HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-06-10, Page 16Agricultural Career Opportunity with one of Canada's largest and oldest Farm Equipment dealers. SERVICE MECHANIC required to set-up, repair, and overhaul farm tractors and equipment. • Modern service centre facilities, comparable salaries and benefits available with a fast groWing, Idng established International Harvester dealer. For interview, apply to: . • „ Vincent FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Marlen K. Vincent, Seafo, rth, Ontario 4.48-2 Applicants will be notified if '4`51 required for an interview. mc GOOD selection of serviceable Deadline for applications is JUNE 17, 1976 age Hampshire boars, R.O.P. tested and commercial, also Hamp H.TURKHEIM DJ:COCHRANE, -cross .Duroc boars and 'York/ Chairman Director Cross Landrace boars. "Bob, Robinson, 345-2317: , 8-47-2 4-48-1 1FINIIIIMO•••• GOOD TIMES TRAVEL Seaforth 527-0050 SCOTTISH WORLD FESTIVAL TATTOO Toronto Exhibition AUGUST 22nd Reserved Grandstand Seat Admission to C.N.E. By Motor Coach $18. per person RESERJE-1EARLY Na.shvilre $ Wheeling Tours Labour Day and Thanksgiving Ontario Licence #1239997. • 1-43-tf Classified Rates WORD COUNT ChargeS are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count, as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 Words $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, /4c per word, minimum $1.00. SEIVII-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION $1.68 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS .$1.54 per column inch. (Minimum ' size in this category 2 • inches. Accepted In multiples of half inch:j BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per insertion. , BIRTHS - 20 words, $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagementt, Death Notices, 20 words $1.50,-each additional word 6c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.50 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $1.50, each' additional word 6o. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 Words '$1.50 , each additional word 3c. 25c DISCOUNT FOR' CASH •PAYMENT 'AT ' TIME OF INSERTION. -1411 artibeirgitn of multiple insertion advertisementS after Noon, Tuesday. Deadline far classified ads 1812 Noon Tuesdays, Phone '527.0249 General Maintenance .5i,-./.4eRadeeztezouz4,,igezor4red requires Maintenance Personnel for its Plant no. .3 in Stratford and its Plant no. 4 in Mitchel! Appficants must be experienced in the general maintenance of machinery equipment and buildings orhave mechanical experience Full range of Company Paid Benefits Hiring Rate of Pay $4.60 per hour -Top Rate $5.05 per hour Present Cost of Living $0.27 per hour 'Apply to Personnel Department .51#1424444/72deeezti&Nad“eapsesse 1030 Erie Street Stratford Ontario N5A 6V7 4-48-1 7 Situations Wanted 10 Used Cars For Sale" 11 Articles For Sale Demolition Sheeting 2 x 6; 2 x 8, 2 x 10, black piping, galvanized piping, copper piping t vaim,etectrical ;whips, etc. 01,180HEAbELE6Titit Ii0OH ir Wide X 14' High Apply to BILL HENDERSON SEAFORTH, 527.1779 or it , site in Egmondville. 11.48-2 . E HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE 10, 1070 NOW A WORD ABOUT • • 11 Articles For Sale 1 Coming Event STRAWBERRY AND HAM SUPPER Brucefield United ChUrch, June 23. 1-47-2 THE ANNUAL FALL FAIR Dance, Seaforth Arena, 6aturday September 18, 1976, Walter Ostanek Orchestra. 1-48-1 RECEPTION for Tom and Lenore Whyte, newlyweds, June 25, 9 -p.m.-- 1 a.m. at Family Paradise, Ken Scott Orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch. 1-47-3 SEAFORTH Craft Festival, July 10th. Seaforth Community Centre. Featuring artists from P.E.I. nature landscape photography, pottery and other crafts. . ' 1.47-3 SEAFORTH LIONS BAR-B-Q Dinner and Dance, Saturday. June 26, 1976, Seaforth Commu-hity Centre, Campbell and Cardiff caterers, -Music by Walter Ostanek Band. Tickets available at Vincents. Larones, Bob & Bettys, Huron Expositor, Rowcliffe, Whitneys, Stewart Bros., Seaforth Banks and from Club members. I -47-tf SEAFORTH Lions 41st annual summer carnival, July 8, 9, 10, 1976. 