HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-12-21, Page 1TM*UA 4' VOL. XXIIL---NO. 1200. WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21,1.804. $1A YEAR .IN ADVA+ C."' WE WISIH YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NSW YEAR. ORR Ss H1SCOCKS, The Only Direct Importers. 'TSE BEAR, Deo. 20th 1894. Marriage Licenses issued by FRANK PATERSON. No 23, Vic- toria street, Wingham, Ont. lefo witnesses .resumed. w49904,041.444,4*®000 ®OS Place in nada to et a :. mess Edo - Shorthand, e Shorthand, 0 O 4, is le Cen- tral Busin- - Col- 0 ,+lege, Toront : ft•; and Stratford, Unque... • ly Canada's Greatest co - mere . Schools. C:ataiorzues free. Men- tiod ,is paper. Shaw & Llliott, Principals. O REAL ESTATE AGENCY. • Candies by the ton at the Star restaur- ant. JAs. McKrinvxi . We know that C ristmas is comix g By many old -t me rules, And not, by far, east of them are The crowded unday schools. Buy your Christmas Dandies at the City restaurant. W. A. Jones, —At the Congi•gational church next Sunday, the paster will preach morning and evening. Mt rning subject : "Good tidings of great jr,y." Evening subject : "No room in the ir9rt for Jesus." A. cordial welcome to all. Town and Farm Property sold on com- mission, to the best advantage of both <'buyer and seller. No sale, no charge. Rents collected and property looked after. ARE INSURANCE. Go to the Star restaurant for good, fresh canned goods, cheapest in town. JAS. 1110KELVIE. —Single fare n the G. T. R. and C. P. R„ from day bef 'e until day after Christ- mas ; same at ew Year. Fare and one third from 21st t 25th, and 28th to Janu- ary 1st.. All goo for return until Jan. 3rd. Those desiring insurance .should select ,one of the following old and reliable English stook companies :, Run ('ire Insurance Company, (Estab- lished 1710•) Norwich Union Insurance Company, (established 1707.) Alliance Fire Assurance Company, (es- tablished 1824.) Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, . gstablished 1852.) S. ziro's)»lgl x., ,' Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agent, Kent Bleak, Wingham, Salmoni's English White Oils cures Chilblains, Rheumatism. Sprains, Bruises and Sore Back. For sale at 25c. at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham. —We have to factoring Comps for a copy of their Desk Calendar. its lesson of the outdoor. exercise, LOCAL WS. 28 lbs of raw •Conery's. ---Mr. Wm. Holm .on Friday last, ah Beveral who have it is the largest ono Oysters served Bush's restaurant. —At a recent Listowel it was de no contract for 'binding unless in leas been paid th Perfumes put Christmas gifts, •Chisholm's drug —Nature, Lch T..toekyer, the eel -says of the 5 passes the wit of which ought to. • not been done t success." sank the Pope Manu - y, of Hartford, Conn., tenth annual Columbia .soh daily leaf teaches alue of better roads and nd especially the benefits of bicycling. t "Where is my watch, Melinda?" "John- nie's out cracking hickory nuts with it." "All right, then, that won't hurt it, for it was got at M. Patterson's jewellery store, Wingham." —The next regi for $1 at Kerr .Pc Maitland, No. 2 Foresters, will be 28th inst., at 8 o'c ock. A full attendance is requested. as tiers of importance will be brought before he meeting, and election of officers will to place.