HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-12-21, Page 3' W. o T. 11. MUM. . i THE WING TIMES, DECEMBER 21. t894. Mints for Christmas. At this season everybody i:4 think- (CONDUCTM Sit TIWI°;{it]4:15 119 nilA`TCSt.� t inn of Use coming of Christmas. I POI awl tenet. !Nur rtnrf ,�'rtt,i r ( Land.' think it is the most delightful ',season • in the whole year. Ont) is ;always tt't,il call the attention, of the mothers and stators happening upon beautiful mysteries. to the fact, that, the woman's (;ilrintian Temper- You enter a roots ands you see so111('- atfc:, deice ntvety the third bonds•; t t rt/ utnntdt at time uslorlt +erp, tor one bent, .at 91VS. deln!•t1. body hastily eoveri11g lip what she la resides,. , Patrick rtreoa. All ladies aro ni.ulo ucl• doing that von may not Obsersae it, come at, tsta,artsr hats kindly given r,a part of his • Or you. hoar people in the family sputa, fan oar work, we user fi leads t}u.dGluua of the ,title€ln; ill lo1Y a11d eonli(1C1a11 tti send riots of interest on all moral dal' tt] WI of our timmbn:b. I tones. _ But it is charming to save up one's The Situation. ; mousy and spend one's spare time in preparing presents for those one It may be useful to recapitulate lovers. The charm of a present is in the situation, and find "where we are its suiting the person who receives it. at," i As a rule a grandmother . does not 1• Sir Oliver Mowat Muted a l caro for precisely the same sort of plebiscite,, .and promised to abide by j•thing that is agreeable to a child of it ---to the ,extent of the jurisdiction - ten. You would not give a pair of that should be found to be his and 1 skates to a cripple, nor a book of the Province's. 'fairy tales to a grave elderly person 2, The question of jurisdiction is , who would probably prefer a sober now before the courts. How long or history. bow short atilne will elapse before a It is nice, if possible, to make one's ,decision can be obtained, we cannot! presents with one's own hands, say. I because nothing is so delightful 3. It may be found (a) that the as to receive a gift into which love and thought have gone. If I find in my Christmas stock- ing some dainty lace which a dear girl has been knitting for me, or a beautiful scarf f'or my head, then I 4. Meantime the Crooks Act is fn know that she thought of nee a long force, and will be administered by time before, and planned what to do Sir Oliver Mowat. On the whole, the for me. A set of dailias, towels ems Crooks Act is the best license law in broidered with a pretty device or a • force in any part of the world, Like monogram, a dainty handkerchief, a ,every other human thing, doubtless pair of bed side slippers, a little case Dominion has the chief power to .pro- llibit ; (b) that the Provinces have the chief power; or' (c) that the power is divided between the Dom- inion. and Provincial authorities. it has defects. But it is necessary to -tel E' remember that part of the difficulty of enforcing any liquor law whatever grows inherently out of the nature l b less that has to be dealt Of t le usll with. From time to thne most vain whom you bestow it. And books able amendments have bean made to make charming gifts ; so does a the Crooks Act, with the willing coli.- oalencler,--I:iarpev'S Young People. sent,of Sir Oliver Mowat, and there is __ ._.r no reason why additional amend- The Pains of Pateumat1sm meets should not still be added from According to the best authorities, origi- -time .to time so long as the question nate in a morbid condition or the blood. Lactic .acid, caused by the deeompusitiou of egmpletC prohibition is undecided, of the' g•elatiuous and albuminous tis- 1 and so long as any license law at all sues, circulates with the blood and is needed. attacks the fibrous tissues, particularly Valley Railroad had just left Easton, your hogs. Pending the expected decision, in the joints, and thus causes the local the other day, and the conductor was• The lazy man wishes he had work - waiting for which naturally causes a fntluifestattons of the disease The back and shoulders aro the parts usually in which to keep a fountain -pen ; for a gentleman a shaving -case ; a box of paints for a child ; a pretty game of some beautiful little thing in silver—will slake happy the one on Bela rr T¢ R n^-- s Fn7cd . T;" nr - • ^7 m. o rn s & :. + .