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The Wingham Times, 1894-12-14, Page 4
THE W NCa GUAM TIMES, DECEMBER 14, 1.894. E. WILUAMS, Th'1MI .t, -- AND - DRUGGIST. ND-UGGIST. EDITORIAL NOTES. I. J S. Jerome, Dentist, Wine - ham, says: "Wilhelm?: Little Dandelion Dt tit mile v:•'ek, twol)yQ•eleetinns Pills are the b.st is the market" have ytiw ;Dgail.st the Liberals and • 't'"1•• Greo. Cruiet;>:,nrinilf,Turnbon y, it begins ' , says: "1'h(tr is no Pill E'quul to W1UuW18' gins tt) loo.;. as if Lord. Rose- • ;Little Dandelion fills." berry it losing his hold upon the • rilr.1'inlay Anderson, I x-Deputy- 1:•ll"'liell people. :Reeve of East \'. awanoeh, says: "They are the most &disfactory Pill 1 have ever A Pernox Convention for the ' treed." l::l;t Riding of Huron is called, to be ` County of }ITaylor, u says:W"I would not the 11O11'i('K. On Wednesday evening, December fith, at merry y tttl1U) my gather(41. and =nave the te•g•aniet of Mayne churell, Miss Annie hepptwd, v c'uiupleto sur- prise of a purse containing over 815, which was presented by Mr, Albert ( Q.'t'ne, \vie) also read the acltlt•ees. • The ti11Yt' was i ie;t;alltly and profit- able event in enjoying a well-rentder- held in Gerrie, 011 SlATErilay, 22nd, l, any Caller fill:' 1 ,, . ,- , in;tatat.. at :.' p. m., to nominate a 6 Onas, Proctor, 4th line of aiorris, et pr(,Yatniluo of ,1tE4hes, 1t'cita- a CTp (/�! pr, F K !�^ �.t : pig ft(� a , w • y s sily1• "'X would ,not 1)O without Williams' Mils, 1t'«1f11I1g'i?, muele (t several . [... M. i . TE .CJiRAPIl 0_ etll:1.1- (. It)r t11P Ifotl�t. t f f QnlnlQlls. i ,1tt1© Dandelion Pills." varieties, (`c, l51`_ t l(+2»ilE;t)lll. with ,. m ,. !r Ac'a t)12i)zxG to lion. ,Ti>llit Haggart, ! of R Cratu at'ee,• Z�har�r (ndUtheta itny his neu()I taut and pleasantry, per- , a Bt 3. rsvio% A lis c a: ' „ tUi'tnt'(t til(. duties of chairman. )- it is •parish polities to discuse the deed a lvoncli+rful Pill. PRESENT • ':.0 ;� '� h '�'� DKr 5 `z'a v .i, t�, � � •w • TEA. Your wife with a of our now famous This Tea is packed specially for us in the gar dens whore it is grown. h Hundreds of liko`1'estimonials furnish What would a surprise be without We OAT you a beautiful crisp 1Eil1" - _ Ont _ Cnrrtitl bridge'stealing, `I':ty Canal) Oa cit application, the (lelicacir.l of the tabla, so tut., ` t , A.-a•"*t°?" r��j Y om.._ Safi c.hd'. tivel:t' to in bllzztaluts of tht.. „,.--eeere>u ' ‹ ®�. .1' ') 3'�. i -No .), .1.�,.S ' "'' .f'i • T. ;present (Government. 1 T - tinct the social •inte•rcour4(1 that atilt-'" `_�' ..,•: ,t,` v.• , .Now tical Reef is no longer able to •;,loci were both heartily enjoyed.--; and a regular ite Ot 0_ thin i, , 4t ' Tins•, Toronto World, on Friday ' command l prices ' i theBritish' Revival eerv'ces are beinn• held ill I -1,,,,,,,gave currency to the tumor that FitIDAS` 1)EC NFER 1s. 1594. ! 1 11 < t. . . r • (P""^, r: Splendid value or the' , market .as, to rendes' its- production Drinkard. church 1>y 11 r. !home, of . dig ® .�1^: Sir John. Thompson, the Premier, ;1ligh1y remunerative either to the Ntethoclist ellurch atI:lvnc b Rev :'would retire to a seat inthe Imperial l Coni cl ul farmer of the Shipper, it is ill. I+'in1 beinor, of " Tist ivel.- l Privy- Council, and that Sir Charles 31EAT11 OF TUE PREMIER. Tt t:r the elder, would be collect to gratifyhte1 to end that there are Messrs, Reichard aid Roadhouse are .` re .1t)n\ S.. Il. TIIomnen1, Pre- the P Premiership. The nett day the [ practically- endless po-sibflitfcs of both settled comfortably in their new .i a.,r; story tvcl •nlo tp'a positively denied b\ Pro tin the 1 %1 Ing of pork. The brick residence.