HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-06-03, Page 17Lobb & Gethke AUCTION CALENDAR Aucilotieers & Appraisers • Clinton Monkton 482.7898 347-2465 SATURDAY JUNE '5 Tractors, farm machinery, some household effects, 31/4 miles north, 1/4 mile east of Mitchell for Fred Murray Estate. JUNE 12 Lakeview Sales Machinery Auction. • SATURDAY, JUNE 19 Building and contents of the former LEVY FEED MILL, Wellington ' St. South, Mitchell for Wilfred Wood. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 6:30 P.M. Tractor and machinery, miscellaneous items etc. in the village of Blyth for John Glousher. 20-47.1 22' Legal Notices Mr. and Mrs. George Haggitt are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Carolyn Elizabeth to Paul Elliott, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Walter Somerville of ,R.R.#4, Walton. The marriage will take place on Saturday. June 26, 1976 at 7:00 P.M. in the Blyth United Church, Blyth. 26-47x1 DO YOU REALLY WANT TO "Kick The Habit" If the answer is truly "yes", contact the HURON PERTH LUNG ASSOCIATION at 121 WELLINGTON STREET • STRATFORD • OR PHONE271-7500 for a smoking withdrawal "Kit". A charge of 25c has been levied to defray excessive costs. "ANOTHER CHRISTMAS SEAL SERVICE!" 26.47-1 An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. 27 Births • HAINES.: To Mr. and Mrs, Roger Haines, R,R.4, Seaforth on May 30th at Seaforth Community Hospital, a daughter. 27-47x1 O'CONNOR — To Mr. and Mrs. Ron O'Connor, R.R.2, Dublin on May 22, 1976 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, a daughter, 2 lbs. 7 oz. 27-47-1 KOERT — To Mr. and Mrs. Herman Koert of R.R.2, Kippen at Seaforth Communityjloipital, on May 30, a daughter. 27-47x1 28 Deaths BINNENDYK — Arie Binnendyk, of261-SherWciod Crescent, Exeter in St. Joseph's Hospital, London on Saturday May 29th, 1976:- Beloved husband of Ann H. Bos, in his 72nd year. Dear father of (Gerda) Mrs. Gerald V ennema of Burlington, Hank of. Kippen and Bob of North Vancouver B.C. Father-in-law of Yvette and Linda Binnendyk, also survived by 2 brothers John, wad Dick, both of Holland; and 16 grandchildren. Friends. may.. call.. at the Hoii.per- Hockey Funeral H ome, William St., Exeter. Visitation 2 -4 and 7'- 9 *Monday Only. Funeral service from the Bethel Reformed Church Huron' St.; , Exeter., Tuesday, June 1st at 2:30 p.m.' Interment Exefer Cemetery with REv. Henry Van Essen, officiating: Please, no flowers. Donations to the Cancer Society would be appreciated by the' Binnendyk family. 28-47-1 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES -Bob Peck VARNA 262-5748 19-t-tf Tree Planting Assistance Those wishing to have land reforested in 1977 are requested to make application by June 18th, 1976. Applications will be processed on a first come - first served basis. Contact the: Secretary-Treasurer, MAITLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY BOX 5, WROXETER Ont. Phone 519-335-3557 19-41T USE EXPOSITOR WANT-ADS Phone 527-0240 20 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 12th 12:30 P.M.,. For GERALD MARTENE 1/2 mile west of Egmondville, North side of river. Featuring Furniture, Antiques, ,Appliances, Cement Mixer, Wheelbarrow, Tools, Etc. Full listing next edition. GERALD MARTENE Proprietor Tel. 527-1507 PERCY WRIGHT Auctioneer 262-5515 20-47-1 RoOfing Eavestroughing Painting Pointing Insulating and Carpentry Contact ERWIN WARD, Seaforth 527-0502 19-44-4 BRYANS Stump Cutting SERVICE contact • BRYAN GODKIN R.R.4, Walton 527-1327 19-42-14 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING Beef-Mondays "Hogs-Tuesdays AL'S MARKET Phone 262-2617 19-43-tf Deline Masonry Brick, Block 8 Stone MASONRY REPAIRS, FIREPLACES A SPECIALTY HUNTSVILLE GRANITE FIELDSTONE MICA STONE ANGELSTONE Clinton' Ontario Phone 482-704.3 19-46-2 CUSTOM spraying of all sprays . for corn, beans, grains and` „ pasture. Also spraying for wild oats. Contact Mk Feeney pr Joseph Roach. Phone 345-23I8, • 19-434r Laurie McKellar BARN — COMMERCIAL PAINTING R.R.#2, Staffa,Ont. (519) 345-2879 19-47-4 Eavestroughing First in the world! We n ow offer a new seamless 5" K. Style heavy duty steel cavestroughing in , white, brown and )lack. Graham Bros. London 432-2451. Chatham, 354-6212. 