HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-07-08, Page 194t,
.• •
Top Quality
Whole Beef .94
Half Beef .95
Price subject to change
Free Delivery
a Within .1.0
GRAN''( vi
62 5$39
Kinettes donate
to Parks Board
The last regular meeting of the
Hensall and District Kinettes
. before summer was held June 23
at the house of 'Kinetic Marian
Heil. This fleeting took the form
of a turnover moetiiig to the new.
executive. The executive-for the
1976-7 7 year will he: • Past
president. • Karen Sc h unma n;
President, Joanne Bell: Vice-
president. Marian Heil; •'Urea-
suree. Sharon Dosater; Secretary.
Karen Sc human.
A donation of $100 was made to
the Parks -Board 1u. assist in
busing the children from Hensall
to Exeter for swimming lessons
this sumnier. It W41 s also decided
that two' park benches and , a
bicycle rack be ordered and
Ilangkart, Voig old Cos
Chartered 'Accountants
Resident Partner -
268 Main St., Exeter
Bus. 235-0120 Res. 238-8075
Maple Leaf 1 lb. package
Wieners 79„
Maple Leaf sweet cured
Cottage Rolls
Boneless rolled
Pot Roast 98,b Sliced Baby Beef
0 Beef Steaks u Lb0.
Pure Pork
Blade Shoulder .
.00••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• we*.
• • • • • • •
Sliced Macaroni & Cheese Loaf' 95
Hensall Fair Beef — REGULAR PRICE
Front Quarter of .,Beef fully processed
Hip of Beef Fully processed
Beef Patties No filler, 10 lb, bag -
Beef Patties No filler. 4 lb. bag.
Turkey Wings 10 Lb..box-----
$1.oro 262-2017
Abbatoir 262-2041
Pigs Feet_ 1-
$10 a year in Canada $20 outside Canada
Phone 527-0240 Seaforth
Dear Sirs : Please send The Huron Expositor directly to my home
Now Renewal
0 Cheque or money order enclosed 0 Please bill me
NEWS OF HENSA4 Summer •Fo0
• at
Our complete stock of summer shoes •h been
reduced in price
Residents to pay for
Sewers this year - Women's
ChildrereS .L-60
20% off
STILL SMILING— It may have been 28 years ago
that Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wightman,said their vows in
Brucefield United Church, but they still had a smile
for each other Sunday at Brucefield's special
wedding service. Mr. and Mrs. Wightman came
from Belgrave to renew their vows. (Staff Photo)
Plan zone pi6nic
.1 „
Residents of Hensall will hate
to pay the frontage' and
connection charges for sewers in
1976 and not the next year as was
expected, members of council
lerned at their regular meeting
Monday night.
lot of people are going to
have a shock when they find- out
they're going to have to pay the
shot this pear," said Reeve John
Baker, who reported that the
Ministry of .the environnient
informed the Hensall's Sewer
Liaison , Committee meeting that
the sewers would be completed
this year and the town would have
to make payment for them at the
end of the year.
"I'm surprised, I never thought
they would have got along this
fast," added Reeve Baker.
Since the final tax bills for 19 76
have already been sent out,
council will have to send-out
invoices for payment. These will
be sent out byAugust 1, according
to village clerk Bob Heil, 'and a
resident may either prepay the
entire bill or just the first
Problems over calculating the
frontage charge on lots were
raised by the clerk, who pointed
out that some of the tax rolls did
not give the specific frontage but
only said the lot was irregular and
contained a certain percentage of
an acre. .
"Someone may have to spend a
week ore more in the registrar's
office searching the records,"
said Mr. Heil.
Several members of council
expressed concern whether it
would be possible to calculate all
the frontages before the bills had
to go out.
"We can only take three
weeks, it is as simple as that,"
said Clerlt Heil, "The notices
have, to be out by .A"diust 1 ."
Council passed two bylaws '
regarding sewers. One requires .
that residents have to hook into
the sewer system within , nine
months of receiving notice to do
so or have the town connect their
buildings and charge them for the.,
cost. The second bylaw
concerning the discharge of v( ater,
into the sewer sy stem, specified
that no outside water. eaves-
trough water, or ground wraer
could be allowed to drain into the
system by residents.
In other business council
approved' payment to the
Tuckersmith Day Care Centre of
a bill for $5.62.: Members of
council expressed dissatisfaction
that Tuckersmith had not notified
them that a resident of Hensall
was using their facilities.
