HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-12-14, Page 6mous of p,.•euriu ' unit( a treaty On Zi,Zlingb apt .4;1mo terms honorable to both countries; I That a fair and liberal reciprocity .. treaty would develop the great leitijl&\ ,.}(BABE t jzj ].$t34, ilatnt'Ul lesour't'ti of Canada; would enormously ilrerca4e the trade and commerce between the two countries, PL.A.TT'OR1S. would tent to encourage friendly re- lations between the two peoples, would remove many muses which have in the past provoked irritation and. trouble to the Governments of both countries and wools". promote those kindly relations between the Empire and Republic which of br(1 ,. ; ;« ,oi71t. lamp, he Kra, 7mnlechat(ly lcna'1- +c c guarantee of 'eace and partizan revisinr, ba..l•.,c-lh dpi r> tightin • the perity; 1 pros -the duan, A general followed, :eel by Government oi'the (lay; ' ) 'e ar- 1 That its provisions are less liberal which the sl hits took an active' 1 h<1t tile. Liberal party is 1 1 p I <r v last and which resulted in the de - viewed to enter into negotiations with a than those; already existing 1n man, l . > it - Provinces of the Dominion, and that feat of the investigators, who were to obtaining such a treaty, 1 ,. in the opinion of this convention the taken prisoners and the police patrol (f chiding a r\•oil-considered list I I3awevc r, oil seeing Inanufitetured articles, and we are act should be repealed and w e should telephoned for. offenders were the SCCioffic1 satisfied that any treaty 50 arranged revert to the Provincial Franchise. > their rs wlrt , ..,. . •,-. S.—Against the.. Gerrymander -••-' cautented themselves by taking will receive the assent of Her .11d t 5 >, affair w•'11 be venti- lated (.government, without whose ap-'; County Boundaries should . he names. The n I . • v eau be made, ! Preserved. at the. police court. All the 1 treaty atmatter Koval I c 8.—Parity of Administration --- That by the Gerrymander . ct5, parties concerned in the Condemn Corrulitioll, :the electoral divisions for the return etre prominent citizens. That this convention deplores the of members to the Helve of yoin- . Boon to ris mind. gress corruption in its management 111O11S have been made so as to pre- Neuralgia, Swelled Neck, Enlarged and expenditure of public• moneys rent a fair expression of the opinion Gin,* L6une }trick rind alt IV1usC(tlar which for years past has existed un- of the country at the general elec- Palo, Lateness andi'y'Ort••neb,i are speedt- der the rule of the Conservative tions, and to secure to the party now ly uud eff ctttally uuretl l,y k.itil;.•turd'd in )ower a strength out of all pro- lreuo+v Uil. It I'NtiroVetl all t,fiitl Ltl uftpW party, and the revelations of which ; 1tip1,11t atiuus. by the different parliamentary tom- ` portion greater than the number of mittees or inquiry have brought , electors supporting them would war- It is said the Wesleyan Clhnrch of disgrace upon the fair name of Can- ; rant. To put an end to this abase, Z,n land will soon furls an Epworth oda !to snake the Rouse of Commons a League The Government, which profited fair exponent of public opinion, and •-' ^ .-......_ -__ _ politically by these expenditures of to preserve the historic continuity of public honeys of which the people t counties, it is desirable that in the have been defrauded, and which,' formation of electoral divisions, nevertheless, have never punished county boundaries should be preserv- the guilty parties, must be held re- ed, and that in no case parts of diff- sponsible for the wrongdoings. We erent counties should be put in one arraign the Government for retain- electoral division. ing in office a Minister of the Crown 0.—Tho Senate Defective—Amend proven to have accepted very large i the Constitution. contributions of money for election The present constitution of the purposes from the funds of a railway Senate is inconsistent with the Fed - company, which, while paying the eral principle in our system of Gov - contributions to him, a mem- ernment, and is in otherrespects de- ber of the Government, with one fecti e, as it makes the Senate inde- hand was receiving Government sub-, pendent of the people and uncoil troll - sidles with the other. ed by the public opinion of the The conduct of the Minister and country, and should be so amended the approval of his colleagues after, as to bring it into harmony with the 1 f o ul t1•govcrnmellt owed by the Loom! Convention i. IJe i l , National ".' a June, 180a.. t Ottawa, J- , We, the Liberal party of Canada, in convention asseiubled, declare: 1.