^ :S:M'a `'. cxr «S' .: ,ti's �'c^'a-,''F�.t,''., for !Infants and Children. rc�..^•^. xc, auxsss• TIMERS, DO YOU Know that Paregoric, I:ate:nail's Drops, Godfrey'a Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and most remedies for children aro composed of opium or morphine? po 'Sion Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons ? De You Kxtoc*r that in most countries druggists aro not permitted to sc.1 r • • ' 'Without labeling then poisons ? .Tarn You '.Know that you should not permit any medicine to bo ;.17 .,,::.s you or your physician i",now of what it is Composed ? '�ror1! 1 Baum that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, ants t... 1 a 1,xiients is published with ovary bottle ? fr,e1 Know that Caztorla is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel :'.. ' •:. t ;thee beeu Muse for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold Lt... t• ,._ other remedies for children combined ? - ?aa Tort Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and o2 c.:.er countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word ' 'Cas toa'Ia" and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison Misuse I Do Do fou Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was aeeause Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless? IDo Ton TEne'w dust 85 averrsgo doses of Castoria aro furnished for 35 cents, or one cont a dose ? Tao Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may bo kept woll, and that you may have unbroken rest ? '$'L eery •tins •o Vetogs are worth knowing. 'They aro facts. The Tsar-eassi.e f_3f;YDni;na'n of ✓i.'r.a'.! 12 on evert/ �GGZ�r"7ti(/(� wrapper. ,< e children evyf v Pitchev��s 1E .''f'�...at.f,, t 7 ..r Las v .,: 7:.a it ,r. ?.:: ratTE �t ,`�, - ; t t."'ll t' Isis Mistake. Short Furrows. i The breeding of your children is When the train on the Lehigh of more importance than the breed of . Ie rasing" to Every off. soL old • 6-H0LLQ SAY'S ELLS AM i T "E! T These remedies have steed the tot of fifty ere experience, and aro pronenneed the btr,t tl, dicirite lar Family uec. Purl?) the blood, correct all disorders of the L1V)R, BT(KIIACII, d{IDNESS Al+.D I't,tt•lAS and invalnahlc, in all -ca ,l.tints Incidental to females of all eel,. UTI -73:1-13 Q'IS` T a.. `11 Is the only reliable remedy for bad ogs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds, Ft'Ii 1:ItoN('i1I1114. SOUR THROATS, (`OLUIIS(:uLDS, clot T 1tVEr'MATJSSI, GLADI'LAIt Ft! rl Lit G4 AND .;I.I. h1IN DISEASES IT lIAri NO EQi•AL. a i iithetured only at 78, New Oxford. Late ul:I, Oxford Street, London, and sold by alt Medicine Vendors throughout the world. L' "Purchasers should look to the Label on the Poxes and Pots. If tl]e addrttss is not G33 Oxford Street, London, they are epu rious, making his first round he observed a ed harder when harvest time comes. e.ar sill amen ofrestlessness, s affected by rheumatism, and the joints • also sometimes a• ttacked. Thousands of blight, black eyes, sitting Cosily on Farmers' Sul), for 1995 for $1.35. Balance i G „-• people have found in Hood's Sarsaparilla ' the seat beside a young lady so hated ler this year free. I iette- mint positive Itclhasrthade ren t arkablere for rlsue- some that it made his heart roll over ; The ou-"sweat ' and by" is not Fs -- sass in curing the most ssret•e oases. like a lob -sided. pumpkin. But duty likely to come to those who are con- . The secret of its success les in the feetwas duty, andhe remarked, in1 . t ' t welter~ t small white dogwith a busytail and ! and speakers should set themselves to it the knees ase les hips and 'vista are 1: 