1-45-5 HIBBERT United Church of Staffa, Ham and. Strawberry Supper, Wednesday, June 16. 5 - 8 Adults $3.50. Children 12 and under $1.50, 1-47-2' HURON County Pork Barbeque and Dance, August 26th, Seaforth Community Centre. Tickets available from directors ' of the Township. Advance tickets only. 1-47-2 BROOKSIDE SCHOOL in Ashfield at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, June 20th, Mrs. Jean Lohb showing pictures of Ireland, birthplace of Websters. The' Webster book will be available for sale at the picnic. Basket lunch. 1-48-2 Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by. low cost Huron Expositor want Ads. Dial 527-0240. 1 Coming Events NON SANCTION TRACTOR Pull, Brussels Fair Ground, Sunday, June 20, 1 p.m. 8'classes trophies & prizes. Admission $2.50. Brussels Optimists Sponsors. For more information call - Larry Bray 887-6553. 1-48.2 NEW Bingo Clinton Hall $:30 June 10th, Admission 51,00, $220.00 in 56 calls or less, 1-48-1 HAMIki STRAWBERRY Supper at Cromarty Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, June 23rd 5 - 8 P.M. Adults $3.50, Children $1.50 - 12 and under. 1-48-2 BINGO at the Vanastra Centre; Friday, 'June 11th, 15 Regular $10.00 games, 3 share the wealth. Helcpot $280.00 in - 57 calls. $25.00 Consolation. Door prizes and other specials. Admission restricted to 16 years. 1.48-1 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic HEALTH UNIT OFFICE SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL on THURSDAY June 10, 1976 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for:' 1. Health, Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. ing Screening 5 lu'oride brushing of child- ren's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years. 6. Vision testing. 1-48-1 2 Lost, Strayed STRAYED from Lot 32, Concession 14, McKillop, Charlois heifer, .approx. 600 lbs, Phone 887-9297. 2-483E4 PHOTO album lost near Seaforth Manor. Finder please phone 527-1231. 2-48x1 4 Help Wanted YOUTH wanted to live in on farm for summer months,' building repair work, weeke,nds free. • Contact Stratford 271-1094. 4-48x1 . EAGER High School students available for , any job, large or small. On'e hour, or all summer. Goderich 524-2744 or Huron Park 228-6651. 4-48-1 4 Help Wanted SUMMER students for part time help. Apply Archie's Sunoco, Seaforth. 4-48-2 FULL TIME car clean up man. Apply in person at Wright Chev. Olds. 4-48-2 MORE THAN 2000. will be paid to our regular part time school bus drivers this school yes. Why don't y ou supplement your income? Regular & part-time male' or female drivers are required. We will assist in obtaining licence. UNITED TRAILS INC. _ _ Phone 527-1222 4-47-ff ONTARIO HYDRO requires a Forestry Trade Trainee FEATURE OF THIS JOB INCLUDE: -- a four year training progiam - on the job training - Class room instruction at Hydro Trades Training Centre - Attractive wages and benefits - Applicants must have Grade 12. Farm experience or outdoor work an assest. Application forms may be picked up at .the Clinton Area Office ; Hwy. No. 4, South. Forms may also be requested by telephone, 482-3483. Completed applications are to be mailed or delivered to the Clinton Area Office Box 550 Clinton, Ontario by June 18, 1976 4-48-1 Yiee 164,on Wouriiy d etzwd 6c1144474an requires a Custodian at CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL CLINTON Written applications stating age, experience and telephone number, should be addressed to MR. R. McVEAN PLANT SUPERINTENDENT HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 103 ALBERT STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO NOMILO 10 -Used Cars For Sale 1973 Pontiac Parisienne 4 door hard top, power steering and brakes, radio, white wall tires, wheel discs, excellent condition, 36,000 mileS. Bob Robinson R.R.