• —J. Colley, Veterinary Surgeon—Office and infirmary : 32 Victoria street west. Residence : 125 Minnie street, Ridd's former residence. Calls promptly attended to, day or night. General has received m the directors of the 1 and Philatelic Exposi- , Italy, daring the past at first prize, consisting onor, has' been awarded f Canada for the best appliances. The exhibit xtion of the Canadian tde at the World's Fair, t prize was granted to he other postal depart - d.. Come one, come all, Come great and small, The way to Jimmie McKelvie's; If you want something sweet Your desires he'll meet For he's got a bi stock of candies. —Mr. S. B. Cook, eeve ,of Howick, vt as in town on Thursda . The City restaurant will not be under- sold. W. A. J om s. —Mrs. John Pelto returned on Monday from an extended vi it to friends in Wood- stock, Innerkip, Lis °Well and Atwood. Fresh oysters always on hand and served in any style at the City restaurant. W. A. Jobs. ndian Medicine Com- twining large audiences v•=l r. They also sell eir 'medicines. V Soap, 12 for 25c, at V-4 The Kiokapoo pany have been ente nightly during the large quantities of Brooms, 2 ., 5c, Kerr d Con :,• 's. • -Mr. Og e Johns stock of stoves an Sutherland, who 1 store. V • ar meeting of Court , Canadian Order of old on Friday evening, The Postmast communication f International Post tion, held at Mita summer, stating of the diploma o to the Dominion 1 r display of postal outhuttin , was an =PHA- while g t a very largo 'won. postal display en his 'coonship, say for which the fir seen in this sention,,, Canada over all ments in the wo in every style, at D. Primulas (Chi ivision court case in colored, blooming. Bridge Greenhow ided by the judge that amount over 440 is —Fruit growers writing or 'unless money have the Canadi eon. leading journal o in packages suitable for Each monthly nu c„ now on exhibition at tore. Prices reasonable. ful colored plate don, Eng., S. Norman and the latest infc rated astronomer, editor, pruning, buddi ndard Dictionary: " It marketing, etc. man to -suggest anything fruit grower. Q ve been done that hits of charge ; and make the dictionary a , will .be sent fr Wbolverton, Gri fthe Ontario , -•Wjewel —Wretches' clocks oind jewepromptly tof h. fired and Puny warranted by HALsuir on has disposed of his t tinware to Mr. D. as removed it to his All kinds of While• Stoneware in stock, and the prices away down. The China House. W. T. YATES. -Rev. W. H. preached the anni, Congregational cl His discourses wet by large audiences The TIMES and Veekly Globe from now till the end of 1895 for $11. Subscribe now and get the balance of this year free. —Private moneys to loam on mortgages t reasonable rate of interest. Apply to tf .lens NEELANne, e repaired Mover Block, Wingham. —G. T Is. trains for 'Perm.. • and east leave .1'a Ingham at 13.2" ^ m. and I t 24 a. m,, r -a W. G. at B.; 6,55 a. n- and 3.25 lf, el., via Clinton and uelph. r=ood con- ;shone by all trains. Ladies' and Children's Hats, at cost, at Millinery goods a t cost at lk exchange for a y, GOOD Bites', Shoe store, —An entertainmer t in o'4neetion with the Baptist Sabbath chool 47111 be given in the church this (F iday) evening. A 44 piece Tea Set or 61.75, at the Star store. II, E. SNELL. Jas. McKelvie, of the Star restaurant, has a very large stock of pipes and is sell - in them off at cost, I.—Mr. Matheson, tanks at Wingham fixing something a one day last week, of ribs and otherwit Matheson resides place is at present,., Wallace's Miss Wallace's, Stove wood wanted in good working horse. PP —.East Huron Part ins will be held on Brussels. Matson,of Hamilton, ersary osermons of the 'role on Sunday last. listened to and enjoyed trs' Institute meet - January 18th, in Baby carriage runners, to fit atiy car- riage, at T. E. Coulee s. A. case of new dates and figs at the City Restaurant. W. A. Jones. —A live and clay place at the trap Christmas day. Xmas Candies, i sec., at Kerr & Co —Town mercha. with one another and prettiness of day good's in thei That Seaforth ad on page 8.. T.T.es), white and one from the Iron t TC. GEAHA\L, Lower Wingham. -Large quantitie' brought into marl Thursday, it is esti loads were on the r purchased by Mr. G per 100. The City restaurant carries a large stock of pipes, cigars and tobaccos, of the best brauds only. igoon shoot will take on prairie, on ria, Oranges, Lemons, 's. e appear to be vieing the neatness, taste heir ays