HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-06-10, Page 8Beef, Liver or Chicke lii
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6ck,s Jottings
(y Jack Riddell MPP)
ills Weolr in the Legislature,
e Minister of Agriculture and
introduced the Farm Income
$tablifization Act, 1976.
rs, Newman, in his
fl trednetion said that it will play a
YORI rple in maintaining a strong
a4rieeltural base le Ontario to the
benefit of both producer and
.;consuiner. He outlined the events
'and policies that have led to this
legislation. Farmers, he said have
always been plagued by the
problem of cash returns
fluctuating wildly from one year
to the next. With farm production
costs spiralling, there has been
intensive discussion in recent
years of ways to help offset
periods of 19w market prices and
thus bring greater stability to the
whole agriculture and food
complex. The goal is to support
price levels high enough to be
meaningful in the lean years, but
not so high that they would act as
incentives for over-production.
The key provisions of the Act,
Mr.' Newman said, provides for
the appointment of, five or more
members to a Farm Income
Stabilization Commission of
Ontario. They will administer a
permanent fund for programmes
providing support to all Ontario
commodities other than those
names or designated under the
Federal Act and those regulated
by marketing boards, that both set
prices and allot quotas. The latter
category comprises dairy
products, poultry and eggs. Our
BeeeCalf programme will
operate independently until the
Government's contracts with
producers expire in 198Q, when it
will 'also come tinder the
commission's regulations. The
plograitune is thus designed to
embrace all commodities for
which no federal support is
available, except in those cases
where prices established by
marketing boards are higher than
the stabilization support level.
Commodities for which
stabilization is made available
will be supported at a level equal
to 90 per cent of the average
market price for the previous five
years, adjusted for production
cost changes in the current year
as compared to the five year
average. This is the same level at
which the federal programme
operates, so Ontario's plan
should have no undesirable
effects on the marketing systems
in our sister provinces.
Mr. Newman said if unusual
circumstances made it necessary,
the commission could provide
extra • support for a specific
commodity by ,:,,tempcirarily
increasing the base level above 90
per cent.
All the commissioners will be
members of Ontario' sogricultural
community and every effort will
be made to ensure a broad
representation of interests. The
Comniission's general manager
will bed- chief administrative
offi c Subject to ministerial
approval, the commission may
also engage outside experts if
necessary. It will, be empoWered
to consult and conduct
discussions with marketing
boards and any other
organizations or groups of
producers of this province.The
Commission's accounts will be
audited by the Provincial,Auditor
and its annual reports will be
submitted to this House.
Protect Buyers
Ontario's promised legislation
to protect buyers of new houses
from Shoddy workmanship has
been introduced by the Minister
of Consumer and Commercial
Relations. The Act, expected to
take effect this fall, would
guarantee that " a home is
constructed in a workmanlike
manner, free of major structural
defects and free from defects in
materials, is fit for habitation and
constructed in accordance with
the Ontario Building Code." The
warranties would cover all defects
for one year and major structural
faults for five years, and will
apply to all new homes except
cottages and rental Unit a, The
Minister told reporters that,`*high
consumer demand TO new
housing has resulted in a
situation where evenheuses which
are poorly builtarereadily sold at
high prices, which makes this
The law will curb the small
number of builders-"less than 15
per cent"-who construct poor
housing, and under the
legislation all builders in the
province will have to yegister with
a non-profit corporation, to
include reprisentatives of the
government and the Consumers
Association of Canada, which will
have the power to order builders
to carry out repairs.
Some three years ago,
incidentally, Phil Givens, Liberal
M.P.P. for Armourdale,
introduced a Private Member's
Bill to provide protection for
purchasers of new homes and
mandatory adherence to the
minimum standards, of the
Ontario Buildtag Code. His Bill
also proposed U1at houses be
inspected at least four times-
during the construction period to
be warrantied by the builder
against all hidden defects for a
c'riod of five years after
mpletion of construction and
against all obvious defects for a
period of one year after
Industrial Health
There has been considerable
discussion in the Legislatine
recently about industrial health
hazards, as a result of .questions
raised by Liberal Leader Stuart
Smith and' other Opposition
Members. The Minister of Health
announced that the Government
has initiated courses to train
inspectors from the Ministries of
Labour. Environment and Natural
Resources, to recognize potential
health hazards, making simple
tests on air conditions and noise.
