HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-06-24, Page 4•1117.f••••72 EXPOSITOR, JUNE 24, 1076 " Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Maloney Farming has changed, Dublin hasn't, scws couple married 50 years Weatherman co-operates for successful CWL picnic ARNOLD ISTINNISSEN LIFE — and Mortgage Insurance Plans Income Tax Deductable Re gistered Retirement Savings Plans and Annuities. Income Averaging Annuities Ask for our pew Flexible Premium R.R.S.P. -- REPRESENTING -- Tel. 527;0410 Sun Life Assurance GODERICH ST. EAST Company Of Canada, SEAFORTH for 17 years. NOW PAYING , A HIGH RATE OF 0 ,3/ 0/ Guaranteed Trust Certificates for 5, year 4.erm a member of the Canada Deposit • Insurance Corporation Ronnertberg Insurance-Agenty BrusSeis openiuesdays and Fridays , Phons 887-6663 IVIOWTON PHONE 347-2241 Mon to Priday • 42 37 .; 52 60 45.22 44.36 55 70 48.16 46 45 51 90 50.25 411.35 46 98 58 45 50,2B 49.30 60 90 5310 55.67 66 60 68 52 'SUPREME •• STEE1 RADIAL WHITEWALL RADIAL SIZE 11,e. or, 8078 1 3 42 85 35 96 , , SAFETY 99 BEV1AR 8ELTED RACHAL • 2 iirt• •••.•• fat.' • , • lie AO . ER78 14 FR78 14 GAO 14 41178 14 GR78 1'5 1117 7 8 15' 181B 15 49 60 51 70 53 90 55 90 54 45 56 90 63 60 411 C78 15 , G78 15 878 ,15 J78 15 178 15 A Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. i;:ialoney of Dublin marked . their 50th wedding anniversary on.. Sunda9 with a masS at St. ,Patrick's Roman. Catholic Church in Dublin/ followethby a family gathering at the, home of Mr. and .Mrs. ••• Stephen Maloney. • son and daughter-in-law of the couple. Mr. MalOney -is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Maloney. and . Mrs. Maloney is the former Clotilda Eckert. a daughter .of thd late Mr. and .-Mrs. Peter Eckert. They 'were Married on June 15, 1926 at St. Columban Church. and farmed McK Mop Township before retiring tO Dublin in 1963.. • Although fifty years have gone by Mr. Maloney:. still distinctly rerneMbers their wedding day. "We had a grand daY, a nice warm day. It -rainNI all the dav and night before the tt edding. but that •.-day the sun ' came' oat shining," he said. • Mr. and Mrs. Maloney travelled by train to Holly, New 'York for their honeymoon. Mr. Maloney saYs that it was a very long. way to travel then, but they didn't Mind. "We were young and so very much in love you see. •thak distances didn't Matter much to After•their honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Maloney returned tp farm at Beechwood where they raised ten, children.- four. daughters; Mrs. Pat( Margaret) 0' Ro ar ke ..nf Burlington, Mrs. Harold ITheresa)-Medei-ak of Kitchener, Mrs, Leonard (Mary) Morrison of Gadshill, and Mrs. Jack (Jo4n) HagartY of Qhana,• West Africa; six, sons. John of-Se-afOrth,- Louisv Peter and Stephen, all of Dublin. Frank of Kitchener and Vincent of Fullarton.The cOuple.also have 27 grandchildren and eight great- grandchildren. In .the fifty years of marriage. Mr. Malont:.\ >ytys' that the greatest change he has seen is in farming. "In my'younger days there were no tractors and•ftnans were on a much smaller scald. Today it is so big. You are either in big or y ou are out," he said, However he says that has changed very little. • "A few new buildings have gone up andsome have •been torn down., but Dublin is much i.the same as it always .was.' To mark their fiftieth wedding anniversary ,and Mrs. Maloney received congratulatory plaques from Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Premier Williarn Davis along Witlialetters from Bill Jarvis. MO