#4, Walton, 345-2317. 10.48-1 1969 Chev, Bel Air, V-8, Automatic power brakes and steering, radio, wheel discs, Ken Moore, 527-0508. 10-48-3 1968 Ford Galaxie, 390 motor, new carburetor, as is. 527-1629. 10-48-1 1969 Corvette, 427, power options, lake pipes, 40,000 miles, not winter driven. Call 523-9509 after 5:00. 10-48x2 To Give Away - Small black and white' female Collie, spayed. phone 887-9308. 11-48-1 4' Ladder for a swimming pool in like new condition, 482-9206. 11-48-1 KITCHEN cabinet also 23 inch TV Mrs. Stan Bray, 527-00 83, 11-48x1 UNIT STEP, the easy way to buy better concrete steps. No waiting for concrete to set. Many sizes and styles in stock. Enhance the beauty and value of your home with precast steel reinforced concrete Unit Steps. Our installation crews work quickly and cleanly. Call Frank Kling Ltd., Phone 527- 1320, Seaforth." 11-45-4 Bicycle Parts and Repair New and Used Bicycles Egmondville Wilf's Bike Shop 527-0803 ' 11-45-4 NEW Counter and bar tops, 12 ft, long, various colours, used windows, Phone 527-0235. 11-4.8-2 14' Falcon camper, flushable toilet, excellent condition. Sale Price $1,200.00. Call after 6, 262-5504. 11-48-2 TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES CANARIES A complete line of pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP 350 Main Street Exeter Phone 235-1951 11-47-tf 11 Articles For Sale SWIMMING Pool sacrifice: Leading manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and terms. Call collect days or evenings. 1-519-433-1083. 11-47-tf STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, single and duplicate. The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. I -47xtf ELECTRIC fencers for sale. Repairs to any model, 345-2306. 11-47-tf LEADING SWIMMING POOL Manufacturer must dispose of brand new 1975 above ground aluminum pools, made to sell for $1890.00 willing to close-out for $1188.00. Full • warranties in effect. Call collect , anytime. 1-416-667-1302. 11-47-ff NEW Beauty-cut power mower, Briggs & Stratton motor, Apply Royal Apartments, Apt., 2. 11-47x2 16 Foot Fibreglass boat with top and folding seats and a Mercury 80 horse motor , a new trailer. Phone 527.1996. I 1-47-2 FOUR year old Chestnut. Gelding, beautiful riding horse, great disposition, $400.00. Call Barb Brady 527-1456 around 6 o'clock. 11-47-2 TWO wheels and tires, 6001b fit any Dodge, 345-2249. 11-47x2 GESTETNER INK AVAILABLE at The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth, I 1 -47-tf LEADING Pool manufacturer has 1975 above ground, redwood type pools -available, willing to sacrifice at half price. Call collect anytime 1-416-667-1302. 11-47-tf SWI1VIM1NG POOL wholesaler must dispose of 1975 aluminum pools, in stock. Sacrifice price for desperately 'needed factory warehouse 'space. Brand new swimming pools include walk around deck, fence, filter ,,and warranty . Size '15' x 27', 1 ,088.00 cash or terms. Call Gord collect days or, evenings, 1-519-433-2611. ,, 11-474 COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-47xtf SWIMMING POOL: Deluxe, Redwood, above grouhd pool, '16 x 24, 1 yr. old, Repossessed •by bank, sacrifice 1/2 price. Call Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. 11-47-tf ADDING • machine.' rolls, typewriter ribbons for most machines. The Huron Expositor,. 527-0240, Seaforth. 11 -434 SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE: Leading Manufacturer ' and diStributor has above ground aluminum pools left over from 19,75. season. 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect. Mississauga 416-625-88.19 days or evenings. I I -47-tf ONE3Y2 h.p. Scott outboard motor with gear shift, 34151-.24489-01 after 6 p.m. PLOTT and. Walker hound pups, 345-2364, 11:48-2 As our way of saying THANK YOU to our many good customers ALL GROCERIES except perishables Discounted' 10% JUNE 14, 15 16, 17 Dry Goods, Hardware & Gifts still 20% off. CRANBROOK GENERAL STORE R.J2.3, Brussels 887-6593 . 