HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-12-14, Page 3tt.
Nti. O•Tr . I!a7�� � ' � ; largest, most c:ompaet, most efficient 1 Live Stook Interests,
female organization in Oliristc nclotn. i
(mat J it Vis =omit im8xcir.) There is Ito organization of men ' ANNUAL MENTING rite T1IF. nosiexues
!':t (r,al and Thane and ,Vatire handl,
Lyell call the at+entlnn,of the rnothern and sisters
to the Net, that tits \'m'am'a Uluirtian Temper-
anee Union inert' nu third Monday 'titre month
at three o'e1oe1..harp, for one hour, at Mrs, helm's
residerm, Patrick street„ All ladies are made mil -
.As the Editor has kindly given us part of his
spites. Ynr our work, we ask A lends of the cause to
send ,tows or interest on all ,neral questions of the
4ay to any of our awn heia.
anywhere in the world that is in { L. S. A, 4,414 IVT"tux'ro,
better condition for the ends that it tom--
seeks than is the Woman's Christian i Town°, °, 1110e. 7. --•Tire annual.
Teen .cranes Union, Illeetln,o of the Dominion Liv U ,..tock
The leaders alone who are preach -
big and publishing gospel temperance, the officers were: elected; I'tc:Adent.
are a great host. strategy,. No strate. 710 Aid, Crawford, Toronto onto ; first vice -
diplomacy, no efficiency, of men has presidents, C. Coughlin, Montreal, Il,
been exhibited in the last quarter of I3rockden, Toronto; treasurer, A. O.
�„_ a century that exceeds or equals that
• of Mrs. Alary H. Bunt who since
The W. C. T. U 1880 has secured the. of Age. temperance
-- legislation needful for introducing
nY li1';v, JA\ti;s 11. ROSS. scientific temperance instruction into
the public wheels of all of our fifty
The Women's Christian Temper- States and, Territories except five ;
ince Union is no longer a minor. It and into the text -books for the
has reached its majority, It is about schools, the teachers, and the sixteen
eight years older than the Saeiety of million pupils. She has brought
Christian Endeavor. Its history has legislatures and publishers to her
been phenomenal, paralleled during
the present generation by the En-
deavor Society only.
Thompson, Toronto; secretary, II.
Gilchrist ATontiaA excellti-.. ectin-
1 1' f
Beginning Wet!.
Momentous eiiaiigo; are ill store
for Russia, if the coliduet of the young
Czar during the first few (lays of his
1'el n is any indication of the course
he intends to pursue. Unlike his
father, who was a half-educated and
narrow-minded but well-meaning
man, whose instincts were those of a
A Blessing to Every Household.
These retncdics have stood the test of fifty years rxucrienee, and are premuncrtt the hot 3ledlci
l:i,ol1 use.
soldier, and who prided himself PiutYy the blood, correct ell di nrdrrt oY the 1iwislt, STOMA('r1, iIIDN1,1'f, .1 1: 1 t x i•1.6
chiefly ('n itis herculean physical
stern„ th,Nicholas has eagerly acquir-
ed the knowledge and the mental
Val liable in all cueill,..o.ut+ incidental to fenlalis of all ua.^.=.
.? i .d::; 1 O Ian -TIM -MI :.... J J+Jk.
Ti the only reliable remedy for bad cgs, BONA, ulcers, and old wounds Volt J 1 t.*i("it1314,
T '` r , discipline aClp 1110 eon Cr'r Gtl 11y 1L U111%ellilty DISEASES IT 11A4 NO 1 QUAL. Manufactured only at 78, Now Oxford. Leto:•,.,;, oxford Navel, 1411
mittee, T. Robson, t` t. Marys ; ' P• training, and `thiel many tell! )tatiU and sold by all Medicine Venders throu bout the ttDrill.
TnilOATe; cousins nnLPS GOUT, 161111 MATISM, (J1.A111•LAR f,t'J 1 f,1+ f,.+ ra\U .01. .
Ballantyne, 1lensall ; George 1,inl- toy frivolity or martial !dor !retains t„•s'Pnrahaaers should lack to the babel on the Boxes and Tots. if the (eclur(ss is
lues, (lite sirs ; S. Wilson, Toronto ; the habits of a CUn5r.'lenti011S student. 533 Oxford Street, London, theyaro Spurious.