"If we agree to pay this bill we
are agreeing to support the day
care centre," said Reeve Baker.
Council voted to pay the bill.
Building permits for Doug. M
Mann, W.G.Thonpson & Bendix
Home Systems were approved,
along with a demolition permit for ,
John Baker.
In developing countries 25% to
30% of the children die before
their fifth birthday...
20 to 50%
Sole Reg. to 19.95
5°4 .99 6 .99 8 °99
20% off
c 348-9951
Open Friday Night Till Nine
Seniors travel to Frankenmuth
,Mrs. Hilda Payne
donated to the Hensall play-
ground by the Kinettes. Follow-
ing the business portion of the
meeting. the women enjoyed
various games and a pot luck
the Huron County Zone 8 Senior
. Citizens picnic will he held in.
Hayfield ('Ian McGregor. Square
an Sunday, July 18. registration
beginning at 3 o'clock. There will
be a pot luck Smorgasborg supper
at $ Bring your own lawn
chairs. beverage, cutlery and
dishes, she said.
Forty-live Senior Citizens of
Hensall and district enjoyed a
McNaughton• Bus Lines trip to
Frankenniuth, Michigan, on
Tuesday, June '29. sponsored by Personals •
the Three' Links Senior Citizens Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Club of Herisall. Committee in Gordon SchwalM, Mrs. Elizabeth
chaPge was Mr. and Mrs. Glen Volland and Mrs. Daisy- (Vey-last
Bell and ,Mr.. and Mrs. 'Thane's week were Mrs: .Mildred Kyle,
Brintnell. Tony Kyle, Mrs. Susan Purdy,
The weather man turned on the Derek Robinson, Ken Van Wie-
sunshine and all enjoyed a tour of ven, Jamie MeClinehey and Mrs.
the city, sightseeing and visiting Marjorie Windover, of town.
shops. Dinner at the Bavarian Inn Visitors • from out of town
was a highlight of the day. included. Mrs. Mildred Hirtzel of
The President arthounceirthatr —Centralite-Mrs.-Vtcra Johnston ,of
Brucefield; Mrs. Oran Baird and
baby of Toronto: Joe Robbins of
London:. Mrs. Ann 'Finley, Miss.
Wilde and Miss Dale Armstrong.
of Exeter and.Bob French and son
Roy of •RosSeate,
Mrs. Gary Merritt and Gregory
visited with friends and relatives
in the St. Thomas area for a few
'lays last week. • •
Mr-. and Mrs. Harvey Hyde
visited with ,their sons and their
families in Brampton and Ottawa
over the holiday.
Mr, and' Mrs, Peter Bisback
and Victoria visited with friends
in the Niagara Falls district for
the weekend.
Rev. G.A. Anderson 'was 'in
charge of the service at St. Paul's
Anglican Church. The text of the
sermon was taken from 1. Kings
10: 7 "and behold the 'half w'd§'
not told Me". The flowers were in
memory of the late W.O. Good-
win placed there by his family. ,
The Hensall United Church
Service was held last Sunday with
Rev. Don Beck in- charge and:
.Mrs. John Turkheim the.organ.
Rev. Beck preached on the text,
' "God so loved . . .". Belief in
Jesus Christ is what entitles us to
---eternal' life; he '81ticr.
Luther sang a solo, "How Much
He Cared" accompanied on the
piano by her husband. Flowers
from the funeral of the late
Wilfred 0. Goodwin were placed
in the- Sanctuary. Next Sunday,
the combined church service will
again be at the United Church.
Mrs Ross McMillan visited
with, her mother,- "Mrs. Laird
-Mickle, after spending a pledsani
vacation with her husband and
family in Bermuda.
Hensall Livestock Sales
Supply consisted mainly of
heifers and steers; demand was
steady, prices were steady to half
a dollar lower. Fat cattle: heifers,
$38.50 - $41.70; steers $39.50 -
$42.00, -tops to" $42:70;- feeder
cattle, $37.50 - $42.50.
Pigs: weinlings,. $35.00
$42.00; chunks $51.00 $65.00.
adored, rejected, argued about, accused, praised, sat on, thrown Out,
spitefully used, befriended,• crumpled up, broke, laughed at, cried over,
blacklisted, lauded, reproved, loved,chastised, blamed, and read ...
See for yourself
Be informed about what's going on in Seaforth,
Dublin Staffa, Cromarty, Brodhagen, Walton, Winthrop,
Constance, Brucefield, Kippen and -Hensall