HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-06-24, Page 9Shower .held
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Mel Scott (Aileen Ryan) and the
late Mr. Jim Lane.
Mrs. Ryan is the former
Marjorie Reid, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid.
The couple have seven children
:roan, (Mrs. Don McDonald), of
Montreal, Bob of London, Jerry of
Walton, Jim of Brussels, Jack of
Walton, Nelson, of Walton and
Sister Teresa of London. There
are 20 grandchildren.
The celebration started with
Mass at 4:30 followed by a dinner
served by the Catholic Women's
League. This was followed by
attending the dance, at Family
50 Guests were present from
Walton, Montreal, London,
Woodstock, Teeswater and
Fifty-four Grade 2 - 3 students from Exeter Ptiblic school
visited the Home Friday afternoon and. presented a musical
program.'Jim Chapman, introduced the musical 'director mrs.
Joan Perrie and pianist Mrs. Swayne Lyndon, Miss 'Mary Van
Camp thanked the students and teachers on behalf of the
Mrs. Luther of Hensall led the Sunday evening song service
sponsored by the Christian Women's Club with Mr. Luther
.providing piano accompaniment.
Three new residents were Weanled to the Home at •
Monday afternoons program Miss Murray, Anderson .Scott
e and Danny Psaniuckt Marie Flynn, Norman Speir and Jerry
Collins provided the old tyme music and the Clinton Christian
Reformed volunteers assisted with activities.
The Clinton Legion Pipe Band entertained on ''Family ^
Night:' and all of the residents were able to enjoy the music
either on the front lawn or at the windows on the west side Of
the building. The Band played a special number for Walter
Kingswell who will :Soon be 'celebrating his ninety-eighth
birthday. Mrs. Elizabeth Black expressed.the appreciation of
the residents.
The Auburn Women's Institute were hosts:for the June
Birthday Party on Wednesday afternoon. The twenty-four •
.celebrants received a birthday card and gift from the
Institute and Mrs. Mollard who celebrated her ninetieth
.birthday .this month thanked the ladies on behalf' of the
residents. MrS.• Ele'anor Bradnock . Was emcee for the
afternoon and introduced a program that included readings
by Marian Haggett, piano soloS by Katie Jackson, mouth
organ solos by Bob Turner and medley •of.hymns by Marjorie
• McDougall.'
On sale
Seaforth Womsen's Institute .
International Plowing Match
25' for mailing charge
trtitt iittron xpositor
Going on vacation?
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Open Week days Until 9:00 Saturdays Until 6:0b
Award Sunday
held- at Walton
Mrs. A. McCall
Sunday at Duff's United
Church was promotion and
awards. day when the Sunday
School children and teachers took
their places in the front seats at
Mock wedding highlights
perfect attendance, 5th year seal,
1 missed. Marilyn McDonald was
their teacher with 5 Sundays
Juniors-Cathy McGavin, pin,
Mrs. Robert Hiilley
• The Midgets Ladies Softball
has been winning every game so
far. Brussels played at Winthrop
with a 49-20 win for Winthrop;
Winthrop at Brussels with :a win
fcr Winthrop 23-22;• Winthrop at
Moricrief 33-16 on Thursday
night. Good hits by several of the
girls provided Winthrop with
their victory: Winthrop players
are Joanne Boven, Sharon
Pethick, Elizabeth Renick, Linda
-----eAxtrnann. Mary Alice .. Ryan,
Shemin Edy, Sandra Regele, Kim
Riley, Lorrie Pryce, Marion Hunt,
Cheryle Campbell, 'Lynne Dodds,
Sandra Campbell, Samantha
Poison, Debbie Hulley Cathy
McGavin, Jean MacDonald,
Joanne Czerwinski., Coaches are
ft Barb McClure, Debbie McClure
and Bob Campbell.
There next home game is on
June 29 ,at 7 p.m. and lots of fan
support would be appreciated.
Volunteers On Saturday were
busy putting in a horseshoe
pitching diamond at the Winthrop
Ball Park.
Accepts Position
Ron 13Iain'ehard, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Blanchard has
graduated fram Central Huron
Secondary School, Clinton and is
starting an apprenticeship as a
farm equipment mechanic at the
Stratford Farm Equipment Ltd„
Stratford where he has accepted a
perfect attendance, 4th year seal,
1 missed; Elaine Dennis-pin,
perfect attendance, Sth year seal,
2 missed, Ron Godkin-gift,
perfect attendance, 8th year seal,
2 missed; Neil Mitchell, 8th year
seal, 3 missed; Murray
Sholdice-pin, perfect attendance,
missed. Joyce Van Vliet was their
teacher with 2 Sundays missed.