for Perth W•ilmot.:41--ugh Edighoffer, MPP • for Perth; .1oe Clark, leader of the, federal ProgressiyeC Conserva- tives; and Governor General 'Jules Leger. They also received many cards. gifts. and flowers frbm relatives. friends and neighbours. Correspondent Don MacRae .The Dublin C.W.L. picnic .tt hich was held ,at St. Patrick's School on Sunday was very well attended. The food, the friendly group of people and a most co-operative weatherman made the etdrit quite a success. Mrs. Tessie Costello attended the Krauskopf Decaire Wedding in Guelph last weekend. Danny Krauskopf is Mrs. Costello's grandson. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Krauskopf of Guelph, ..Mrs. Costello spent the • rest of the weekend in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Danny Costello. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Peter Maloney Sr. on their .50th wedding. Fr. Gordon Dill :celebrated the anniversary Mass at St. patrick's Church, Dublin, Friends and relatives then gathered at Mr. and Mrs. Steve Maloney's home on Mill St. In attendance were Mr.. and Mrs. pat O'Rourke and girls, Burlington.," Mr. and Mrs. Bob O'Rourke, Hamilson; Mr. andMrs. Bill 0,'ROurke and family,. Burlington;, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mederak and Bryan, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. John Maloney and Danny, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Morrison and family, Gadshill; Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison and Jenny, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Campbell, Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney and family, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Maloney and family, Dublin; Mr, Peter Maloney, Jr., Dublin4 Mrs, Jack Haggarty, Joanne and David from Ghana, West Africa; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Maloney, Fullarton. Bus Trip Last Wednesday members of tlm. Dublin and District Diamohrls had an enjoyable bus grip to Niagara Falls and Marineland. All report a good time. Last call for the Highway Bus to Ottawa for the Dublin Girls Shamrocks Ball games Friday-at 7 A.M. The Dublin and District Lions • Club Pavilion is shaping up quite nicely. The canvass for additional funds will commence next Tuesday evening in Dublin. The Lions ask people to Please be generous in this worthwhile comMunity project. With four teams competing, Joe Visser was the only one reporting his teams progress to date. His Mosquitoes are follow- ing the pattern of last year. So far they have not lost a game, beating Exeter 9-2, Goderich 10-0, Seaforth 5-0. When Clinton played in St. Columban, they had to crime from behind to tie them 2 all.' After controlling the play for most of ••••••••• • WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240 — SEAFORTH Pic-k---Your Own 5TRAWBERRIES Open at 8 a.m. Open Sundays NO POTS OR PANS BRING YOUR OWN QT. BOXES 2-4-6 or QT. BASKETS Quart Boxes can be Purchased 13 Acres 1/4 Miles North of Hensall on No.4Hwy. and 1 1/4 Miles East JACK BELL R.R.2, KIPPEN PHONE 262.5878 0.,*•.C4k, tOqn ; si.cotinnbar, Mosquitos haven't lost a soccer game the game. Greg Ryan scored on a penalty shot, and John Hieknell op a perfect shot from well out. So far Clinton looks like the team to beat, as an observer. L ups - Goal Richard Visser; Def. Jobb—Bicknell, Brendan Lane; Half back Doug Steinman, Gard Murray, Larry' Drager, Grant Drost; forwards, David Murray, Brian Flanagan,- Garry Malone., Tom Turner, Rob Lane, Greg Ryan, Paul Reynen. forty