HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-12-14, Page 1HE "nrisl.OHAM TIMES, DE 1 , . . . • ' ,Intcrests. VOL. 1199. • WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1894. $1A YEAR IN ADVANCE The Bane has been making • preparations for a Big Fall Trade by gathering together a large anct well -selected stock of Goods in every line, all bought at the lowest and.beest markets and marked One smallest neAttn of profit. Goods were never as cheap aa.s this season, which you will admit after -calling and getting prices for anything Yon need, let it be what it may. Dress Good, Flannels, Underwear or Staples, Furs, Ready -Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes and 'Groceries. And in order to father „help you and make a go as far as possible, we will give to all Cash Buyers a STUAIGHT DIS- COUNT OF 10 reit °Estee instead of our present eystem, on all purebases, let it only be 10 'cents, (with one exception only, sugar.) Remember our goods are inarkecikelow as any in the trade, and we will " be 'undersold. We stillhold the reputaion for the best Tea in Wingbarn at 35 oents, a lbs. for one dollar, 5 lbs. for one dollar and fifty .zents, te, 4 et; n4j eta' tte • ORB, & HiSCOCKS, The Only Direct Importers. 'Mee BE, Oct. llth 1804. Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK Paransox, No 23, Vic- toria street,Wingh am, Ont. No witnesses irequired. 4:!1 4 Es,cation, horthand, Pgle.cae .ituscinaensz•saitduto .41 et" k. is at the Ceti- 4 trot Business Col- 4 lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. Unceceseionably Canada's Greatest Coma •rnercial schools. cata:Oeues free. Men- tion this paper, Shaw A kallott, Principals. z.,......,.....s.,AAAA.41,A.acra,sfa•NeNcoet46t /** 1.1.1•1•1400 SO.Nri**•••• .-• REAL ESTATE AGENCY. A 44 piece Tea S otore, Mr. B. Willson 4 as in business, on Seturd ' Candies by t ant. The Times and 1 till the end of 1895 and get the balanos Buy your Christ candies at the City restaurant. W. A. Jones. N:stMr, Peter A. M ler is putting up a fine frame resident in "'Pl • ant Valley," this winter. Go to the Star re rant for good, fresh eanned goods, elle est in town. JAS, McKsevin. 9es`a-llessrs. Vansto Brosemarble dealers, have put down a lar e platform adjoining their works, on wl eh to store their large stock of granite, m rblee/ e• ke. The City resteur arries a large stook of pipes, cigars tobaccos, of ahe best brands only. ees—Mr. Ilobt. Main rize, who is at present employed in the Oe ral Prison, in Toron- to, looking after the machinery, was home for a few days Buri 'the week. eee Salmoni's English White Oils cures Chilblains. Rheumatism. Sprains, Braises and Sore Back. For sale at 25o. at Williams' Drug Store, Wingba $1.75, at the Star H. E. Bann. t, Forest on at the Star restaur- JAS. MCIC,ELVIE. y Globe from now or $1, fttibsortbe now f thi ear free. Town and Farm Property sold on can - :mission, to the best advantage of both, *buyer and seller. No sale, no charge. Bents collected and property looked after. FIRE INSURANCE. . Those desiring insurance should select •one of ,the following old and reliable English • etok companies : te4-Mr. Hutchinson moved to town, and and wood yard her residence of Mr. Dio of Kincardine, has atends starting a coal He will occupy the son, Leopold street. Kerr's Fair, Clark a old stand. Mrs, R. McIndoo nd Mrs, Wm. Cruick- shank are visiting lends 1 wood, this week. The City yestau will not be under- sold. W. A. Joinis. The Times and Weekly Globe -from now W Subscribe nQW its year free. aily and served in any estaurant. les, Maurine. "Where is my watch, lYlalincle, ?" "John- nie's out cracking hickory nuts with it." "All right, then, that won't hurt it, for it was got at M. Patterson's jewellery sto •e, Wingham."Mr. John Mc0 dy, an employee of the Standard turn ure factory, got one of his lianas pretty b ly lacerated in a buzz planer, at which he was working, one day last week..ae —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, one door south cifR. R. A. Graham's grocery store, —Word was receiv of the safe arrival o family at St. Sohn, previous. They are ed with the city of 5 till the end of 1895 for and get the balance o Oysters receive style at the Sta in town, on Monday, Mr. E. C. Clarke and T. B., on the Friday ry favorably impress- . John. tees. Miss Hele, who as been spending the summer in Ohio, canned t'Wingbane last week. Fresh oysters alw in any style at the Sun Fire Insurance Company, (Estsb- —J. Golley, Veter iary Surgeon—Office lisimed 1710.) and infirmary: 32 Victoria street west. Nerwieh. Union Insurance Company, Residence : 125 Minnie street, Ridd's (established 1797.) • termer residence. Calls promptly attended Alliance Fire Assurance Comparry,;,.