'rhe Thins, Weekly Globo and the unite, rather than divide, those who are true friends of moral reform and not merely cleixta;ogucs and partisans. At tae,tztt,Lin stages of ref'orins of any kind. it fa often of supreme nnpor- WEBS' LJR ... co. have decided, for a snort time, to reduce the price for MAKING iy Etwu58 SUITS ry :TWEED 00 h.PQ41-1 dl�r ; , 7it � If you have any Tweeds at home, now is the time tri `•IVC a dollar on. the leaking of each suit, and get a good fit. First-class Trimmings supplied. at wholesale prices for spot cash only. If you want to buy a Suit or Overcoat you can save from t' 8.00 $10.00 on each, by purchasing from us. WEBSTER & CO., Opposite the new Macdonald Block, Wing -ham. • Merchant Tailors: .. � ,. j `. •Yat, 1, i ., �' 71% 1'�:�' F i . , ' , t 1 t f i ; i i i , ,ALL`•' ilk WOOD atrd... COAL Vw M --410 .. FOR ALL SIZES OF l3il1LDINCS .. -.4110 rtp Capacity from 10,000 to X30,00 Cubic Goet 0WOOD FURNACE —to GYGLONI; STEEL. RADIATOR" HEAVY GRATE, especially adapted for wood burning^+Ar 1' b 1 and Radiator, which heat —4110 1 1 1 his tint ally sour now. thatl at the f teedeprecatoryl ( ,1 r p quicker and are more durable , 40 to nolcl the ground. a Success not ill h L In s s r Heavy Steel Plate Fire Box Dome e�'-- eI0- U1C9 t?Ist�- aCar— ea— dav— Cdae— a already at.: it shanks ono() a cause o t _ host manner I • v' e' 1 success RADIATOR of ModernConstrnc-.q,w t fined prep°l eatery to the next ad- h blood, 11 I m v e13 sorry, madame but its 11 lrCl won disease by 116Ut1'illlL1U,,; the 1tWtltl acid "I'm , � , � , a .� .r-. : •-•• •• ` and ptt,rifyio:; the oo as we as , ) tion and Great Heating Power l' • •'aastheniag Over' function of the against the rules to have Clogs ill the j LARGE ASH PIT 3'�111i(l, oo,.�..,..-.• r: � tThe Tlatlss and Weekly Globe from now z.. �I �. or dile moment, pending rtl5titii� body. ' till the d of lr9" for +1 Subscribe now t' '1 d f the courts an r 41 uas~ene'er care'. COAL FURNACE ] ]e en , _ t��►, 1 11y�1tp r '3 r Large Combustion Chamber turned up two lovely blown eyes at �r ` I g, ��' Long Fire Travel,encircltngradiator 1'a tCl'S � 4�' Surface -•fit tong decisions from G , - "Oh Inv! is that so?" and she educative c 011511 n is of paramount Periods of infectiousness. h, beseechingly "tiVl t file If some people kept thele characters 1 rf Large Heating and get the balance of this year free. • iui ortance And should be all nn la in 8 w; Large Feed Door p smallpox.—Six weeks from the • as clean as they do their hands, this � --� �4 �Q� , p' 11 11 T d ? I t throw hits w>° sectional Fire Pot educative campaign dealing in strong commencement of the disease, if nor c lvl o . can world would be better off, atVfLy. He is a Christmas present for Rotating Bar Dumping Grate but moderate language with facts every scab has fallen off.DEEP Asrl PIT , --asa arguments et�l�ettlated to win that my aunt." The power to kick ism the heel, OXFORD WOOD FURNACE Chickenpox. Three weeks from et ,. r Well + put not in the dead. �--�, �.� 1 Targe mass of the community who are p )3,y no means, nils. �'4 e 11 Only repelled liy* the outpouring of the comuieneettlent of. the disease, if Milli in a baggage car, and he'll be 1:.••�-"The MIES, weekly Globe, Farmers' Full Guaranteed Capacity CATALOCt1E andTC3Tq,70fiiA6 BOOK.: hysteria sometimes put fourth by . every scab has fallen off. just as happy as a robin in spring." Sun, and Ladies' Journal, for 1895 for -Mr $1.60. Balance of this year free. era► Manufactured by -writers and speakers whose zeal is Scarlet fever.—Six weeks from the "What ! put my nice white dog in or ' f :..eWf ll no acordin; to wisdom. There are i commencement bf. the disease, if a nasty, stuffy, dusty bagge car ?" i • To hear some men tall; you wouldt����� ���®�$�®9�I�Ptr��� Ltd., celin.n' has ceased, and there is no `°I'lu awfully sorry*, miss, I do think that the surest way to get rich l l� k; ft/, (domains of Christian work in I p oi,� fun ,, which high principle, wise general- I sore nose. assure you, but the,rules of this tom- is to curse those that are rich. ;.i:,, ,fit viko.It Yv'•:s.'