HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-12-14, Page 7THE WING11.401 TIMJ&S, DECEMBER 14, 1894. -4. IvIAX 0' REI.Ale UE COMIBNTR ON HOME OF TIM FUNNY OTIARAO'I'BRISTICS OF JOHN, SANDY AND AT, Paul Blouet,whom everyone knows. ;'as Max °Tell, the famous author of "John Bull and Itis island," and other speaker dealt with "Pat," whom he spoke of as overflowing with intelli- gence, as proven by his wit. The human race, the lecturer said, had nothing better to show in. physical beauty and intellectual attainments than the Welt gentleman or lady. He went on to say that Ireland had supplied Britain with her great - 'humorous treaties on the English- est orators, statesmen and generals, 'speaking peoples, entertained an in7 An Irish Jaunting -ear driver in telligent audience of 8,000 people at Cork had once told him (the speaker) Massey ball, Toronto, lately. that Ireland had hundreds of thou. - After a few introductory remarks sands of men ready to rise and throw the speaker entered upon hissubject off British rule, "Why don't they Al and began to talk of JOHN BULL, 'There was one thing, the speaker 'said, that he throughly believed and that he repeated with delight on every platform in the United States. &eta, English and Irish respective - 'That was this: There was only one The Chinaman. bad answered that Sandy was close-fisted, John Bull a little better, and Pat welly good. Irishman and. Chinaman allee samee. r Ram's Ho Blasts. AU Dead, The bright side if$ not always the One of the best stories I ever heard right side, said John Thomas to the St, Louis Faith always has a shining face. Globe -Democrat's corridor pan, is vomited for by Captain Elvers, of God warns us because he loves the .Fort Worth and Denver Ral- lis, way, A Russian Hebrew came to this country and established a .dry It is mach better to suffer than. to goods and, nation business.. He was so successful that he sent for Ms Every manonade god. has a "heart younger brother and started to edu- of stone, rate him in the business, The boy Which are you having, the devil's was slower to learn the ways of the war or his peace? world than his brother had been, and the latter sometimes grew lin- rise, then ?" he had. asked. "The 1 If you would feel right, believe patient. One day he said ;— police won't let them," was Pat's right and do right. Now, shust vait und see how I do. answer, Love can be Misunderstood, bot Dere vas a lady. The lecturer had once asked a never over estimated. The lady asked to see some silk, Chinaman what he thought of the9hown, a piece at $2 a Not to train up the boys! properly and.' was is to help the barkeeper. yard.n But I saw some like it a few days It is well to hope for success ago for 01.50, she said. much better to deserve it. 1 don'd doubt id, madam, but clot vas some days ago. 1 vas selling des° goods at dot price until yester- day, von ve got vord dat all the silkvorms in China vas dead, und dot goods will cost us more as two Have nothing to do with the thing dollars now. that bad men are in favor of. The lady was satisfied and pur- chaaed the silk. Now, you see how clot vas done. Dere vas a lady now ; you vait on her, he said to his brother. The lady entered and asked for tape. The young man was all at- tention, and the desired artiele was speedily produced. How mach? the lady asked. Ten mete a yard. Why, I saw some for eight cents. don'd doubt id, madam, but clot was some clime ago. Shust to -clay ve beard diet all the tapevorms vas dead, und dere would be no more tape less as twenty cents -a yard. Salt rheum with its intense itching dry.. hot skin is -cured by Hood's Sarsa- parilla, because -it purifies the blood. The Ohio Agaieseltaral Experiment, • 'notion on earth in which the people were socially and politically free,and • -that was the British empire. (Loud ,applause.) The Englishman showed that he ;always had an eye for business by purchasing an accident insurance -ticket whenever ho started on a rail- way journey. And he actually :seemed to feel disappointed when he :arrived safely at his destination. Both the Frenchman and. the Eng- lishman were coifeeited, but the for- mer in his self-esteem was less oh- moxious than the latter. The French - anon would assert that France was the "Light of the World," but there "vas an Air about him when ho said it, that be hardly believed his own boast. The Englishman, on the ether hand, is so positively sure of his own superiority and he considered it such ' an indisputable fact that there was no need for asserting it. 