(te. to, day or night. , Brussels Post: Wingham, was in Mies Cassie Good, ing in town this we tablished 1824.) .• ts.e. Mr. S. Youbill Lancashire Fire Insuranee Company, (established 1852,) So YOTTIIILL, ° Beal Estate and Fire Insurance Agent, Rent Block, Wingham. LOCAL NEWS. , Kerr's Fair, Clar e's old stand. —Town Counci will meet on Saturday next, as per statut • L.:1 --The Tuns, Weekly Glebe and the Farmers' Sun, for 1895 for 01.85. Balance of this year free. —Messrs. A. R. rr and Geo. L. Ire; land are at Gode4i this week attending the Quarter Sessiof s as jurymen. All kinds of White Stoneware in stock, And the prices away down. The China House. W. T. YATES. —Mr. E. S. Mn oe, of the firm of 'Munroe de Cassidy, ookbindos, Toronto, was in town on bsin s, last Tuesday. Oysters served in every style, at D. Bush's restaurant. —The nomination for this year for muni- •cipal elections will e on Mo nday, the 31st •day of December, nd the leetions on Monday,the 7th da of Ja ary. Perfumes put up n ages suitable for Christmas gifts, ete., ow on exhibition at Chisholm's drug sto 'Prices reasonable. lipolitioal meeting, of the &hoot Board The regular monthly his (Friday) evening. are about seventy scant position in the ehool. other day, of the a Portage la Prairie, Mrs. Marshall, the sympathy of our to their only child. —On account of t ;there was no reeetin Tuesclay evening, meeting. will be held We Undm'staha tb .applimiatians for the teaehing staff Of the hand and served restaurant. W. A. jorsts. ass Lou, Fleuty, of Brussels this week.— Wingham, s visit - Buy your lamps t Miss Wieder, wb ed visit to her aur returned to her 11 Onio, on Tuesday ar store. H. E. SNELL. has been on an extend - Mrs. T. A. Mills, e Bellefountaine, last week. Jett. MoKelvie, of the Star restaurant, has imported direct from Flordia, 30 cases of oranges and is selling them cheaper than they were ever sold in Wingham. received word, the th of a grandchild in Manitoba. 3r. and rents, will receive the nspeople in the loss of The Canadian Or given notice that tl forthcoming easel° Parliament for an Wanted, immed servant. No we. at the residence VS The largest stook of Christmas goods ever shown in Wingham, at • D. Bush's restaurant, consisting of Confectionery, of all kinds, Canned Goods, Fruits, Nuts, dm., and will be sold as cheap as the cheapest, —It is rerearlia, testimonies the Sti tinues to receive fr authorities in Euro John T. Duffield, N. J., who writes: among the eudurir lectual life at the c century. . . Fo vocabulary,. scour cious arrangement illustrations and a is superior to any and ere loog will s recognized as the —Watches, claeks.and jeWeiry promptly repaired and fully warranted by lIatszx pax, -Meyer Block, Whigham. •--Thb 'Tneirthere f the W, C. T. r. of town held a.very '1st eessfut social at the residence of Mts. x. DattiOni, On Mon. .day evening last. progartnte Of 'total and instrumental tions, tte., WaS well =ants were Si'1•1.,f, 1 nein, reactinge,,rosits.. rendeced, and rofresh- abendanae. 1 —Miss Chariot intimate to the ladies of Wingbam and vieinity that the Dress and Mantle making businos, formerly carried on by Miss M. Johnston, will be continued by her in the old stand, Gregory Block, Pref. Moody'e tailor system tbaight. Cutting and fitting a specialty . r of Foresters have y will apply at the of the Dominion t of i rporation. y, a good general or ironing. Apply a Benj. Willson. —The anniversary services cf the Wing- leam Congregatieua church will be held on Sunday next, when Rev. W. H. Watson, of Hamilton, will reach both morning and evening. Mor ing subject : "What effort shall the Chu le put forth on behalf of young men?" El