HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-12-14, Page 8T 11; WI.aa;GILA M TIMES, DECEMBER 14 XMAS. Brussels has of}elzc`El to fre(> reading room in connection with the Meehan - M ice' Institut e ---W . E. Ramsay gavc'11 is popular entertainment, "Around the World," to a erow(lefl house, hist IFweek. The entertainment was good, ,,,�„ 1 and the proceeds amounted to e88, --fou- the Meehanies'Institute, under whose auspices Mr. , Ramsay appealed, re - mu �o ,. ani ki Kicksd e I of Ramsay Medicine proceeds.—The Kickapoo Indian Medicine Company tJ 2 5 have been here for a couple of weeks, and their entertainments have been pretty well attended.—The first aa WieiNDOOT, monthly horse fair of the season was well attended by both buyers and sellers, and several sales were made, ingI 's greatest and cheapest store The next fair will be held =January r all alk ktuds of .Holiday heeds - al- most ever'wing fluagiaabie, suitable for anybody and everynotly--at uninatch- ab y lea prices, Weuaatsespecial prices to induce' purohasing Tais week. Do your $:, pplilg uuw. -avoid the rush - push, anti Hurry that thu next week is , sure to liri>>1* at thisdra great tlaadqutlrters in '.---Brussels Sons of Scotland have School was held on Monday, .puesday for Holiday Goods. engaged the well known and popular and Wednesday of this week. In - bat our -zees 22111 be such as will satisfy G CLOAKS. soloist, Mrs. 11 & rt11ur, and the .specter Tom presided. --The county p'y tea closest cash purchasers. Note a few of the ante Most astuuishiriX llecember offer. comic vocalist , and impersonator, J. council stet in the courthouse berelast I Men'slineeBoots,whole stook,grain leather,regular $3.50 now $2.90. Mena Long Boots,side seam,whole atock,re ular $13.00 now $2,45 You can have a new Cloak for Xmas, 1';I, ualllerell, far rtbeir:mutts! concert weelc.--Mr. McGillicuddy was in l A Good !going Boot " $2 7r, " $2 85. Men's Lung Boots 't $1.75 �< $1.2p deal have to wait until next soar, we to be held on i hursday, January Toronto the other day. --The weather Boys Lou„ Boots, whole stook,grainleather $2.25 " $1.84. Boys' Good Long Boots, „rain leather " $1.110 "s $1.35 are cutting the prices d-e•e-p and there's 24th. is exceedingly mild for this date. men s 7'ino Bala andt Congress f $1.15 i $1.25. Men's Pine Bads and Congress �� $1.50 " $1.,25 Large amounts of wood and hay are ,t „ ,f $2.00 " $1,05. Ladies'Dou o1a balsor button tf ed orplain lain I1.75 11,25 a good uhoioe for early buyers -choice of $1.Ga $1,35. t• , u goad at wholesale price.velnc brought in bythe farmers, 5 ' p p A` DRESS GOODS. LOWER WINGHAM. h Report of the. Lower 1Vingilaln and the appearance of the shops is A Large Stock of Youths', Boys' and Children's Low Boots at Cost, Goods Simply untouchable, such prices never suoh Dresspublic Sellgol for the month of No- indicating the approach of Christmas. At these prices it must be distinctly understood it is for Cash and Cash only. 3rd.—Daniel Lowry, Queen street, has disposed of his eligible residence to. Chas. Howlett, a well known Morrisite, for the sum of $1,200. Mr, Howlett is retiring from farm - MUSICAL >XCE. LLENCE, ARTISTIC DESIGN. DUAL CONSTRUCTION. Catalogue sent free on appli- cation, MORRIS - FEIEC ROGERS CO. LISTOW L. IIALSEY PARK. Agent, lira ern DI. REALITY 'A1 S , PRACTICE AGAINST THEORY Read the Plain. Truths in this Advertisement about our Low Prices. EIc]aTJ'T.' ': 8z so:IlT Have $8,000 worth. of G ood whichmil t4 be dis- posed of in