~, 'Which both, from I etrie e I Cai. clot, .bitty . ttddenly at ; s 1 their appearance, spai: of any other 1 Windsor, the inane of the Queen, several members of the Cabinet. i del, <siuu in beef may perhaps he but hard tinea -.hiss Carrie Magee dear London, l::,alyland, on ':` `W.ednes- r HR. :HARTE , the new leader of regarded ass aL permanent 'Alcamo - -near enjoying a few weeks with her clay afternoon.Healed •bion :worn the Gonservative opposition in the i enact; both the cattle -exporting sister, Mis, IIusba►tid, of Moore -7 in as it member 1)f •%tae Queen's Privy Ontario Iaegislattu e, •leas proved a trade and the dressed beef business field. -Miss Annie McDermitt has (Council and was sitting at :.lunch, • mot .disnlall failure. Because the are .overdone, and prices abroad may returned from attellcling the wedding when be wa: seized with a &tlddell of her cousin, ;Hiss Stockton, of Lis- . rs eleetors•of.London dict -not choose newer again be typal they have been. towel where she re oats all as olnrn w(ajkncss, arid died ill a few moments* to ietacru:a supporter of lite o posi Very good figures have been obtain- "Itrerry' as a mazria t bell." gM VIVI 7a tole nledi l ,colli arrived. For T p ed for alleela this season -due, how- . ," isis necessarilysmall. Just so small are the benefits to be derived from attending; tills always continue:, our wish for , seine so-called "business colle,es." The ever, to a temporary scarcity of the young 00111)le starting forth. stock in England, which cannot be expected to•eontinue But in regard' • Markham, and alto in. the Guinan r oney, for C. a lb. Join our happy throng of Tea Drinkers and be convinced that we have - the best stock in town, and sell it at Wholesale Price, We are making great preparations for the Christmas Trade. . M. °i '`ON a The Anchor, house Wingham,. EAL E OFNOTHING =.e time Sir John. lead 'been suf- tion intthe 1event by e -election, he has iking from Catty •.iletgeneration of turned tcompletely around ; on the tom: Leart, and. aro :doubt the . undue Separate School and Prohibition •�e eitement was:thc immediate ^eause questions,• .Daring the London cant- of his death. T.he.remAills .will be.paign, 3Ir.'•Marter'came •out -straight mhalnled and ,brought to Canada. tor theatbolition of Separate Schools, To Lady Thoat peon. nd her :.fainly ; and no w h: : •says there is no use the heartfelt sy ettlly of the Cana- agitati&ig t''or -. the change, • because diarl:I)eople, without maid to . class ' some of his'.tlegal friends teilihim that or contlitfon, will go.our. Theiler is the schools:are •so •engrafted in the a great sorrow, birett,lnay° bc' ..4t-i'CIe- . Constitution of • the"eountry ethat they what. assuaged diy.a .knowledge of cannot be;a1bolished. On the Prohi- the fact that it is cihared by the : era- , triton ein e:sam , Mr. 3larter's !position tion winch the Otead statesman :eras', is, that iiof receiving the -united sup- - striven to the be •t •ofihis „ability ;to port of She Temperance •pegple, and party n(t 7 ein ,in sympathy with t toI Live Steel[ markats. - ' of Meat., the 'consuming prices capacity) Toronto Dec. 11. -At the Western! of Great Britain at prices .aibundant- ^ ' ly remunerative •to the grower, is cattle market to -day all told there larger than is generally supposed, were offered stuff which included and inch<ed when carefully •examined about ti00 sheep and lambs, 400 i scente;almost unlimited. The total hogs and about a dozen calves. amolesrst :paid •for,cheese imported into Anything but extra cattle went Great Britain is -about $27,000,000 a slowly as usual, the market edntinu- year; the