of boli- wowE& ck has arrived. See GooD Biros. Everything selling at hard times prices at D. Ibush's restaurant. Call and see. —A public meetit town, early in Jani: donald, M. 1?., will advanced on tbetrt Messrs. Patterson a Ferguson and Dr speakers will also addresses on the li The date of the n other speakers will issue. —For first-olass tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster st Co. Remember the place, one door south of R. A. Graham's grocery s 'e. of pork are being et these days. On gated that several car, arket, and it was all o. McKenzie, at 04.00 Dir. John Ne the fore part of this ing of the Exeout' Canadian Older of day night he atte London, given by city. Jas. McKelvie, of the Star restaurant, has imported direct from Flordia, 30 cases oforanges and is selling them oheaper es et tI an they were ever sold in Wingham. s'i... - Mr. John Colj in the grocery bu Kerr and the bus' conducted under Conery. Mr. Ke business, and Mr Conery will still con- tinue in his pre nt situation as foreman at Messrs. Mo an & Son's saw mill and lumber yardeep Heathfield's Healing Balsam cures colds. Wanted, immediatedly, s. good general servant. No washing or ironing. Apply at the residence of Mr. Benj. Willson. —Courts for th revision of the Domin- ion Voters' Lists, , East Huron, by Judge Doyle, .Revising arrister, will be held as follows . Blyth, an. 16th; Cranbrook, Jan. 17th; Bru els, Jan. 17th; Ethel, Jan. 18th; Wi ter, Jan. 24th. as soon as mad ter. nd gardeners should, all n Horticulturist, the its kind in Canada. ber contains it beauti- f sot_e fruit or flower, motion about planting, grafting, spraying' is edited by a practical actions answered in it free rands exposed. Samples e on application to L. sby, Ont., the secretary ruit Growers' Associa- ands was in Brantford week attending a meet - e Committee of the oresters, and on Tues- ded a grarlit banquet in the members in that At the last' .Chapter, Royal A for 1895 were alec Williams, lst Pri '.Principal;. S. J. E Tanilyn, Treas. ; H. F. Gordon, Principal Sojour meeting of Lebanon eh Masnery,,the .often) ted, as follovuts: 0. Fl. tidal; J. McGuire, 2nd xtitli, 8rd Principal• ; Dr.` J. A. Morten, Scribe E. ; 1 fcribe .; R. Vaustot 3, er. t;. The 'nuns, Weekly Globe, Fanners' nd for 1 , Sun, Ba Ladies' of this year free. 1895 for . c '-.-There passe away at t.hffor , on Monday, an old - uron resident le the person of James It zlewood, Eitq. - Dee ,need was the father of es. A. R. McI)ont Id, of Winglutrejle w s born in Leeds County, Ontario, in 1819 nd consegiterrtly w,te 75 ysars of age at hi . death. Decreased Vag ' a life„long member of the Methodist cht.roh and a man mmol respected by all OM knew him. Ilia Inose lasted for th,ee *coke and was bo ne with -Christian fort:. l l8elden twill m Inde and the end as triumpbant, i readers in on ...,-'Mies Mario to McDonald artshes, to week, intimate to the ladies of 'Wingham and -vicinity that ills Ttrose tCantle makiniss g, $ver.eli argent boinee t' for ar o ” in the see salk ntoor Johne+.or,, will be rrrrttiitwed by , Mr. W. F. Bio •kensbire, who has •'in- ducted a photogra r business in Winghain for the past fiftee years, has disposed ter the sumo to Mr gentleman who h some months b smiled elrAf`i is t lte.posseasiort Be expecte to m gallery in thews, secured the :ger from Mergers, Co to, ads:. will be held in this ry, when Dr. Mac- swer the arguments de question by Hon• d Haggart, Senator Montague. Other present and give issues of the day. ettng and names of be given in a future :y has taken an interest iness with Mr. John less in future will be e firm name of Kerr Jr r will have chars e of the —Canada has at.ra ed the attention of the world by many . its celebrities, be- sides the great pr • ries and its great rail- ways Cana The Family Montreal i marvel of excelle cheapness. To th the Family Heralc Montreal