W. W. Craig, Montreal ; J. Mass, ; He greatly resembles his mother,
Tilbury Center ; James Featherston, • whose character may be divined from
M. P., Str•eotsville ; John Ilenderson, ! her kinship with our own gentle and
Toronto ; J. Dtuin, Toronto ; B. , beloved Princess of Wales. It is
Bickerdike, Montreal ; R. Straucl, evident that he ha4 deliberately
Hamilton . S. Scott, J. Scott, Galt. , determined, if possible, to rule by
Mr. Aluloc s, M. P., was present, and love rather thab , fer aucl to rvi
t ;. 3 �f' ( ,r ' � it ya�ia; ,,;. �, :,
:1'YiYlioll•1�1t11('tli(iilttCt�lflii2li� !
unconditional surrender to the new,
upon invitation discussed the goes- , the a 1 e , tT ection of his people by taking aj
1• 6k WOOD aid t
own terms, and the terms have bccrl , y n ,f 1 (! `%
modern chemistry of alcohol. Grant tion of steamship rates. He sug • them into his confidence and throw- : •s•-
It originated ]11 the 1Vonien's was no more exacting with Lee than gested that the eonlfllission of inquiry' ing himself upon their honor. Al- .. FOE: ALL St ES OF BUILDUPS ► .
Crusade against the saloon, which , she has been with legislators and into this subject appointed by the most ilia first acts on reaching St. ;' Capacity front 10,000 fo X30,00 Cubic Tog
started December 23, 1h73, in Hills- publishers, and no more successful. Government should examine into tile' Poterburg were to dismiss the milt- c�-
COAL..,. I..
bora, O,, and continued for six There is no sale for books that she rates charged for the last year from ttuy police guards of the palace and Pni: s'rnJ°�rRnD►ATOR"
months, chiefly in the West, but also dare not sanction. She has also in Canada, and also from Atlantic ports , to express his displeasure with the i
in Massachusetts. Its triple results troducetl Scientific temperance in- of the United States. The commis -1 compulsory closing of shutters and 1 sta-
were the closing of numerous saloons, Sti•uction into Canada, France, Eng- slonshould also inquire rvhcth('1 or; elcaring of roofs during the passage
the reformation of many drunkards, land, Germany, Norway, Sweden, not any understanding existed be- of the procession following the re- (s-
and the generation of the National Russia, Denmark, the Danish West tw ellthe e!, the castle steamship
ltde companies
placed mains of his father. He has amazed est—
W. C. T. U.. Within fifty clays 1 Indies, Bulgaria, Turkey '• in Asia, y p , the people of the capital by walking �..
liquor trafliCti was banished fr0111 two India, Siam, Celina, and Japan. at their 11101•Cy. 'unattended through the streets, tak- e›. --
hundred and fifty towns and villages. "Tile Child's Health Primer" hasIt was decided to send a deputa- ; fug the aria of an officer he chances 11P --
ill August, 1874, at the First cas-••
been translated into Chinese by an tion to Ottawa to protest against the to meet, chatting with all -corners in
American missionary, Australia, new regulation of railways,by which 1 the most genial and companionable
New Zealand, the Hawaiian Islandschargeon cattle are by weight in- 1 strain, shopping in the ordinary way,
a, convention in Cleveland, O., Nov. and South Africa are parts of her stead of by car, which is said to bear etc., etc. On his wedding day troops
17-19, to organize a national society.
conquests, badly on the trade. Iwere withdrawn from the line of
National Sunday -School Convention
in Chautauqua, a call was issued for
Z'ghteen States revere represented in -- - -
'a The most notable success of the i ma
I sura iaed deligrch, and people found to their WOOD FURNACE
• the convention. The object sought years 1893-94 in the juvenile work i Improved Farming. I delight that they could
has been more • than realized, so far
has been its introduction into Great In the annual crop report of the view the parade without the usual Full Guaranteed Capacity 1.1111g1;;,, ..
165 organization itself is concerned. Britain by unamious vote of the Ontario Bureau of Industries the fact hedge of soldiers. It is perhaps too v . Manufactured by....744
The !inion has been not only nation British Women's Temperance As- is not(:cl that the farmers of • the early:.to speculate on the full 5igni I mo r *it to `'
,alined, but internationalized. A sedation. The members of the Province, more generally than ever, licence of those tokens of the advent (0,....:
y d :''eG� allay
� �COMPANY �'�"�°y �" �1 �1 ' - .)