Ennnomn TIRE or safer happie t holidaying St. Columban Boys leave for Europe SUPER-LASTIC 'SUPREME 4+2 Glass-Belted Correspondent Vincent Lane .You will have perhaps noticed.I had no column last week. perhaps due to the fact we, had visited in „LOntion. St. Thomas and Sarnia. I thought at that . time we 'were badly' in need of rain, but in Lambton and Elgin, areas, the conditions ttere much worse. Hott ever, 1 . understand 'they. like Huron and Perth have since had rain and crops by now will look much better. M!' Personal 'column would have included: Miss Catherine Moylan. St. Thomas visydd her mother Mrs. Mary Mis_Clan, Mrs. Gerald Marchand, Wind- sof. spent a feW days last week with her parents 'Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Melady and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Melady and Debbie attended eaduation exercises at Western., where Miss Anne Melady received her degree in nursing. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mbrray and Mrs. Marchand attended the graduation of former's grand- daughter-Mrs. Karen Kinnbauer from Conestoga School - of' Nursing. Visitors on Fathers Day included: Mr. and Mrs. Pat Murray, London: Mr. and Mrs. Roy McQuaid. Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Matt Denomme, Zurich: with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. , E. McQuaid. Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Reilly and Sean David, Windsor, who are spending some holidays in Bayfield,. visited Mr. and Mrs. Lou O'Reilly Stinday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ryan and, Smile After giving what he con: siderecl to be a stirring. fact-filled campaign speech. the candid ge looked out at his audience and confidently' asked. "Now .. are there any questions?"' "Yes." came a voice from the rear. "Who else is running?:' Jeffery visited Mr,.and Mrs. Zack Ryan. , • , Mr. and Mrs. Ben Flanagan and family, Kitchener; Ken Lane and family, London with Mr. and • Mrs. Vine. Lane. . Mr. and -Mrs. Lance .Robinson, Toronto with Mr, and- Mrs. Thos. Kale. Mr. and Mrs, jas. Maillonx, Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Vine: Lane: Barry L2-e and Gord Cameo.% dhan left .this week for Europe. Their first. stop is Scotland and they exPect to be back before kmas. Happy landings boys. Old Fashioned My stery Tour June 21 Toronto Island July il Toronto Shopping Spree July 24. ALSO AVAILABLE SOON': SPECIAL DAY TRIPS FOR CHILDREN FOR PRICES AND TRIP DESCRIPTIONS OF ALL THE UPCOMING TRIPS CALL UNITED TRAILS INC. seaferth '72-22 STRONGEST OF ALL GLASS-BELTED CONSTRUCTIONS TOP OUALITY—STEEL-BELTED—LOVVCOST .520 10f .550 12f .600 121 .520 13 600 13 888 13 C78 13 N, 645'14 695 14 E713 14 F78 1'4 G78 14 H78 14 J78 14 65 5 15 45-60 15 •C79, 15 F711115 G78 15 878 ,15 178'15 tio charge for ffassatrgerlle Instal1aifoo oh molt sitt!..itg 0:841.1 , v,1,•ar 1411 1$1if c-ohe oiii re,. 'dor price 01 nit \\ must 171,4,111 tii neu Nal‘e uuJettier " \ tire 1501.1 iteu \ ;the is Itto ' Shutt, •11.11,tni,e, lire .11h1 heel. $1 1111 600 12 0.17A ,14 Whit. DoWe *14 " ,artd, SAFETY 99 BLACKWAU • i„, SIZE (Whitewall' 0143 morel • Kevlar-Belted Safety 99 Radial icor 51,0•vni -5 C70 111111,1Acd 1 fur •tron..;!cd et sof 1‘..,f- f ,h ,N V.!th A .016 . st ,,ftli11.,111.111r111111.,1. 111.,;11-11'.1L'Ilt And 4'M *11.1V,EALH let (1.5,00rt1 12, . • SAFETY 99 fir- NYLON... 20 40 19 85 21 30 22 35 21 95 22 45 2'3 95 25 40 26 65 28 25 32 70 15 30 16 45- 18 75 16 75 21 95 23 10 25 75 26 65 28 60 Blackwall Pttlariltafice Wirt 1 .