for a with the wonders o Heathfield's Healing Balsam is the surest and safeet cure for colds in the world. Price 50 cents, at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham. fr—Mr. John Alexei ship, while going so on Josephine street, last, fell heavily wh jewelry store, and The sidewalk was slippery at the Medical aid was ai fracture reduced. otherwise injured right again. W. F. Brockenshire, having disposed of his business, requests all parties having pictures to call and get same before Janu- ary 1st, 1895. Inde Iv ho attends the water and Lucknow, while the Wingham tank, ell and broke a couple injured himself,e' 1r. n Lucknow, and( his leing filled by his son. Buy your lamps t the Star store. H. E. SNELL. Direct importation of Florida oranges just received at the City restaurant. W. A. Jones. Oysters received, daily and served. in ani• style at the Star: restaurant. ,JAs. Mammy., 1 on `Dues lay evening„ Jodg., A. F. & A, M., •ted. its officers fee' Nice',, W. M.; Jos, stone, 3. W-; Dr. J. Willson, Treas.; (.)ear, Tyler. The. place on Thursday —At a meeting lie 11th fnst:, Wing-hatn No. 280, G. R. 0., el 1896, as follows: Join Colley, S. W. ; R. Vax E. Tamlyn, Chap.; 3. A. Morton, Sec. ; '. installation will t•el: evening, 27th inst. —L'agii for good butter and eggs at R. A Grahanr'p market grocery. in the lecture room. church, on Monday was a very good at- Dyable time spent. Addresses wore dearileH, by Revs. W. id Public chool. The following is th result of the written examinations held ev ry Friday forenoon during the months o November and De- cember, in the first department of the Public School. The ubjects were Arith purpose of arrttpgi metio, Grammar, eography, History, the opening paella Euclid, Algebra, Phy ics, Literature. The proeramme will cu numbers are percent ges • SENIO' Wm. Robertson 8 Gordon 80, Wen. Fat wings 77, L. Cumm 73, L. Bisbee 73, N. ter 68, S. Farquhar T. Dawson 63, 0. 55, A. Chisholm as great newspapers. Fields 49, L. Black and Weekly Star of G. Stiles47, M. Fle d, a marvel. It is a la. Marvell 40. ce and a marvel of JUN nk of such a paper as M. Morton 68, J and Weekly Star of •R. McDonagh 56 Ila, a year. It ranks Kinlay 48, S. Jacks the times. .1, Greig 45, L. Bra J. Gray 43, J. Bell Ross 40, F. Foster 4 —A social -was givet of the Cangregetioua ' evening last. That, e tendance, and an 't Waton, (Hamilton), Perrie and G. A. Gi terspersed with selea Mr. Secord, the pa. presided. Three pounds of. the , • g for 25 cents at the Star - ✓ "11 Litt Tailors ad Deb. Id in , h Deco n.----.—.•. the pro, entary deify.,{ t a sist of , t . 4p ry form, or -General, t,t, the Governi..):-.7eS leader of the '-° ' rs of cabinet h. portfolios, but nd of thisweekeeaay. binet will have he, orally accepted"that- d will be appointed$ tion, while Dr. 3. P' 'rant for the portfolio, - peech from the throne. - legislation proposed , which will include r manhood sufferage d the abolition of the Act, the taking over of egr'tpb lines by the, be free entry of Chinese, is debate will be a very these are the impar - the day. The leaders twenty minutes each,, minutes, and the leader t five minutes to reply.. e will be given later one, ility it will be on - the• t. The mem hers are as: iamiltor five from 13.00 Wingham Literary A meeting was h Chamber, un the 14 cr.Ass• regular parliamen W. McIi:ibben 82, L. Clegg being Gower luharson 78, B. Cum- Maedonald,leader Ings 74, C. McTavish Mr. A. H. Musgrov Campbell 60, N. Isbis- tion. All the mem n 67, L. Vanstone 63, yet received bei Welsh 57, 0. Vanstone ,Probability by the L. Robertson 50, D. member of the ell 49, D. Johnston 47, Portfolio. It is ge ity 45, H. Hamilton 44, the Rev L G Wo minister of imtnig ire crass. Kennedy 'is an s Park 60, F. Clegg 59, of fisheries. The E. Tucker 49, J. Mc- will foreshadow ti n 47, A. Galbraith 46, by the governmert vin 43, A. Stewart 