HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-06-17, Page 5Ca t. occasion permitsr for their pavilion when it is fi ished, only wish to have Dublin changed to "wet", status according to Lions President, James Baratchek, but will go ahead with canvassing the whole township if necessary. Hibbert clerk Charles Friend has been instructed to find out from the Liquor Licence Board which is the case. "There is no control over liquor unless we have a permit", said Mr.' Paratchek. "People will just bring their own if we don't have ope. ' The Dublin Lions club will try to obtain the signatures of 25 per cent of the eligible voters of either Dublin, or Dublin and Hibbert, on a petition asking that a liquor plebiscite be held at the municipal elections in December. At present, it is uncertain whether the police village of Dublin could vote to go wet separately from Hibbert Township or if all of Hibbert would have to be in on the vote. The Dublin Lions Club, who wants to be able to obtain special For Dublin 1 ) Lions seek liquor vote K of C has communion . TM HOOK 4.xmg MR. DEVEREAUX IS 95 — William • Devereaux, oldest member of St.- Janes' kRoman Catholic Church, and member of a pioneer Tuckersmith family, was 95 on Sunday. Mr. Deveraux''s parents were the late James Devereaux and Ellen Shanahan, and his wife, the former Margaret Ellen Kelly died in 1962. Mr. Devereaux, who is in good health, lives with his only son Joseph and his family in the family home at' Lot 1, Con. 1, Tuckersmith. He has seven grandchildren, ( Staff Photo) New bridge for Logan twp ,B.M. Ross & AssociMes were instructed toprepare planS for a new bridge at . lot 17, con. 4 &' over the Thames River and' a by-law was passed limiting the load on the bridge to 10 ton. at Logan Township Council meeting June 7. ' Jas. Holmes was re-appointed weed Inspector for 1976. Tax rates for Logan Township for 1976 have increased as Wows: Public School supporters are paying 93,20 mills from 79.20 in 1975,. an increase of 14 mills and Separate School supporters arc paying 96.06 mills from 81.60 'in 1975, an increase of 14.46 mills, plus fire areas and street iighting as applicable. Paul Ross, Chief Public Health Inspector for Perth met with council to discuss health require- Winthrop meats and Jack Fowler, Building & Zoning Inspector for Mitchell, Rillarton. Hibbert and Logan was also present during the discussion. Council • would like Logan ratepayers to be 'aware that anyone failing to obtain a building permit before work.commences is liable for a fine' of $300. The minutes of the. Committee of Adjustment (Apr. 28). Mitchell & Dist: Arena and Conimunity Centre (May 13), and Mitchell & District Planning Board (May 10) were adopted. Road Accounts amounting' to $14,232.39 and General Accounts totalling $125,299;82 . (which includes June payment for schools) were ordered paid. Council adjourned until Junc.24 when the Northeast Drain report will be read at file Township Hall. Has Dutch visitor Correspondent Mrs. Robert Huliey Visitors with Bob and Marg Hulley and family were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner. Steven, Lisa and Leanne and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hulley, Beth, 'Bill and Kathy, Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hunt and girls and Samantha Poisson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mae Hill and girls, Varna and also with- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hill, Varna on Sunday afternoon. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodds and family were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gelderland, Deborah, Darryl and David of ,„i4 owns Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodtrol, Hensall, acid Mr. ttetli', Van Dyk, Vlis'gingen, Holland. Mr, Van Dyk, a . Warrant Officer with the Royal Dutch Navy, has been on manoeuvres for the past three months in the Caribbean and was presently on a 6-day leave from his ship "The Tromp”, stationed in Norfolk, Virginia. The ship will be in Ncw York over the July 4th' weekend to take part in celebrating America's BiCentennial. From there he leaves' for Holland and' after a short vacation with his wife and 2 daughters, will- return to his duties, which will 'then take him to the Mediterranean, Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Dodds and Mr. Van Dyk visited Niagara' Falls and surrounding