—Freer 'Trade ..- Reduced Tax- tti(+n. `l'hat the customs tariff of the Dominion should be 'based, not as it is new, upon the protective principle, aof the but upon the requirements nubile- service; That the e Distill,,; tariff, .founded 17:,1111 1ttlaCptltrCl. principle, and used, as it has been by the government, as a, 7 , corrrptinr; tlgcl.t.) wherewith to keep themselves in office, has devel- oped monopolies, trusts and com- binations; It has decreased the value of farm .and other landed property; It has oppressed the masses to the enrichment of a few; It has checked immigration; It has caused great loss of popula- tion It has impeded commerce; It has discriminated against Great Britain. In these and in many other ways has occasioned great public and 3arivate injury, all of which evils mlust continue to grow in intensity as Jong as the present tariff system re- Mlains in force. That the highest interests of Can- ada demand a removal of this ob- stacle to our country's progress, by the adoption of a sound fiscal policy, 'which, while not doing injustice to .any class, will promote domestic and foreign trade, and hasten the return of prosperity to our people; That to that end, the tariff should dile reduced to the needs of honest, 'economical and efficient govern - a Tient: That it should be so adjusted as the proof became known to them are govern - TIM. C I G:RAM TIMES, , )EC.EMBER 14, I.8k. That each revision involve` an ad- ditional expenditure of a further quarter of a million; That this expenditure haat prevent- ed till annual revision, a8 originally intended, in the absence of which young voters entitled to tIte franchise have, in numerous instances, been prevented from exercising' their nttt- ural rights; That it has failed to seeure uni- formity, which was the principle 1 asim. ) anee, For two hours the seance pro - don; dt74 L'ea80t1 assigned for its 111t10 both; seeded smoothly, but wluan one of That ) c. gross abuses - the skeptics attempted to light a hat lhdt it has produced • '1 Lively Row at tt " Nl(t;oraaleim " w caliCe 111 :London. London, Ont., Dec. t,, ---About a week ago. Mine, .Moss, of New York, a Int tta ializing iii tUuln, arrived in this city and has Aiwa held several seanee s which have e1•eated quite a stir Among- the faitdl til;" At a night's seance, held at the residence of F. L. McRoberts, chair- man of the Board of Education, 11 ;lily of fuil.r skeptics were in attend - pun es o p p ,, • to make free, or to bear as lightly as calculated to de rade Canada in tale 10.—(question of Prohibition—A Do- e upon, the necessaries of life, estimation of the world and deserve minion Plebiscite. and should be so arranged as to pro- the severe condenmation of the' That whereas puhlieattention is at Vote freer trade with ripe whole world. • present much directed to the consid- •-vorld, more particularly with Great 4.—Demand Strictest Economy—De- ;oration of the admittedly great evils of intemperance, it is desirable that Britain and the United States. creased Expenditure' i the mind of the people should be We believe that the results of the We cannot but view with alarm clearly ascertained on the question protective system have grievously the large increase of public debt and •e19f Prohibition by means of a question disappointed thousands of persons of the controllable annual expends- ,ion Plebiscite, -who honestly supported it, and that ture of the Dominion and the cense- • _ the country, in the light of experi- quent undue taxation of the people; _ "he Pains of Rheumatism once, is now prepared to declare for under the Governments that have ; According to the best authorities, origi- .a ound fiscal policy. I been continuously in power since; nate in a morbid Condition of the blood. The issue between the two politi-] 1878, and we demand the strictest I Lactic acid, caused by the decomposition parties on this question is now • economy in the administration of the of the circulates gelatinous laons with albuminous i feu bl nu s tis - cal t clearly defined. 