HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-07-08, Page 34.1•194•1•Irr
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fire which apparently started from a nearby garbage fire only
destroyed a fence shocker and a bag of grass seed. Loss of the two
colony houses was considered negligible. (Staff Photo)
1,141?? '
WATERING DOWN THE ASHES — Seaforth Firemen were called
to the farm of Arnold Van Miltenburg Tilesday noon to put out a fire
• in two old colony houses, but were too late to save the buildings. The
HAVE LUNCH , WILL TRAVEL — Tammy Taylor is
one of the kids who proudly toted their lunch bags
and boxes to Snoopy School Monday morning.
Offered by the recreation depahment,, the nursery
school program runs every 'week day for- seven
weeks. June Eggert is the Snoopy School supervisor.
(Staff Photo)
Nelson Govenlock-
Seaforth native a friend to all
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Seim, i,t e's
'To 5O
Cash registers
made to order.
Call 527 0240
for a fitting.
Assortment of colours, sizes
and styles' '
Regular Prices $27.00 to $46'00
Plus GREAT SAVINGS on Baby Art.c.3sories
Mervin & Joan Jones
• 090
1.1111 sulk
July 10 &
Variety of Meats
12 to 8 'pm
Banquets and Family Dinners
Open Daily through the week
_ 7:30 — 7:30 •
Sunday 9 - 7:00 Closed Monday
T 14
Fokj• a kce '044400cand. a kok
Mir Pew,gst sAmptes of Matellai*,
5P-4212: Rt. 0).0!fr. fr9P•
PACIC,OP AND.B1r7F141;IYOEn#%':-. Sk13.-v;CK
1 876 1976
Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Sec. Treas., Ph: 527-0400..
Form and Urban Properties
Fire, Windstorm, Liability, Theft ••...
Various'Floater Coverages
Honneowner's, Tenant's Package,Composite Dwelling
Directors and Adjusters
Roba.Ambibald.R.R.4, Seaforth
Ken Carnochan, Seaforth
Lavern Godidn, R,R.# I, Walton
Ross Leonhardt, R.R.1, Bornholm
John Massing, R.R.I. Blyth
Stanley Mt-Dwain, R.R.2, Goderich
Donald McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin
Wm. Pepper,'Brucefield
J.N.Trewartha,Box 661, Clinton•
JameS Keys, R.R.i, Seaforth
Wm. Lciper,R.R.I. Lundesboro
Steve J. Murray, R.R.5, Seaforth
• #
A IvIeKillop native and former
Seaforthresident Nelson
Goverdoek. now of Sinwoc,
recently marked his eightieth
birthday. Well known here Mr.
Govenlock is a frequent visitor at
the homes of his sister, Mrs.
Sam Phillips and niece Mrs, M.
H. McKenzie,
The • Simeoe Reformer in a
recent story by Olive Woodard
headed "Slim'— a friend to all"
tells about the event.
• "Some people make a few
friends in their lifetime,
Some people make friends
.7t. socially, others make them among
their co-workers and still others
during periods of. recreation.
However, few people make as
many friends in all walks of life as
has Nelson Govenlock.
Many of those who would list
him among theirfriends wouldn't
know him by that name; to them
he would be "Slim, the telephone
Some people even seemed
pleased, when their telephone
needed servicing for then he
would be in for a few minutes,
chatting all the time he was'
working and more than the phone
was iii a better mood after he left.
Old and young people alike were
glad to see him come.
He corked fer the Southern
Ontario tel'ephone in the days
\\ hen the batteries on. cs c r y
phone had to be changed' once a
year. l'his he did in the
Waterford, Scotland area md as
far front the office in Waterford.
as Port Rots an. Later \\ hen this
company sold out to the Bell Co.
he continued to N‘ork ct,ith the Bell
Despite the fact that my
husband told everybody at work
that we'd been married five
. years, the other day marked our
eighth anniversary. I'm not sure
whether the fact that it only
seems like five years to him is a
'good sign or not.
Does 'it mean that years of
wedded bliss have simply flown
by or does it mean that he thinks
the seven year,itch is yet to come?
We're not taking any bets on it,
, • (By Wilma Oke)
McKillop Council appointed
Engineer H. M. Gibson of London
as drainage engineer to prepare a
report for the necessary repairs to
the Buchanan Drain at a council
session in Winthrop Monday
A petition for the repairs to
the Smillie' drain was accepted.
Council endorsed a resolution
from the Town of ' Trenton
concerned with the increase of
crime . and vandalism and
dissatisfied with 'the punishment
until, he was 68 years young.