the, next three months. • CLOW'S FOR SUITINGS AND OVEROOATINGS, GENT'S FUR- NISHINGS AND UNDERWEAR, VALISES AND TRUNI S, and the Largest and Best selected Stock of BOOTS and SHOES in town. ' And in order to move them gnick, we have marked them right down to hard time prices. Profits will be en- tirely ignored, the goods being bought for cash, and being under no expense for rents or hired help, we have taken this method of sharing the bardtimes with our numerous eustomers, Next Saturday there will be a drop in prices of all classes of Goods in. this establishment, hitherto unknown in Wingham or elsewhere, and we. guarantee ---CONSISTING OF - Boots'°and Shoes repaired in the neatest and most substantial., manner at the most reasonable prices. finest art, newest weaves -all at greatly vember, 1894: 1y'POYI~;TER. reduced prices. GLOVE. If you wish to make a holiday pres- ent of a pair of taluves-if you don't know "her" size, or the color she'd like -- they can be exchanged for a.- other size, H AND1i;1 RCHIE Our show is the greateit outside the City; with htiudrods of e e:,raut Ltneu, Silk, and Lace Flan. , er leis to move, we !Hake the price d th t. FOR Highest qualities always -in Hate, Neckwear. Underar; Silk Mufflers, Suspenuere, Socks. Collars and Cuffs, Ordered Clothing or Ready-made. FURS. Prices this week lower than tha tem- pelature--always and only on the highest grade of relic„ ie Furs, every sort of Fur Garment offered now at prices that are peerless for perfect goods. Price reduc- tion begins now -not Christmas ave nor nerd year -but now, by MARRs. DAYS rn TS 3NT. CL tSS SENIOR. J. Dey, ...... :188 N. Beckett 441 M. Kennedy 381 M. Graham,. , . 315 M. Halstead... 266 iTr1 CL.tsS JUNIOR. Geo. Ansley 425 J. Diamond ...... 309 M. Campbell 275 G. Johnston .. 270 E.1Vcilwood .263 F. Green.... 249 A. Pattison....... 246- R. Johnston... 238 N. Graham... , 234 E. Welsh .... ...... 205 J. Lockeridge 136 13. Cruicksh auk .....111 TTHIRD CLRSS. 3. Potter ...... ... 33 2 L. Potter. .305 i ; M. H: MCI 1i�98!fs'l. Geo. Elford..... , .263 Geo. Campbell 257 ,1 The }Indere 'lather Rhoda Elford 256 Has found that her hales one are improved Walter Welsh 253 more by the pleasant laxative, Syrup- of Annie Nevins. , . 233 Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of . Annie Graham 231 a gentle remedy than by any other, and Verona Phippen . , 216 that it is more acceptable to them. Child- Julia Linklater 195 ren enjoy it and it benefits them. The Hannah England.. -108 true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is manufactur- Linda Hill ... , 136 ed by the California Fig Syrup Co, only. Annie Currie98 =For 50 years The weekly globe of Samuel Hargott 87 'Poronto has had an enviable reputation as SECOND CLASS. the one great Liberal Weekly of the Do- John Loclteridge390 Minion.' 'It has always been a high•elass Una _Ransom._. 329 journal, and a welcome visitor in thousands AthnieWiley 293 of:homes. It was never -better as a news - Floss 1e Grl'aha112 266 paper than it is to-day.The Glabe's en- James ,llurdoeh 250 terprise is proverbial. Its correspondents Jessie England 216 lave traversed and written up almost every section of the country,. All great •events have been fully reported. The speeches of leading politicians, whether on the floor of Parliament or on the stump, have been presented as they were uttered, and all are fairly treated, whether Liberal, Conservative or Patron. .The Globe is the only weekly paper in Citiiada that