1government of the country. attacks the fibrous tissues, particularly For Responsible Government— in the joints, and thus CaTpses the local Phe Government themselves admit manifestations of the disease. Theback the failure of their fiscal policy, and Independence of Parliament. and shoulders are the parts usually now profess their willingness to That the Convention regrets that ;affected ul rheumatism, and the jr»nteS make some changes,• but they say by the action of Ministers and their ; at the knees, ankles h(ps unci wrists are that such changes must be based supporters in Parliament, in one i also sometimes attauked. Thousands of only on the prineiple of protection. case in which serious charges were ;people have found in Hood's Sarsaparilla We denounce the principle of pro- made against a Minister of the 1 aat18m1Ve andhtsrthuci ler cure ble etection as radically unsound, and un- Crown, investigation was altogether ; cess in Curing' the mast Severe cases. that it attacks a -once the cause of i - rrthen referred to a commission ti y tariff changes based on that princi- p - KE AL[°S. SPAWN CURE THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never blisters. Read proofs below: KENDALL'S SPAM CURE BLDEPOINT, L.I., N.Y., Jan. 15, 1660. Dr.II. 3. KENDALL CO. Gentren,en-I bought a splendid bay horse some time n!! -,o with a Spay in. Igothtm for $60. I user? Kendall's Spavin Cure. The .Spavin is gone now and I have been offered $150 for the same horse., I only bad him nine weeks, so I got 5120 for using 52 worth of Kendall's Spavin Cure. Yours truly, W. S. MADsnuW. KENDALL'S W M CURE S,DLsx, halon., Dee. 16,1803. Dr, R. 7. I3aNDALL Co. Sirs -I have used your 1 endall's Spavin Cure with good success for Curbs on two horses and Itis the best Liniment I have ever used. Yours truly', ADOUST FRRDRRICE• Pried 51 por Bu tie. For Sale by all Druggists, or address 3 ., .B. J. KEND.4ZZ CODI.PANY: ENOSOURGH FALLS. VT• Cure 6PCPv N,.AK7'AONE and Neuralgia 20 miNur, s, at.o Coated Tongue, nes 7' Bi1iousnesl, Pail in the Side, Constipation Torpid Liver. Dad Breath. To stay curd and regu,ate the bowels. VERY NIOr TO TAKE. just to the masses of the people, and refused, while in another case the The secret ot its G uccess hes In the fact ! { Pa Re °ENT' ear DRuc, STORES. any charges preferred were altered and t sue - disease b neutralizing the ladle amu we declare our conviction that and purifying the blood, as well as pie must fail to afford any substan- pointed upon the advice of the Min- strengthening every function of the tial relief from the burdens under , istry, contrary to the well settled body 'whieh the country labors. practice of Parliament; and this con - This issue we unhesitatingly ac- vention affirms: sept, and upon it we await with. the That it is the ancient and un - hanging in the entrance of the church fullest confidence the verdict of the/ doubted right of the House of Corn - near Howard Castle. Mr. Glad - electors of Canada. mons to enquire into all 'matters of stone attends this church when at y. ---Enlarged markets—Reciprocity. public expenditure, and into' that place. That having regard to the pros-. all charges of misconduct in of - ox FOUR WAY TO cr{UrtClr, verity of Canada and the United . fice against the Ministers of the On the way to the Lord's hoase,be states as adjoining countries, with Crown, and the reference of such thoughtful be silent, or say but many mutual interests, it is desir- matters to royal commissions created little and that little good. Never Able that there should be the most upon the advice of the accused is at stay outside, but go in at once. Time friendly relations and broad and lib- variance with the due responsibility spent inside should be precious: Good Advice. The following • lines are found eras trade intercourse between them; That the interests alike of the I)(1lninion and of the Empire would be materially advanced by the es- tablishitt, of such relations; That the