total amount paid' for Int; some -what weak, owing to heavy bacon -and 1lanis imported is no ' less offerings. Fancy cattle for Christ - than 7,000,000. Let It )be remem_ Inas beef sold readily at n:•ood figures, the nlalarity of :the Conservative bered that in Canada fresh Zvork sells but a number of poor cattle were ;�� �,,. S:rti'e, ` b h for ill -fell }less than •cheese while in Iei't over incl several loads were i; 4 z �ltm :tinct Irdlea tnurnal for 16J5 folr England laai'1. Ill O11e faLese.11' another left . back t0 the country. . 1 lIC ' A aperial one al nu,otin of the S;)irel:oldore of ! SK1.1iU. Balance Of this ,year fres. ,THE C1SEIiT"A V:1:'i1:ETI�;. `the mov+anlent, he isnot prepared to first load of Christmas beefers to (vineh:ru) Tarnr,ern„ra (1 n a tl•t • •ulvoc•lte it•as•-% 'LAY measure I commands higher :figure 'than that i 1 As low as �C was offered and atepe )t-' ocloelt 1,. r),., fc,• oous(derh ;" the I't,�"tffd of the �i'Urlilnpn,tnftn as an 1 1 the current indebtedness o "' � ;�••-'� � � - �'G-'_ ��..� :� ���;,)"`.rte,'-''� Forest City Business and Shorthand College of London, Ont.x, on the contrary, is noted for tbo practical character of its work. You need somer- tning practical, why not correspond with us atonce? J. W. WESTIl+lE V1 LT, ?l�l(•incipall.- •---••�'-•-, --• ... .�' i ��rhs'Cntrs W.+ctrl �"_....�,- t, s v Glob ., Farmers c .< c n :e - p The meeting oaa'Tne day„evenip ' outer woni.1s .31r. Marter is peepared :vas largely attended, cl, . tbt,.re being:: to advocate:any • question if it; ;is a ntear1y as ;Many Lift:r,als .its '.Cf)nscr- Ii •wativcs present:, and ithe. best, of' order ! o°er irse. :Ile •h� the people, 't not rce•as maintained rl;roui;l)erzt. Tlit: 1 e"h ltit Y.e. li_ • Las trlecl the 'Pre) ;s eselms (at the vi thro bibition and Sepaarate School rgees- p ,paetook too and they;have been discarded. ntiucll of a saunent'"c; has the • trade;kifa\+�we nowlo(ne•for•facts for It•isll - ,lenestioli e.?'as allnost lI,ltenn1V issue; .t t dismissed. lion. J. f:. Palitel son's I (e-ee'tors . ,address ma. a most liehrared ...effort 1 The, Earl 'at; .t'IC) .ey, who attended and it was, ", wonder ;tha.t:,tbe ::audi- I t'i,e Intercolenit 1 it oti,erence at Ot- e:cce tir d (.$ hint, and i;lirne:wa*saxlied i teem on benatlf ,�,f the Lnlie_riitl • 1c(peated)y 1irfore lie lin/shed. He ` ,, atlllleascch its remarl:sttlatillly #<a the {'avernment, eateanatde•bis: rc erceto, •„� Ib ,• nt ,,• . +l u h.id i he Tt .] et Tay commodity -so high that it es beyond Offll this season sold for •I bC per 11). 1 T1iLli`i)AS., the•L?th day o U ur,:u, n„te, ; .,n tr•,t ..,,, , , CL•'�ittfiR, li;04, at'2 scheme to liquidate n, Compmn 10 ,1 nuy 4 ed for some poor cattle, common ; other business that may cot a hefcru the u)eutrug. article tuf ,e�rery"d<ty diet- anti it will bee evident 'that, -vast :and lucra- ranging from 21-e to 2*0 per lb. y order. Dee. lth gal G)10. A. NI:wT();:, Sec, tive as ;ear tobeese industry has be with little buying. In stockers and ! c z ) come dining the past quarter of a, feeders only a fc,w Bead were picked century, tour ;production of .quarter may up at firth figures. Most of those .17 yet become -even niore•so. As •evcl;v taken were to sell again to farmers dairyman kn >ws, skinnried:Mi lk and to feed for next summer. Prices OICE 1 . E 1. O R miss NORMA UD', Pupil of SIGNOR DINELL1', ' of the Toronto Conservatory of Music %. prepared to receive pupils in INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. For terms apply at Dinsley House. whey foram the basis of ;lean pigs' ranged from '?c to 3c per lb. In Xs prepared to r reive pupils in the • - - WHY NOT rations, and the ttnlilttfacttli'e, .So to hogs there was' a steady tone, and above,: For terms,apply at her residence, speak, of ii wean :and slams ,tan be prices remain firm. Offerings were 19 I'i,ttius Street, \vingham. lighter. 