gives such full and fair reports of Parliamentary proceedings, great church meetings, and tither similar ocourrences of Provincial and national interest. Among leading features of recent numbers may be mentioned speeehes by 11r. Laurier, Sir John Thomp- son, Sir Richard Cartwright, Mr. Mader, Mr. Haycock, members of the Ontario Cabinet, and others; letters from members of The Globe's editorial staff who travelled through the Province of Quebec and over the route of the Trent Valley Canal, inter- viewe and letters on that most important question, the reform of the law system, long reports from the scene of the JeseM Keith murder, the Mewherret trial, and Other sensational events. - The aim of The 'Globe is to be trustworthy. The Globe booths best cable and telegraphic service +obtainable,;. its fotefgo, American and 20 20 19 20 18 The annual meeting of the Wrox- eter branch of the Bible Society was held in the Episcopal church, on Fri- day evening, Dec. 7th. Addresses Wingham, Oct. 30th, 1894, d. J. HOMUTH 84 SCSN, WINGHAM, were delivered by Rev. B. E. Ed- Tee l'atns of wieuroatiem. mltllcl5, Of I�'Ordwielt, and the residentA000rdit,g to the hest authorities, origi- c1er;Iy.—The election of officer;", in nate in a morbid condition of the blood. Lactic cicl • u a , ca sod by the deeolnpusition 20 W1'oxeter Council, NO.:,i7, R. T. of optic gelatinous and albuminous tie - 18 T., was held on Saturday evening, sues, circulates with the 3atood and 19 Dee. 8th. The fallowing were elect- attacks the fibrous tissues, particularly 20 ed for the ensuing xis months: S. C., in the .joints, and thus carries the local manifestatione of the disease. The back 20 Thos.. 11n.e; V. C., Kate Forsyth; and shoulders are the parts usually 20 Chap., Alex. Smith; R. S., Jas. Neil- affected by rheumatism, and the joints dip son; F. S., J. R. Gibson; Herald, Jno. at the knees, ankles, hips and wrists are 20 Thompson; Treas., Nellie Smith; 20 Guard, D. Thompson; Sentinel, T. A. 19 Gibson. ---Mr. J. Cowan visited his 13' brother, Dr. Cowan, in Atwood, last 10 week.—A ,pleasant event took place at the residence of Mr. Win. Sander- 20- son, on Wednesday-, the 12th inst. It 19 was the marriage of Mr. Sa.nderson's • 20 daughter, Miss Prudence, to Mr.G. E. 19 Dane, of Hamilton. Miss Dane, sis- 20 ter of the groom, acted as bridesmaid, 20 and the groom was assisted by Mr.W. 19 Sanderson, brother of the bride. The • 20 ceremony was..performed by Rev. W. 1 g P. Brownlee, pastor of the Episeo- 19 palian church. The bride and groom 18 left on the afternoon train. for the 12 east. They have the best -wishes of 7 their many friends and acquaintances 5 in this place. - 2 -MORRIS. l9 1David Smith has arrived holi2e 470 from .Manitoba where he has been. 20 farming for a number of years. We 20 are sorry to hear than his health is 20 not very good. --Harrison Bros., ' of the 6th line, have purchased a large feed cutter and grain crusher and are busily engaged doing work, in that line among the farmers of 'thc neighborhood.—John Young,a for trier well known resident of this township, was accidentally killed while work- ing in an elevator in the town of this township, near Wingham, will be Barrow, in Seotland, where he went last summer —The meeting held in pained to hear of his death, which Knox church, Belgrave, on Monday occurred at his home in Toronto, O12 last, for the purpose of calling a Sunday. The following with refer- minister, resulted in favor of J. M. ence to it is taken from Monday's Wilier, of Bervie, Co. of Bruce. The Globe : Prof. R. Y. Thomson, M. A,, stipend promised is $850 with free B. D, - who for some years bad filled manse.