period of the old recipro- city treaty was one of marked pros- be upheld. I)ctrity to the British North American 6;—The Land for the Settler ---Not le^oionies; for the Speculator. That the pretext under which the That in the opinion of this conven- * ioverulnent appealed to the country tion the sales of public lands of the in 1801 respecting negotiations for a Domihlion should be to actual settlers treaty with the United States was only, and not to speculators, upon ralisleading and dishonest and intend- reasonable terms of settlement, and ed to deceive the electorate. in such areas as can be reasonably That no sincere effort has been oceupicd and cultivated by the sett. wade by them to obtain a treaty, ler. but that, on the contrary, it is mard- feet, that the present government, ,controlled as they are by )monopolies and combines, are not desirous of Se- curing stzch a treaty; That the ilrst step towards obtain - of Ministers to the House of Com- • ix CHURCH. mons, and tends to weaken the.I kneel humbly and pray. Renlem- authority of the House over the Ex.' ber the presence into which you ecutive Government, and this eon- have come. It matters nothing to vention affirms that the powers of the you what others are doing. Attend people's representatives in this re 1 toourself. gard should on all fitting occasions toyourself. cttvl; crt. Remain kneeling and pray. Speak gn, to no one until you are outside. The church is God's house, even when prayer is over. 13e quiet and thought- ful as go. ON YOUR WAY 10:1U. Be careful of your talk or the world will soon slip back into your heart again. Remember where you have been. Resolve and try to live a better life. 7, -.-Oppose the 1)ohninion Franchise Aetw--I'"avot'the Provineial Fran- "A Sabbath well spent brings a week ot content, ctrl, r. And health for the toile of the morrow r That thF1e anehise Act since its Whilst a Sabbath profaned, whatso'er introduction has east the Dominion may be gained. Treasury over a million of dollars, 1s It certain forerunner of sorrow." lag the end i11 view, is to place a , besides entailing a heavy expend'- I . D. C. will give strength to the . party in power who are sincerely de. ture to both political parties; weak. CAVEATS,TRADE MARKs COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a prom t answer and an honest opinion, write t0 IIL U N di (•'(1., who have bad nearly fifty yens' experience in the patent business. Commuutea• Mons strictly confidential, A handbook of In. formation concerning Patents anti how to ob. tain theta sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent tree. Patents taken through Munn dF Co. receive epeeial notIeo'utho $cientitie Auterican, anti thus are brought widelybofarethe pubilewith. out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated. has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work tR the world. S3 a Year. Sample sepias sent free. BuildingEdition. monthly, sepias a year. Single co les, „ cents. Every number contains beau- tlful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses. with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secrete contracts, Address MUNN is CO.. NEW 1'Oit15. 341 BROt1IWAY• R. CHASE'S ' 0 THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PiLL KIDNEY= LIVER 0 THE ONLY KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS 0 PILLS T. HawaoN, Monger Standard Bank, Brad- fnrd, Ont., says, Chaser, itidney-Liver Pills ate a grand medicine'for the Kidneys and Liver. \V. Ir. CAnrhut, rt5 illuCaal St., Toronto, re. preventing Ylonlrcal tits says, Chases Pills act like magic for the relief' of he•ul-ache, hllione attack nod conslipntion. Said everywhere, or by mail on ''''61'1."t pr."' to EDMAH$011, BATES & co. 45 MOM 87. 1000NT0. elf& • vilaBlettatkaillititIrsgrawateetidcrielle, T. Ey CORNYN UNDER 1 AKE 9 WIN GHAMVVM, O iT. Now is the thue to buy ,your rind•I Sh When you can get them of i >t ~tom ill 2t (110;11/10 u -18 BUDI:11n11i1) KVIIIIY FRIDAYMOANING —A'r THE— TIM ES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET i `INCIIIAM, Ol' TA1tIU. Nubneriptionprice, Si per year, in advance. ADVEILTIMNG RATES: Space ( 1 yr. 0 n,ti, ! i; rue, 1 i m' One Column 8'•90 00 540 00 l i0 00 .. 