1 C. conducted nm'y ,economically in IbLYtcl. 'JUUd lawn hogs brought I connection with the mlalthxflletur , from -le to 44e per lb; thick fat if s% i'rtokENZIti, l . �• C. tib. faLrnJers, 111 f . let, all );lle s :c ;kers , the Colonial 4Aiiee. He can s(ee;no: either of e,htease tor !butter. Mr. E. A. hogs, die per lb.; stores and light fat Teacher of ;seethed to hare e a greatt€leol of .,con resson why tlut wallow self-goiictn-1 .Barnard, :Secretary to the Quebec 311e per lb. The prices were quoted VIOLIN, ELOCUTION AND :C(a t for the • rriners. adei;haps ;the ing portions of `•(,bleat BYiitain" should .1`:ouncil ofAgrios:l•ture, who has made for hogs weighed off cars, Not many PHYSICAL CULTURE. J'tttzen movement will ateeount ,.for not 1(e permittz l, ezf=tiey choose ••to' :s special study. of the subject, re- calves. Choice veals are wanted. �tite•epecial an iety of tlic ;membei:s; acme] to each otherseeh tariff con - . ton ;ta,mmenda the Improved Yorlcs1i1i( One bunch of good calves, averaging ,of the uovernment about elle cesseers as they may 7Co'nco'rx:e ,as in his opinion the hest breed for 135 lbs each, sold for $5.50 per pion .0' the farm:rs just mew. ;.)l,r. wottlf ibe to their eautuentadvantagee the purpose. E`;eu vthing, he thinks head. Sheep were in good demand Patte onstate4.t!.•atby tieeg;el ttitaa He does find, however, that (-1 01 t :depends on the eight peopol tion .of for shipping purposes, and prices oI'lastand prod:v.4 sessions the dutit ; - Britalutherself wonM not be included.; rations, as unless they are properly were firm at 3e to V4-.0 per lb: Lambs 4n:i11articlesrsscnifred bytin•Kar:me in any preferential :arrangements::balanced them is great waste. Th.e were improvedconsiderably. had been reduces:Lae make e e saute among f e colonies, for the reason kind of food which ha the lianas :of an East Buffalo, Dee. 19. -Cattle- • cheaper:. and that ,;rluties had. .been; that in leer treaties with Germany ::unelezllcd fanner woredd fatten •only 102 cars through, .200 on sale; mar - pee upon all prodateas of the farm, teeend Belga.lm she has id arlx bargain-' 'two,lrngs, will fatten three if se enti- ket steady for good handysteers, 10e It:e Masa„„ti e priee of the salon, lin the t d away able right of her c alanies to: wally clispensc 3, lower for good export, and 10c to 15e •, interests .ef the farmers. Dr. Mott- ,. rant her any privileges which they :tape toJlai,yed fn atiteixiuent add.: ess. eve not willing also to grant to those Ile dealt ha .g.ueralities, and ,e€elntries. LC'anada, for .instance, ..tde- a erum )er ,e)f eery reek s, tco :ld not arena English Iron or :b..lteneentsbat wotl'd not bear in- woellen gootie at a reamed rate vestigazioiz. As an €=Yt nple, heated wii#bout extentethe that favor to the i teat the Liberal polite,- (was to admit •sinatar wares of England's Con- guests attended. A musicalpro.- ebere stock, :;r?.7a to ix3.50; fat ,.. 2lratn nar:striae:I goods f t ea:nada free tinerttal rivals. Lord Jersey i;eems r;au le occupied the first part he heifers, : 3.25 to $3.85 ; fair to choice 'and tax rias• eeateriais,. 'The doctor to •th lk that this is a state of affairs evenin • , atter which refreshments ' fat cows, $2.2) to $3,40 ; stockers :also said t'141 •tlae ditty l 11 LLd upon ''xi bleb never coti.W have been ,con- werewell.