11.48-1 ATTENTION FARMERS Coloured and Galvanised Roofing & Siding Sales and installation available at: BALL-MACAULAY LTD. SFAFORTII - 527-0910 11-48-1 McKEE shredder harvester pipes, wagon and racks, 527-1629. '11-48-1 FATHER'S DAY? Birthdays? Genuine leather handcrafted wallets, key fobs and cases, purses, etc. Howie and Fran Breen, R.R.5, Seafo rth, 345-2865. " 11-48-2 PINTO Pcihy, cart and harness, quiet broke' to ride or drive, Ph. 527-0629. 11.48x1 GRAIN TRUCK rack size 18-x 8 x 5 feet in good condition. Henry Diegel, R.R.1, Bornholm. 11-48-1 12 'Wanted To Buy PIANOS. Write 'or call Gingrich Box 34, Komoka, 472-1994. 12-43.8 14 Property For Sale BAILEY 82 Albert Street Phone: 482-9371 MASON BAILEY- . BilOKER/MANAGER 'Clinton, Ontario 3 choice bUilding lots centrally located in Clinton, ******* Large 2 storey red brick home on 1 acre lot on Raglan Street in Clinton. Lots of trees and small barn. ****** -2 choice building lots , in Brucefield. ****** Nearly new 2 bedroom, brick bungalow in. Blyth, Excellent Condition. ****** 20 acres in Stanley Township on Bannock Burn River, ******, Large 3 storey' brick building in Seaforth, gas furnace, full basement. ****** 14 acres on the edge of Blyth, 2 storey brick home, 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, carpeted dining, living room and ,den. 11/2 baths. Creek crosses 'property. Small horse barn. * * ** 11/2 storey frame home in Grand Bend. 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, carpeted-living and dining room. Shop at back-. Located near uptown. ****** 2 acre's just south of Clinton on #4 Highway, steel work shop, heated, concrete floor. ****** 11/4 storey i nsul home in Londesboro, 6 rooms, 4 bedrooms, oil heating, 'modern kitchen) Located not too far from school. * * * * * Country living on 2 acres just north of Blyth, 2 storey stucco home, 9 rooms, 5 bedrooms, oil heating. ****** FOOD FOR THOUGHT Everybody wants the same things MORE 14-48-1 Additional Classified , yt on Page 17 e • 4 Help Wanted 4 Help Wanted Topnotch Feeds Limited requires an Accounting Clerk For Accounts Payable and Payroll. Experience in these procedures helpful. A comprehensive range of personnel benefits provided. Please send complete resume to the ttention of MR. G. RIMMER P.O. BOX 370 Seaforth, Ontario. 4-48- 1 YOUNG LADY 14 years old will babysit during summer. Ph: 527-1805. 7-48.2' YOUTH BOY 16 wants job with farmer all summer long, even on holidays. Has had some farm experience. Contact: Al McQuaid, North Main St., Seafo .rth. 8 Farm Stock FOr Sale PIGS for sale, anyone wanting a steady supply of weaner pigs from a large operator, Apply to Box 3232. The Huron Expositor. • 8-47.2 1972 Four cylinder Datsun, 520, 40,000 miles very good condition. 'Were asking $1600.00, now reduced. to-$1,400.00. Bornholm, 34712795. 10:48-1 11 Articles For Sale 320 John Deere tractor with plow and snow blower, 527-1197. 11.48x1 3 Speed bike, one year old, one used. stereo, Phone 345-2806. 11-48-1 TRAILER for sale. Orville Greer, 527-0547. 11 -48x1 14 Acres mixed hay, 527-0196.. 11.48-2 RUBBER tired wagon, 16' flat rack, good condition, 262-5334. • 11.48x1 A 10' combine pick up in new condition, 262-5988. 11-48-1 1 Horsepower power grinder with 8" stone and wire brush, 1 set of -parts bins, 1 drill press for. 1/2" portable drill, a steel welding bench, a 1 h:p. portable air compressor with 6.2 C.F.M. Compressor and tank and 3/8" Black & Decker drill. Phone 262-5988. • 11-48.1 Two 1175 HONDA Motorcycles. Phone 527-0091.. 11 -48x2 USED Chesterfield and chair (brown). Phone 527-1268 al: ,ter 4:30. 11-48x1 11 acresL mixed standing hay, ,Hugh Benninger, Lot 16, Con. 1, Hibbert 345-2001. 11-48-1 '''''48A-4Acres standing • hay, Deodhagen area, 345-2339. 11.48-2 3 Seater cucumber picker, very good condition, 3. farrowing crates with feed trough, electric fencer (Sure Snot). Phone 527.0265. 11-48x2 - -4j