HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-07-08, Page 4GOOD TIMES GOOD VALUE Kaviasaki -CZ -Suzuki SALES AUTHORIZED RENTALS SERVICE Sports & Recreation Limited Varna, Ont. Dial 262-5809 Beautify.your neighbourhOod. Get out on the street. Take a walk. 11,t11, .1 IvItok'k VERTICAL SLIDER VG HORIZONTAL SLIDER THIS POPULAR ECO- NOMICAL design features ease of operation. A touch of the finger is all that's required to make it glide on ' its vinyl track. The sash is easily removed for interior cleaning. For Bedroom size approx. 57" x 32" — Pr ic'es start from $91 , .,.. CASEMENT HEADQUARTERS FOR WINDOWS AND DOORS Seaforth 527-0910 Hensall 262-2418 Clinton 482.9514 GIVE YOUR HOME A FACE LIFT WITH A CLASSIC, ENTRANCE SYSTEM THE CLASSIC ENTRANCE SYSTEM is not just a door, but a complete entrance package which eliminates the need of a storm door, The door is an all-weather steel door and the frame is fully weather stripped. Many options are available such as choice of sidelites and locksets, Prices start from "F GLIDING PATIO DOOR. iS - - — it •••• •••• IF YOU PREFER something neat and different, select the Awning Window. It can be cleaned from inside and can be left open during rainy days because of its unique awning operation, Various combinations give you a wide choice of design. OW Kitchen size Approx. 45" x 40"— trices start from $136 • THE REGULAR SASHLESS gives you economy with many of the features found • only In more sophisticated windows.'WeathertIght and functional. All glass sec- tions ate removable from Inside for cleaning. For Bedroom size approx. 62" x 32", Prices start from' $93 ORONTO INTERNATIONAL'AIRPORT *PASSENGERS +11 PARCELS *AIR EXPRESS • FREIGHT clirriofecontro,11ed comfort - I.INIT(1) TRAILS INC. SEAPORTH 627-1222 or eaauko at your local trove! agent MAIN STREET SOUTH, EXETER Phone%235-1100 $1,096.00 $1,496.00 Don Taylor Motors Limited 1' Ball-Macaulay Ltd Seaforth 527-0910 Clinton 4824405 Hensall 262.2418 :]a • JIM:1r ft, 1978 MATERNITY WEAR AT The Separate Shoppe MAIN CORNER, CLINTON 482.7778 OPEN 4-6 OPEN 1-6 (NE)5.,T TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR) r ' r ' ' • 1 . KN4 ‘.4' : WHAT'S $0 SPECIAL ABOUT ME? — Tnis squirrel obviously had his,doubts about having his picturelaken and insisted that his name not be used in the' papar. The squirrel, a,resident of Frank Sills' backyard, has a neighbour who is all black exceptfor a pure white tail who the photographer was trying to capture on film. -However, he failed to show and this squirrel reluctantly agreed to stand in for him. Maybemith a little luck we will be able to run a picture of the real thing in the future,: Watch forit! . (Staff Photo) Don MacRae Correspondent • Mrs. Jean Dill visited in St. Marys with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dill and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons of London were also in attendance. Mr. Bill Costello from NI•w Lowell spent a few days with his mother Mrs. Dan Costello. Father Jack Costello who iS" now stationed in. Tillsonburg is • also spending- a few days with his mother. Don MacRae spent Sunday visiting with his mother Mrs. Jas. D. MacRae of Bornish and attetrded the Memorial Mass for deceased members of that Parish. Also visiting with Mrs. MacRae were her daughter Mrs. Rita noodino 1 ondon and Mrs. Al Lions need help'for publinfest Let us help you own your home 1973 SUPER BEETLE Rust proofed. radio, gas heater. one owner. only 24.000 miles. Lie. EZX 524 $2,395.00 • 1973'6USTOM BEETLE One owner with 59.000 miles Lie. DFY 557 $1,995,00 1972 - 412 SEDAN • 'Automatic. radio, completely reconditioned. This is .a one owner car with only 51,000 DDF 269. $1,995.00 1971 SUPER BEETLE Sedan with automatic. completely reconditioned Completely reconditioned. gas SHD 509. heater, tadio. Lic. DFX' .324 Brodhagen correspondeni • Mrs..1. Wolfe • Sunday.morning tit St. Peter's Lutheran Church flowers _graced the altar in memory of ,lohnny Bauer who passed away a year ago. ,They were, placed...there hy his family. Pastor&Mrs. Arthur Horst. Lois. 