43, bills to provide f E. Cargill 40, M. and registration A. Eades 33. present Franchit- --- railroads anti t Orders given by telephone to the Star Government and restaurant delivered promptly to any part into Canada. Ti of the town. Jas. McI anvx v. interesting one, Coughs and Colds can be cured by using Heatitfield's Healing Balsam. For sale at tont questions o 50e. at WlhIiains' Druz; Store, Wingham. are to be allows the members to Teetotaler's t -.sue Answered. of the Governor t Dsan Ten s,—I h d decided to drop the Notice of the d discussion between 'eetotaler and myself, but in all probe because of the w e divergence in our 14th January n opinions of the 'clue tion at issue, he hold- follows: ing that the questi n was that of my ver- .:GO acity, whereas I h: d that Dr. 1f audouald Rev L G Woo was not justified .dondemniug temperance. son, Bluevale• electors who voted against the Mowat ad- nosh; Wm Mit ministration and especially so as Mr. wart, Brussels; Connolly had pled; ed himself, if elected, to 1I B Elliott, Bla vote for the prohib -tion of the liquor traffic 'Peeswater•; Jr A and that, the Dr. o ',ght at least to modify Indoo and Lr Gi his statements or lye retract them alto- gether. It is quit: impossible to discuss a or question unless th parties interested are Dr J R Vlacdo agreed upon the qi 'stion at issue. How- Brockenshire, Tin ever, Teetotaler's l.:t. letter cannot well be ,1, B McAndrews T allowed to pass un r diced, as he charges me- L Diowi with retiring with o stigma of untruthful- Johns, E Rev J i nese plainly scamp. 1 upon my reputation. 1) Perrie, r are not a II I deny the stateme t and unless he proveste F Gordon,mGo it, it is very like). that many of your H McAndrews, Opp• that his own repute - by the swine dirt its The Modern Mother at fine. I' challenge a kind of reason- Has found that her littlea one are improve ny more b the leaeaut laxative, Syrup ofi nnolly did not pledge y p ed. I challenge himFigs, when in need. of the laxativeeffect of ter a supporter or u a gentle remedy than by any ether, and, Connolly, who, over that it is more aceeptabie to them. Child- I assort that ho knows ren enjoy it and it benefits them, nsaelf. If Teetotaler 'true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is manufacture dares to make such ed by the California Pig Syrup Co. only.. i ten reputable .citi- t A Bneiness4t king Book. ho ever their own l uty statement and Every business ra ti aught to rsotdi; 1 knowledge of the "Dollars and Sens ' a moneymalt%n;6 use for not believing book by Natlt'1 C. F Wier, jr,, the leadfn* t, and if he is wise expert en business nd advertising. 1ft• better, or else keep chapters, illustrated with 100 platee, pia•. yard. senting every style f effective advertise- rs truly motto, with exeunt t s of reading notice$„ er, of Morris town- th along the sidewalk on Monday afternoon n near Mr. Munshaw's ,roke his right arm. vered with ice and very ' point where he feil,i: once procured and the Mr. Alexander was not and will soon be all —A grand Sabbat' will be given in tl Wingham, on Pride; commencing at 7 o' ment will consist o magic lantern views package festival. spared to make the in every way. Fre am, Jan. 22nd; Wroxe• to all members 1 Itber dates will be given classes on Sunday ublic by Revising Barris- i at considerable ex the entertainment, r,fy Xmas. stodk of Fancy China, Dinner, I will be taken from Tea and Toilet Sets is now complete. Call tribute ; for the and inspect before you make your par- Sabbath school t chases The China Id'ouse. W. T. YATES. °eats. School entertainment Methodist church, eyening, 28th inst., lock. The entertain - an orchestral concert, cake, fruit and nut No pains are being entertainment a success tickets will be supplied the school in their ext. The school being ense in oonuection with volunto.ry contributions all who desire to con- readers