—The people of school section the chair of homiletics, pastoral No. 9 intend holding anentertain- theology and church governnment at went in the school house on the even - Knox College, and who had been ing of Dee. 20th, at 7.30 o'clock. seriously ill of consumption for some Mr. Floody, comie singer ; Mr. flinch - months, died yesterday at noon, at ley, ventriloquist ; Messrs. Laidlaw his residence, 14 Nassau street. and Stalker, violinists, and others Deceased was a. very papular and 'are expected to take an active part highly esteemed member of the col- in the programme. Everybody lege staff, both by reason of his at» welcome, tainnents and of his personal quali- At the annualmeeting of L. O. L. ties.k lie was 37 years of age. Ilis 873, Morris, held on Friday evening chair was temporarily filled at the last, the officers for the ensuing year recent session of Knox College Sen- wee elected. Mr. T. E. Cornyn, D. Canadian despatches are unexcelled, and ate. A funeral service will be bold: M. of Wingham, metaled tale newly every week the whsle world is broughtat i1 o clock this morning, at the elected `officers, as follows: Bro. J. und.r revievr. The Agricultural depart. 1, to residence of the deceased. In- Slloebottom, W. M.; lro. lt. Forbes, Went is right up to the times; thee crop torment will take place ill liullett 1) At.; Tiro. J'. hunter, Chap:; Bro. 3. andet i,r right reports are full and reliable. township, the former home of Prof. Gulley, Ree, Sc.;eBro. A. Bridges, EEetsonable space is given up each week to 'l hoinpson, and where his motherFin.See.; Tiro. J. Bridges, Treas.; Spence Currie ......110 7 Average attendance for the month 52. R. J. BARTON, Teacher. TURNBERR ar. The .litany friends of Prof. Thole - son, brother of Mr. Jas. Thomson, of lighter reading, and good stories is one of The Oiobe's Attractions. Another popular feature is tho weekly contributions frorn the Rhan's poetical pen. As a family r The Weekly Globe is unrivalled. Uy Globe is given with the Three,pries of 111 for both papers, for Notice.-a:-a:Tueis aria will be &ay .,chases the) ilnitatsd` at.i, from Pow f T 1x6, prsee, fat otic tl!olln r, pay- s, anss, yet him, lint, on Wednesday. Bro.T. !fridges, s D. of C.; Bro. J.Cast - ` , more, Leet, GODEfICII. Rev. Mr. hector, the Black Knight,I Count Ferdinard de Lesseps, the preached in Victoria St. Methodist great engineer, died in France, On church last Sabbath morning and in Friday last. North St. church in the evening.' The new insane asylum at Orillia He also Ieetured on Mondayand has !leen completed, and is now open 'I'ncad> Inge. -- Tlhe l emiannual for the reception of ..patients. el_, pini) ,ce., ,,CCM of Knox *whore!! 1, was held Inst week.----- 112rStibeeribe for the TIMZ4 xlnd n Tooth ' C Itl ration In the Model Weekly Globe. $1 rr year. also sometimes attacked. Thousands of people have found in Hood's Sarsaparilla a positive and permanent cure for rheu- matism, Tt has had remarkable suc- cess in curing the most severe cases. The secret of its success lies in the fact that it attacks at once the cause of the disease by neutralizing the lactic acid and purifying the blood, as well as strengthening every function of the body. t-, 14IARaLa]8D. 4•F DRDX`iGTON—JEwITT—On Dec. 5th, nt the reel. dance " of the bride's parents, by the Rev, J. W. Pring, Mr. David S. Errington, of the 2nd eon. of Mor ie, to Miss Olivia J. Jewitt, youngest dai;hter of Mr. Thomas Jewitt of the Bluevale road; ' DANE -- SANDERSON •— At the residence of the bride's father, Wroxeter, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. W. F. Brownlee, Mr. G. B. Dane, of Hamilton, toPrudonee, daughter of Mr, wm. Sanderson. 