'and Steven attended the •Ries reunion' in Hanover on Sunday ,afternoon.(The former's mother's family). Miss Phyllis Hint, Varreouver. B.C.. who is spending the surnmer months with 'het unt:le and aunt. Mr. and Mrs, Carl • Hillehrecht and is attending Wilfred Laurier - in Waterloo' has finished philosophy 'course and is start'ing psychology.. „ . Mr. Edgar Elligsen 'read the report of the Synod Convention, Sunday morning Which he attended .Waierloo, Mr. Les Weitersen was the.. alternate delegate at the same Comer-ikon. Mr, and • Mrs. Mark • Peel. Toronto, visited with Mr. apd Mrs. Carl Hillehrecht and Phyllis .on..Thursday. Other guests at the same honie ere Mr. .and Mrs. Frank Fit:I:meter and family on Thursd a \ W ith Mr...and Mrs. . Pushelherg and famil oser the weekend were Mr. Jack Osier and his brother Clayton, both front Glencoe.. The former is originall froT Mitchell, ahd Mrs. Jim. Cakehread. Aamilton 1:tetit the long ss eckend witn the former's parents Mr.and Mrs. Les Weitersen. Mr. Lorne Wolfe. Clinton.. aceompanied his son Dale Wolfe, Brodhagen on a fishing trip to Golden Lake for a fess days. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kettles\ ell. Janet and Elaine. Strathroy spent the weekend with the latter .s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, • 'Mrs. HerMan Hint, Kitchener. spent a few days with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Hinz and family. • A R Po RT SERVICE reCe \ scroll from 'Premier' Wm. Dais is and yen grid ulatilms from H ugh ,, Fdighoffer M .1'1'. and Bill Ian. is , M , we 'are som to 'hear Mr. and Mrs. Ft!. Stephan arc both in the . L._ St ra for d w . ish them 'a speecl Guests ithi Mrs. Wilfred Wolte and family oser the eekend ere: Mr. •and Mrs (1.1 ton M;':rkle. Guelph. Miss Wend% Wolfe. %%Ito is a nurse in the K. W.Hospital. Kitchener and Mr. Ctar Derfered, Kite.hener. Nei all attonded rhe late Charles Seherharth reunion is hich• is as held on litinda at the Brodha gen Communitc•X -L•wer : „....fies t ishi.'s ore extended . to Mr. 'anti M"rs. James McLagan ho are residing on - the farm formerli. ois tied 1- Do\ 1.car on Concession 0 of 1_-,ouon. . Mr. and Mrs. cs Wetersen .md Dai id attended the graduanon of their granddaughter. Miss Catherine Gibb. Stratford, a Downie Central School, Thursday. She as awarded the trophy for top . academic girl.' We extend our, congratulations to her. • Friends and relatives of. Miss Martha Victor will be . sorry to hear she' is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. She . had been" visiting .with her niece and husband. .Mr. and Mrs. ' ErVin. Miller for some time, . Mr. and Mrs. Don Wolfe, Steven., Jamie .and Mark Cornelius, London., attended the • Cole andGes-iler reunion which \% s held. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. • Don Rose and sons on Sunday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Lavern wolfe.' and Dale Sunday evening. • 1974 BEETLE One ouner only 30,000 miles Lie!#JCE - 617 $2,895.00 Hatton, Sarnia and Miss Mary from members. There is an extra Jane. Hatton. Toronto. her granddaughter. Mr, and Mrs. Roger Ponds of Brighton England are visiting in Dublin, Seaforth and London. In Dublin with Mrs. Helen McGrath to please be generous and" remember that a gift is 'an at the gate. The Fund Canvas is in investment in • the future generation. progress and the public is asked and Mr. and Mrs. Mike MacRae Heather Ain Neil Stapleton, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roger daughterpf Mr. and Mrs. Ponds are aunt and uncle of the Stapleton( R.R.