19-47x22 Need d Sign? Large or Small — I do them all — **** TRUCKS LETTERED * * * Prompt Efficient Service * * * Your Own Personal Sign Writer VANASTRA SIGNS Needlework, Oil and Picture Framing, choice of frame 1" to 3" width. Regular or non glare glass. Ready to hang 48 hour service phone after 6 p.m. 482-7409 Harold Tyndall Clinton 19-47-1 482-7978 SEPTIC TAMS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guarantee alYwork, Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482-3320 or Seaforth 527-0284. i943-tf4 19-434 t 24 Cards of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends, relatives and neighbors for __the cards, flowers, treats , and visits while I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses who were so kind to me, Dr. at Cli nic and Rev. Roberts for his visits. Your kindness will never be forgotten. —Agnes Eyre. 24-47 xl Many thanks to all our relatives, neighbours and friends for the cards, flowers and visits while Marlene was a patient in st. Joseph's Hospital, London and since returning home. — Sincerely Wayne, Marlene Smith and family. 24-47-1 I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my good friends, neighbours and relatives who sent cards and visited me while in Seaforth Hospital. Special' thanks to Dr. Malkus, Dr. Whitman and all the nursing' Staff and a Great Big Thank; You All, to the neighbours who helped out at borne. Your kindnesses will always be remembered and never forgotten:. — Mrs. Edna Shannon. . 24-47x1 25 In Memoriam HAMILTON — In loving memory of Frank Hamilton who left us so suddenly one year ago June 7, 1975. Our hearts still ache with sadness And secret tears still fall. What it meant to lose you No one will ever tell. When we are sad and lonely And everything goes wrong: We seem to hear you whisper Cheer up and carry on. Each time we look at your picture You seem to smile and say Don't cry. I'm only sleeping We'll meet again some day. Your place on earth no one can fill We love you and always will. — Loved and sadly missed by wife Loreen and sisters. 25-47x1 26 Personal 21 Tenders Wanted Sealed Tender On Township tender forms, for clOsed work on the: " RONEY DRAINAGE WORKS" .BRANCHES • "J & K" TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT . Will be received by the undersigned until noon Monday June 14, 1976 for construction . of the RONEY" Drain. 2,636 lin. ft. of closed drain. 2 Concrete Catch Basins. 1 Pre-fabricated connection, including two road crossings. All trenching on Lot 3, Con. 2 to be checked and back filled the same day. Township will supply all materials. Plans and profiles may be seen at the Clerk's Office, Dublin. Please state approximate dates for start and completion. A certified cheque for ten- per' cent of bid to accompany tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CHARLES FRIEND; A.M.C.T. Clerk - Township Hibbert 21-47-2 23 Bus. Directory R.S.BOX FUNERAL HOME . Phones: Day 527-068Q - Night 527-0885 23-43-tf WHITNEY-RIBEY FUNERAL HOME Sincere and courteous service Ross W. Ribey, Director 87 Goderich St. W., Seaforth Phone Seaforth 527-1390 23-43-tf JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office 527-1240 Tues.,Thurs.,Fri. 9:00 - 5:30 Wednesday, Saturday 9:00 - 12:00 Clinton 482-7010 , Monday 9:00-5:30 BY'APPOINTMENT 23-4 1-tf WEDDING INVITATIONS THE, HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240 suAronm THE1-10,00,14 POOSITQA! JUNE 1911, ire; "les the same in the case of ,medical laboratories. The cost there has gone from $2 to .$4 to $70 million per year ... and we're not that much sicker, you know." A report in 1972 stating the laboratories are badly organized has never been released by the government either, according to the Liberal leader who. says hp has a copy of it. Dr. Smith maintains the government's policy of secrecy is "not designed 'to protect your interests. It is designed to protect the government's image and nothing else." "The Liberal party," he emphasized. "is committed to a policy of open information..." - Regarding the "alleged process of public consultation" on the Bradley to Georgetown hydro power corridor, Dr. Smith called ftahrece.r vernments actions "a "The Concerned Farmers have asked for an 'impartial person to hold hearings, but the government won't accept that. Then when they requested the ombudsman to look into it the government muzzled him, saying the decision was passed by .-Cabinet..