HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-07-08, Page 164 Help Wanted 4 Help Wanted' Clerk Treasurer required by the Town of Seaforth Position requires administrative experience and a knowledge of accounting. Added responsibilities are: Secretary Committee of Adjustment Secretary Recreation Committee Administrator of. Zoning By-Laws Apply in writing only, stating references and past employment by 5 P.M. on July 26, 1976 to The Town of Seaforth Box 610 Seaforth Ont 4-52-2 HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires TWO (2) - ACCOUNTING SECRETARIES at their 'ADMINSTRATION CENTRE 103 ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM 1L0 To perform general clerical duties in the accounts payable - payroll area. Proficient typing and some bookkeeping and business machine skills are required. Written application addressed to Mr. G. W. Lamb, Accountant, will be received until July 14, 1976. Interviews will be arranged with selected applicants. D. J. Cochrane H. Turkheiin Director Chairman 6 Teachers Wanted including qualifications, social insurance number, and telephone number must be mailed BEFORE JULY 30 to R. E. SMITH SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 103 ONTARIO STREET, CLINTON Applicants should indi- cate the grades and/or subjects they are prepared to teach and the schools in which they would serve. From this information lists of available teachers will be prepared for each school. Principals will then contact applicants when their services are required. Persons presently serv- ing as Occasional Teachers in our schools need not re-apply. Names will auto- matically be included for the coming year unless notification to the contrary is received from either the teacher or a principal. H. TURKHEIM Chairman D. J. COCHRANE Director • 11 Articles For Sale SWIMMING Pool sacrifice: Leading manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1975 season, 1/2 price, gtiarariteed installation and terms. Call collect days or evenings. 1-519-433-1083.11-514 STRIP . tickets for admission or refreshments, single and duplicate. The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 11-51-ff WHEELS Sulky wheels with large flange hubs and sealed bearings for jogging, 24 x 2.125 and 26 x 2.125. New and used bicycles, parts and repairs,/ WILF'S BIKE SHOP EGMONDVELLE 527-0803 11-49-4 SUBSCRIBE NOW to Canada's ...National Newspaper on Antiques. Recent prices, auctions, shows, and informative feature articles. Send $6.00 for one year or $1.00 for sample copy. Canadiantiquer P.O. Box 2239, Prescott, Ontario. KOE ITO 11-50-4 GESTETNER INK AVAILABLE at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-51-ff ZERO grazing rack, 7 ft. high, 6-51-2 345-2306. 11-50-3 7 Situations Wanted Need Extra-Help ? HIRE A STUDENT CHERRIES - Montmorency, 'starting July 10. Bring containers and pick your own. Elmer Wells. 3 miles south on gravel road of Camp Ipperwash. 11-52x1 CHROME table set, Phone 527-0599. • 11-52-1 Goderich • 524-2744 ONE 5 horse power Ariens rotor tiller in good condition. Best Huron Park offer. Phone 345-2667 after 5 p.m. 228-6651 11-52-2 ri Articles For Sale SIX drawer dresser with mirror, 49" long, dark wood, 3 used tires, H78 x 15.527-0466. 11-52x2 OVERHEAD garage door, 7' x 8' complete new wood burning stove, Call 527-0528. 11-52-1 LEADING Pool manufacturer has 1975 above ground redwood type pools available, willing to sacrifice at half price. Call collect anytime 1-416-667-1302-, 11-51-tf COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. 0'7 THE HMON EXPOSITOR 11-51xtf 200 Gallon oil tank, 527-1879. 11-49-4 ADDING machine• rolls; typewriter ribbons for most machines. The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-43-tf 14 Property For Sale heating. * * * * * * 1/2 acre lot with 2 storey brick duplex in blyth, 5 rooms upstairs 6 rooms Bdownstairs, propane heating. * * * * FOOD FOR THOUGHT When it Comes to picking up dirt, the telephone beats the vacuum , cleaner every time. -14-52-1 * * * * * Semi-detached 1 1/2 storey; stucco 4 home in Goderich, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, gas heating. Workshop. Close t9 uptown. Classified Rates WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or Prices count as one word per set.' Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 Words $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 4c per word, minimum $1.00. