HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-12-14, Page 5THE WI. Ur '..f ..:VI TIMES,. nEcEmBER 14
Censer'' SQL Demonstration, : Major Kahle, of .(xozrie B. Gerry, ! manner beyond ~that it was when Sir
11011.seders, liagraart and Patters the News -Record, Dr. Freeborn, art oilllsata�l IwiNrwsnotbiru to
;sora, eienabtc z leereuson atucl : Clinton; Mayol''Hanna, Dr. CIiisliolill, i the wardens imposed by Mt. !',ramjet and
Dr. I'llo..,.. uo ;1.. Herdsman, II. Davis, A.. U. Mu,: his friends from 1874 to 1878.
grave, aand many callers, + pr. Montague, who wits cordially re-
ADIIIt.I*s TIM I,AM U.1TIi1.ICING. ; When the viSitorsllrrivecl the band cuw'ttanj based=� his ied uon the .thewail, eaes ilial#'W1 o
On '1'uc'silihy
played the ,national anthem, anthem, anti the; knows the Grit policy ?" He admitted
afternoon, lion audience remained standing the that it was as hard question to answer,
!!casts, Il.lggart ani Patterson, Sen-' while. Mr. E. L. Dickinson who has: but nothing daunted, be plunged into
aitor Ferguson and Dr. Montague al'- been nominated. to oppose Dr. !lac-, thesuipject. His argument was tbatti•1r.
rived by the G. T. 1L d,80 train, and lion:aid in the coming Contest ,-, of
protee dop 3110 1d tber move vestfgt
x x .
were met at the htatlon by tho Citi- si(Iecl. Mr. 1)ickinson made a brier the impos'tion of unjust taxaationn await uo
zeas' band and a goodly number of introductory address, in which he • the people, and the destruction of the
people. The Reception . +
or Brussels; A, iii', tl.'oc.d, editor' ilf.,l`ohu Macdonald went out in 187;3. The
I 1 �cceptian (aoomluliotee touched upon the issues of the day.' 'ndustraes of the country, and the wiping•
composed of 'i'ayor Hanna, Messrs, "It was," hes said 'yin this town f out of the honlo ,r, Dr. Montrigile
zn, Clegg„Ipresidellt of the 'Wing -g 11'iai bion and before an audience . made the statement, and based an urg
ham Conservative , went thereon, that Mr, Laurier propose
Association, Dr. something like this, , it t l revenue hu pal
11s la 111, . Davisand. s Perkins, ,
1) of -1,
Br%r.71 comfort and improt erae'ri; salt1
tench to personal eujoymc.. ,Then
pie' :?y used, The many, who 2:'o bet-
s ter than others and enjoylife a;loro,
e 1;as es pendituro, by more pro::ptl
tho world's best products to
' : ho peda of physical lacing, will :tte:.t
i tho 'v azo to health of t:ho rrro liquid
t 1 r '._vo principles embraecd, L'i the
t < ae:ly, Sy.ap of Figs.
Ls excellence lap due to its presontia
�z1 the form most acceptably and plea
o to th o taste, the refreshing and truly
1'enefici �l properties of a. perfect; 1a.,.
allyl; effectually cleansing tho r.ysteri,
4iapo:ling colds, headaches ancl fot'or
and permanently curiug constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions c ed
hrot tvitrr elle approval o the medical
pr•ofossion, because it,acts on the Kid-
; ntrys, Liver and Bowels withord• N, -c :
ening them and it is perfectly froo;..•..
1 ..very objectionable subatauco.
Syrup of Figs is fur sale by all druc-
ghsts in 75o. bottles, but it is anaru-
tactured by the California, Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs.
and being well informed,' you will no(
aeoeapt any aubetitute if offered.