„two—years ago and that rules out the ombudsman. • Everything the government , has done in this case is nothing more than window dressing: they decided at the time of the Solandt report where the line would go. If we do 'nothing else, we will consult with' the people." The Worst Dr. Smith saved his harshest criticism for the government's actions in closing hospitals to cut health costs. "The hospital closings must typify the very worst' about this present government." he said to loud applause. • He accused the government of Carrying on a lavish, generous spending program "with no thorough planning and no vision for the future," and then closing hospitals to cut costs. He said the procedure followed in the closing of the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital "almost brought tears to my, eyes." The director of the mental hospital in Goderich, "a model mental hospital for rural areas", heard about the closure on Christmas Eve on his car radio, according to Dr. Smith. "There was no consultation. There was no trust. You've got to trust people and that's What we're pledged to." Dr. Smith Said if the hospitals win the appeal of the decision JwiLich stated the government had 19 Notices Thank you to our friends our neighbdurs and our relatives who made our 25th' anniversary one that we will never forget. — Joe and Isobel Gibson 24-47x1 A special 'Thank You' to all visitors, for all cards and gifts; to all the nurses — Dr. Malkus for the care and attention while a patient in the Seaforth Hospital, and also to Bill Smith & Gary Betties of Box Ambulance. — Mrs. Bessie Smale. 24-47-1 I wish to thank Dr. Underwood, Dr. Brady and Dr. Malkus for their care while we were patients in the Seaforth Community Hospital. Also special thanks to the nurses and staff for their kind care. Thanks to our family and friends for all their help at home. — Anne and Jeffrey Williamson. 24.47x1 - The family of the late Alfred Johnston wish to thank their friends and neighbours and relatives for the beautiful floral tributres, sympathy cards and donations 'to the heart, fund, Special thanks to Dr. Underwood, and Rev. Mervyn Reuben, the R.S.BoX Funeral Home. Special thank you to the Northside United Church Ladies. All s deeply appreciated. 24,47-1 g'he Ontario government was criticized on its educational, health', and agricultural policies and on its secrecy by Liberal leader Stuart Smith when he addressed the annual meeting of the Western, Ontario North Liberal Association in Listowel last Thursday night. Association president, Douglas Bell, Stratford, presided for this meeting which attracted 250 members from the district which includes ridings in Huron, Perth, Bruce and Grey counties. Members honored former Federal Finance Minister Hon. W. E. Harr.i4 of Markdale for the contribution he had made to the association over many years. Dr. Smith said if his party formed the nett government he would end government secrecy, gradually introduce a new income tax system to pay for education, bring . back a system of examination for schools and "consult with the public" regarding ways to save money in areas ,such as public health. The Liberal leader also touched briefly on the cut-back in milk quotas and the government's handling of public hearings into the location of hydro power line corridors. Dr. Smith said he disagreed with the financing, content and thrust of education in 'the province. "There surely can't be a more asinine way of paying for education than by property tax," he said.'"I can't for the life of me see the slightest connection between property• and education," Besides being regressive, Dr. Smith said, property tax distorts planning by forcing small towns to encourage industrial growth • regardless of the good farmland they might be putting out of production. ' While property tax could not be eliminated in a day, Dr. Smith said his party would move towards gradually replacing the property tax system with an income tax system. Regarding the education system, he said it was about time the government realized "that you can't have an education system where everything is left to the choice of young people." "The present government is, committed to everything but won't measure it ...there has to be an accounting." Blasting the government for secrecy on a number of topics, Dr. Smith said he was especially concerned with the group, home situation in the province and with__ medical health laboratories. Not that sick He claimed three rn inistries _ within the gove rnment had a report prepared on group h ernes some time ago, but won't release its contents because it shows there is waste and dishonesty in the system. Dr. Smith said the cost of group home care ranges from $20 to $80 per day. 38 Deaths TEAL: SMILEY [TOTEM .on June 2, 1976 at Seafertii Community Hospital. 