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.68 per column inch: SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.54 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per insertion. ' BIRTHS - 20 words, $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 20 words $1.50,, each additional word 6c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.50 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 'words $1.50, each additional word 6c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 Words $1.50 , each additional word 3c. 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT TIME OF INSERTION. 16'caricellation of multiple insertion • advertisements after Noon, Tuesday. . Deadline for classified ads is 12 Noon Tuesdays. Phone 527-0240 Direct Sales To promote and , sell buildings to the farm and industrial market in Huron County. This position offers a...challenging rewarding career. A farm background and a knowledge of construction and sales are preferred but not essential. A complete training by qualified instructors, backed by an all Canadian company can only spell success for a person who has initiative and willing to work 'On their own. Please write or phone R. MARTIN STRUCTURES LTD. ATT. ROY AITCHESON R.R. 3, STRATFORD, Ont. NSA 6S4 PHONE519-393-6305 4-52-1 •• , /6,<on Cenfe,14 46e, (// 48111070V reqiiires a Custodian at GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE GODERICH FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1976 H. TURKHEIM Chairman D.J. COCHRANE Director 4-52-I 6 ,Teachers Wanted .Wto .7ui4ion, Wounly jiaamee eeittealion Requires OccasiofiaI Teachers to do supply work in the elementary and secondary schools during 1976-77.. Written applications, TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES CANARIES A complete line of pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP '35b Main Street Exeter Phone 235-1951 11-514 12 Wanted To Buy SHELLED feed corn. Apply Dublin Feed Mill, 345-2330. 12-51-2 14 Property For Sale MOBILE HOME 50' x 10' excellent for cottage lot, new steel roof redwood stained wood siding, Appliances, furnishings, entrance, optional. , Good buy. Phone 527-0366 or 527-1507. 14-52-1 One storey frame house with garage Lot 60 x ISI. Close to downtown. Call Dennis: 527-0401; 527-1750. 14-52-1 82 Albert Street Phone: 40;79371 MASON BAILEY- BROKER/MANAGER Clinton, Ontario • 146 acre farm in Hullett Township, 140 acres drained and workable. " * * * * * * 3betodnrci.6-7: b. ungalow;,.comPletely renovated. Centrally, located in 01iil * * * * * * 250 acre beef and sow operation, excellent home and buildings. Barn fully equipped to handle 250 cattle and 65 sows. * * * * * * Nearly new, 5 room brick bungalow in Blyth,. 2' bedrooms, excellent condition, good large lot. ****** 2 storey red brick home on 1 acre land in Clinton, 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, 2 Fireplaces. Lots of trees. Small barn. * * * ** * • 20 acres 'in Stanley township, backs on Bannockburn. River. * * * * * 2 acres just south of Clinton, on #4 Highway, steel work shop, heated, concrete floor. * * * * * * 2 choice building lots Brucefield. * * * * * * Country living on 2 acres just north of Blyth, 2 storey stucco home, 9 rooms, 5 bedrooms, oil in HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 8, 1976 Every Day is Bright and Sunny With an "Action Ad" to Make You Money 1 Coming Events BINGO at the Vanastra Centre, Friday, July 9, 8 o'clock, 15 Regular $10.00 games, 3 share the wealth. Jackpot $200 must go. Door prizes and other specials. Admission ikstricted, to 16 years. 1-52-1 THE ANNUAL FALL Fair datcr- Seaforth Arena, Satur y, September 18, 1976, Wa ter Ostanek Orchestra. 1-52-I NEW Bingo Clinton Hall 8:30 July 8, 1976, Admission $1.011. $220.00 in 56 calls. - 1-52-1 5th Annual Festival of Arts & Crafts July 9,10,11, 1976 Stratford Arena A Community project of the Volunteer Committee of the • Gallery Stratford. 1-52-1 DUBLIN AND DISTRICT LIONS CLUB 2nd annual Dublinfest SATURDAY . JULY 17 Pork Barb ecue 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. • Adults $3.50 ($4. at the door) Children $1.50. 1-51-3 bar-b-que at Brodhagen Comniunity Centre, July 28. Supper 5:30 - 8:30 Dance to Lincoln Green 9:00 - 1:00 . Ball games during supper. 