HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-12-07, Page 6tit .. :t t FRIDAY, DiTEellIBIt 7, it+:h1, EDITORIAL NOi.' e,. HE WLNU IIAM TIMES, DECE.M.1114.tR d n M 794, t til t efts no, lupe. might textus to elliek('ns until has enough stored to the t,L1': lint 1 have known puny; feed a eouniry town for six months. rit.•k t't'llstitUtdenetl calves born The blank Carries the loan o11 until larder etaeh cireilnrstances. A 1I1o11th's winter. rt'r; for th. 'mother might llavt' matte • Then when the` rural supply of e1:litrence -tit least 1 think it butter, eggs turd ehiekens begins to re:tem:1 e to osetnue that it would. dilninislh, and the :):ark( t prices ill- t.)n the item. hand, it is an t'xeep- ('1Y.'ttse, the pa'o(1ti(e :lien gradually Tun: Railway Fr eight Itiatee ('`nt- ti .tinily g;outl e:'w that iwill pay to 1111101U s his .holdings, making sale IniSS10U is ill ltbefitoba taking evi- li.t't'p it sale t, 4(R ' ctrl' more than six front samples. .,1s fast :is hemIla es taking deuce. weeks. Her Illilk would Il('e(1 to he - a sale he gives an order for the goods very rich in butter fat, and of good . ou the cold storage warehouse luau, HamiltonHamiltonHamilton+tSpecSpectator Says the t (Illliuih'V. ('(=mon vows and those r reeei:ves the )honey and takes rip the Conservative 1'o.ie•; Ior Ontario has of tht' Naafi breeds -often !t't) (tri' tor i storage certificates t'.s '•o ' b I <,p t d ( from til(.. ,1111{. far it:: ultimate elpet the abolition of two or three months. but no ,jersey ! When all the loads are taken up, the iy(apall';aft? SP11001S. 'Pito (.)tt:twa or (itlerllst'y worthy Of the name produce 111at11 owns absolutely the rest Citizen and London Free .Press Both would do so. When cows go dry i Of the things he has stored, and he vehemently deny this assertion, fur so long a period, it is often the can do with them what be pleases. Louie 11()\C'hi w11O Wits �x()Ve1110r- fault of the owne�'. COws with a t Some produce 111e11 enlarge this' t tendency to dry off or shrink their ; speculation by 1)akieg contracts with , General of (analis ear Itt slate of 1111th in a ft'ty months after Calving', 1 their ell tunlers by the year. rT'hee- Con e(h0I<atlon, died 1n England o11 sllufl(1 receive ti,!ee1itl attention, if it ; agi`('1' on a )Tice f1'1)01 mouth to 1 ! t, 1 Friday last. He v tsy lippointtd is desirable to keep tlitm in the . month, and at those price, the' Governor-General i11 1Set , in sue. (1111x\'. By this paeans it is Often agree to furnish a fixed quantity.. cessi(.n to ter Edmond Walker aalker Head. pus il)lea to continue the flow of milk i The market quotationslnay be higher (G)I>,<1At.�ll Es,a;P')btlf t1teA1nel`ICian much longer than -would otherwise Or lower than the agreement. The i be possible.produce 'IS lhlll dt lift " til C 11O V 111d 1 111 al profits 0111 711 s come, the t. claimants of the Townley estates, anal grain will generally make drying off ifl'ererce between the prices at, his solicitor, How.•11 Thomas, were as cow possible, the opposite course which he buys in the summer, plus ! found guilty of fraud, At the Central will keep another cow in milk, Bran, 1 bis warehouse' bill and interest • Criminal Court, London, England, sloppy food, or skint-nlille, are all of charges, and the price 11e gets. a nature to induce the flow of milk, i It may be well for some one t0 point 1 +ou the .70th of November,and sela tene>d to twenty months' int -allowing should be faithfully tried before out to the farmers who are in the 1 senenm('1)1 Suretythis will open allowing a final cessation of mill{ habit of railing at New Yoik banks I pristhe eves of their dukes in this country, until a suitable time. and capitalists that if no one would While neither extreme is desirable loan money on butter. eggs, chickens I who have been contributing to a itu.•d to keep up such characters as Col. Jacques, under the impression that they would receive millions from an estate in Englaud. 'rue Chatham Banner -says: The tariff was "reduced" last session, ae- eording to the Finance .Minister, but the revenue returns for October donit • show it. The duty collected mini; parte in October, 1.8.) i, averaged 34 per cent.; for Oetobel:, :1`113, ;3? pe r The Cold Storage Industry. < ent- It was •evidelztly the moulder- ing branches than were lopped off. Money can be borrowed on butter, When Mr. l+oster.amendedl• the tariff eggs, cheese, chickens and fart) pro - on rice last session he stated the duty ducts of all kinds that will keep, as would average 30 per cent. Sir easily as on diamonds and watches. Richard Cartwright replied that the Nut only is this so, but there is a rats rvoultl be fully tit) !per cent, great'tieal more money loaned on The Getcrber return issued froiu Itir. ordinary products than in all the Foster's own department show Sir pawn shops in New York. This is a Richard was rio'ht. The .duty col- business which is growing every ieeted is,eust 60 per ,cent. on the year, and which has now assumed valne of the riceImportedl. such an enormous proportion that it a medium course is best, fold the future usefulness of the cow and her progeny.