81arteY Foster, beloved wife of the late Wilfred T. Teal and dear Step mother of Ruth, Mrs, Jack Stephens, Buriiington• of Aeaforth; Joan, Pinder, of Seaford], Dear sister of Minqta Stiegerneyer and dear aunt of Bryon and Mona, all of California. Friends may call at the Whitney-Ribey funeral Herne, 87• Goderich St. West, :Seaforth, where funeral service will be held, on Saturday. Interinent Maitlandbank Cemetery at .2 p.m. Donations to the Kidney Foundation would be appreciated as expressions of symPatliy.- 28-47-I Somebody Wants What You Don't Need! SELL Through Huron Expositor Classified Want Ads acted, illegally in closing the hospitals) by the provincial government, then they're "home, free." . "We won't give the government power to close hospitals if they come and ask for it in the fall," he said. .Dairy Crisis Regarding the "terrible crisis. in dairy farming", Dr. Smith said the problem was not an easy one to solve or to blame on anyone. The province knew over production was coming and so "bear a Moral responsibility in that regard," he said, adding that it doesn't make sense that in order to get a 20 per cent rebate on their loans, dairy farmers have got to produce more. Dr. Smith said he agrees with the Ontario Federation of Agriculture's request that the forgiveable portion of loans be made available in 1976 for those° whO need' it.-- He gird- -yoting farmers were being particularly hard hit. While "we can't be totally isolationist" he said, imports of milk products from outside the country should be cut back. he also suggests 'that "for one year, for the ,dairy industry, perhaps a form of farm stabilization should be established." Executive Prior to Dr. Smith's address to the Association, the 250' 'in attendance voted on, a new slate of officers. Those elected are as follows: Duncan McCallum of Hanover, president; WilliaM Elston of Wingfiam, vice-president; Glen Crockford of Hanover, secretary; William Somerville of Strattord, treasurer; Kent Lamont of Port Elgin, Ross McLelland of Mount Forest, Ian McAllister of Zurich, Beryl Harper of Goderich, Douglas Bell of Stratford, Mabel- Cline of St. Marys, all directors; Wilfred Krauskopf of Dubli agriculture; Robert M. Campbell of Owen Sound, communications; Daniel Murphy of Goderich, finance; Lloyd McLean of ' St. Marys, labor; Robert Holmes of St. Pants, nominations; Dave Jack of Fergus, organizations and constitution ; Emil Hendrick of Exeter, policy and research; Diane Misener of Stratford, women. Three MP's attended the meeting, Hugh Edighoffer of Perth, Murray Gaunt of Huron- Bruce and Jack Riddell of Huron and following Dr. Sinith's address Wm. Elston of Morris , the new association vice president, presented him with a Perth county cheese. 19 Notices 20 Auction Sales CLEARING ESTATE AUCTION OF TRACTORS, FARM MACHINERY, FEED, FURNITURE, ANTIQUES, ETC. TO BE HELD AT LOT 14, CON. 6, LOGAN TOWNSHIP, THREE .AND THREE-QUARTER MILES NORTH AND ONE HALF MIL EAST OF MITCHELL ON SATURDAY, JUNE 5 AT 11 A.M. TRACTORS — "WD45" Allis Chalmers tractor with manure loader; Allis Chalmers "WD45" standard tractor; Allis CWalmers ' 'WF" tractor. TRUCKS — 1969 Ford Ranger 1/2 ton truck, V-8 with 41,000. miles — with camper top; 1959 Fargo with 12 ft. stake rack; GMC 1/2 ton (old); Tandem horse trailer; trucks to be sold as is. MACHINERY — New. Holland '67! baler; John Deere "12A" pull type combine, with two cylinder motor; working order; John Deere combine '12A' for parts; hydraulic dump trailer with P.T.O. drive; Little Giant 40 ft. hay and grain elevator; three wagons and flat racks; two small ground drive manure spreaders, both in A-1 shape; Cockshutt "110" — sixteen run seed drill on'rubber with grass seeder in A-1 shape; two Allis Chalmers semi-mount mowers; two side rakes; New Holland '66' baler; George White 36 ft. bale elevator; John Deere 25 'combine; John ' Deere 9 ft. trail cultivator; Cunningham hay