Joyce .Van Vliet was their teacher
with 2 Sundays missed.
Dennis-10th year seal, 3 missed;
Bruce Godkin -gift , perfect
attendance, 9th year seal, 1
missed; Brian McGavin-pin,
perfect attendance, 2nd year, 2
missed; Jeffery !kwell-3rd
year seal, 4 missed.
Pupils remaining in
-Pre-Primary with teacher Dianne
Godkin, are-Sherry Hoegy;
Heather McGavin, Jim Clark,
Gail Smith, Charlie Gulutzen and
Sherry Harburn.
Those being promoted to
Primary with teacher, Marilyn
McDonald arc: Benny Hoegy,
Craig Smith, Amy Workman, and
Chris Harburn, Blaine.Marks.
Those remaining in Primary 1
are : 011ie Crawford, David
Crawford, Kim Fritz, Jim
Humphries, Donna Godkin, Craig
Hackwell, Dwayne Achilles,
Jeffery McGavin, Sandra
Sholdice, Cheryl Smith, Joyanne
Van Vliet, Christine Achilles,
Kathy Humphries, Richard Love,
Calvin Flood, Billy Gulutzen.
Pupils , being promoted to
Juniors are Daryl Hoegy, Tim
Fritz,• Gary Godkin and Darlene
GulutZen. Teacher Joynce Van
Those remaining in
Juniors-Cathy McGavin, Elaine
Dennis,Jearie McDonald, Danny
Achilles, Peter Bennett, -Greg
Humphries, Murray Sholdice,
Blaine Hackwell, Daryl Smith,
Verna Flood.'
Those , being promoted from
Juniors to Intermediate
class-teachers Murray Dennis
and Fred Uhler are Ron Godkin,
Nell Mitchell, John Huether,
Chivaree Marks Anniversary
Bob and Marg Hulley, who
celebrated their 20th Wedding
Anniversary quietly earlier in the
week, were rudely awakened
Saturday night by neighbours and
friends who created a racket like
you , . wouldn't. believe. The
chivaree gang came blowing
horns, rang beIT', rattled metal
plates, carried shot guns and in al
disturbed the peace just as much
as the gang did twenty years ago..
In fact several members were part
of the racket makers June 1956.
Somehow all .45 people found
room to get inside and a mock
Wedding was performed, where
the be-whiskered, cigar-smoking
bride was given away at shot ,gun
point and the tall,' coarse looking
flower girl had very hairy legs and
knobby knees. The gangbrought
their own sandwiches and coke
and euchre was enjoyed till late.
Life certainly could be dull
without friends.
Mrs. Eugene St. Louis and Paul
spent the weekend with her
mother Mrs. Viola, Harr ill Wind-
sor, They also visited her daugh-
ter Sheila while there.
Miss Cathie Mayeaux of Wind-
sor spent the weekend with the
St. Louis family and Mark.
Mrs. Rita Deklerk and Richard
were at the St. Louis' also for the
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Maxwell
and Jamie and Ian, Innismore,
north of Peterborough, are holi-
daying with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs.- Lawrence Ryan,
R.R.4, Walton, recently
celebrated their" 45th Wedding
Anniversary. They were married
May 25, 1931 in St. Ambrose
Church, Brussels performed In,
Rev. McHugh.
Their attendants were Mrs.
Mrs. C. Geddes
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geddes
and the boys went camping at
Echo Pines for the weekend.
Robert Cameron of Toronto
visited Mr. and Mrs. Geddes
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brady
visited Mr. and Mrs. George
Mulholland on the weekend at
Port Albert.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wolfcamp
and Marsha, Vickie Harris,
Mitchell spent Father's Day with
their parents Mr. and. Mrs. Bob
Harris. .
Mr.. and Mrs." Ken McClure
and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Anderson
attended the 25th Wedding Anni-
versary of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Taylor, the former „Myrtle Taylor
of Staffa at Clinton Memorial
Centre., Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley,
Bob and. Debbie visited ' on
Father's Day with Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Walker, Cromarty. Visiting
at the same home were Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Currie and Joanne,
Dorchester; Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Walker and Jim; Mr. and 'Mrs.
Jack McGhee Roy and Judy,
London; Kenneth Walker,
London; Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Gardiner, Lisa, Steven and
Leanne, Crornarty.
• Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kistner
arid Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kistner,
Guelph spent the weekend at
their summer home and visited''
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley
and family.
Among those attending the
graduation fox Mr. Ken Moffatt of
Stratford at Conestoga College at
Kitchener recently were: Mr.and
Mrs, Herb Trn.viss, Walton; Mr.
and Mrs. BiltMaffettrStratfOrd;
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pfeifer,
Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Moffett, Stratford; Dr. and Mrs.