0 03. Halt " 40 00 30 On 15 00 4 03 quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 S 00 One 7 00 4 l n. nth 1 .l ,. 00 00 I GOI a nonpareil, til per month ' •Houses and 1'urnis far sato, not ex forh 51 rat month, No. fit• n 7 Subsequent p g These terms wil be strictly adhered Special rates for local advertisements, longer periods. Advertisements told ictal notices ` Changes for contract +o m I ad tilt, v the Mtge by \yeduesdtty, noon, m Cleat week R. ELLIOTT YRoratxroR Legal and ot ter assns advertiseuient6, 80. per line for Ilrst insertion, 5114 , per liner° each subsequent insertion. Luo,tl notices 10e, pc, line for first insertion, and, le. per line for eacllsubse,luent insertict. No 10c01' 11n000 will be charged less th+en «Ge. Advertisements of tont, mound, Strayed, Situations' . and, Business Chances Wanted not exceeding 8 lino - 0 Deeding 8 month n t d to or tot without specific' directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged •• til e nuncrdh, •it'. " .u' of • •,l 1. advertise is its must t ba td bo - paid in advance tsn,t e - in must b P g s ni order to Appear. o r app r AND PUDIdsirnrr FINE QUALITYMOUNTED ON SPRING ROLLERS --1 OR --- 25 CENTS. NEW PATTERNS, NEW DESIGNS, at all prices. •11. CLINE CO Hardware Merchants, STONE DI.00K, i•nghanl. • ry, 'OTT +d"" , 11 Joseil1line Street • Wl" giienl, Ont, J. A. IIALSTND,I J• W. Scorr, Mount Forest. Listowel Deposits . Received and Interest allowed. • MOUE y Advanced to Farmers and Business Men., Ou long or short timo, on endorsed notes or collateral seourity. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. Agents in Canada --'Pito Merchants' Possis of Canada Office Hours -From 0 a. m. to 6 p, m. A. E. SMITH, A on . ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any Dart of Wing- hairt. itOort:urssuy mail promptly attend.), GE0110E 'THOMSON, Ilos 128. Winghtun . 0 \INCHAM SAIN MILLS Tho undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg leave to say that they have a very large stock of LUMBER) SHINGLES, LATH, BARRELS, WOOD, &o., on hand, which will be sold at very close prices to meet the requrenlents of the hard times. First Mass Shingles, $ I,10 par square. Wood 'Sots. per Cord, delivered. DR1I R MACDONALD, d CENTRE STREET. WIxGUAM, X AT Y . n. TOIVLElt, 51,D.0.13., ONTARie'i,. Member College Physicians ayd Surgeons, Ontario, --Coroner tor County of Huron - Office r,p•stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Witt;,,, ham, Ont. omen II ouss.-0 to iS a. 10., 1 to p, m., or a•, Residence, Diagonal Street. fr J, P, KENNEDY. M. D., 31, C. P.8 0. t9 (Sueers or to Dr. J. A. dieldrum.) GAM Medalist of western University: Late Hottsa, Sure:eolihl London General Hospital. Special attest. tion pairs to diseases of women and children. OOice-Mortnerly occupied by Dr. oldrum,Coaner1 of Centre and Patrirl streets. tt IxanAnf 5lONT R VANST01+1', BARRISTER, SOI.ICIIOI1, Etc.. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate intarost. No eolmtlission charged. Mortgagee, town and 'arni propert, bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Block \\•nNounu Everything else equally low. Colne and SOS RA befc're baying, es we will not be undersold. McLEAN SON. 'Gttingliat r,.111tta 1(11,18011. J. A. MOOTON EAIIRISTi S NVbight, in Out: E.. L. DICKINSON, Barrister Etc. SOLICIT0it 70 11ANIt or 1tt1[r..TON. Breslin( Teo . LOAN. Office -Meyer Sleek, \t•Ingham. DENTISTRY.. -J. S. J E ROME, L. D. S„ \1 tNOlrAn, . v'ii •"' 4 ' is manufacturing ihst•class sets or teeth as cheap as they can be trade to the Dominion. Teeth extracted, ' absolutely without pain, by Ins now ; i • process, guaranteed ports, Cly sate. OFFICE: In the heaver Block, opposite the:'- Brunswick House. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S.,.. DENTIST. 1' ` • OFFICE, MACDONALD'S 13LQCK.' Will visit Gorrle 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. 