World's. Woman's Christian -Temper Loyal Temperance Legions are now area a'°'
suite Union has been farmed, and is admitted to the national convention. any p
.active in nearly fifty provinces and The present plan is to secure a law compete in grain -growing with the Will the horrors of Siberian exile be
•cations. Its next convention will be requiring physical culture in all virgin soil of the West, and aro mitigated? Will freedom be granted
in London in 1895.. our public schools,but such an under_ wisely turning a large share of their to the press? Will the slightest =-
The conditions under which the taking is gigantic) and will require attention to those branches of agrf i cession be made in the direction of
Union was formed illustrated anew years of persistent labor. , culture which can still be carried on ; responsible e g Ere les onsibl:, overmnent : many
bow mach room there is in the The polyglot petition for total 08 piolitabiy in Eastern Canada as i moons wax and wane we shall know.
-world always for progress, for greater abstince and prohibition, which is to anywhere' Arnollg the numerous
attainments. Debates occurred on make the tour of the world to. be correspondents whose reports have
Leek Out for Cold weather
nvhether the `word "Christian" should , presented to the rulers of the globe, been collated, we are told, '`ninny blit ride inside of the 7! loetrie Lighted amd
be a part of -the title of the new now contains four million names are of the opinion that the farmers Ske(tm EIeated Vestibule Apartment trams
organization. What a mistake its incluclin signatures and indorse of Ontario must look for their income . of the Chicago, Milwaukee cc St. Paul
i<7m1SS1011 would have been! The to cheese, butter, pork, poultry, eggs 1 able an Railway cheeand rful as ou llin yourase warm,
library or
lrlecl�re was employed, in a general The Woman's Christian Temper- aticl fruit. Here and there is a man' boudoir. To travel betwee,'. Chicago, St.
way, in favor of total abstinence ; anco Union has hail so dramatic, who Pas a bright story to tell of Paul and Minneu,polis,or between Chicago,
d Omaha and Sioux City, in these luxuriously
HEAVY GRATE, especially
adapted far wood burning
Heavy SteelPlateFlre Box Dome
and Radiator, which beat
quicker and are more durable
RtionAandRGreat Seating Power�
Large Combustion Chamber
Long Fire TraveI,encIrcIing radiator
Large Heating Surface
Large Feed Door
Sectional Fire Pot
PIT ng Grate
112ti: , a•,
'waking to the hopelessness of of 1ti milder regime, Will a halt be ! ,ta :
further attempt in the ass to called in the persecution of the Jews? *'' Ut t ; '4 , 4 ' '; '�h � 4A44 ' 114 -• , , ..: .. - ....
but it was imide iron -clad ill 1877, as picturesque an origin, so romantic a, success tlli'ollbil miplf)VCCl I11et110 S•
' Follows "I hereby solemnly promise, history,that it is easy for the leaders The farmers appear to be carefully
God helping rue, to abstain from ail ( to grauate almost any phase of the ' studyingthe questions affecting their
distilled, fermented, and malt liquors, :-movement from prose into poetry. industry.
including wine, beer, and eider, anci ' The eyes o£ all are fined upon "the ' The " ` steeepin;r car tickets. I'or detailed lnfor-
to employ all proper `- means to Ws- • balance of power" to be furnished American continent has shifted west- motion address A. J. Taylor, Canadian
courage the .use of aticl traffic in the 1 during the remaining years of the ward during the past half -century* Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont.
he'Lt centre of the North
appointed trains, is a supreme satisfaction;
and, es the somewhat ancient advertise-
ment used to read, "for further particulars,
see small bills." Small bills (and large
ones, too) will ho accepted for passage and
same." The adoption of this form of nineteenth century and the new era all the -way from the Genesee a ey•
-- --
pledge, however, was not made that is to be the consummate glory , in New York State, through the Mr. 'Villiatn Doig, of Tucker -
obligatory. Any , total-abstmenc.e ' of the twentieth century. IIonce western peninsulrt of Ontario; to the smith, has been appointed Principal
pledge has been regarded as satis- the naturalness and the attractive- Red River Valley of ill'innesota alltl Public S l 1 f t
ribbon, stamped with the initials of l
tactors for a nlember'nl 0
union. ]less of file pledge which Miss Willard A'Ianitoba, anci the far Saskatchewan,
The badge selected was a white i has versified into a sugar-coated pill It will never return eastward. Even
for mothers to give to their boys in the Northwest wheat -raising, is
the society. It wsis the forerunner of i and sisters to their bbrothers ;— 1 found unremunerative at present
the 0:E. pin. ,It•:was first worm by i I ]lodge m brain God's thoughts to prices, and ntixecl farming is be -
the. Ladies' Temperance Society of I l think; y , coating the rule. In Eastern Canada.