will conclud not members of the tion has been daubs admission will be 10 I he has tried to flin I Teetotaler to produe ERNMENT. , Zetland; Wm Robert:, F Gordon. East Wawa-, ell, Howick; J D Ste- Vanstone, A.mberley;. k Horse; John Hanna, . orton, Morris; R Me,. - 'ord, whose coustituen- at present. sterns. aid; Lucknow; W l+' berry; Dr Kennedy. Roht Elliott, W A Ott, W 3 1+'leuty, Rev Milton, whose waste. present known. eminent Whip; T 11 ition Whip, . —Alfred J. Dean of Orillia, was sen -Call and see the stook of Christmas tented to two months in jail at Berlin for candies at the City restaurant, before buy - himself as I have st the ingelsewhere. W. A. Joins. further to produce ei illegally using the nails in flooding h in Toronto non supporter of ,lir. rites to Justice redlt , s offering .- efore lar P B fig word problems and on Thursday of las week, the appeal in his own signature, wi Dean's circulars were Crabb vs. town of It ant Forest, it case of he did not so pledge h EIe offered prizes to sue/, considerable interest o municipal council, will find tine marc wit + a statement I will fin "the British statesman a lore, was decided. I :was a judgment on The prise was given to appeal by dofenda s from j.idgmeut of I zene of Wingham boxes of pills, at 25e. Judge Chadwick at Guelph, • in favor of 1 signatures will °cortin, viotiins were led to be. plaintiff, pronoun° upon a motion to I do so from a person, Quid receive en elegant continue an interim injunction turned by i facts. Teetotaler's e , a cut of an engraver' cotsent into a moti for judgment, in an me is spoor one et be decorating the back of action to restrainlie defendants from he will either produce prices distributed con - continuing to exele the plaintiff froth' his dirt in his own be dal butter pats, worthmeetings of the'tow council, the plaintiff Yo ozeu. Itis victims, who being a :member of t e council, and having . thing for nothing, num- refused to 'withdr and ooinplttinttl were allegations triade b officials, wlto :preseout• field, that the local; to pronounce the j' Baby carriage runners, to fit any ear• was eight on the ins ,fags, at T. E. f"ansvx's.y-law did not anti, lha sure English White Oils is the beet the offending memba y Liniment to the world. Good for W. R. Belden, a young . country with circ been assisting him for I persons for guess 6nittyremd aiii- hat,1 st41.4e ntcry"•'Yiext . es several 'changes inthe of scenery, circ., and has ces of a flrst•class artist hrane's gallery, of Toron- Mr. well-earned boli barking in ago ookenshiro will enjoy a ay fora term before ni- er line of besiness.1111fr. an announcement to our dvertising columns neat k of Christmas good" Winghem, at, 31. Rash's `T: is of , feetiioneey, t112 G baying 1js pills. ac riotly worded. ce„sful guessers of name G e•” pus -hatters of thr pet ito)r, and the sieve that they n platt.l butterdisl stole:, "value the otetilar. Th Sietet_ of indivi probt.,bly 600. a all eipeeted +30 here:, hundreds male to the poet( certain personal , him at a meeting. Another large shipn •nt of cream Dandies effective Methods. 'agelust received at the Clay restaurant. who will send cheek dgmbad jurisdictionniW. A. Jonss. stamps to the value dgmeut; and that it The Tunis and V y l receive the book by "I'r ntrtateeee, cironlers and headli s. It tells the plain, truth about advert ing and eitposee ny render i, the Txmte postal note, or postage I twenty -'five cents to, r, Roston, Maros., wlI prepaid mail. as eve' at which he Wee Weekly Globe from now The Trade Coni ts, for the defendants' ll the outs rtf 181 rite the exclusion of tifind get the balott beyond the meeting , •The'J'I. s, . luded. Appsalw, die- Partnere' Sun, for 1 of this year free. for $1. Subscribe now this year free. . eekly (Hobe and the The Tome and tinkly Globe 95 for 41.86. 1rls anni .;ril,:•(se end of 18it5 for *1, time balance