1-51-4 GOOD TIMES TRAVEL Seaforth 527-0050 SCOTTISH WORLD FESTIVAL TATTOO Toronto Exhibition AUGUST 22n' Reserved Grandstand Seat • Admission to C.N.E. By Motor.oach $18. per person • RESERVE EARLY Nashville & Wheeling • `Tours Labour Day and, • Thanksgiving Ontario Licence #1239997 1.51-tf 1 Coming Events The Glorious 12th will be held in St. Marys on Saturday, July 10. The members of the L.O.L. and L.O,B.A. Lodges will meet at St. • Marys High School at 1:30 p.m. Parade time 2 p.m. 1-51-2 Fettes Tours and Travel 184 Main St.,Mount Forest,Ont Phone 519-323-1545 ' New Fall brochure now available! All tours are fully escorted and modern washroom equipped coaches with first class accommo- dation throughout. All side trips and admissions included. Pick ups are made-on route. Write or Phone for your free brochure Mt. Forest 323-1545 or Mitchell 348-M92 REGISTER NOW! Only Limited Space Available on all tours. 1-52-1 4 Help Wanted Every week more and people .discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240 4 Help Wanted Written applications staling age, experience, ,and telephone number, should be addressed to: MR. R. McVEAN Plant Superintendent Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert St., Clinton Ontario NOM ILO Applicants will be notified if required for an interview. Deadline for applications is: FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1976 H. TURKHEIM Chairman D.J. COCHRANE Director 4-52-1 Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Huron Expositor want Ads. Dial 527-0240. SINCERE, ambitious person required now for selling name- brand dairy supplies for expanding franchise dairy equipment dealership. Experience helpftil, but will gladly train. For confidential interview please call 527-1935: 4-52-1 :A ye...1„ egoaa e;4.,„,&„ requires a Custodian at SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL .EXETER Written applications stating age, experience and telephone number, should be addressed to: MR. R. McVEAN Plant Superintendent Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert St., Clinton Ontario, NOM ILO Applicants will be notified if required for an interview. Deadline for applications is: '71 Mustang, 'power steering, 302, automatic, sell as is. Phone 482-7440. 10-52-1 1969 Dodge Coronet 2 door hard top. 6 cylinder certified. Phone 527-0724. after six, 10-52-2 1967 Chrysler, 2 door, as is $300.00 , 345-2806. 10-52x3 1967 Mustang convertible, automatic, 289, as is. 262-5176 after 6 o'clock. 10-52-2 11 Articles For Sale .BEAUTIFUL extra heavy stainless steel .Waterless Cookware 19 piece set never used, cost $350.00 asking only $200.00. Phone Kitchener 579-0073. 11-49x4 LEADING SWIMMING POOL Manufacturer must dispose of brand new 1975 above ground aluminum• pools, made to sell for' $1890.00 willing to close-out for $1188.00. Full warranties in effect. Call collect anytime. 1-416-667-1302. 11 -51-ff Massey Ferguson 410 combine, excellent condition, completely equipped for beans and straw chopper./$8,500. Contact Ken Thompson, 198 Sunset Drive. Goderich. 11-51-2 SWIMMING POOL wholesaler must dispose of 1975 aluminum pools in stock. Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space. - Brand new swimming pools include walk around' deck, fence, filter and warranty . Size 15' x 27', 1 ,088.00 cash or terms. Call Gord collect days or evenings, 1-519-433-2611. 11-51-tf WELDING supplies, quality selection of welding and cutting ' outfits and accessories on sale now at Central Garage, M itchell, 77 Montreal Street, An intercity welding supplies depot. Phone 348-8651. 11-52-1 PICK your own Montmorency cherries. Starting July 10. Shady Lane Fruit Farm, Arkona. Casey N.Bongers, 828-3305. 11-52-1 2 C.C.M. 20" bicycles also girls 26" bicycle like new. Also assortment of sandals Size 7 and boys shoes 'size 3 - 6 in good condition. 345-2308. 11-52.1 10 acres of standing mixed hay, 345-2556. , 11-52-1 PICK your' own cherries at Murray Bros. Orchard, four miles southwest of Thedford on Ridge Road. Montmorency ready now. 11-52x1 LIVE light hens $1 each, heavy hens $2.25 each. Phone 527-1618. 11-52-1 TWO beds complete, one 54" with inner spring mattress $40; one 48" with dresser to match $50.Q0. John L. Reid, Egmondville. 11.52x1 SWIMMING POOL: Deluxe, Redwood, above ground pool, 16 x 24, 1 yr. old: Repossessed by bank, sacrifice 1/2 price. Call Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. 