in the. school for only three mouths, but in that time she has proven herself capable of ministering to the intellectual wants of those placed under her.-- which arrived early, but owing to addressing carefully We are making great preparations for the Christmas Trade. D. M. GORDON, • The Anchor, house Wingham.. dull, $2.40 to $2,75; feeders, t13,19 WAITING FOR SOMETHING TO TURN t0 $3.50 ; bulls dull, 9 40 to w2.85 ; What's the good of waiting for it to turn up and then not be able to "fill the choice, $3 to $x'3.25 ; fresh Cows, $3 bill"? In the interval, get yourself in shape by tatting a course in the higher. Hogs—Receipts, 91 cars through, I, 170 on sale ; market higher for light grades; � others firs,. Sales: Choice; heavy, „4.70 to $1.75 ; good mediums $4.65 to 4.70: light mixed, $4.55 to $$4,65 ; Yorkers, $-1.55 to „4,110 ; pigs :io,te k.1,75; roughs, $3,75 to Forest City �nsiness and Shorthand College of London, Ont. We laygreat emphasis on ourpractical course. See our proof,our successful. - Sheep and Lambs—The sale stock p c.tv •greg'ttcc1 1x•3 11 of students. A. M. Stewart has received the position as travelling auditor with the- , `by ` nano, McCormack Harvesting Co., Winnipeg. Write us for catalogue and particulars,. For some years there has collected between the Zetland bridge and Mr. Egleston's a large amount of surplus water. It has been deemed neces- the fact that there were 240 cars of .T. W. W STERVELT, Principal. cattle and 175 cat's of hogs making a College re -opens Jan. 2nd, 1895. total of nearly (100 cars of live stock, the facilities for prompt yarding were sary by the proper authorities to insufficient, and a large portion did draw off this surplus, as it sometimes not get to the pens until late in the overflows the road. The contract day, and consequently many- are un - has been let and the water is to be sold at the close. Included in the drained by a large tile drain into the offerings were 43 cars of Canada river. This is a move in the proper stock, nearly all of good quality : direction, for with the water as it Canada lambs were strong ancl high - was, there was great danger of scar- er and fairly active, some of the ing horses, etc.—Mr. and Mrs. Geo. best sold at $4.40 with the general Thomson drove over to Wroxeter Wednesday last. The December Sessi.ons', SPECIAL. MEETINC. • t- "1'he nuns, Weekly Globe, F armers" ----.--- Sun, and Ladies' Journal, for 1895 for,:• A special aaneral mealier of tete Siiareho1dot:v of ",1.00. Balance of this year free. the Win chant Tempt:rar,ce Hall Company, Limited, _ _ �.,._ .r ..__._. „ till he hell in the Temperance Brill, win„hrtn nit Tntit"DAY, the:rth clay or lls:010113ER, 1554, et 2 o'clock p w. for eo"sitieriu•• a scheme to litplitlatc MISS NORMA INSLEY the current indebtedness of 'the Comp:Inv and any Pupil of Other business that may cease before the meeting. By order. Gv:o, A. NEWTON, sec. SIGNOR DINELLI, wingham, sea lith 1801 of the Toronto Conservatory of Music is. �7lblf! 1 ET ! 1'gT 1 „11 T d,t I prepared to receive pupils in range of choice at 74.25 to $4.35, and good at $4.15 to $4.30; best natives, j MRS. ETHER, UHR . INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. For terms apply at Dinsley House. $3.90 to ;x4.15 ; export wethers errant- _.. _.. ...... . ,, r Is prepared to receive pupils in the WHY NOT A SMALL CIVIL CALENDAR AND NO ed, sold at $4 to y,4J50 ; top prices for above, For terms,apply at her residence, CRIMINAL BUSINEs5. Timmins vs. Iloney, an action for goods sold and delivered. By con- sent the matters in question were re- ferred to J. A. Morton, of Wingham, for enquiry and report. P. Holt for PHYSICAL CULTURE. plaintiff; E. L. Dickinson for defen- lots of Christmas heifers were handl- dant. ed for those butchers who did. not • For full particulars, apply at the•r•eSi- Miller vs. Mutual Life Ins. Co., an get fully supplied last market day. dence of MR. GEO. MoKsNesru, Wing-. action to recover the amount of a. There was a good deal of buying for hat'''. promissory note given by plaintiff. 