'That was what made him so exas Terating. He coesidered this world made for himself and not this world The Greek supplied John Bull raisins for his plum pudding; he French dug England the Suez -canal so she could have a short road rto India and the Americans supplied - the Eoglisle peers with heiresses so that they could take their arms out 'of pawn. • Much, however, as John Bull was to be .admired in success, be was even more admirable in adversity. He eaecepted defeat phildsoehically and :waited for the tide to turn. ABOUT SCOTOTIMEN. lir, 'In the eyes of the world generally Sandy was a Britton, that is to say a sort of •Englishman dressed in a peculiar fashion. But, if taken for an Englishman, Sandy always asked to be excused. He was the most keen, sturdy, industrious and humor- ous of all the inhabitants of the mm.ore or less United. Kingdom." Sandy was not slow witted. On ethe contrary, he was most intelli, iegent. Sidney Smith once said that ;..it took a surgical operation to get a jokeintott Scotchman's skull. "Yes," :Said the lecturer, "an English joke." Sandy was a man streng as granite, well cut out for work. He had a •raassive head• well set On pOWelltil For Over Fifty Years An SOLD AND WHI.b•TRIED RDAIDDY.—MS. Win Slow' 8,0thille: Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their chileron while with perfect success. It soothes the child sotfens the Aquila, allays 1.11 pain, cures wind cot, and is thehost remedy for Diurrhica. Is pleasant to the taste, tioldby Druggists in in ery part of the Worli.. Twenty-tive cents a nettle. Its value is incalculable. lie sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Gems of Thought. but When the devil goes out to deceive he puts on hie best coat. The thing God has for us to do is always put within easy reach. Man had to have a commandment before God could give:him a prom- ise. The thing most dangerouslis the one that clods most to makeeeis isei- That culture which does not reach fish. the heart is a failure. The cords that lift us toward. God Music washes away from the soul sometimes pass through coffin han- the dust of every day life. dies. Knowledge and. timber shouldn't Every dollar that goes into a be much used, until they are sea- Christian's pocket ought to have soiled. God's name on it. No entertainment is so cheap as The man who drinks when he reading, nor any pleasure so lasting. wants to, will some day drink when In this world, it is not what we he don't want to. take. up, but what we give up, that If we do not rejoice in the Lord, makes us rich. the world will not believe that we The nearer you come into relation know,Him. with a person, the more necessary doStation has issued a poster which If you are not helping anybody' tact and. courtesy become. pu. are making it very hard for gives the farmers full information: reg re TIMES "" n regarding. the appearance of the. n E. AN Pi SINC LE" GEO. SHAW CHINESE CUTS DOWN THE PRICE OF MEA LAUNDRY. AGAIN. STEAK, 100, PER LB The undersigned has opened a Laundry in the and other meats in low proportion. 13RIOK inTILDINOr JUST NORTH OF onisimat's tame STORE, Whighain, and le prepared to do ALL KINDS of LAUNDRY WORK in the best style ami at the cheapest rates. Parcels culled for and delivered. Please call and try our work. Wingham, Nov, 1, MC SING- LEE, th PORK SAUSAGE also en hand. 1 am prepared to pay the highest pica for all lauds of fowl. They must be drawn and well dressed, OEQ, SHAW Wingham, Oct. 106, 1f303., 4 / I t • BANK nfHAIVIILTON ENTILMEN, If you want your FALL AND WINTER J IL" made in tho latest style,- go- to WINGHAM. Capital, $1,250,000. Be* 3000,000. Vice -President -4. t, RAIIDAY. PreSident—JOUNETUAIVt. DIV.ECTORS • )011N Pacioxoa„ OHO. BOACfr, WW,GIDSON, 10 1', A. T W000, S. Ln,, (Toronto). • Cashier—J. TURNBUIA. • savings. Bank—noure,lutoti.Switirdays, 10 1. Deposits of and upwards received, and inter*. allowed. • Special Deposits also received at current. rates of interest. Drafts Great Britain and t110 D'nftred States- . • bought andiseld • B. WILLSON, A.osn IDICIEIN SON, Sblibiton.. H. IRVIN 9 tIDB PRIN:T1ND INCLUDE* Books, Panaphloto, posters, 131; •I Reads, Circulars, ere., &c., executed in tho best style otthe art, at moderate prices, and on sbork opposite, Bank of 1.1hroilton, notice. IrpplY or address R. ELLIOTT, i 1,VINGMCVE TittamOttice„ Wing born. Every one's life; lies within the God to help you. present—for the past is spent and No man is good who behaves him - done with and the future is uncer- self simply because he bas to.. tain. It is hard to convirtce the man The glad feeling of lighf-hearted: who will