--Dr. Malcolm return Rad rbeders aetfve and higher; stock - a I , inissionsr -.from Honan ' tai ed ct, $2.30 to *2.85; feeders, $,3.15 to y , mina, is ;, visiting ;Wends at Kinlough. .Owing !;!,(i0; fresi� cows, springers easier, to the war between China and Japan Mood butclo0; bulls steady: light to and the hostile gt)anifestatfon of the '' , „ . 85; extra natives towards foreigners, he found heavy, *3 to 3.?5; weals lower, :"5 it impossible to .eontinue his work to 0.` Sheep and lambs -Offerings ihel e. r Diil, and Nes. Jas. 14fathuson were 22,b )0 head, or 113 cars, of Peas ' which 5 000 head were Canada pots 15 t of London, spent last week with ' ,• • _ Butter..,............. ...a u o 0 171 friends here, -Rev. Dr. G. T. McKoy stool,.. The market was well and. lower for common stock. Sales: 1rT 1'.\017 Extra Christmas steers, $5.75 ; good •k'or toll particulars, apply at the resi- dence of 1112. GRo. MCKENzrls, Wing- haro. MARK7+1T REPORTS. WINOIIAM. \'Vinghatn, December 13, 181)4. Correotecl by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs • 1 40 to 1 75 Fall &heat.. 0 60 to 0 57 Spring wheat 0 5(i to 0 57 Oats, 0 27 to 0 '38 Barley 0 3:) to 0 40 Peas 0 50 to 0 51 Better, tub. 0 15 to 0 15 The Daughters .(d I%bekah held • to prime export, $4.90 to ; 5.25 Batter, rolls .... . ......... 0 15 to 0 1.5 ; their •aiitliversart' "At Home" good shipping, *4.50 to $4.80 ; fair 1;� o l5 ro 0 11051 5 I ()1t d to medium, $4 to $4.50; light but- 'pla'>ersdaa• evening .) such their roenus, deers' -$3.60 to'$3.00 ; mixed but - in. the OWfellows Block.. Over 10() -tunes lllalJsa3tat':tilred hi t anada did'tem ,le:Led and al1lii!cl2 ought at cake le,t 1nerease the price of the article. to be a terecl it (;:ei1'n1any and Bel - Tire absurdity elf such a :stair. 1nent is gluon �ttil consent. 'There is nothing, 0011 when we 1d.'.i1ienlber :the effect the reret11rks, to Itirelloa• Breat Britain Ie valuation of it!i0 duty itad ,upon , granting special tariff rates to her tae price of teal. oil, bathed wire, own colonies ; though as her tariff" i1; ider Mille and sugar, Senator system is already prnetically based trg•uson devoted about i)alfantiwar,on the principle of free trade with to the trade question. He is of the ` all the world, there would seem to be opinion that Canadian fitriners will nothing left for- her to c(:o2lcede in Rs.'c;sbyte•'ialr Missionary of Formosa lower, with sales of best Canada gay Eggs per dozen Wood per cord.... ... ' 5 to 1 75: Hay per ton • .. 0 00 to )3 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 30 to 0 35 Tallow, per lb Dried Apples, per lb Chickens Ducks Turkeys Geese Dressed Bogs Beef Fall Wheat, . Spring Wheat Earley Oats THE CANADABUSINESS COLLHUY_ CRA!211AM, ONT., . r:( Is still far in advance of its cutngetitoti'" in thorough work and getting its stn dents placed in choice positions. ,. A. E. FATJ•:s, from Wasllington,;3,hoh.,,- graduate of Shorthand Dept. bts,.been; Placed by ns as stenographer with- Col... • Hadley, ,.stew York D.av1D \VAtxrii, graduate of, Easiness. - Dept. (a forcer teacher) has secured.ata •: ,. excellent position with afircn in Defiance,, Ohio. Full particulars not yet to hand. One of these recpives 830.00 and the.; other 865.00 per month. IT PAYS Tk. T ENB THE E • 0 05 to 0 O:J! Suhool will a'.open after Christmas - (i 41 to 0 05 1 vacation on \V"edepsday. Jan. 2ncl. For - 2:) to 0 35 further particul:u 11 'and catalogue ad - 0 0 30 to 0 50 i dress, 0 07 to 0 081 D. McL ,CHr:1X Cliathafit. ( ' 004 to 0051 5 00 to 5 101 _.__...__ _. -_-.__._.._�._. lit -"----- 4 50 to 5 501 a ._...s.------ 6 ®.__._.