• •. ,• - `4 =�t'' �`,, "�"�` - ' ` " I inflexible the ] sys of est of the disease if sore full -franchise prFor women o Assuming' , disappeared. sap ` 1' ed ship, and good judgment conic amiss. Diphtheria—Six weeks from the pang are as in exl) l as le a FOR S ALE .B ¥ ringting thing. Is enough atter- I the Modes and them other fellows, Take 1'�''otice —Tile Trm:s and 'tion being eiven to the question of colnmencem , 5 h throat and other signs of disease have yr i Weekly Globe will be sent to any address D. SUTHE � LA coat to sic on, and the brakeman in Canada or the United States, from now .8.>sI , shall give him ,;rub and water every till Jltnuary 1st, 1996, for one dollar, pay- _ � �Y1`x'�ol,il1 ou know. He shall have my over - more prohibition can be obtained. d isappCat time he opens his mouth." � I ' � t. without the aid of women, which is Measles.—Three weeks from the e t of the disease if all "I t think't' awful mean 5o I In these clays conies the impeeun- commencement bus it's • able in advance. inure than doubtful, can it be retain- edwithout her direct force at theinn a loan. But , < 17 , ' — rash and cough have ceased, clo, and I know someone will steal ions elan to bis friends and says let __------ -- - "-- ° wh.:Ii the friend ----- - ---• -- ballot box ?—Citizen and home ; slumps.—Three weeks from the it, so they will ! ' and she showed a "--'-'•'' ! Commencement of the disease, if all half' notion to cry, that nearly broke wants his money but he exclaims, swelling has subsided. the conductor's heart ; but, he was let me alone! 1 b 'iceman • k NT tee.—Tete Tree and firm, and sung out to t le at Gema — e u x Sound as a Dollar. Typhus.—Four weeks from cons- who was playing a solo on the eiu ; wee ay Globo will be sent to any address, Some people are lucky in finding the . n1 re.eleent of the disease, if strCngh "Isere, Andy, take this dog over in Canada or the United States, from now right remedy at the right time. A case • is re-establls11Cc1, into the baggage car, and tell them till January 1st, 189G, for one dollar, pay - in point follows, and is worth reading : � About three mouths ago 1 was all used l Typhoid.— shed. The young lady pouted, but thens how to remain always young Six weeks from the to take just the best kind of care up with I`•ii�'tltElatistn, suffering; more commencement of the disease, if him." of able in advanoe. Tell us, cried the group of' maid - than torturelt"from ]t. I took three. tit . re estab • bottles of voter valuable medicine, Bur- brakeman reached over :and pickedand attractive. That is easy,' 1'e.- I feel 11OI C l S' weeks dock Blood Bitters, and now a Whooping -Cough. 1. — lx p y as tough lied the stage without even lifting IL ttescof six years B. and tfou u ib the befit i from the commencement of the div- the canine up as tendtrl p y it was a two weeks old baby, belt as phissi eyes from his book. Oct 1L for - v medicine I had over used. I bad the ease, if all cough 1 d very host of health until 1s a 'ncle►' `u judicious trey ale over his ace like a �vtive � Journal. a made rue as sound as a period of infectiousness may be colic, ancl he salt hastily - "."....• •- *' "2.. 1 las ceased. Ile diel so a strange expression came tune and stay single. Incliltnapo is t 1 ► til th' attack of L l d` treatment the g 1 1 of cramp Rheumatism, b t nowI ate glad to say ! 1 1 a con u eon t y to the that B. 13. 13, has teenier. A•CCONAOHII6, Sider Kentlbutoh, Ont. I suffering, above should be adlnitt- "Here, you just hold him a minute ; .-.