ening subject: "The Sons of God." No ubt Mr. Watson's old church members an many of our towns- people will avail th nselves of the oppor- tunity of hearing h' again. Come one, come al Come great and iell, The way to mie MoKelvie's; If you vvat metalling sweet Your deses he'll meet For he's got a big stock of candies. Millinery goods at cost at Miss Wallace's, 'Williams, the druggist, sells pure drugs. Mr. C. S. Hyn( an, of udon, was in town on business, n ' nesday. las. MoKelvie f le Star restaurant, has a very larg ok of pipes and ie sell- ing them off at cost. —The Kiokapo3 Indian Medicine Com- pany, in the Towil Hall, for another week. • Three pounds ¶i the best mixed candies for 25 cents at the Star restaurant. JAS. McKenene. —Messrs. Good JBrothers announce an extraordinary ole 'ing sale of bores and shoes, in another c lumn. The Times and eekly Globe from now till the end of 1895 for $1. suite now and get the balance of th • year free. W. F. Bream le , laving disposed of his btisiness, re ts all perties having pictures to call get same before Janu- ary 1st, 1895. Man wants but 1* Weber below, But hankers f the prizes, He'll ges them, o, if he's not slow, And freely ad rtisss —G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 6.25 a. m. and 11.20 a. m., via W. G. & B.; (3.35 m. and 3.25 p. m., via Clinton and. Guelph. Good con- nections by alt trains. • e to note the high Idard Dictionary eon - leading educational o and America, as Dr. f Princeton College, "It will be conspicuous monuments of intel- ose of the nineteenth comprehensiveness of ay of definition, judi- material, instructive mirable typography, it her work of its class, persede them, and be ANDABD DICTIONAIM. McDonald wishes to -• At a meeting of No. 22, Knights Masonic Hall, Godi ing of last week, th elected for the eusi Wingham, E. Pr son, constable; W I. F. Toms, tree registrar ; Dr. D: sub-marshall; B stallation takes January. - My Xmas. stock of Fancy China, Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets is now complete. Cell and inspect before you make your pur- chases. The China House. W. T. YATES. —Tile Grand M ter of the Ancient Order of United orkmen, D. F. Mac - Watt, of Barrie, wr tea :—"As certain re- ports have appeare in the daily press con- neeting the Ancient rder of United Work- men with the Ca dian Relief Sooiety, now being wound by the courts, I de- sire to say that the society known as the Ancient, Order of ited Workmen is not, and never bad an connection with the Canadian Relief ociety, and that its winding -up can in n bership or our Ord Ancient Order of U connected with all whatever." —Private to loan, on mart M reasonable tivt - Ad interest. Apply to "•1 Jobs Nantasnig —The regular a mud meeting of the West Huron Far rs' Institute will be held at Winghain, o January 17th, begin- ning at 10 a. m. here will be three practical speakers s plied by the Central Inetitute, aaeisted local talent. The subjects diseased w' 1 consist of: The toad Question in all its bearings; Drainage, Where, when and ew it should be done ; Dairying ; Dairy (is Grain Growing ; P The best mode of 0 silo; 'The care 6f T hag. As these are should triand at W. A. ,Tohns. a large stook ofF lemons and is s prices. Give 1 :by restaurant, has o a oranges, also choice g them at competition a cal as On Friday eve eldest daughter of Treasurer of the died at her home in St. Elmo Preceptory, triplex, held in the ich, on Tuesday even - fallowing officers were ,ng year: J. A. Morton, eptor ; Capt. A. Law- . Craig, sen., =ashen; urer; C. A. Humber, W. Martyn, Kincardine, D. Hall, chaplain. In - lace at, the meeting in Heatlifield's Healing Balsam. °urea colds. Keres.Fair, lerke's old stand. Ladies' and Children's Hats, at cost, at —Cash for good batter and cage et IL .1§, Miss Wallace's. Grahamai market grocery. Ars..A. R. MoDon Id, of town, has been —A. Sabbath School entertainmeut. will' visiting her father, Imo i resent ill in be given in tl Methodist church, thee Clifford, a," e•of two r three weeks. Particrglarsm elateraurs Call and see tl took of Christmas candies at the Ci restaurant, before buy- Kitrras Fair, ing elsewhere. W. A. Jones. —Mr. Oliver Gile) gist is having a