In the past, inspectors have
checked on such matters as,
industrial-.safety only. Following
the Minister's announcement, the
Minister of Labour said she would
like to employ, women to inspect
industrial plants because
"females are a little more
sensitive to housekeeping
conditions than perhaps some
males are". At present all the 170
inspectors are men, and the
Minister said she genuinely
believes "that women are
generally neater than men and
would be more likely to spot
health hazards caused'by dirt and
The Minister of Health also
announced that he will try to
ensure reports of his Ministry's
Occupational Health Protection
Branch are posted in work places.
The reports usually go to the
Managemenf of companies
inspected and are not always
shared with workers. In the event
that there are any legislative
obstacles to " . Rating this
information in work ,illaces, the
Minister intends to endeavour .to
obtain Cabinet support for
removing them.
According to the Minster of
Natural Resources anyone can
purchase up to 100 pounds of
dynamite at a local hardware
store or other licenced outlet. In
an interview the Minister said
that all it takes to buy explosives
is proof of identity. Purchasers
must also sign for the dynamite '
and indicate what they Intend to
use it for and where, but they are
not a sked whether they intend
"to blow up their mothers or blow
up a bank or anything." The
Minister had previously been
asked in the Legislature whether
the Ontario Mining Act will be
changed to make it difficult- for
people to steal dynamite from
mining operations. He said his
Ministry has a committee
composed- of mining and• labour
representatives studying possible
revisions of the Act.
Other items of interest this
week include the news that a
research team of Ministry of
Transportation and
Communications is in the initial
stages of collecting information
on electrically-powered car
models and may recommend
some for testing in the fal One
possible public application wt old
• allow commuters to use electric
cars between their home and the
nearest GO-transit station. Also,
the Natural Resources Minister
said Ontario will not reduce the
number of beach patrols in
provincial parks this year,
although such a reduction had
previously been..ann6unced.
[motile 16 isiation discussed -
FOOD ,STORES eaforth Ontari
For Your Shopping
We Are Open Every
Night 'Till 9 o'clock
Brick, Colby or Farmers
daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. James
Kelly, Seaforth, graduated from
Wingham and District Hoipital,
Nursing Assistance Training
Centre, on May 21.
(Snyder Photo)
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Lingelbach,
41 Side Street, Seaforth received
per diploma for Registered
Nurses Assistant at the 16th
Graduation .Exercises of the
Freeport Hospital held Friday .
evening, June 4th at First United
Church, Waterloo. Lori attended
schools at Ayr, Burlington and
Schneiders Frozen Cello
Schneiders Smoked
• !
JEFFERY daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Spencer Jeffery, Staffa
graduated May 27, 1976 with
honours at the Spring
convocation University of Guelph
with an honours Bachelor of
Applied Science degree, from the
College of Family and Consumers
Studies. She majored in Family
Studies and is planning to further.
her education at Althouse Faculty
of Education, University of
Western Ontario in September.
She attended elementary schools
in Hibbert Township and is a
graduate of Seaforth District High
photo by Brian K. Richman'
CHERYL L. DALE, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale,
Seaforth, received her llonours
Bachelor of Arts Degree in
Physical Education and English
from the University of Western
Ontario. She attended Seaforth
District High . School, Hullett
Central School and S.S. 3,
; straight or crinkle cut
41011' Orb *Yr 41411 'aid word ideamo arm.
The Happy Citizens Of
Seaforth, " Met Thursday for
euchre and to elect President and
Secretary-Treasurer for the next
term. Ladies High-Mrs. ' Jack
Kerr, Lone-Hand-Mrs. Jas.
'McNaughton and Low -Mrs.
Russel Coleman, Men's
Zime-HandMilfred Godkid and
Lew-John 'Maitland.
The greeery prize was won by
/4r$,, Chas 'Cunitlinghain,
,,,Diennis;President and-Mrs. Thief
" Baker, SedArea.S.
The g`OI.V4 bus trip will; be
:‘ Ione • 29th •alick they are Visiting
lititenvieW :146U-tit, leaving the
;.Legion at if' 40 aati, In Cars.
LinieffWaS served by the Setial
Chelsea Buns
Dinner Rolls
tow OVANITITES TO FAMILY :sue 0010iltEMENI% ' 4,
COlii#Littee. Sirncoe Cohn!.
pATitierA liort
daughter orMr. and Mrs. P.C.J.
Sills, has just graduated from
Ryerson Polytechnical Institute in
Toronto With an Helloing Melte-)
for of Applied , Arts in Home
Economics Education for Schools
'and Coinintinity, and has
accepted a pt!sitiotz with the
;Ministry of Agriculture and Food
" as Home' Economist for North