Waltham, Muss. It is now worn all My lips no Fire or foam to drink i only such cereals shoulcibe raised as
over tl1N" "globe for the World's !From alcoholic cup, nor link are intended for consutnption on the
iTllj!afii`adopted it.'j With my pure breath tobacco's taint; ±01111, The secret of success lies in
l For have I not a d s u be ' constantly replenishing the soil and
In 1875 The Women's Temperance 1 As wholesome and as pure as she p '� '
ilnion appeared, which graduated I Who through the years so glad and free in turning raw materials into finish -
into Tbt1 union Signal, as the organ Motes gently outward t(, meat 010 i ; ed products beforeparting with Canadian natural gets was lntlo-
, I A !Ought of the new chivalry
them. Htl coarse grains, and the
of thersoelety. The Woman's T'elll- Of Christ and temperance t would be � like 1 t beef, ducal into Detroit on Saturday. One
prance Publishing Association was I In nineteen hundred, come and see.hula of Detroit w111 now use. Ohioe
WS.I(1g in, Ont.
Ea E R & CO.
have decided, for a short time, to reduce t1•e.Ilrice for
$4.0® SPOT GASH.
of Harriston a tit o loo or next
year. Mr. D. Dorrance the present If you have any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a oar en
Principal goes to Hepworth. the making of each suit, and get a goc.d fit. First-class Trimmings supplied
at3wholesale prices for spot cash only.
when Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. If you -want to buy a Suit or Overcoat you can save from $:3.00 to
When she was a Child. she cried for Castoria. $,10.00 on each, by purchasing from us.
When she became \Liss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave theta Castoria.
fornfed, which as a publishing house I Boston, Mass.
Ilas Mucci a list of papers for old and j
young, and temperance literature i
when Others Fait
of all kinds, to the extent of one Hood's Sarsaparilla builds up the shat
hundred million pages. In 1880 a teted systenl by giving vigorous action of science. Brain counts fear more
plan of work rvrisprovided which to Tho sllgestive organa, men; nap -
ap nowadays than brawn. The present
I petite Tind purifying the blood: It is condition of the cheese industry shows
placed one woman ill charge of each , prepared by modern methods, possesses
department. The effect was unify- I the greatest curative powers, and has what can be done when once the
ing, • and was intended to be so, i the moat wonderful record of actual farmers of Canada—as intelligent
cures of any medicine in existence. Take and progressive as any in the world
There are forty departments, classifi- only good's, - serious! undertake to meet the
ed as preventive,educational, evange- I ' — y 11'
Iistic, and legal. The One motto is, iiooi)'S PILLS are purely vegetable,
"For God a ansl • home and native { and do not purge, pain or gripe. 25c.
land:" The •tprovailing watchwords I An explosion recurred at Hall.
are "Agitate, educate organize,do '
c;veiythil7g," Quebec, on Tuesday, where the cor-
tiV hereunto has this thing grown, I poration are putting. in the water
this union, this maiden society, now 1 pipes.
fl eselleC The llotcr] a ov Oli f lasvtl,e
out of its teens? There stye note I pp
ten thousand unions in the United men who know are either dead or
States and, Canada. For thirteen seriously wounded. It is supposed
the cabin where the dynamite and
years of the Union's history, it has i artrfdges were kept caught fire. In
ontl e sit o States women now vote its were badly shaken. an article as good as the Danish.
on the school question.
, ' Scraped With a Rasp. Take i olttee•---'rhe ' imus and
more remarkable than the number of Weekly Globo 'viii be sent to
women that it has developed, who In t9]roat felt ate if aclrnperl'vitl] n rasp.
separately and together have llulllfl-Ido },sift lex Norway pine Syrup I found
,cd all the allegations against the the first (lope gave relief, and the second
female sex as unqualified for the bottle completely eared me.
executive and organizing, aggressive Mrss A. A. 'Downy, Manotic, Ont.
alid defensive, work of life. Miss IC 1/ C. Will cttUSO your 1boel. to
Willard is the president of the nourish you,
Merchant Tailors.