—�— ! cd to any school after a shorter till I put this poker away," and he 1 A witty and attractive young!. period of absence, and should be trotted out at the car- door and held lady asked the following question ..provided with a medical certificate on to the biakewheel, shaking like lL What is the difference between my- that he or she is not liable to tom. -11 plan in the ague. self and a clack ? Mademoiselle, the 111L1111Cate the disease, i The conductor x10 sooner had his r .t3 and yon l 11 ake h to r the u clock tells 1S tit " l• Relief in six hours-••••Diatrese]nn, Kid- d but no child abs shortens , it doctor hatlds on the dog than 11e looked, h.. around for a bole to fall throng Ley forget decile, 'ivies the very na 1 ` soy and Bladder diseases relieved in six I "Why, wh--why, this is a worsted reply, -Esprit dos Autres. hours bythe "Great South American Kid- „ ! tr do . nay Cure." This great.retuody is a great „. ii surprise and delight to physicians on ea-! "Yes, sir," said the little miss, de- 25 uonts vs. YCLdttoV Brottbio. I p f 't xceecling lnomptness in rohev` inUTCly. ttUidYl't you know that? 'ides ltidne s, hack a� e 1 ti. � + didn't 1t t tl t 'i ary passages in rn Christ et/ f d l laid 1 For 2 or r was closed, poled and punt 9£ ni the blas , y d , Y g 1 1 No 11n most sorry to say I l d' plastered for wean -back, studding it urine i , O t nd Cunatiptticn without benefit one an b +r f Chase's Kidney -Liver Villa re-' an ook'sCottoIlRoot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Suceeeal'utty treed monthly by thousands et 1.ctdies. Is the only perfectly reliable m ed [C Ino dig and sato covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. take nosttbett- tute, os' Inclose gaud 6 cents In postage In letter and wownisend, seared, by returnmatl. tuftseated particulars in plaits envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address The Cools Company', 'Windsor, ont., Canada. cry parte ]e nein relieves retention of wetter kllOty treat," An 1C a1 the s,11d i•• trfnpltam by 0. L. q'h1la,uv, u� nr.;tst d female. It r s 1a) and tl pain in paasfng; it almost lxntnedilttely' alas dog down ill the ovine 1 t/1 •C � i �• t 1`d care tins 119 walked Ot1t 011 tete platform, S tont(,, - your rolnedy, Sold at Cl,;aholtu s cls g store.he stood half an hoar in the cold, hewed, 3 boxe•S cured It J. Sleuth, To 1f you wan quloit r©liof A tail with a dog off is unsilally worth a good deal lnol,o than a dog Bygone ISyspePs1 1 here -With a dill On. trying to think of a hyltln tune to s it. suit tie worst sold mein -on the Lehigh Valley. i; Piso'e Iteteedy tot Catarrh is tare Dot. lessirr't to line. and (liveliest. RAA, >f „old by itrugitt.t. tit, tient by mail. Spry, E. D, 1Iatelnee. Viretrea, Pm HARNESS AND DOLLARS. Having bought out the Ambler Hrn asBusinessland tante u a is old stand ani prepared to furnish the pubiie witheverything hop such as HEAVY, LIG-HT and TRACK HARNESS, NETS, DUSTERS, WIIIPS, CURRY °CUBS, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, &e., 8ce. I Stake all my own Collars and guarantee sutisfaetiou. Give mo a trial tinct I will use you right, G_ 3._ N M V "I'QN., Wingliam i. WANTED SALESMEN aidAcnnnicto ! of Nursery Stork or Seed Potatoes, or both. r. i U LAMES ' maneut and paying positions to good men. Y rC {.r• sire von cxcluvive territory if von wish. It will you to trate Us for terms, Address, us ply , Y) GENTLEMEN �l.N The Hawks Nursery Co., Send g cents in ekaatrs, or `o centr;sSlver, and we ltooliestt:r, N. Y. will send you by return mail the .. __+,- _ ll, PERFECT LETTER 'W'RITER, " —,.Loral arm Trat shut, (13.4'112 till le , WS rtED.. to handle oar 1ral+tv Canadian - A limit little 'Beek. berm a perfect tlaide in the srt *inraer s and , tot ltuaran u malefaction to ; at Lctttr tvritintf. It eontafais letters et Lim. (Mown • Friendship and llusleess, etc., with valuable 'estrum r •prescntatitum and tlrnh lour owaYtu700 itcrcas Na tSr Friendship Adrtce Every v.n ret mot and *mean tier Inraest In .ho bo Exclusive territory and should h+vve this nook. y y-11 :, snh r.tl to nn rn orders, write 1 liberal tornus J,� whale or part thus axoats. illatrglA V :E"t) Bifietivt#S, its' STONE IS c..LLt'# TON, lulrisoll, Otr into i lnlier,)Totonte, 01 t, I The only Nursery in Cu :lila t:avlttttesting orchards.