It will he a real surprise to
,many that he celebrated his 80th
birthdlly on June 24th, for always
active and interested in anything
for good of the community he
appears to be much younger. He
came to Waterford from Seaforth
in 1030 and is as president of the
just wondering,
But , what better way to •
celebrate a wedding anniversary
than taking in the first perfor-
mance of "How I met my
husband" by Alice Munro at the
Blyth Summer. Festival? That's
what we"id and I'd recommend it
to anyone else who is similarly
celebrating (or just to anyone else
We attended the performance
with one and half sets of in-laws
handed out by the .courts.
A land severence for "agri-
cultural purposes was
recommended for the Squire
Herdman estate of 131 acres on
Lot 1, Con. 14 N.
Building permit `applipations
were approved for Ray
Devereaux, R.-R.4, Seaforth t
implement shed; Neil' McNichol,
R.R.4, Walton, pig barn; and Van
Den Hengel Brothers, R.R.5,
Seaforth, implement shed..
Passed for payment were road
accounts of $37,784.52 and
Waterford Lions Club in 1048, He
played hockey and later made it
possible for other boys to do the
same. He served with the Flying
Corps during World War l.
Nay a resident of Simeoe. Mr.
Govenlock and his wife Clare
lined in Waterford until his
(both mine and half his) and it
was a lovely anniversary. We
even retired to the Blyth Inn for
around of drafts after the play
,.was over.
• "How I met my husband" is a
good play for an anniversary
because its about the first love of. '
a very shy young girl, her
disillusionment and 'eventual
settling for the local mailman,
who's just as bashful as she is.
It's perhaps a better story than
`general accounts of $10,088.70.
, Council apptoved the
application of intent to be se nt to
the Ministry of Culture and
Recreation for capital grant for
floodlights at Walton Community
Park. The grant will be for 25 per
cent of the estimated cost of
Road superintendent Bill
Campbell was presented with his
certificate from the Ontario Good
Roads Association for his
attendance at the three-day roads
school at the University of Guelph'
Among his other activities in
the area he was a member of 'the
Waterford and Townsend
volunteer fire fighters • for
approximately 20 years.
Mr. Govenlock has two
dinightcrs. Joan, Mrs Alex Fraser
of Calgary and Lois. Mrs. Harry
Blayney . of Kitchener.
• •
tO c.00tii:iivp 1 . • .
hospital Fonts
lily 04, Shirlq:y
Asa result 'of ,a decision at
Huron County Council last ,
Friday, grants to hospitals in
Huron undergoing renovation and
expansion will receive up to 25
percent of all provincial approved
costs from the ratepayers of
Huron County. But to be eligible.
for the grants. all hospital build-
ing or renovation programs must
have the Written approval of all
hospital boards in the county. and
all grants will be approved by
county council on the recom-
mendation of the Executive
Administrator Bill Hardy said
the reasoning behind the motion
was to ensure that all hospital
boards in the county were agreed •
on the building priorities.
"If the hospital beards can't
decide among themselves. then
perhaps the county shouldn't -be
making a donation to that addi:
tion," stated Mr.- Manly.
"It is a goOd change." said
Doug McNeil ,reeve of ,Colborne
Township anil 'chairman ofGoder-
ich Alexandra Martne and
General Hospital Board. "As .1 •
see it today. I'm not disapproving.
of it at all. But Anything can
happen. I grant you."
(Continued on Page 20)
Something to Say
by Susan White
How I met my husband
NicKillop starts drain work
a play (Ms. Munro wrote it as a
story; Blyth adapted it for the
'stage) because it's about private
emotions that bring a chuckle,
Maybe a tear or two and lots of
empathy, when yob read it alone
and. remember yourself at that
age. ,
But Dianne Hawkins does a,
fantastic job of making Edie, the
shy hired girl who falls in love
with Chris Watters, a gentle:
young pilot who values his
freedom to move around more
• than a relationship with any •
woman, real and believable.
The supporting cast is good,
but it's Edie's story and k's
Dianne's performance that stays
in your head.
All of the actors though are up
to the high standard that we
expect from Blyth after their
whizz bang "Mostly in Clover"
last year. The close 'to capacity
first night audience seemed
pretty happy with "How I met"
and The Blyth players are
repeating Mostly in .Clover" and
doing two other plays this
Edie finally realizes that Chris
isn't going to -write her."' She
decides she isn't going to spend,
her life waiting and turns to a
More predicable and safer
romance with the mailman. She
got to know the mailman as she
waited for him everyday, looking
for a letter from Chris.
It's a bittersweet play, with lots
of laughs about the moon-
struckness of young first love..
Go and see it. Go and see
anything at Blyth. They're good