•—E. E, Rockwood in Coun- try Gentleman, and small farm products, only so much of those could be carried aS the individual capital of the produce I mels won d permit, and the prices in the summer would be much lower. Scraped With a Rasp. The fact that the New York banks; Slxs,—I had snub a severe crugh that will loan money on these products my throat felt as if scraped with a rasp. prevents the low drops in price that On taking Norway Pine Syrup I found the first dose gave relief, and the seuond bottle completely cured me,. IV1iss A. A. Dover 1:r, Mimetic, Ont. How Lang Shall the Cow go Dry? used to come every sain111e1• at the expense of the farmer. It also lowers the price paid by the customers i11 the city during the winter, for all the farm products stored in the summer and fall have to be sold during the winter to prevent their running into the lower prices • f the next summer. -•-New York Sun. Thousands of case:) of rheumatism have been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. This is abundant reason for belief that 1t wilt cure you. Dent's of Dress. znal{es up a large part of the discount Don't clothe yourself in man's ap- line of several banks. par el and expect the courtesydue a Cold storage and the development Dairymen 'have alpairdontxhle pride of the storage warehouse business in in cows which hold .Girt tlieir mill{ -New York have macre this possible. well. up to-ealving time. This is Most of the warehouses, especially necessary in older toget the greatest the storage warehouses, are to the :osslble profit, tbanks ' � p made Certainly what the pawnbroker's safe is she should not be idle longer than is to him, only the bank acts through needful. C)fttinzes the :period of cessation in mill. giving is .extremely short, and in the tease of 'heavy ltflkers, there will be no drying off at all. In the wlitees estimation this 'last not to be desired, for :sei(eral side. sAt ragged petticoat kills the reasons. I d smartest gown. First: The cow needs a period•of cows and the chickens do not adjust Don't put cost before cut. Corded ,lodger or shorter duration for best. themselves to the demand of the silk won't cover a clumsy fit. This site can not have when 'giving public, which requires ill the winter Don't let your dressmaker dress sttilk even in small gimlatities. In an extra amount 0f butter and as you. Dress yourself. She ualjygive - taranv things we are going contrary many eggs as in the summer. As you smartness, but individuality--- -to nature i,n'these progressive days:; cold weather eolnes on, the efforts of : but iii this I think we will do well to the cows and chickens are 1erg'.1, never. lady. Don't wear feathers in your hat and patches on your boots. Don't wear a sailor bat and a blouse after youri> fel fortieth tic,th birth- day. sone one else, while the pawnbroker Don't pioneer fashion with a cheap owns the warehouse and file capital dress -maker. both. Until recently it was not Don't pinch your waist. Fat, like possible to keep long in good condi- murder, will out—somewhere. tion dairy products, eggs and many uDon't put all your allowance out small fruits; they would spoil if not used within a few days after they were placed on the market. The • let her have a voice in the matter (directed to keeping themselves and the cow go.dry at least fora few warm, with the result that their con- eeks. rtributions to the public food supply The practioe.ef forcing a cow to are diminished. see what site cell n :do is verve likely to ; In the summers before cold storage result disastrously sooner or later. In ! warehouses existed, the farmers had the case of a Heifer it seems to be to send their milk, butter and eggs 'best to outlines the milk flow es long- at once, so that they would be sold ae possible. that the habit may be- before they spoiled, with the result Borne established. In this case it that the prices fell to such a low might be best to el low her for a single point .that at times the shipments to year to ,give milk up to the time of the •e(d111Ini2Siohl merchants dict not Don't sacrifice fitness to fashion. Don't neglect quality for the sake of quantity. Don't forget that although veils are beeonling to most fitces, feet veiled in lace stockings do not look well in the street. Don't imagine that beauty will atone for untidiness. Don't spoil the gown for the yard dropping her second calf. But it is realize enough to pay the freight.of stff. I 32.01 a practice wilieia should be est- Now the banks will accept storage Don't dress your head at the ex- couraged• certificates for - collateral as readily pense of your hands and feet, i Aside front the strain upon the as they would Unite(: States bonds,I be 1'VUII: Don'tdasllin — � fOh'C .1 es of a)c dainty. CO'Lr a 1 'tg ti . z afore z 'ai hen theapplication f , - 311 or <a tort - < h] comes i apt, tribe harmful to her milking to 11)01 l through men whom they Don't make hay of your possessions: capabilities for the future. It does know, Every month the value of and then credit your limitedp urse' not give the udder a &bailee to fill up r the eellateral increases, and about the with your shabby appearance. and expand, bawl* materially di- only possibility of' loss' is an. earth - There . 