roof put on his furniture uilding at the north side of the town. Another large ship of cream candies just received th y restaurant. W. A. Jonxs. —A. Christmas tertainment Inc the Sunday School chit ren will be held in the Congregational el rola on Thursday evening next. B iby carriage runners, to fit any car- riage, at T. E. Cousins's. —The annual me ing of the Teachers and Officers of the ngbam Presbyterian Sabbath School ws,field in the School Room of the church, on ednesday evening, the 12th inst. The eting was large and enthuis,stic, and to reports of the different officers show very learly that this school is a very prosper° one. The attendance during the year ha been large and regular. The ordinary oolle tions, with the balance on hand, amoun to about a25O. The library is well sup ied with good books, papers, etc. Tho of °ere and teachers are ing last, Annie, tle greatly encouraged by the immistakable sad of warm and deep Mr. Peter McLaren, evidence on every wnship of Turnberry, interest taken by t e congregation in the his town %Iltarlsaaased flgabb.lth School. he following officers ware elected for Oa next term, viz: Super. • g-laily„,and Lees intenclent, D. ' rdon ; assistant super - see piameeeeeeeeeer intendent, D. Gre g; treasurer, Miss M. as a graduate of Alma Johus ; Secretary ;Norman Farquharson; Librarians, 1‘..leesr . A. H. Carr, V. J. Mo - and' seemed to have Lean and W. Van one; auditors, dies re her, but some three Matheson and Ro ertson; organist, Mrs. (their,. Miss Ketehon. f the meeting was over, unteous repeat, kindly Ly teachers and their , social time was spent will& all repaired to feeling assured that it o ba there. belossedelayealiewno, asaH.,et.„„eattasee. She College, St. Thorne, a bright future be or four years ago s of la grieve, whi troubleVAlong wi spent last winter following in Southe no avail. They rot and the deceased changecame. Mr unfortunate durin About three years and in a short ti passed away, an mourn the dernis He and the frien the sympathy of their sad beret Monday was lea of Mr. McLaren ad e had a severe attack Ward ; leader o i developed into lung After the business a younger sister, she prepared ajl partook of a most oE the summer . friends. A. plees. by the 1 California, but all of 11`ii1.7,Z111 rued a few months ago, adually sank until the : , was good for them- toLeron has been very I Lot Dog, the past few , A collie bitch, dark brow with white go, Mrs. Malaarea died, YeP7'' fake and white on tip •, left my place . on Tuesday, llth in e after his - only son !plate on °oiler, bu mate ; is about nine as collar on with now he is called to ; months . old. person giving each of his eldest daughter. i information as N ill lead to her recovery s of the deceased heve will be suitably rewarded. D. STENVAItT, he entire community in I Wingaam. : On Mondey event ig, the 10th inst., a Wingham Literary nd Debating Seeety. ment. The funeral oa 1 ly attended,many friends : meeting was held i the reading room of nem outside points being the Mechanics' In. vititeieteb,ufiotyr etfliefeprtnurtpeogsee, lug Society. Mr. &marinate, pro tem. as fully discussed., it : was unanimously greed that a society be ry Meeting. lionised, Moved Mr. H. F. "Gordon, ata, of the Presbytery I seconded by Mr. H. Musgrove, that the held in the Presbyter- society be called. " he Wieighani Literary 1, on Tuesday, Dee and Debating So iety" —Carried. Moved 1., to consider calls by Dr. J. R. Mac onald, seconded by Mr. alvin, East Wawa- , Win. Hamilton, hat Mr. Wm. Clegg be . Miller, M. A. and elected Presiden of the society—Carried. ation to Rev. Isaac Moved by Dr. J. R. Macdonald, seconded by Mr. H. F. ordon, that Mr. Mug. grove be lst V e-Presideut. Moved in OHN MACNADD, Clerk. amendment by ilr. Musgrove, seconded Lucknow, Dee. 7, 1894. by el r. W. A, a ol ns, that Mr. W. Vanstone — — be let Vice-Presi nt—Amendrnent (tarried. WANTED to borrow for a term of years— Moved by Mr. F. Gordon, seconded by $8,000 on good farm security, at 5 per cent. Mr. elusgrove, t at Dr, J. R. Macdonald be way „sect the mom. interest. For particulars apply at lams 2ud Vine-Fresimint—Carried. Aloved by Mr. H. F. Go don, seconded 'by Mr. . Further, that the