#2, Auburn. late' Eddie McGrath. Michael Ontario, received 77 marks in her McGrath Egmondville and Miss Grade 5 piano exam from the Mary McGrath of London. Western Ontario Conservatory of Need More Help Music. Mr. and Mrs., Mike Lynch Dublin and District Lions' are. and family and Mr, and Mrs. Ed. still looking for volunteers on •Kaci.keilo and family of Grande their new pavilion. Club officials Prair ie , Alberta visited with their point.out that time is running out aunt lArs„,,Helen O'Rourke and and that the Dublinfest date ot' cousins Mr. and Mrs. Ed. July 17 is fast approaching. 'Rowland, Mr. and MrS. James Advance s'ale tickets arc available Sloan and Mr,. and Mrs. Dan Muegge of Walkerton and other 'relatives An the vicinity. Mrs. Lynch and Mrs. Kaczkeilo are the former Betty Lou and Gail O'Rourke, daughters of Mrs. O'Rourke and the late Louis O'Rourke of, Grande. Prairie, beaten by a score of 2-0 when they .Ab,rw, played Brodhagen. THIS TRADITIONAL DESIGN s available in thermopane glass. It is well balanced and fully weather stripped with a removable bottom section 'for easy cleaning. For BedrOom size approx. 29" x 56"— Prices start from 510A -IF • BOW '••••••A. BEAUTIFY ANDENHANCE the value of your home: • The Bow Window blends in well with. any period styl- ing. Many sizes al J designs • to chooSe from. For Living Room size ap- prox. 7'8' x 6'4"— PriceS start from $367 AWNING •• ' Mrs. Robert Hulley Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gervais and daughter-041trfrom Milton spent a few days with their aunt and uncle Mr.,and Mrs. 'Ben Wilson. Debbie Hulley. is spending" two weeks• wjth. Lisa Steven and• Leanne Gardiner and while there . is attending Bible school at Munro. •t Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey ,Wilson and Tammy from Orillia visited recently. with Ben and' Elsie Wilson. Mr. and - Mrs. Jack Hulley, Monkton, visited with Bob, and Marg Hulley (6ricl family, Monday evening. ' • On Sunday evening the' Winthrop Midget Boys were' • GAS SAVER SPECIALS ongrat illations to Mr. and Mrs. Edu in Gloor who had a family supPer in honor of their 50th anniversar:i at the Royal Hotel, Mitchell 'on Saturd.ay ey ening and. open house on Sunday. at their home. R.R.J. Bornholm. Joining with them were their three sons. Lloyd, Milchell. Ralph, R.R..1. Monkton. Irvin at home .also .six grandehildren . and tu o great gtandehildren. mrs. ,Ciloor is the .tlauglut.u. of Mr. Hi Rapien and .the late. Mrs. Rapier) and •Mr. (door is the son of 'the Mr. and Mrs„lohn Hies. 'us ere married at St. r LuthOran Church, BrodhaLten. the Ititc Pastor John._ Alberti, Their attl'Ildjr1IS the iate Ed.. Grube and the . latter's 'sister . the late Hazel - Milk-nes er. The.% sponsored the July bulletin in honor of their' •.. Golden Wedding,. TRANSPORTATION From Your Door To and From , 44 '44 Gloors celebrate 50th 1973 SUPER BEETLE This ear is in excellent condition with only 35:000 mile s Lie. DFZ 007 $2,495.00 1973 SUPER BEETLE • With AM radio — 8 track stereo. One owner with 51.000 miles Lie. DHF. 339 $2,195.00 • 1971 FIRENZA Winthrop girl Bible School ,t 4. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE''1889 THIS TRULY ELEGANT and distinctive design provides exceptional comfort: Fin- gertip operation makes ventilation easy for any member of your family. Comes fully weather- stripped. For Dining Room size ap- prox. 74" x 48" — Prices start from $310 - SASHLESS • 4 ENJOY THE ATMOSPHERE of casual indoor-outdoor living offdred year-around by this distinctive door. It comes pre-assembled for easy installation. Available in wood with tempered insulating glass. s7c Prices start from