Chisholm, 1 l H r, 1 �e t ns th It in 18f3!' S1 , by taxing the rawmaterialsof the Manu
Jas.John .Mac�donaldannotlneed the policy • faoturors, His authority tor the state
of Gorrio, escorted the visitors to upon wlliell he intended again to pro -1 inunt was the report
carriages, which were in waiting'. coed to the country and stand or tali; •• Winnipse speech published1in The Fre
A. procession, headed by Mr, BZ, lie- •tad til iI s e
nahsta y of the c1a3y sooner , rose of that oity,frorn which loo quota
Indoo, was formed, and to the music or later, intend to appeal to the leo- In the first phase there will be ca differ
of the Citizens' Baud it moved � 1 encs milds in
down plc for a renewal of their confidence, material, w•lhinh i s t sbetu ed f twit raw
through the town to the Town hall,. upon the self -flame policy, changed in facture,ancl we will snake up some n the
where, on behalf of the !Municipality, some respects to shit the changed I'vay, '1'he'1'oronto (slope saw that the
!Mayor Manna made a few real '1
cal cs Conditions of the times, but still the was an exceedingly. dangerous proposi-
and lair. J. B. Ferguson, Town Clerk, 'same in principle and substance, the' hila, and immediately after it had pub-
rearl the following address of weI- halted it ft began to explain that .14r.
policy of fair reasonable
t an a rieu1-
. it To the Hon. J. G, Ilaggart, the Hon. i ttu'al interests of the country." He
J. 0, Patterson, the Iron. Senator : added, that owing to that policy
Ferguson and Dr, W. H. Montague, during a. period of world-wide finan-
31, P. Bial depression, Canada bad weather•,• IIcln. air;�,--Ise pleased to accept ed the Biotin without flying scarcely s r Ferguson in discussing
dila file cordial .' '.' 'me of the muni- ar sign<.1 of distress.
come : <a a 11r vote t'
Laidler did not mean that. "Bat,'' do-
' 0 t110 111arhnfdCtur111e d stared the doctor "Mr. Laurier has never
yeG in nine speeches afterwards denied
ofithhe meant e Toronto tGlobe placeso she himrin. ism
position, that he either said it and meant
it, Or that he said it and dirt not know
what he meant."
1 ' enato the
trade question, said : "When will the
eipality and inhabitants of the town On behalf of the Conservative
Wingham on this your first visit ' Association of Wingham, Dr. Chis -
to us. We lovingly bear in Mind holm presented theMinisters and their
the happy memory of the visit of the brother -tourists with an address of
late worthy and lamented Premier of welcome. Allusion was made to lir.
, - ._,.Canada, The Right Hon. Sir John A. }Taggart as one of the old • guard,
itlacctonald, whose name is engraved who in the days of adversity so
in the hearts of Canadians and loyally stood by the old chieftain.
whose Memory, fame and patriotic ljr, Wm. Dols. Y
l elclentf t1
not have to feed your stock for six months;
9i5, O
services will remai wit?� i. - • 0 14
our , {xo1`1'li; 6tirh13' 111ez1'Siotiseraative
children? 1n the year, and employ men to take care
and descendants for 1 Assoolatien, also react a well -worded of them, but the tune will never come
manufacturers be able to do away with
protection ? When will the farmers be ,
able to do without protection ? I will
answer for the farmers first. Just as soon
lie you sun get land for a dollar an sore
upon which to farm you can afford to do
away with it, Just as soon as your land
costs you as little as the land in Ohio and
Illinois, just as 8000 as you eau !have'
that your winter toned dews to of Texes,
Colorado and Nebraska, where you will
illailt>' generations. We !lav
very>, e ort address from that organization, when the Canadian farmers will bo able
few occasions been visited. by f The first of the speakers to be to compete In beef, pork and other pro.,
members of Her Majesty's Govern- called upon was the 'Ministerof ducts of the strong, fertile, cheap lands
anent in Canada, and irrespective of Militia, who devoted much of the the these
ufeotuerers are con a ned,pI will
your importance as members of that time consumed by 11]111 to a demon- answthat question. tisk tie when
Government and of the house of stration of the many things that -the you willer Ue able to take away the proton- z
separliament, we appreciate this visit Governmeet has done for the farmers tion, and I answer as s..on as you can get 1
- s a favor, ivltll full confidence that of the country. ' In brief: it may be ;Honey at per cent., as soon es you re -
we shall greatly benefit byduce the
Our respected reeve, Mr. 3,
Griffin, suffered a severe loss in the
death of his wife, which said event • ^ I T
took place on Thursday of last week,
The remains were interred in the
E. C. cemetery on Saturday, and
mere followed to the grave by a
arse concourse of sorrowing friends,
The members of Branch 82, C. M. 13.