-•` ..0513to0581 U 55 to a 571 i�- [j""t, .,. ,'• 035to040 0`27to0281 ' a''°1:• 0 50 to 0 51 I Potatoes, per bushel:0 30 to 0 3v CLINTON. `'' Eggs, per dozen .... 0 15 to 0 151 0 00 to 7 00 300 to 4001 0 17 to 0 201 never be able to eon:ju tt' against tact that direetion, The notion of an China, delivered a missionary lecture' lambs at $4 and poorer stock down Cordwood iirnters of the Western States, with Imperial zoiiverein, or a uniform In t11eI'Iesl)yterran Church here on to S8 80 mostly all Sc ll• t ;" gr Wool Meir "strong, fertile, tleap lands." tariff wall around the entire .British rid a18 to our inaiinf<tetiwers, accord- ) Empire against the remainder of the ing to his view, it will be many years world, he disparages almost in *fore they will emerge from the so many words as chimerical in the „... , • ' in, at `J. .) Tuesday lest. Ile was accompanied to *8.90. Thirty cars of through yp shipments to New York included 10 by his Chinese student and preacher, ears 8 Canada lambs. Choice sheep ital-Dalt. The church WAS pacified in demand stere; export Wailers, lilnd Stated "iilfatncv" p'rontallnf`which extreme, for the; reai�;on that Ento file doors and several hundred*•1.. export to' sort ,$3.25 to g" people were cul ned away, beer,un" , 1 ewes +• . would infer that the Senator is absolutely dependant upon the able to obtain admission. $7.7'1• A tiiir eleaiince was made, (tlieves that Protection is here to cheapest possible Mod supply'and butif the weather, continues waren y. The taxpayers will, at the raw materials of manufacture for B1aLGIiAVE. e AVM be no substantial improve - ret opportunity, show the fallacy of the maintenance of her commercial The annual Christmas tree enter- nlent in these prices. IIOgs---Re- h an idea. Mr, 'Invert was the preeminence among the nations. , taintttent in connection with Trinity 1 ceYpts, 9 cars through, 180 on sale; speaker, and devoted himself to - Lord Jersey endorses most heartily , Church Sunday School, in this place, market opened r steady; Yorkers, general defence of the Government and unequivocally the conclusions of I will be field in the Foresters' Hall,' •, 4.40 tom R' $4.45; good. heavy, n+1 a lttwtatiun of the LI. P. ' There the Conference in respect to the fast !on Thursday evening., December; $`1.55 to $4.60; light, $1.35; mixed ;t.'t bat little enthusiasm exhibited,' Atlantic mail serviee and the Pacific 20tH, The following will take part packers, $4.45 to 1„4.50; mediums, n.f theau lieneesecmed to be anxious telegraph cable. To the fanner pro-' in the programme: The Misses Cline, l w 150 to x4,55; roughs, 58.75 to $4. hear and weigh the arguments al- jeer, he suggests an Imperial subsidy `Miss Ketehen, Miss Cargill, and 1 stags, *3 to 53.75. ) Front the tenor of ti(e of 115,000.a year, the greatest part Messrs. G racey and Duffield, of atlt�s, le le evident that an atpp+•ail of w.hiuil would be saved by the Wingliatn, and NIL-. D. McGill and! A Londow township farrier was . . y -' -� Bpposite Bank of Bamil 11 be made to the country within a dliversion of one of tht'! weekly mails others. A good time is anticipated., . committed, for triad, the other day, �� _ �. _ -I -- tai tlxot't Hutu, and it behooves from the New York to the St. Law- and everybody is invited and will be , for attempting to bribe a juror at the '�' "`' "'`` WINGHAM. 0 hs t() 1x2 up and doing. reties route. made welcome, quarters sessions at London. Clarke's Old Stand. Ela FAIR. 12 bars Soap for 25c. Christie"s Biscuits 22c. a box. 2 doz. Hooks and Eyes for lc. you nre at the right place. before you buy your •s: '• ••, rna 00 You will bo if you go to s. MR,+: gip, PAT ■ Japan Tea, rear value, 25c. ��®� �• , 5lbs. for $1. For he lends in the nohbiest and newest lines of Xmas. Presents. 