points of interest. Brodhagen ladies played the B.P. Oilerettes at Winthrop on Friday June I I . The Oilerettes won.; „the game 11-7. Janice Leonhardt got a home run for the Oilerettes. Next home game is Fri tine' • IS— ° agatifst Warettes at 7100 p,m.. The Oilers played the Twin City Bombers on Monday June 14 at Wintrhop. Twin City won the game 14-12. Glen Beuermann got three home runs for the Oilers. Next home game is Monday June 28' against Winthrop Warriors. Mens, Womens,•IJos, Girls Tennis Shoes to Dress Shoes • WHILE THEY LAST, TABLE # 2 Mots, Womens, Bo's, Girls Don't Forget , Father's Day He Sure Wouldn't The Lions Club approached council last week asking that plebiscite be held. 'Council decided that they would act on it provided that the petition with 25 percent of the eligible voters signatures was presented. Council could have passed . a resolution authorizing the plebiscite on its own, but decided against it. • "I think it is better grounds for council to hold a vote if a cross-section of the voters support it. You don't want to go to the expense of a vote if there is not support for it," said Hibbert Reeve Ross McPhail. Clerk Friend is consulting with the Liquor Control Board on what questions.have to be asked every voter. There is a possibility that a plebiscite to allow 'special occasion permits would also allow the establishment • of licenced pre mises. But that's not the Lions Club's intention. Hibbert Clerk Friend says "There's no question of anybody establishing a dining room or hotel, It is purely to obtain the right . to occasional licenses.- Correspondent Mrs. Laverne Wolfe Sincere sympathy is expressed 'to the family in' the death of Mrs. Christena Ritz Who passed away in Stratford General Hospital on ,Thursday. She lived with, her nephew, Elmer Hoppenroth'. Flowers on the 'alter at St. Peters Lutheran Church Sunday morning were in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rose, placed there by their family. At the same church were 3 baskets' of flowers from the funeral of Edward Ahrens which was held on Monday, . We are glad to se,. Robert Gilbert is improving since he was a patient in St. Josephs Hospital. London,' He is convalescing at home. . • Cliff's Truck Stop in Bronholm, the new building .with lunch counter. is completed, The open- ing will take place, June 12. Walter Kipfer and Otto Lcasa from the Ritz Villa, Mitchell called on. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne 'Wolfe, Thursday. and MrS. Arthur Horst and Lois were dinner guests with other friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rock at the Brodhagen Community Centre on the occasion of Douglas' confirm- ation and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Mervin bietz at their home on the occasion of Darrel's confirmation. Saturday evening. former classmates of Sheila Smith's met at the home of her parents, ,.Mr. and Mrs: Ken Smith, when she received' many gifts. We are sorry to hear Fred Kistncr had the misfortune to have part of two toes taken off Friday.. He has been transferred from Seaferth to University Hospital, London. • Friends and relatives of Mrs. Carl Rose are glad to see she is improving since she has returned home from. Seaforth Community Hospital. Guests over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen. Terry and Warren were Mr. and Mrs. Garry Elligson and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Markin a-nd family, all froM Windsor. - With Mr: and Mrs. Carl Rose and faMily were Mr. and Mrs., Ross Kock, Gowanstown' on Sunday. The Rose reunion was held at the Community Centre on Sunday, of the late Edward Rose's descendants. Mrs. Michael Connolly and Mrs. Clara Seibert, Watburg, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe to attend the 25th annual Morenz reunion which was held in Harmony Park The 25th' Annual Morenz- reunion was held at Harmony Park, June 13 with Mr, and Mrs, Bill Jefery sports conveners. Winners were:. Young men's race, Ron Vogel, Grand Bend: ladies kick slippers, Marion McLeod, Toronto; men's kick slippers Andrew MacLeod, Toronto; hunting thimble, Ron Vogel; knocking hat off • stick, Marian MacLeod; egg throwing contest, Marion MacLeod and Edwin Jeffery: Childrens race winners were: Donna and Paul Martin, Chesley: guessing watermelon weight. Marion MacLeod and Gerald Wilhelm. Special prizes went to: oldest Man. John Heckman. Dashwood; oldest lady, Mrs. Reinhard Steph-dit, .chesies; fartftekt'dittr anee, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew MacLeod, Toronto; ,Iiirthda.