D R. E
We will not be undersold in thew goods; we have them in many cases
below manufactures' prices.
' % e are not undersold, in these particularlines;clear
]half nlannftetures' prices; stow isyourchance.1E1 LT rt.
a lot to el(.<ar out at one-
�'F e cannot be undersold in this department. We have them, at right
prices, so our customers say; don't miss them. g
'We want you to inspeet these and buy, thereby saving from twenty to
thirty per cent.; they are going out fast. y
Early in the season, we placed orders in Eastern Tea, Centres, thereby
securing the early pick leaf, which has a strength and flavour that is not
obtained later, and this puts us in a position to give you Teas right.
TIT- ".iJ3 G-QO S
Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Bats, Caps and A great
Inany other lines to clear out at a price to suit the Who:,
Dress and Noutie Inaldng' on premises, All nu pale oodts .bought
cut fico of charge,. Cutting itrl(1 fitting a sl.ec'itlty. g here,
your , stated that lli'. Patterson claimed
'viva voce enunciation of the princi- i for the Government the development
pies of the political economy of the of a home market. It was also
country, a subject which to all hay- ;looking abroad to the West Indies,
ing the interests of Canada at heart, 1 China and Japan, England and
is also their personal welfare, must; Australia for markets for the surplus
necessarily be of great interest and ; agricultural products of the country.
importance. The town, though coin- i Upon the subject of reciprocity he
Baeetively modern, has, from its sen- I said :—"We are at any time pre-
tral locality and cxtraordinarilygood pared to make a fair, honorable and
railway communisation, steadily and reasonable reciprocity treaty with the
..solidly improved, with every pros- people of the United States which
Peet of a•continuance of success, aid- will not be detrimental to the peo-
ed, fostered and guided by the Mier- pie of Canada, Since I spoke upon
ttlity and breadth of thought and that subject the othornight,it has been
action of our law makers, said that we did not approach the
With the warmest thanks of the Democrats when. President Cleveland
inhabitants fdz' 'your condescension, got into power and ask them wheth-
ve beg to remain yours, most obs- e1' we would get reciprocity or not.
diently, ' But President CIeveland's control
(Signed) Jon' l:IANNA. Mayor. over his own party, owing to the de-
./.. B. Jfiaatlsov, Town Clerk. fections in his own party; has been
Town hall, 'MVI ;'ham, lith Decem- very brief, and what is the use of
.-bel', 189.4. ,;,;, approaching a President who has no
Hon. Messrs. IIaggart and Patter- control over the Senate or the House
son, Senator Ferguson and Dr. lion- of Representatives. Mr.- Patterson
';ague, made short and appropriate ventured the opinion. that had
replies. and George Brown been alive to -day,
Among those in attenditihee at the re- editor of that great and powerful
ception were: Dr. Freeborn, Clinton. newspaper, the Globe, he would have
Messrs, 13. Gerry, Brussels; P. W, swayed it in behalf of the Conserve -
Scott, East Wawanosh; Major Dane, tive party, because George Brown
'e. 'W- It. Clegg, W. G. Strong, W.
Doig, Geo. Walker, A. Strong,.
Gor.rie; H. Dever, Henry Kerr, Geo.
Wits never known to 'be false •to Can-
ada, as were the present Liberal
leaders. Mr. Patter:eon was good
`Green,. John Ansley, S. 'Fralick, Dr. enough to say that lie believed. the
' Macionald, M. 1'., John Neelands, Liberals were just as good citizens as
73. M. Gordon; Robt Elliott, editor of the Conservatives, but they were mis-
Tlre1trihites; pr, Chishohn, Dr. Ken- led. Ho did not charge thein with
ziedy, L. McLean, 13. Willson; II. D. the thigh crimes and misdemeanors
Henderson, Whitechurch: Thomas . for which lie impeached their leaders.