3Lontreal. Receipts wore fairly , liberal for the season. There were MARKET REPORTS. After hearing quite a number of WINGEAU. witnesses and the examiantion 'of a 37 carloads of stuff, which included ' Wingham, December 20, 1894. large number of documents, the 4,717 sheep and lambs and about Corrected by P. Roans, Produce Dealer. parties arrived id a settlement and 1,050 hogs. In butchers' cattle there Flour per 100 lbs 1 40 to 1 75 the case was withdrawn. L. E. was considerable buying for the Flilng Wheat t 0 5(9 to 0 57 Darcy for plaintiff; Mr. Bristol for 3tontreal market, 16 carloads of Uats, 0 27 to 0 28 defendant. cattle being taken for there for dif- Barley 0 35 to 0 40 Scott vs. Geary, an action for the ferent buyers. Prices paid weregood etree, tub • 0 5f0i to 0 51 price of an organ. This case com- but not any better than they mese Buttes•, rolls 0 15 to 0 15 menced at 9.30 on Wednesday and last market day. The feeling was : Eggs per dozen 0 15 to 0 15 acted until noon next day The firm, generally the range was 2-:',c to Wood per cord.... 1 25 to 1 75 jury returned a verdict for defendant 3' e per pound for commto deiceplay per tor G 00 co 8 00 butchers cattle. For a few fat 1 Potatoes, per bushel 0 30 to 0 $5 and His Honor dismissed the. actionTallow, per lb 0 O5 to 0 05 with costs. Darrow and R. S. Hays beefers for Christmas display as high'Dried Apples, per ib 0 41 to 0 05 for plaintiff ; R. H. Collins for defen- as 4e per pound was paid. One buyer Chickens 0 25 to 0 35 dant. was looking for stockers to -day, but Tuj kyr 0 30 to 0 50 Currie vs. Lucinorv, was an actionShipping sheep Geese none offered. Shi ung 0 07 to 0 08 8 0 04 to 0 05 for alleged negligence in the con- brought 3sc per pound and rams 21c Dressed Hogs 4 90 to 5 001 struction of a crossing. per pound, a drop of about - e per Beef The grand jury's presentment, re- pound. Lambs were active, but ported 2(1 persons in jail, classified as buyers supplied to -day, and there follows ; 18 males and 8 females.demand fornc,xt market. 01 the latter 3 are insane r ne and wait- ing removal, having been reported ; • 2 are committed for street walking and 3 as vagrants who are aged and h totally unfit to earn a living. Of the males 3 are insane and waiting re- moval, one under sentence for at- tempted rape, one awaiting trial, and 13 serving as vagrants, of whole 8 are aged and helpless. ,The jury .recommended as follows ; 1. Wc, would recommend n . o ►eau e d t eat the 1 insane be removed to the asylum as speedily as possible, as we are in- formed the new asylum at Brockville is completed and will leave more room in that of London and Ilamil- wheats have been Gd and foreign 1s ton. lower, owing to large arrivals of 2. That the two old women, in Russian and Indian product. Cali - for no cause but age and poverty, be fornia wheats were quoted at lbs, FRUIT, removed to more comfortable guar- hard Manitoba at 24s 6d and No, 2 ters upstairs, where wo find two red winter at 22e 3d. Barleys have spacious, rooters unoeenpicd ; we been firkin, corn 3d cheaper and oats Make .this suggestion for their pro- quiet. tection, because they aro at present To -day wheats Continue weak. associated with insane women who .Barley and corn dropped 3d, Oats are at times violent. . are in buyers' favor, and Sour is slow 3,. We strongly suggest that the of sale. Linseed dropped 6d. choice Canadas. 19 Francis Street, Wingham. Toronto, Ont., December - 18. -- There was a pretty fair trade done in MISS C. L. MoKE dZ1E, A. T. C, M all the chief lines at the western Teacher of cattle market to -day, but prices were VIOLIN,ELOCUTION AND quotably no better. One or two THE CAINIAD] BUSINESS COLLEGE,: - CHATHAM, ONT., Is still far in advance of its competitor la•. in thorough work and getting its stu— dents placed in choice positions. A. E. YATES, from Washington, Mich.,, graduate of Shorthand Dept. nes been placed by us as stenographer with Col.. Hadley, Jew York City. Dnvlr) WAtxsut, ;truduate of Business4' Dept. (a former teacher) has secured an excellent position with a tirm in Defiance,. Ohio. Pull particulars not yet to.bhnd.. One of these receives 850.00 add the, other 1105 00 per month. ; t T PAYS TO ATTEND 1HE BEST., School will re -open after Christmas:. : vacation on Wednesday. Jan,. 2nd. For • further particulars and catalogue ad- • dress, D. MoLACHLAN, Chatham; 4 50 to 5 50 +�- ©©-.