steal chickens that there is youth, carried. into Middle life, ripens any sense in theology. and mellows the character of old , • to be ripe. After -the. seeds become, age. The worldly prosperity of a wtek- ripe the only way. ttedestroy them is. - ed man is a chariot in which he Nothing makes societies SO, fair *des to ruin all the faster. by burning. . . Russian thistleand the means that, should be employed to destroy that, abominable weede The poster says. that Russian thistleseny be destroyed, by pulling theinup,befere. Aug. 25,. by which date the,seedsare su.pposed and. lasting asthe mutual endearment of each other by offices ; and never any man did• a good turn to his brother but at one time or other did eat the fruit of it. Every time. we look at the dust myneuaIrets.Disuresasees.r:gvat olrn s y 32_ under our feet we ought tck remem- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag - God never gives us any moretedo aora, winaham. at one time than, he knows. we can Large means are not necessary to, accomplish. the development and exercise of benevolent feelings. Money may be misused in ostensible charities unless: it is employed both intelligently and sympathetically. • It does not take: the last drink to, make a drunkardebut the first, The Bible has. promises On, almost every page for the man. who, is, will - Be not ashamed of a humble parene ing to say goodby to sin. tage or a humble occupation; BOY God's sheep can live for a while ashamed of poverty, or even of a on husks, but they will not take on small amount of natural endowments; any fat while doing. it.. Jamaica has 1.19,Baptist churches. WEEKLY CLOBF From. n.ow till the. end of 1895; F"42103E1 P1,..C2047:1/ • DIAMOND TEA Ea TEA IN PERFECTION,_ The City Council of Brantford has; decided to tax allude/leers selling , - bankrupt stocks$25, at day. D. L. Moody has. ateepted the ine vitation of the churches of Lowell,. Mass., to hold. servieea in that city.. General Bootlb deelares that or over 10,000 lost woueen reseued.br but be ashamed of misspent time and the Salvation Ariner„ ,000 ha,venot The people most. in clanger of misdirected, talents., • voing to hell are those who expect WI rela.psed into sin,. 'Shoulders, a splendid physique, and 1 MORRIb. big, flat feet, which he cautiously Reeve Mooney,- and Deputy-Reevel Let sinners be convinced that YOUNG eved forward, after first carefully • there is such a thing as Christian I • - examining his ground. "The size of his feet," said the • speaker, "probably accounts for the origin of the kilt. Sandy was never able to get his feet through trouser • legs." (Laughter.) • Wherever Sandy went he ruled the roost. In America the iron, *silver oil and railway kings Were start for heaven to -morrow. Kirkb are attending the meeting, ove y 11 be convinced of of the county council, this week. ---1 The other evening Thos. Maunders sin. and good. lady celebratecl another matrimonial mile stone passed by a Rev. H. gurgess,, River Philip, gathering of old friends at their coni -IN. S. writes: Allow me to thank you fortable home. May they long be' for the K. D. 0. sent me some time spared. —W. J. Soueh shot a wild ago. You will be glad to know that eat on Wednesday of last week in in every case where it has been used Scotchmen, and it was the• Fralick's swamp. This is the second it has proved beneficial. same all I cat that has bitten the c ist through over the world. Scotchmen alwaysprowes this yeah A Church Army Mission (Episcopa- s held the most lucrative positions. • lien) is to be started some of the The Jews never got a foother in Scotland, because they knew t'they would starve in competing with Sandv. 414,11;.• Sandy was the most democratie lean on earth. If two Englishmen, saicI the -speaker, were wrecked on •.orte end. of an island ht mid -ocean _and two Scotchmen at the other end, and the traveller afterwards passed that way, he would find. that: the Fnglishmen had never spoken, be - PEOPLE'S PAPER. A New laumat for the Youth of Canada. Young people will read; the oulbrques- from the Tea Plant to t1e Tea Cup, in itq Native Purity, tate tampered with, sap. plied to the publie al strictly Wholesale Prima ; all Naodlea and profits mved. Mae )311.PLIVIC.107411a/ Famous Selletieras of the pare, Tea, of CEYLON, CHINA ANO are omaranteed to be of the highest quality. All Wbo appreciate, a cup ott • • really fine Tea, possessing pungency, briskrassandflavor, areinvited to call, write for samples and eentraet with other Tea. The prices, range fret% 120e. upwards. tion is, what are they to read!' Their * peculiar