Opposite the new Ala.cdonald Block, Wingham.
should be turned into ce , ----
• cheese and butter. Even wheat can gas and the other the Canadian pro-
profitably be turned into pork and
bThe farmer must invoke the aid
changed conditions of their ca ing.(.)2 missionaries who labored under
What has been dant in cheese can the auspices of the board,
yet be done in butter. The report ward. ,,,. . _
from which we have quoted says : •woon►s Ho3P1'1°Dii rE.
•'A most decided improvement is 1'e- The Great English Remedy
ported in the quality of butter, and sfxraekaces Remedy.
teed to
,,, promptly, and permanently
most of that product has been ells- pro all forms of anen ly
Posed of at 0 paying elle()." If Weakness,];missions,Sperni-
Australia and New Zealand can send �;� atornc�a,Imilotcnoyand all
n -, \ aforeeffectea Abuse or Excesses,
butter to England. and make a living , : � �•- � . lfcntat worry, eceoessivc use
profit a1]. of 1 ,Canada 0110 do better. ofT bacco,0 (umo1Stimu-
r3efore and After. rants, wench soon lead to In-
c. But it must be of uniform excellence.
hien; the enfranchisement of rw0 , ,, i' Inn and a little There is 110 reason why Canada 'a ny.Insanity, Consumption and(ia.early drove.
.ChCle ,were four C IIasbeenprcaerlbod over 3,,yoara In thousands o!
]11C17 for five scat's it has favored. - ~nil a large number 'should not set the pace for the world saes is the only Reelable anti honest M'edtcint
politically the 1.'rollibitory party. to boy klllc,d, t ,,
wounded. The houses in the vicin- in butter -making, or at least produce
t I 1 D 1 1ucloso Defeo in totter, and we w111 seed by return
mall !?rice one package, El, s , E
Take Notice —The TIMES and
Weekly Globe ,'ill be snit to any address,
in Canada or the United States, from now
till January 1st, 18;10, for one dollar, pay-
able in advance.
The Baptist Homellission Board
10 468 persons were BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS,
TRUNKS, by the VALISES and
les last year
Having bought out the Ambler Harn
Tisi; suns and keptei is n 1 arueees a n , Y�
urn prepared to furnish the public with y
such as
organized 282 churches baptized
Nothing in its history has been
any address
SINS,—I had such a s 1 h that Canada tl CTn ted States, from now
In . ana a or ]e i . pay-, '1"'d i•• t('h,rlrt,o h.• (7. K. „idiaai,. U •u i••1
till January lst,1800, for one dollar, .
e 1
known. JiskdrugRtstforWeed's i'irosphOdane;11
lie offers some worthless medicine in place of this,
- tx 5. Cue Witt
seem,,ifxsumbu,'e. Pamphlets free 10 any address.
The 'Wood Company,
Windsor, Ont., Canada.
blot in advance. I
In some IIindoo temples ht Soath,
India the collection is taken up by .
an elephant that goes around with a ,
5'., St; �RV.F R',•'i,,.
UIIES vdHtht ALL ELS Al v'
Y , Bost •Conch Syrup. Tautns Good. L'e0 el
N In time. :(ofd by druggists.. ,-1
I make all my own Cellars and guarantee satisfaction.
Give mea trial and I will use you right.
G.. . -- 1TM TC•. 1
of N w•sery:Leek or feed Pete tots, or bothr-
meant 'URI oving positials to good men, Wo
vir0 ou ue'•nive territory it,ou tns,.
It will '
the Hawks Nursery Co.,
p l 'you to write ms for forms Address,
Bochaater, N. Y. I
ib Lural anu'J ravelinlw Salesmen
itnl/ TE�, �'to handle cur liardv (b ,adian
- • ��i
tlrotvn Wnrsary Rtoek. Wt.�;unra ttee sat1Pfaetlon to
r pfesentatives and Customers, Our Nurseries aro
the lamest In the Dominion --over 70(1 oc•rrs. No
vnl,stitutlnn In orders, luxeluaiv1 territory and
1151141 terms to whole or part time auents. 'write
Mod (lflirl,)Toronto, nnt.
The only Nursery In Canada, hair yc testing orchards.
Send a cents In ettimpa, or 10 rents:sliver, and we
ivrli send .you or return snail the
A neat little Uook, being a perfect Gnlde In the art
of Lettsr Writing. It contains hitters of Love,
Friendship vn. valuable n
Mons adicBusiness,
should have this hook. Address.
1 OVll•r'r"Y P'O BLIS'ETEItS,
Ingersoll, On