Bell, L, L. Diekinson, W. J. Plenty The Minister expressed wonder at
and r.' Herdsman, • An adjournment the effrontery of the Liberals for the
Was then had: till, the evening n eet- position they took in regard to the
ing. .. coal oil duty. They had been more
T4 even}1 g meeting was held in responsible for that duty than the
the town hall, whish was well pilled. Conservatives, When Mr. Laurier
The stage -of the hall was decked with and his friends were in power the
dowers and drapings in harmonious duty on coal oil was very much
1 tbades, The walls were clod by more than under the existing tariff
4nottoes expressing opinions and on the present production.
*earls and various sentiments 11) re- ,vlr. Patterson asserted that the Gov-
gard to men and questions, and mal,- eminent did not encourage anything ha
the shape of a combine. It was because
ii ng Certain statements of fact within the agricultural implement inanufttotur-
the realm of political controversy. ars were soaring together that their pro -
They read ." Welcome to Canada's teothve duty was reduced from Sri to 20
Great Statesmen`" " I'Ionor to Out` I)" dtp a, "that wastol5 was the subject of
said," the Minister
rate Chieftain," Honor to our now a Combine but it was not. Certain
Premier," " Weleomo to Iratldimand's manufaoturors had dome together and
hero, Dr. Moutaague," "Canada for invested their money in the indnetry, but
tn' People," "Who knows the Grit each mill turned out a different kind of
1'ol]ey ?" Who offered the Opposi- separatelyrat the ditfferentt tnilis-buetthey
tion 1''ree Trade?" " Patterson arid could not do it profitably, au they formed
'Dickinson, our Next iii, I'.'s"; " pro_ one great concern, and each mill prodec-
tcutioilsin Farm Produce nand !ligan- declared that theLiberalshad neverclclone
faettn`edl, Goods," " Times !setter a tingle thing to relieve the Portiere or
Here Than in the united States," carne to their nssietance when they had
^'c { Od Savo the Queen." control of the machinery of government,
Dri the platforiat wore Messrs. 'iia`, They had never removed x donor oC taxo-
n., (01(+gg', 1V', Cr.:3trOng, W. Illi jinn, they bad increased the taxation i,v
g, ..1 .. per Cent. in a most unsuieutilic
country to the degraded ecndition that
they are found in in England, Germany
and France, just as soon as you can get C
labor at 50c a day iu place of $l a clay.
Then we will be able to do away with pro- s
tection on manufactured products. But
you can never compete with the tnanu-
factures of the older countries so long a
as you have to pay 6 per cont. instead of s
3- per cent. for money, and 51 instead of s
50c for labor, and Y' hope the time will 'M
never come when we have the condition
of things that exist abroad. Protection p
must exist iu this country until the con- a
dition of things change."
Hon. Mr. }legged was given threet
., of rvhlelo lir. Griffin is a membe
walked beside the coffin. The d
eased lady leaves a faultily of fi
young children. -111•. Malcolm John
ora, of the Lake Shore, who was in
ured by the premature discharge o
blast at Ishpeming, Mich., la
ummer, is at home again, lookint,
onlewllat the worse for wear.—
''. M. Whitly shipped a load
oultry to Toronto this week. --Qui
number of our young people at
ended the P. of I. concert in Para
T. tllflo rating to about : 4,000.00, which
A ... . 3 J
1 .;.:..:,-htered.
ve at less than Wholesale Prices for CASH ONLY:
las All Wool Overcoats $4.50, north MOO, .
All Wool weed Pants $1.65, worth $2.50,
Fine Heavy Tweecb f.€ om 25e. a yard up.
g'Call and see this stock; you will make money.