wants are not fully met by a-ny general newspaper. In the United States' several excellent periodioals ate prepared for their benefit. but they are all expen- sive. Harper's Young People New York) American. dioceses. The work of costs sa a year; The Youth Companion 41. Narrow Escape. the army in England is said to beIKBostan). $1.75., Golden Dap (Philadel- People who are exposed to the sudden phia) S3; and Nicholas (New York) $3. They are worth the money, but they are luxuries. The YonsoPeoptes PAran is a weekly (eight -page) journal just commenced in Kingston, Canada, designed for the peru- sal of young persons of both sexes be- tween the ages of ten and twenty, with a department for children, and issued at a price within the reach of all, It will contain the cream of all the leading American periodicals ot the same class as well as the many publications ot like nature to be found in England, in tidal., tion to a due proportion of original matter. Young people like stories, and these will be given in abundance. Among the miscellaneous contents of the paper may be mentioned amanita ot travelk adventure and discovery, explanations ot wonderful inVentions, instavioes of re- markable intelligence in animals, twee- dotes,ete. Parents may rest assured that the moral tone of the paper will be the „ very highest, changes of our northern climate have ' most satisfactory, little chance of escaping colds, coughs, It is said, on good authority, that sore throat and lung troubles. The best safe guard is to keep Ilagyard's Pectoral one-fourth of all `the contributions to Balsam at hand. It is a quick relief 1 the Baptist Missionary Union last and reliable cure for such complaints. I year was given by Dr. Gordon's —........—.....--. I church, Boston. Bishop Hurst expresses the opinion that the so-called Liberal theology of Ithetunatisna Cared in a, day. --South Gertnany is on the wane, and that American Bheematic Cure of Itheumatism. and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 clays. the tide of cdocation is ,teevard the Its action on the system is remarkable and cause they had not been introdueed.. evangelletd standard. mysterious. It removes at once the cause The two Scotehmen, however, would! 'niece of . ot the diseaseimmediately disappears. The be fotmd to have started a Caledonian .1,4. ,,,,,..y Dr. n Taylor, I first nose greatly benefits, 7ii centa. I 1044 Jenni Taylor. of Africa, and I av arrantt.c1 at Chisbom'sdrug store. ie. society at the other encl of the; land. physician in his mission work, recent - The Scotehman, though very ly Walked 500 miles inland, and WAS ThO 11OW PreSbytOritinhytnnal will on t sidle a minute at any tinte. probably be published in 1805. motifs of his minister without Caterrh relieved in 10 to GO minutes.— The attendance in the 13aptis liglotis, would not aeeept the state - thoroughly investigating 'them for 013e ahort puff of the breath through the Elower, supplied w'tb each bottle of i Sunday Schools of Indiana is estimat- hiMself. Ire treated' God like a next Dana's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this cd at 45,89. door neighbor, asked. Min fer bis powder over the surface of the nasal I It is etated that it Congregational remonstrated with his Creator ii he , area 0 t, I it relieirefi instantly, and pernethe Y Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colde, Read- to missionary purposes. eei 'I lady devotes all eggs lead on Sunday smallest every day wants and gently 'passages. raiuiess and delighttal to use \,4 failed to 12,44, them. , ache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitie and Deaf -1 As 'so rill: TRISH RAM, •WM. 60 aents. At Chisholm's Drug ItarStibecribe for the irtmEs sod Crossing tht: Wilt& Ire illictidi the Stare. , 'Weekly Olobe. $1 a year. riOe a 'Year trial trip for toto months, 10 tents, year; best way to remit \ is by postal order at a cost of two cents, though email silver is eerried safely enough if wrapped irt Batt, paper. Ad. dreati T. J. Shatiks, 68 Rideau et., Env, eton, Ont. ont.v:sl t t 0,0- • , OAP> .wit,;1,14 (...; • k, 6* • -•'• te eeaee eec e 0" tIo tuiC .1 ka. Is -6 • '''‘• sl k t ttet tWc. kgeated, txtt•oli.unA • D.D''Sle;510NiWt1 eee're,V, tetteeeeteeg staa,4 'if414:rt. 'T,sv:vso.k oNA; •a‘l • ;It tst,...1(01 tt \ rav et t tto ti c' 1•115,Sts ee. wet *tee:tette- \N,•:`,t, tote? 6, e. Ale 0'1 .0 sse' xtb. P 1121:61, l".•7+.• .; r bociivio ,j %.t° Naot,el'"v") v. otos wee eeeszvo .ebt ' et. 11 .011 N.ts 'At tat: N ,,,i151.1*,•• to to •1;• 0S. •' " Lorvk GSOs. ,.0.0.00v116,7.1v1 • . oat aoile•