OfTiee, Wingbam, Ont, : Mitchell, that r. Musgrove by 3rd Vice - 'tea Workmen is not Class Leads a> Convention. President—Oari ed. Moved by Dr. J. R. other organization A. very interesting and profitable con- Mocdonald,-seCe ded by Mr, Mitchell, that Me, a V, Gerd be Recording Seerettery vention was held o Wednesday, in the —Carried. A ved by Mr. Musgrove', Salmoni's English White Oils is the best Methodist church,' in this town. The seconded by Dr. . R. Macdonald, that Me. family Liniment in the world. Good for Miniseers and Class Leaders of the Wing- J. D. Stewart b Corresponding Secretary Drug Store, Wingbaro. ham District met nd spent time day in --Caurriedw• 00: seconded by Dr. • man or beast. Price 25 cents, at Willianta' phases of class meet- L a. &4LThe sad and su hirke's old stand, Everything selling at hard timespriceo at D. Rush's restaurant, Call and seem •--Ai social will 17th, in the Con, speeehes, singing order of the eveni e held on Mondeye thee negational church, where ud recitations willice tiles Lig. 'Tbe Tines, Weekly Glebeand thek Farmers' Sun, for 1805 for 01.35. Balances of this year free. —At the annual eting of L. 0: L, 704,, Wingham, held o Wednesday' evening last„ the officers to the ensuing terra were* elected and install , as follows, Mee. T. 1., Cornyn, District ster, having charge of the installation renionies : Bro Stesvart, W M; 13 R 3 MoMathe, D Me Bre Jos. Kerr, Cha ; Bro in° Chieltohne Ree -Sec; Bro A Mdsgrove,. Bro Win•Clegg, Tr le ; Bro T Jab'eLeane Director of Coretu nies ; Bro B G Le,, Lecturer ; Corn ttee—Bros E.11. Dever,, Jas Irvin, W ockensbire, J Jackson,. 0 Barber. In futt c, the regular meeting of the loege will be helki on the evening ot the first Friday in eh mouth. The Tines and. ekly Globe from now till the end, of 1895 Inc 01. Sabscribe now- and. get the balauce of this year free. present, as well a very large number of • the residents of the town and vicinity. of considering the a 1 Literary and De Coughs and Colds can be cured by using Wood was elected Heathfield's Healing Balsam. For sale at 50c. at Williams' Drug Store, Wingham. i After the question Presbyt A meeting pro re of Maitland will b fan church, Wingh 18th, at 1 o'clock p. from Belgrave and nosh, to the Rev. J. from Huron Congre McDonald. • A The "Advance" and " nether. Temperance." ro the Editor of the Tim DEAlt Sna—It see s that"Temperanco" has retired from thi ewspaper controversy. now that the Adva ce has 'taken it up. There is no doubt e is glad to get out ot it as well as be has. He retires with the% stigma, of untrutlif nese plainly stampede upon his reputation for he made the state- ment that Mr. Col oily had pledge.' aliens self to support a m. flare Inc the Prolsibie tion of the liquor t i e, and so far he heal , 'layer given any 'oof of such a pledges having been made. Good-bye, "Temper- ance," and when y u are next heard from,, be truthful in your atatenients, and you, will fare better. The. Advance use nearly a eolanati last week in trying to j stify its attack upon me, and advances n tbing new. It failed to bring forward th proof that 1asked or, ' namely, that Dr. MacclanaIci had votetl against a Dominion plebiecite. 'Why did it not do so? Per t simple reason that no such evidence can b produced, m whenever. opportunity offered he doctor has always been found. upon tl side of Prohibition. • , Why does not the • vance eat the part of O. manly opponent, nd come out ancl say that it was -mistake in its statement • in regard to the doctor or, would it ?ether have it believed the they knew it was an. untruth when they 'made it? It is at. liberty to take whir ever horn it pleases.. It now announces t ab it will also retire: . from this discussion., believing, no doubt,„ that it has done the •octor alt the harni it can, which will not aunt to natuth, as no onewho knows the octor and gives the matter any thought would believe its an. truthful statement. •Both "Temperance'. — and the Advance b ing got themselves into very unenviable • ositione in this ells- enssion, another respondent, styling himself "Another T roperanee," in lease week's Advance, oe ipies about a 001.4nets in giving his opinion on the diseussittne*, I far as it has gone, and throwing out insinuations. and sin s against Sir Olive* • hlowat, Dr. Mad' aid and others- - "Another Temperate ,1 assumes to speak • .ople of Winghana„ t that Dr- Mac. ted out the duty of thlotleront n,e,mupeigens,r Rion, Of course, " Would. be quite* nperance people -14 the lead Of Mr., r gentleman's back.