• nearest picnic. Marion MacLeod: newest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jeffery Jr.; longest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Stephen, Exeter, It was decided to hive the Correspondent Don MacRae Fr. Stephen Eckert Council K. of C. of Seaforth held their annual Corporate Communion breakfast at Zurich in St. Boniface Church for' 11:15 mass, Breakfast followed at the Pincridge Chalet, Hensall. A goodly number of Knights and their wives attended. Monsignor Tony r Durand was guest speaker at breakfast. He was introduced by Grand Knight John Paul Rau and thanked by Brother Wilfred Mosseau. MOITIV reunion at the same place next year, the second Sunday in June. President is Gerald GK. John Paul also presented Fr. DUrand w ith a purse of money in re,ognition of his 40 years of dedicated service in the priesthood. An Honour Guard of 12 Sir Knights ,trom Mgsr, D.J. Egan General Assembly. Seaforth lead the parade from St.4 Bonifacc School to the church and return. Tkkent\ iise ve'4 .. pins were presented to Bri I 'ayton Loobv and Bro. Ted Mci..dy. Personals ‘'isitors with George from were Mr. and Mrs. Tate from Port Wilhelm, treasurer Bill Jeffery Jr„ and secretary Caroline Franks on Sunday. Mrs. Jack Haggarty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maloney Sr. and children. Joanne and David are spending some time in , Dublin on the occasion .of her • parents' 50th Wedding Anniver- sary. Mr. and Mrs. Haggarty are living in Ghana, West Africa, where Jack works with the Dept. of Agriculture. Terry and Fred Overdulne and boys from London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Maloney and family. Mrs_ Marie Overdulne, Sarnia, also visited with them in Dublin.. The Dublin and, District Lion's pavilion is shapinettp-nicely. The new green.roof has been installed and some'of the siding. There's only a month left until the July 17 Duhlinfest. so plenty of volunteer help is needed yet. Thanks again for your help. Trap .Lloyd Vgaaer, 4911,11HeaseL,•Pacigiich Ashley illYart, O9cleriqk icg.A. Alio;•lApileOgro Charlie Eranclon, Olinton Murray:Grigg, Pinto!" ARNOLD J STINNI.S$Ei LIFE - andIVIOrt$414P lasupia.ca 'Plana Income Tar DoPthic1abkitagistere4 Retirement SavingnEiont ontlAnniftfes, Income Ayeroging Annuities Ask for our now Flexible Premium . —'REPRESENTING Tel. 527-0410 Sun Life Assurance - 117 GODERICH ST. EAST Company Of Canada SEAFORTH for 17 years. Free Estimates No Job Too Small DAVE HEiMPEL DECORATING - Paperin1;, J.i ht 'Carpentry; Floor Sanding and Refinishing. Induglial,'Co•f!ttio irial and Residential' STRATFORD (Wt." accept collect calls) WM: MOSES '271-63.05 a, 4.4*~~.~.444~...sp•#.44,0~•~•~4 ,4 .TODAY! ONLY FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL House Slippers Your Choice $3.99 Dr'. Scholls Foot Comfort Clogs All Reduced Fantastic Sav ings NOW! Door Prize To Be Given Away Sat, Evening Come In anti Sign Up Brodhagen people in hospital FREE HERE'S YOUR INVITATION TO WIN A BEAUTIFUL PRIZE WANTED! FIFTY WOMEN TO JOIN GRAND PRIZE CAMPAIGN CREATED 'BY OUR ADVERTISING AGENCY -- JUST TO HELP ADVERTISE THIS - SALE. peak ) LADIES ( Summer (. ) Sandals All Reduced Up to , ) 0/ 5 0 7o (.)FF: HERE IS FUN — FASCINATION -- EVERY CONTESTANT RECEIVES FULL, FAIR OPPORTUNITY TO WIN Boys DRESS & CASUAL up to These Bungle! Prizes Given S gn Up For Door Prize NO PURCHASE NECESSARY PRIZES WILI, BE AWARDED JULY 111th ly One Group LADIES' Purses While the last ( ) ONLY 1:.99c` ) Special Sale Hours Mon.-Sat. 9-6 Friday.9-9 ONL1 990-...$ 1 . TABLE '1 Many Limited Sizes Dress, to Casual . ., ° The fpllowiug $C-PTVA g.O. 4IW result of 4 Trap Shoat . hc,1444 Jorge '9th at Vartaotra,... Murray East, Clinton p. John AndOrsen;KipPm.24 Mery Batkin. Clinton " 'ta .rx D. H EIMPEL- 393-5590 Everythin ORDERED SOLD loihe BARE WALLS /77111, US1NESS f Evpry Item In The Store On Sale! ';r2SPTO 50117 E SP ECIALS Whole Family! forthe SALE. STARTS TOMORROW 9AM r MENS' Dress ) Shoes UP TO 50% OFF Be Sure To Shop Early • SAVE-SAVE-SAVE GIRLS SANDALS DRESS & 'CASUAL SHOES MANY 50 %on, Yo Cimic ur e N IN $3 .99 111111Y ITEM AT BARGAIN PRICES r MEN'S Work Boots ) Limited Sizes Up to 50 %orr JIM CROCKER FAMILY FOOTWEAR 53 Main St. . Seaforth 527-0102 CHARGE