Brian Traviss, Waterloo; and
Miss Gail Travisi; Stratford. Mr.
Moffett graduated in the
Business Administrators and'
Woodworking course and is
presently employed with
Kroehlers at Stratford.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. David Baan on the arrival of
their new baby daughter in,
Seaforth Community Hospital last
Guests on Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Allan McCall -were Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Currie, Douglas,
Heather and Tommy, and Mrs.
W.H.'Currie, all of Hamilton and
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stininson and
Mrs. Jim McDonald is a patient
in the Seaforth Community
Hospital. We hope she is soon
improved after her fall on the
Seaforth Main Street last Friday,
In last week's issue in the
Church News, apologies for the
Sermon given by Rev. Ed Baker
six4Id rond, -"There is one qqd
shower was held for Mis*
Valerie, 49Se of Ohelb!
elect of next montivatlhe' 49410 of
Mrs. Kgo Sbertreed tan SattirdaY
'evening when relatives • and
neiglihotirs attended.
Corsages were' pinned. on the
guest of honor , her mother, Mrs.
Rose, Mrs. M. McDonald, the
groom's grandmother, and Miss
_ Mary McDonald, the groom's
After gifts Wer0 opened
Yaieriobbiopd.cvprypilo, Janet :
Webster. and: FrilAm 4hoftIrpcci.
assisted the hostess, 'in *prying
.1'C and Mrs. Qeorge Blake
and Mrs. OPPrge 'Sr.
and Mrs. James Deittieri. Mr. and:
Mrs; Gerald Flake and Mx. aPd
the grAdggicip of J9y.9e Blake, at
the Ninth CPPYPCatiort. Jane, 14,
Lambttm College,;'SAtenja:
the regular church service. 7thayear seal, 2 missed;. Blaine
Those helping were: Nanci Haelqvell-pin, perfect attendance,
Bennett reading scripture from 3rd year seal, no Sundays missed,
LukePfe 19-31 and Bruce Godkin —Jeanne McDonald ,4th yr.seal, 3
reading from John 4:7-21.
Offering was received by Steven
Huether, Jim McDonald, and
Brian McGavin.
The Sunday School sang
anthems,"He's got the whole
world in his hands," "God's little
candle" and 'Jesus Loves Me"
assisted by Mrs. Ray Huether at
the piano,
The awards were given out by
the Sunday .school secretary,
Mrs. Ron Bennett. In past years
to achieve perfect attendance
children could not miss any
Sundays. This year it was
changed that pupils could miss 2
Sundays and still have perfect
attendance. •
Award winners were: Pre
Primary-Blaine Marks diplom,a
1st 5 Sundays misssed; Heather
MeGavie pin for perfect
attendance and diploma 1st 2
missed. Dianne Godkin, teacher,
11th year, gift for perfect
attendance with no Sundays
Primary KimFritz-pin,
perfect attendance, 3rd year seal,
no Sundays missed. Donna.
Godkin-gift, perfect attendance,
3rd year seal, no Sundays missed.
Craig Hackwell-gift, perfect
attendance, 2nd year seal, 1
missed, Dwayne Achilles-pin,
perfect attendance, 2nd year seal,
2 missed, Jeffery McGavin, 2nd
year seal, 3 missed. Sandra
Sholdice-pin,perfeet attendance,
Sth year seal, 2 missed, Joyanne,
Van Vliet-pin, perfect attendance,
3rd year seal, no Sunday missed,'
Christine Ackilles-3rd year seat, 3
Sundays mified, Tim Fritz-pin,
perfect attendance, 3rd year, 1
Richard Love-diploma., 1st year
seal, 3 missed, Gary Godkin-gift,
perfect attendance, 5th year seal,
3 missed, Gary Godkin-gift, "_Cheryl Fraer. .Remaining in
Intermediates-Nanci Bennett,
Bruce Godkin, Jeffery Hackwell,
Jim McDonald, Brian McGavin,
Steven Hu'ether, and ,Peggy
MEASURE THAT AD — Checking and billing display advertising, all the ads that
aren't on the classified pages, is one of Dianne McGrath's jobs at the Huron.
Expositor. Dianne, who, started at the paper part time when she was still in school,
also takes care of customers in person and over the phone in the front office. Three
days a week at noon hOurf, and occasionally other times, Dianne fills in as
compugraphic operator, setting type that goes into our news columns. (Staff photo)
Family honors Ryans 45th
The Walton Recreation
wish to thank everyone who
participated in helping to make our
_walkathon successful.
Special thanks to the sponsors
who supported the walkers.