0natntsos—Wti.soli—In Listowel, on 12th inst„ by 9ev. 7. 1! Parke Mr. Richard nilkinson, second son of Mrs, A. Dodds, to Miss Maggie, second daughter of Mr. D. Wilson, all of Turnbetry. tato. SICLAREN--In Wingham, on the 7th inst„ Annie, eldest daughter of Mr. P. - McLaren, aged 25 years and 8 months,'; j 6118•nN—In Culross, on the (ith inst., Maggie Mary, wife of Mr. It. Austin, of Wtngham, aged 26 years,1 month and 6 days. - �J WZ AR4 AAN! with snap shot bargains to suit the times. WATOHES, Elgin, Waltham, Rockford, Columbus, warranted for four years, '0R $6_'75_ WALNUT .. CLOCKS, From $2.50 up. We have the largest and most complete stock of SILVERWARE, suitable for wedding and birthday presents, to the county. tYESIGHT TESTEDFRIk1E. 'Watches, Clocks- rand. Jewelry repaired at lowest rates, and fully gnarawteed, by MUNSHAW, The Optician. 4Vfngtxarrl, Nov.15th,1894. 9 POWDERS Cure Stem' HLAOACHI and Nostalgia in *0 MINurea also Coated Tongue. Dial.. nese, Pain lit the Side, Conatipatioh Torpid Liver Bad Breath. To may eyed and the {,enrols. WAY HIOI 7'O yAmt, PRrcfar :set e3aNt+,T Ar CfA11 MOW*. 1 I -laving decided. positively- to t �E UP BUS1 } S ESS and in order to reduce- her stock for prospective purchaser,• WILL SELL HER STOCK AT COST AND UNDER, Consisting of SEALETTE, MANTLE PLUSH, SIL1c VELVET, a full line Of MANTLE CLOTHES, RIIInovs, LACES, WOOLEN Goons, FUR TRIMMINGS, :Do. GINIIa. Also, all her stock of MILLINER f • All accounts must be settled on or before January 15th, 1895. MRS. HERDSMAN. Wingham, Nov. 28t1, 189 4. GILT' , GROGKERY, SSWARE, trti --and complete , stock of--- <0 to be slaughtered regardless of cost. EVERY TH11\14 G as we have bought the stock of Mr. Strachan, Goderich, and do not want to move goods, WE WANT HOMY and must have it. . Now is your time to buy your XAS CROCE 1 AND PRESENTS. A dollar saved is a dollar made and the Star Store is the place to save'it;' MAcno rALo BLoex, Wingham. a E. SNELL EXTRAORDINARY r -moi BOdTS .ND SHOES . TWO BIG STOOKS IN ONE. 6,000 PAIRS of SHOES to be SLAUGHTERED. C3 -0C:30 Have decided to close their Seaforth Store, and remove the whole stock to Wingliain. We must have room and in order to make it we will eommence on Saturday, December xsth, an extraordinary Clearing Sale of every- thing, now in stock. We realize that in order to dispose; nI both stocks this season, the prices must be very low. The Goods will bo -I lid'ollt i11 sl}ecial lots at special prices, from tvhicll you can take your pick. We intend to make tllil Clearing Stile the talk of the County, Don't spend a dollar in Shoes until you see our priers at this Great Sale, Comtneneing Saturday, Dee. 15th, to be eontinued until the Wingham store can hold both stoeks. -•• 'T IVO`N.RS AND VALISES,...- • are bulky and take up mach room, and room counts just now. Our stock of these goods recently purchased, will share in this Great Clearing Sale. If you are needing a Trunk or Valise or Leather 1311g, we invite inspection of our stock, which is of the very best quality and you wi l not find fault with the prices. GOOD BROTHERS + The New Shoe Mei, Winghams t'BOOP;S AND SHOES NEATLY REPAIRED.