11-51-tf NEW counter and bar tops, 12 ft. long, various colours, used windows. Phone Ron Driscoll, 527-0235. 11-52-1 ONE used grain box for truck 14' long, 8' wide, 5 feet high. $175.00. Nick Whyte, 527-0349. 11-52-3 ROXBORO GARDENS 527-0705. For sale or pick your own, peas, raspberries, bring your own containers. 11-52-1 REGISTERED purebred Afghan. Brindle in colour. Call Dennis 527-0401; 527-1750. 11-52-1 RASPBERRIES, pick your own. 65c a quart, or already picked $1.00 a quart. Gerald Marterie, 3/4 mile W. of Egmondvifle, 527-1507. 11-52-1 For sale Cabbage, 25c each, green onions, pickling beets, lettuce, swiss chard. Apply 150 -,Market Street. 11-52-1 PET STOCK - Black Labrador Retriever pups, CKC registered, 7 weeks old; shots. 'Excellent breeding for hunting field trials. $125.00. F. Burton, 527-1473. 11-52-1 SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE: Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground aluminum pools left over froth 1975 season, - 172 price, - guaranteed installation and terms, Call Credit Manager. collect. Mississauga 416-625.8819 days or evenings. 11.51-ff HURON STREET A 2 floor 3 bedroom home mostly all renovated. Part basement, forced air heat. Detached garage. large workshop insulated and heated. Nicely landscaped lot with loth of flowers. TWO YEARS OLD Like new 3 bedroom modular home, over 1000 sq. ft. Many extras including stove, frig and large sun deck. Extra large lot and aluminum sided Work shop. Located on Isabelle St. MOBILE HOME 1973 Marlette 12' x 66'. stove and frig. Located on corner lot 66' x 165' on Isabelle St. $15,000, or mobile could be bought separately. RURAL LIVING In Kinburn, a 3 bedroom, brick and aluminum bungalow, 2 ye irs old. Electric heat, Ex,tra high basement. New drilled well supplying 2 other homes. TAKE YOUR PICK Two, one floor homes each 1400 sq. ft. one with 4 bedrooms, the other- 3. Both on new high basements and renovated to new- house standard. Located in Kinburn. BUILDERS Four good adjacent building lots on Mill St. Sanitary sewers are in. Priced at $7,000'. each. 100 ACRES 'Cash crop farm with 85 acres workable and 10 acres bush. Large brick house and good bank barn. Located in Hibbett. Clinton Office 482-3595 John Thompson 527-0238 John Duddy 482-3652 DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LILMITED Realtors 14-52-1 Additional Classified on Page 17 ' - VIC FOX 523-9525 CLARK ZINN 524-8620 TOM SCHOONDERWOERD 345-2459 HAROLD WORKMAN 482-7658 LARRY PLUMSTEEL Phone 527-0052 "Clinton Office. Phone 482-3821 Member of Huron Real Estate Board SEAFORTH COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Main Street building for sale containing a restaurant and income from one store and three apartments. ' HOMES 2 storey brick house on Adam Street. 3 bedroom house in good location in Seaforth 3 bedroom brick bungalow in egmondville Apartment house, 3 3-bedroom units, with extra lot, close to downtown 4 bedroom brick house- on 1 acre with creek 1 1/2 storey house on Goderich St. COUNTRY PROPERTY AND NEARBY VILLAGES 3 bedroom brick home on 1 acre near Bayfield 2, storey brick store with or without large lot at Kinburn 2 bedroom, modular home, carpets, electric fireplace, in Hensall, with 3rd bedroom being added 2 bedroom home in Myth 'in good condition 3 bedroom brick home on paved road near Hayfield. FARMS 50 acres without buildings North of Holmesville We .-have a good selection of homes to choose from ih Clinton. 14.524 July 20 - 5 day ,Moosonee and Manitoulin Tour July 25 & Aug. 27 - 3 day 1,000 Islands, Upper Canada Village and Ottawa Aug. 4 & 15 - 12 day East Coast Tour August 9 - 6 day Circle Lakes Aug. 16 - 21 day Canadian West Coast Tour Sept. 2 - 23 day Romantic Europe Sept. 4 - 7 day Colonial Virginia, Washington. Williamsburg Sept. 14 - 5 day Pennsylvania Dutch Tour Sept. 20 & 25 - 5 day Agawa Canyon Fall Colour Tour Seth. 30 - 3 day Lake Placid Fall Colour Tour Oct. 2 - 3 day Letchworth •Park, Fall Colour Tour Oct., 4 - 4. day Ottawa Fall Colour Oct. 8 - 4 day Nashville Tour Oct. 17 - 21 day California Tour BRODHAGEN Chamber of Nov. 7 - 15 day Hawaii Tour Commerce annual chicken . Nov. 12 - 2 day WWVA Jamborie Tour more 7-52-1 8 Farm Stock For Sale sr Pigs, 60 lbs. 345-2606. 8-52-1 10 Used Cars For Sale is '