1 RITCHIE,CIIN, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 1VilsentN, ONTARIa's e. DEANS, Ja., t\yxoIIA),, Ii -LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE' COUNTY OP HURON. • Moderate. Sales attended In any part of the .36. Charges, JOHN CURR'tIE, WINoaaS(, Osrr,, LIOESTSIC,A Ar10'rxosusga i:Olt T315 COt1NTxPA9, IruttO11 AND 1116(101'5. All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attend) ed to. Terris reasonable, • j AMISS HENDERSON, t Lfo,7xssU AUOTIONM Port COUNTIRs hotter: AMP BRUOir. NoticeAil sales attended to promptly and on the"ShortltlN Charges Moderate anti Satisfaction 3r,aratitced. • All nettesary arrnnge„ este eon be made at• then TIMMMs'',Mee Wrire11.ttt • OM. TL. MoASIt, ID Toronto, Member College PhyMelons and+ Surgeons, Ontario. BRLORAVIt •. °NTARro, Money to Loan ot Notes. Notes Discounted AT DEASOt' ADLE It,llt'E; Money advanced on 11ort'gaxes at ti} poi Cfnttvit prhvCegs of paving at tile OW of Any JGAM. Note and aecmtnts collected. ROM. fifes i1'SOO. Aeaver iBook Wirtthatn, OM. I4IAX Q'RETrX,, 111O COMMENTS ON SOME OSP FUNNY 0IIARAOTERISTICS Or J SANDY AND. PAT. Paul Blouet,wllom everyone k ^ts 141;ax °'Tell, the famous auth "John Bali and His Island," and !humorous treaties on the Eng -speaking peoples, entertained ar •teliigcnt audience of 8,000 peop 'Massey hall, Toronto, lately, After a few introductory rem the speaker entered upon. 1tir>,su and began to talk of +4 JORN DULL, 'There was one thing, the spy 'said, that be throughly believe( thatrepeated with deli `lh hele t 1 1 every platform in the United S 'That was this ; There was only motion on earth in which the t n p were socially and politically fret .that was the ,British empire. ( .applause.) The Englishman showed tlha ,always had an eye 'for busines • ,l purchasing an accident insul -ticket whenever he started on a way journey. And 11e act :seemed to feel disappointed whi arrived safely at his destination Both the Frenchman and the lishman were conceited, but th mer in his self-esteem was les: znoxrious than the latter. The Fr Mian would assert that Franco the "Light of the World," but "vas an,air about him when he f it, that he hardly believed his beast. The Englishman, or other hand, is so positively su his own superiority and he consi it such ' an indisputable fact ;there was no need for assertin 'That was what made hien so ;porating. He considered this ,made for for himself and not this only. . The Greek supplied John '`i rtll raisins for his plum pm ^t'11e French dug England the -canal so she could have a shore tto India and the Americans su• :the English peers with heiress that they could take their arm tof pawn. Much, however, as John Bull to be admired in success, he was more admirable in adversity .accepted defeat philesophicall :waited for the tide to turn. ABOUT SCOTCHMEN. 'In the eyes of the world gen Sandy was a Britton, that is to sort of Englishman dressed peculiar fashion. But, if tak an Englishman, Sandy always to be excused. He was the keen, sturdy, industrious and 1 ous of all the inhabitants -"more or less United Kingdolr. Sandy was not slow wittei 'the contrary, he was most ,gent. Sidney Smith once sal it took a surgical operation tc . jokeintea Scotchmalt's skull. ;said the lecturer, "an English Sandy was a man strong as well cut out for work. He massive head, well set on p .shoulders, a splendid physic'', big, flat feet, which he cal -laved forward, after first ci -.examining his ground. "The size of his feet," st speaker, [`probably accounts '.origin of the kilt, Sandy wi able to get his Leet through legs." (Laughter.) Wherever Sandy went h the roost. In America ti -silver, oil and railway ldng Seotchuten, and it was the s over the world. Scotehmen held the most lucrative The Jews never got a fog Scotland, because they kat -would starve in competi ,Sandy. • Sandy Was the most d . 'Iil•idn _. on earth. If two En; ..said, the -speaker, were wr .one end of an island in ..and two Scatcllmen at the .and the traveller afterwar( that way, he would find Englishmen had never sp( cause they had not been it The two Scotchmen, bower be found to have started a C society at the other end /Kc land. The Scotelhlnan, though ligious, would not accept meats of his minister thoroughly investigating himself. He treated? God doors neighbor, asked Iiia smallest every day wants rremoiiistrft,ted -with his et failed tO get theta. Aa To Trtlr 111151± iS Crossing The Vater tO i