cheers when he arose to address the in
audience. He presented an elaborate 111
argument in defence of the protective
i:ystoin. The Minister said that the
Liberals !night not interfere with pro- 1
teetion if they got into power, and he' p
doubted very much ifthey would. "We m
have no hope of a reciprocal treaty with L
the Democrats of the United States," a
declared Mr. $aggart. "We have no to
hope of a reciprocal treaty with the fr
Republican party of the United States. Y
The only thing that we can expect is that m
by some reciprJeal legislation, one noun-
try adopting one pian and cne the other, It
by gentle forebearance,to get an approach , fn
as much as possible to a reciprocal treaty •
with the people at that country. We
have no expectation of getting commer-,
that union or unrestricted reciprocity N
with the people of that country,"
Oheors for Mr, Dickinson the candidate t
and for the Queen brought the meeting h
to an end at midnight. T
B3LUEVALE, • 1 ti
The anniversary services of the sl
'Methodist church were conducted on ti
Sabbath last, Rev. Mr. Torrance ne
preached in the morning. Rev. Dr. le
Uifforci, in the afternoon, and Mr. fu
Torrance again in the evening. On th
Monday °evening, a hot dinner was W
served in the basement. After din- da
nor, the audience was seated in the fo
body of the church and was address- Ve
ed by Rev. D. Perris and Dr, Gifford, ee
ount, last Friday night, and report
dying a good thee.
How fo Get a "Sunlight" Picture.
Send 2fi"Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap-
er bearing the words "Why Does a Wo.
an Look Old ,Sooner Than a man") to
ever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto,
nd you will receive by post a pretty pic-
re, free from advertising, and well worth
timing. This is an easy way to decorate
our home. The soap is the best in the
arket and it will only cost one Dent post.
go to send in the wrappers, if you leave
le ends open. Write your address care-
Miss Sarah Irwin, teacher S. S.
se 13, intends having a Christmas
sec and entertainment in the school
ouse, on Friday evening, Dec. list.
he programme will consist of selee-
ons by the pupils, as well as con-
dera,ble outside talent, and a good
ale is expected. --Mrs. Patterson,
e Mrs. Taylor, and her husband,
ft on Monday for Kansas, their
ture home, --Quite a number from
e (lth line .attended the hop at l'r.
illiaiu Ferguson's, Morris, on Fri -
y night.—Ifrerybocly is wishing
r sleighing, its the roads are not in
ry good condition, and there is
usiderable teaming to be done.
of Winghain ; Rev. J. W. Pring an
Key. A. Y, Bartley, of Blueval
The Methodist choir sang atinterva
throughout the programme. Th
tea -meeting was fairly well attend
od, although the weather was very
disagreeable.—The Kicker les gav
an entertainment in the Foresters
hall, on Tuesday night. In spit
of the rainy weather, quite a crowdiii
was present. -Me. and Mrs. Joh
Robertson:spent a few days las
week with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm, o
Kincardine: ---Miss M, H, 73a11, of
Brussels, is visiting her many friends
in and around the village,—MissAnnie Rutherford ryas visiting in
Wingham last week. ----Miss Hender-
son, of Whitechurch, spent Sunday
in the village, the guest of Miss Lucy
Coulter.-•-wMiss '[dry 73ugin, of
Winghatn, was visiting at Mr.
Walter liutherforcl's this week.
Il 'The 'tmita, Weekly Globe, Farmers'Sun, and Ladies' Journal, for leas kr
$I;U0. Balance of this year free.
1 �..
1 _..__ r
For all the ailments of Throat
and. Lungs there is no cure so
e quick and permanent as Scott's
' Emulsion of Cod -lives` Oil, It is
e palatable, easy an the most deli*
tate stomach and effective
t! Scott'
stimulates the appetite, aids the
digestion of other foods, eures
Coughs and Colds, Sore Throat,
Eronchitis,and gives vital strength
besides. It has no equal as 'lot r.
ishment for Babies and Children
who do not thrive, and overcomes
Any Condition of Wasting,
Semi forpeimphtelEnt Se'sEnirrlaioit.Fret,e
Scott & Elmo, lief) r Ilhe, All Dtugghsi*, tiOe.4 41.
,d r
1. l;SS
1.ail:{0a.8 OR- EATER COMFORT !
F she does, see that
wash is
made Easy and
Clean by getting her
which does away with the
terrors of wash -day.
Experience: will convince her that
it PAYS to use this soap.
A full stock of goods suitable for ..
hrist : as Presents
consisting of
just received at the
W1NG HAM x '
Call and inspect goody and get prices.