—_-� + CLINTON. , , Fall Wheat, 0 56 to .0 58 Springy; Wheat 0 55 to 0 57 1 will be no d'nl 1 ' •1- Barley •0 35 to 0 40 These sold at from 3e to 3.:!,per peas 0 2750 O 0 21 8 pound. Calves—except really choicePotatoes, per bushel. , 0 30 to 0 85 calves—are not wanted: Only a Butter 0 1.5 to 0 17 few offered and pricesor Eggs, per dozen .. , , 0 15 to 0 151 e n poor. One g p , .•GOO to 700, Cordwood 3 00 to 4 001 Wool .. , , 0 17 to 0 201 two were bought for Montreal at $7 per heads -the pick of the market. Offerings in hogs were liberal, but -es. the tone of the market remained firm. Just deceived atw eel Good bacon hogs brought 4c to 4sc per pound, Other kinds were quiet were taken for Montreal. ®N E PY'S and are unchanged. Some loads K E R R 1 ritishr Grain Trade, London, Dee. 17.—The Mark Lane Express, in its weekly review of the COCOA, CHOCOLATE,British grain trade, says a EnglishCOCOANUT, JI:%AT1Nl, CHR;ISTIE, BROWN & CO'S PLAIN AND rAN'CY BISCUITS, Hay FOR MAS.®d CONFECTIONERY, ETC, Buy from us and save 20c. on every Dollar. N ERY, E. C. Olarke's 014 Stand. you are at the right plata before you you buy your as G-oG-oods.- You will be if you go to i • 11171. PATTE R1� 0 ' , For he leads in the flabbiest and newest lines of Xmas, ?reeeents. Opposite Bank of Hamilton, r WINCH A M, 4r�. d e• .-.........,cam } Connell Incl on I)el in the town hall, Teesrt motion of . adjourntneii all pt'. ',t. Reeve; ill 1 mina 05 of last ,neetinA Reid ---Johnston --- Tin last mec'tfng 0f council Ile a(loptc'cl, incl that 111 port 1x: amended so an yds of gravel instead paid to P oderich Me Tied. Johnston —• Ma John B. Hardie be pc,i tars, being part of am contract opposite lots 2 and be laid the balanei viz: x^10, on certificate that the contract is Con factorily—Carried. lie That ten dollars be gra tina McDougal, she boil aid, said sun, to be paid Kenzie, to expend in 11 be thinks best and that the council how said sun cd -Carried. Kuntz -- As the road opposite lot eon. • A, is impassable. graded and not gray would be impossible to for use early in the seri Deputy -Reeve get the passable condition—Ca kay—Reid----That Joh paid ten dollars for burnt out holes on th+ Carried. Kuntz — Rol law No. 14 for appointii officer and Deputy -Rete and polling booths, b( first, second and third signed and sealed—Car —Kuntz—That the Cie "'°'` by-law extending the Co it being up, until Ja 1895—Carried. Johns —That a grant of twee be paid to help to bear in connection with r horse that got burned way last August, 1)1'0% ' all legal proceedings IlluniCi parity—Carried kav—That a cheque favor of Teeswater cote dollars, being for ret 1894 — Carried, Kun That the usual allowan lars be granted care cheque issued for that ried. Johnston --- I%t whereas Culross grante $38,000 to the Toro: Bruce Railway, Teesw: integral part of Culross to secure the railway additional, said amount exclusively from villa but Teeswater not be ated, Culross had to b for the whole $43,000; t for the $33,000 bear ceember, 1891, and bound,• and naturally cc the $5,000 became due time, notified Teeswate and they paid over the was placed in the Ban to meet the debenture tented ; after the tone, the bank about six too•, no interest, it -.As dis the debentures were n 1892, so the money u interest and the int( amounted to °51.11, so Toss of $218.89 up to tit the debentures ; oil. dl made, Teeswater rep liability for motet lcttllpons, claiming Mat the clebenta'ea, tllL in' Ceti ed; Cu.'r"oss•claims is still responsible ina� debentures Ana coupon a:irthe, debe'n'tul•es �l e ver liellalf and the in due in 18:12 ; ancl. fort on the 1'bth December an agreement, Culross copy, whereby said vel 'Teeswater "Shall also atify and save h �ermles$ ship fratan't1 d payment coppons thereon and 'costs, charges, damage by reason. of, or in an; ect.Wet said debentur atul4'eeswater ought i if they did not, when ca' a due, as it was ti provide for the payn she has broke her a;; `Cuh'oss as she has not saved harmless the from the payment o coupons, as Calms% 11;1 pa,v Ileeswater's tw cantons, and as yet 1lI . , ., rCOlripefl4attnn, Ctihnwrt to avoid all legal dtsl water, have offered matter in dispute to