(tf w e IA; pro. P. • 13 58„ 14 HI 16 39 17 95 17 43 18 81 19 81. 19 43 19 90 20 85 22 23 23 42 24 94 29 16 14,96 19 43 20 52 22 56 23,42 25 27 26 BO 27 75 29 45 30 40 31 80 34 50 30 80 32 85 34 60 36 95 IA, , 26 08 26 98 28 31 30 87 21 99 23 56 24 46 27 36 29 31 30 97 33 20 4 36 ' EACH whai Ine yr ecj:shcno' YtIn21 of n:ncoatseli \ ,tirial'ik •Qiii::111iNiciiI 11“1.31,11 V, till 2 1 ,,,I ,,,,,, ler rlit., I.ti. stabililk 2 -.1...ul hch.,, I,. imp;,,,1 ‘Inc•Hot,....11),:—. ,t1111 e511,1 Ittn.,.! lile' phi , 2 \ ‘ lt ,it ....i.p piles in the 1.1 a od l'A•ro41) ...,,,.. 1,, vii,iift 111.211,pccd cihliuon..e • ,. . a011p Railial$ are 5 Yr Rd Ilatdcd 1ersured end 1R7R 14 AHITE WAIL TO 1 EACH 40,000-mile Treadwear-rated ,vtimonvonlo,,.. F.W. -Tilley Ltd. Seaforth Ontario EXTRA-STRONG EXTRA-SAFE DU PONT 66,NYLON 5% Oisconntior Cask Payinent on tires in lieu of lionos COlieons • • • on's° • your " CANADIAN TIRE CARD 1411111 -.111011,1'.111,111•01:1 I )0 l',1 11 "s Ion 111,11', iisc.1 lot air, roll. and cord] amok LI lire, ..,11C' I tick. ;14 \ ado J.:4: re.1111,) ,1 5 Yr Rd lidigtd Insured 18 000 mde treadryeat krited 1520 10 10.000 no I t'11:,;11 t.ttu..iittoptp it. tIsC 1 on • `s.e,irs lit. lied lire pcilt.imone'...' 5 Y, Hdtard InSured ..>1 000 mole ireadweat rated "Hi-Performance" Safety 99 Long Cord , "All-Service" Safety g9 f78 14 WHITIWAL 2(116 when you buy 2 or n 0. , \VW EACH after discount for 'cars% 30,000-Mile Treadweae- rated (WI I'dolow• .01.1 plie undef the tread for hot! hoo,1•111 milcora: and ;i•oaaraince ,,rfet, 1 huse 4 flodt•plie , of 1)41 pow N,I tt ri h a y,: fi,..eo pros. t11,1 mice't he dtun•Soll. Sole \\'.,irnin ‘tJ I Hue' other fibre,. (See .11.1t: Net Jill 1)eert po,ted in our storeq. 1.11,2,2 (doss ensiite evil 1.,nt.1 tile cosily construction Itt make but 1-Q.,‘11;11,1 •pht.A21.1'1'111" 111,11 extra peace id' n»odJ TOrnpike wr -- 'It — • ' RYON TRUCK TIRES fAiso .1,1,1We of If fileftss oftlory store Sim i • Asifei Nice Nice and Su per- Lastic , at slemi eilin rhatge ! ' Cash Intmerfiaie , Map Pearl , Thi toil ets, ,,,,,,,iy _,. . ,,J 'Plitt I. n(IIVely i 0,1COLMI Hared,— Top-Quality Nylon— ; IT( . Mowry Rorn Morel loi' ' hsiii . 1771NG ' 10 )1 Dorsi sion Cash' ante TYPE of TIRE 101i0 RANG( Night flora No courant 1 . out p1dmilar liatbitiritkl, 1 he ..11.1r1 shou t tp15 ,t t ot 6 ,0„,5 Mauer ifion.mt 6C 27.15 30 73 I. 29.19 \Lin is pc, ,111L1 sirci. are Tiatliont* , GC 28.58 32 34 30,72 'II \I .:1)<I1 '11) I'1111 1 ..,%'''.1(6;:r:I ' ,00,,s Turnpike( latest f 60 29,49 33 37 . 31.70 4 Ri Trecironi GC 33.11 , 37 46 4'35.59 , 190,11 Tutopike Ewen 6C 28.12 31 82 30,23 Tuinpehe fepress 6C 31.12 35 21 33,45 I ▪ .ii. sle111 tint] ,a ,•C. rtio/i6 lot% r • th.i 41 886D0C 343:0:818 1 435083 809:5 :441 681 397005 —11 • \re amfre we provide Road- 00,06 s the., FhwaY nal 80 42.26 47.82 45.43 I all truck fires .._ • Byway 101 80 45.24 51 19 48 63 For VANS, CAMPERS, PIMPS 5-Year Road-Hazard Insured tuuSTRATEO. 'Mester Highway'. rib design trend 16. 16 end 17" Sint 75 07508 5 Sart thi, 80 45.91 5t 95 49.35 2.16 iff tratHen 8Q 511 S.:, 57 88 154.99 41 EACH SIZE 11.0111,1,1 tqr Ny10/1)11,1, 7 61.1,, BOISI A78 13 .28 201 22,99 t 878 14 C78 14 078 '14 E78 14 F78 14 618 14 Ii78 • 14 SIZE 4 + 2 BELT 0 GLASS , Glass Belftd Nylon Whitman t 11714 • 1 hre 0 mo , .101115(1,1M 111,Le 27 151 29 2St 29 751 31 45 33 75 34 85 36 50. 28 70 1 33 80 34 8 40 95 23.119} 25.89 1- 26,361 27.98 30.16 31.21 32.77 25.36 t 30.21 31.21 32,87 35 86 37.00 1 28 1 35 1 39 1 56 1 33 1.49 1 47 1 62 1 83 2 12 1 99 2 13 0