conditioner; two three furrow trait -plows; Allis Chalmers three furrow mounted plow; 8 ft. trail disc; three drum land roller; set of drags; .10 section harrows and various poles; 10 ft. chain harrows; two 4 in. drain augers; two grain aerators. • TOOLS AND MISCELLANEOUS Champion oat roller with dust proof motor; Hudson motor driven sprayer; Homellte chain saw; leg vise; two bales of baler twine; two sets of Ketchum tattoo pinchers and letters; heat houser; loading chute; cement mixer; laying cages; tractor umbrella; electric motors up. to 1 h.p.; rat traps; set of sleighs; entension ladder; jogging car; single harness; double harness; cutter; buggy shafts; roll of link fence; scrap iron plus a large offering of hand and small tools. FEED — Approximately. 25 ton of mixed grain; approximately 2,500 balet•of hay; approximately 2,000 bales of straw: FURNITURE, ANTIQUES, ETC. — Chest type freezer; upholstered rocker; whiskey barrels; cedar chest; • bookcase; quilt box; copper boiler; school desk; horizontal gas engine; sugar kettles; grain cradle; laundry tubs; • sealers; large offering of old bottles; oil lamps; dishes and glassware including antique pieces. NOTE • e large offering this sole must start on time. Sale L.. uer be furniture and antiques first, then tools and miscenaneous, farm machinery, tractors, and feed last. Lunch Booth on Grounds. TERMS — Cash. • te FRED MURRAY ESTATE — Proprietor R. G. GETHKE & RICHARD LOBS Auctioneers Not responsible for accidents on day of sate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons` having claims against the Estate of GRANT FINNIGAN, Carpenter, late of the Village of Egmondville, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 25th day of February, 1976, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the '12th day of June, 1976, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 14th day of May, 1976. PREST AND EGENER Barristers, Etc., Goderich, Ontario.. Solicitors for the Estate 22-45x3 23 . tus. Directory CEMETERY Monuments and Inscriptions Distinctive memorials of lasting satisfaction. ROSS RIBEY 87 Goderich St. West Phone 527-1390. 23-47-2 ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD 1 WATCH AND JEWELLERY REPAIRS — WE SELL AND SERVICE — Bulova-Accutron -Watches — 3 STORES — SEAFORTH — CLINTON — WALKERTON 2.3•43-tf• 24 Cards of Thanks 26 Personal The forthcoming marriage of Patricia Annie daughter of the late Mr. Milton Willert is proudly announced by her . mother, Mrs. Milton .Willert of Goderich to William Donald Jewitt, son • of Mrs. Wm. Jewitt of Seaforth and. the late Mr. William Jewitt. The wedding will take place June 26th at 3 p.m. iln North Street United Church, 'Goderich.. 26-47-1 We invite engaged couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton. Pick up a tree gift and tell your friends about our Shower and Bridal registry service. No charge, no obligations.. 26-43-tf 26 Personal Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves are pleased to announce 'the • forthcoming marriage of their daug hter, Lynn, to Mr. John Gorwill, son of Dr. and Mrs. John A. Gorwill of Seaforth, Ontario. The marriage will take place Saturday, June 12th in Port Elgin. 26 -47x1 Mr, and Mrs. Albert Van Heck Jr. , R.R.5, Mitchell are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Joan Marie to M. Robert William (Bob) Benning, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Benning, Mitchell. The marriage to take place on Saturday, June 19th at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Kinkora, Ontario. 26-47-1 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kelly, R.R.1, Sebringville are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Colleen Ann to Daniel Joseph O'Rourke., Dublin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Rourke. The wedding will take place on Saturday, June 26, 1976 at 3 p.m. at St. Patrick's Church, Kinkora. 26-4..7.x.1..- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob , Zwep of R.R.2, Brussels, are pleased to announce 'The • forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Annette Tina, to Mr. Ernest Lewington, son of Mrs. Lewington, ,R.R 2, Brussels, and the late Wilson Lewington. on June 19th; 1976, 4:00 P.M.. at Bethel Bible Church, Egmondville, Ontario. 26-47-1 J If 1 II 19 Government's too secretive, Liberal leader- tells Assoc.