1/47 Consergtve Benionstrat Hon. T„?;essrs. Haggart and Pc -son, iaonator Porvaolt It Dr. Montague 411)1lilv,818 TilIl LAIC(111 (i ITIII,RI On Tuesday afternoon, M( esrs. Haggart and Patterson, Ater Ferguson and Dr, Montagu rived by the G. T. R. 3,30 train were islet at the station by t o mens' band and a goodly nulllb people. The Reception Comlr composed of Mayor Rattail, 11 vVm, Clegg, I?resident of the 1 ban) Conservative Association Chisholm, H. Davis and Jas. Pe)of Gerrie, escorted the visite carriages, whieh were iii wa A procession, headed by Mr, 11, Indoo, was formed, and to the of the Citizens' Band it moved through the town to the Town where, o11 behalf of the niunicip: Mayor Manila made a few ren and Dir. J, B. Ferguson, Town C .read the following address of come To the Hon. J. Or. Haggart, the J..0. Patterson, the Hon. Sct Ferguson and Dr. W. H. Montt 1, P, lion. Sirs, -7 -Be pleased to a, this the cordial welcome of the r. eipality and inhabitants of the of Winghani on this your first to us. We lovingly bear in 1 the happy memory of the visit o, late worthy and lamented Premi J;, ,Canada, The Right Hon. Sir JohItlaeclonald, whose name is engr in the hearts of Canadians whose memory, fame and pati services . will remain wit?; lis, children, and their descendents 'many generations. We hay( very few occasions been visited members of Her Majesty's Go‘ anent in Canada, and irrespectiv your importance as members of Govornnlent and of the Hou: , arllaneI ,\c appreciateto this • sofa favor, withfull confi dunce we shall greatly benefit by viva voce enunciation of the pr Isles of the political economy o country, a subject which to all ing the interests of Canada at 11 its also their personal welfare, 1 nezessarily be of great interest importance. The town, though; t1aiz tively modern, has, from its tral locality and extraordinarily; railway communication, steadily solidly ,improved, with every pert of a• continuance of success, ed, fostered and guided by the 1 ftlity and breadth of thought notion of our law makers. With the warmest thanks of inhabitants for 'your condescen we beg to remain yours, most diently, (Signed) Jona' Itt rxe. Mayo J. B. Ifttio Usoi , Town 0: Town hall, Wiagham,11th De her, 1804. ta.h Hon. Messrs, Hagg•art and Pa' son, Senator Ferguson and Dr. Lague, made short and approp replies.• Among those in attendai i ce'at th eeption. were: Dr. Freeborn, 011 Messrs. 11. Gerry, Brussels; P. Scott, East Wawaalosh; Major li e..,We H. Clegg, W. G. Strong Doig, Geo. Walker, A. Sti Gerrie; H. Dever, Henry Kerr, Green, John Ansley, S. Franck, M. P., John Neel. D. N. Gordon; Robt Elliott, edit The(Tililea; Dr. Chisholm, Dr. nedy, L. McLean, B. Willson; I: Henderson, Whiteebureh; Th ]3e11, +, L. Dickinson, W. J. F and R. Herdsman.' An adjourn wits then had till, the evening Thevell tlg meeting was hel the town hall, which was well i The stage of the hall was docked Bowel's and drapings in harmo 11 hades, The walls were adorn( 4i:tottoes expressing opinions fcelitis and various sentiments Hard to men and questions, and ing certain statements of fact 11 the' realm of political controN They read :-" Welcome to Carl Great Stateiinen," " Honor to late Chieftain," " Honer to our Premier," " Welcome to Halclian Hero, Dr. Montagne," " Canad; ttr People," cc Who knows tin Policy ?" "Who offered the 0 tion Free Trade?"' " fatter sot Dickinson, our Next M. P.'s "; teetiotrin Farm Produce and faetnrcd Goods," " Times 1 Isere Than in the united Sty 't' God Save the Queeft." • ()n the platforitt were Messr'e ,D„ Clegg, W. 0. Strong, W.