- isaile was expented„ 'When ho t. spolteit of. New .aiiata`cii need to bet r toonA., M 1* ditigOndrtarters lot oar goad Mac& wilt follow hi* COMM. Such 1st discussing the vario ings, their importo vention ws,s the first in the District, it w and will, it is believ en death of Mrs. R. vhieh °Centred at the r, in the township of of last week, has imle of anquaintancea, e to assist in nursing s lying very ill with w days she complain - gra, and on examine- prononneed it a ease 'he suffered intensely tag, when death pat ng4eithe funeral, on ly attended and was f Vern Lodge, Lady ich the deceased hem as 20 years of age end e, As this eon- Moved by Mr. Austin, of this town, of the kind ever held 3. R. Meadow:, tesidenee of her fatl s decided meets% johns, q. Cuirass, an Thursd be productive of bora of 11.,..om, Anderson and W cast a gloom over her wing programme will Moved by Dr. 3 She was dolled ho the dissuasion : The by W. A. Johns, elopinenu of the Chnie Mr. Musgrove an her brother, who w Birks, LL B ; tnittee to draft erysipelae, but in a nd Duties of Class society — Carrie( ed of having a sore t ev. Wesley K. Kerr; further erganizati tion by the doctor, I `men of the Class held in the Count . G. a Cebbiedieht 1VX evening, 140 ins of blood poisoning. mitil Thursday eve we make the Class tive and profitable, I -)3' hearty support et e This is a toddy w all ena. to her suffe , A. Model glass `met' to be present at CI r Gilford; Iles the ing, great gdod. The fol indicate the line of Origin, Aim and D Meeting, by the Ile The Qualifications Leaders, by the ltindranees to the Meeting, by the B A.,13 D; flow ca 'Meeting mare atm, the Bev 3 W Prin ing, led by Rev Church outgrown Bev 11 J Pair ;, Joseph Edge. of W Baugh. It is a ved by Mr. Musgrove, for the Temperance I. IL 1Vleadonalcialiat Rey. and gets quite indigo e Treasurer — Carried, 'p usatuve, seconded by Dr. o donald should have bthat Messrs. W. A. Temperance voters i At, C. I. Williams, T. B. and, in fact, in ever loletity be elected mem- wish, to secure Diol ye Committee—Carried, , "Another Tenaperane R. Macdonald, seconded 1 satisfied to have the that Dr. P. Afacdonald, 1 this Province folio Mr. Wod oform a aim. IVtarter now. The latt ti constitution for the down ormtheProhibitio' A. meeting for the 1 and his sincerity was :1 of this Society will be introduced, the Marto Chamber, on Friday converts to any great , at 8 o'eloek sharp. i put upon probation Joh should receive the' evidenced by the- backs tryorindrit.v All iitarneginnivietectd. 4I,txitsloatIhtttirgetr,hreerap r likely tte• . 3. D. fituwAii.r. leader in his downwa aingS.en. Pro Tete. ; re, &a.,TZSTIthttlAik• bib to intinutte to the! "BatiefootOri ititoM ,it they har,o nom- So says Dr. Curled, an 'old and licanred, in WinghtIn. All I practitioner, in 13elleville, Ontario, vats st style, and at Orttion.. Write: ieneta handd. Red- • "For Waiting 1)-.11,1e4 1"t'a et seeenashetise we Ink have tined Soiree- Ilinsialzion reit I the most satisfactory resolts.", tie; Swine Breeding; a ot and Corn Culture ; Saturdy, was lar ltivating the Soil; The under the direction ve Steck; rtnit Grow- True Dines, in Ulm subjetts, everybody merribership. She leaves a husband Months old, who h entire community iteethfleld's sling Balsam is the rest and safest cure for colds in the ld. Pelee 50 nents, Wgitainst Drug he Class Afteting,, by ddresses by the Bev oderich, and the liev. I Drell anged to hold another Mises Hodgine and One eight convention of the ina in connection with ladies of Winghatn 11 the sympathy of the the next reloads.), 'strict meeting. 1 Inclined Dresstnakit their sad bereavement, Orders given by telephone to the Star able rates, byexpo work done in the bit Baby carriage runners, to fit any ear- restaurant delivered promptly to any part ilence—Vuitoria sti rhos, at T li. ConsvN's. Of the town, Its. Mannaof salt block.