't n 1lrinlshll7g the flow of milk after quake or a lire, and the eold storage on imagine that n blouse old calving' warehouse is regarded as an excellentfi shirt, coat and sailor hat are suitable every age and figure,' In lay own experience, I have be- Insurance risk. < The owners eon for women of io come entirely dissatisfied with such protect themselves b (Dn every occasion. ' ' y luxus 'i 1l1i1'O 11.01'11 l last' . L0V0 1101.W bestori's a burden tlltlt is heavy. '1'1-t' are fearing (.1(:d when we fear to (lo wrong, Oue synlptoln of backsliding' -liding is a lack of thankfulness. Thune are 110 rt•itl stroni.? I)((j)]0 in this world but good people, The truth \VC hate the roost is the tl'tlth that hit': us the hardest. It is not what you put into your packet, but what you take out that \t i11 slake you rieli The busier the to mAn is tnu Ilarder it is for the devil to get into conver- sation with 1118). There are some people who are ravens at home ii'llo pass for doves at camp meeting. The matt who 2VOulcl go to heaven alone if be could, is the very one r who to ought ht-.) be kept 1 t out. The devil is not 'much concerned about tllo iufiuence of the christian who does not pray in secret, RUM.. ((AM 4,743.231.4,19WCRIA•40MMINNS,e4CM.,1ZICI •Il i(1? I THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST., Curtain in its effects and never blisters. Road proofs below: KENDALL'S SPAWN DIRE BLUEPOINT, L. I., N.Y., Jan. 15, 1694. Dr. B. J. KENDALL Co. Geattlentea—I bought a splendid bay horse soma tinieagowithaSptavin, igotbinrfor$$O. Iuse,: •Iio,,dell's Spavla 0ure. The .Spavin is eons not:• and I grave been olrerod 3150 for the seals horny n only had him nine weeks, so I got 3120 for using: v2 worth of I{endan's Spavin Cure. j Yours truly, W. S.2ZAnsDEN. , KENDALL'S SPAY CURE Dr. II. J. IiBNDALL CO. SHELBY, liIICB., Dec. 16, 1893. wSirs--I ohave .sti Deas for Curbs on twophotses and. It Ss the best Liniment I have ever used. Yours truly, AIIO0ST FILEDERIC.A. Price $1. nor Bottle. For Sale by all Druggists, or address .Dr..I3..T..RENDA,T.L C O.tli.p4X7„ 6NOaeURGH FALLS. VT. --tessel POWDERS Cure SICK" fr'EAcAct'«"•' and Neuralgia in 20 mJMUras, aLo Coated Tongue,. Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, I3nd Breath. 1•o stay cured and regu.ate the bowels .<.f?92v CIICC TO TAKE. PRI4.r- I: i� r. rnvr i. AT G)RU( STORES. I.1-°'i7f, �t yr<t ,F'k{t) THE ONLY Absolute Cure for Piles, and all Itching Skin Diseases, . The first application relieves, and short treatment cures, Tho only remedy for Teeter, Itch, Pimples andall scaly eruptions ofthe skin I have suffered from I s form longtime and tried several articles recommended for this complaint, bit none of' them benefited me till I tried Chases Ointment, which has com- pletely cured me, MRS. JOHN oE1: t1IE P. P dike., inn., Druggist, witness, W. tiowding. commercial traveller, ran Esther St. Toronto, suffered from itching piles few 13 years, one box Chase's cured him, Gen 1w Morris rns of Morris 1lfachine Co., nrnn•ford, Ont., twenty years with blind nod itching piles • used se different remedies with- •tt• relief. Chase's cured, SOLD DY DEALERS 07 0, 0811 1) OEOCIPT OF 81110E BY A009E33100 .01+.1.3”1"n, .."ATtS & 00., 46 Lafi "' "gee 50 OFNTS PER R9X. BARD ST„ JOB PRINTING a practice. Solite of oar best cow have been injured by it. It sounds very fine to read or hear of .a cow that never goes dry ; but my word for it, that cow is doing herself an once. A manneedsvelV little Don't wear a white petticoat un - now to go into a butter, eggs capitaln(1 less it is white, cheese speculation. He buys from Don't wear heels on your boots at once has the unless you can afford to have tlzpin butter, eggs and chickens sent to the always heels and not half ones on I fri.jury (or her owner is doing it by cold storage warehouse. He goes to one side only. gdlowihtg ft) that sooner or later' will the owner' of the warehouse and gets Don't put powder oil your cheeks! greatly impair her usefulzless. 13y a loan of 80 per cent. of the value every means short of starving, 1 of Ids storage certificates on payment `without looking in the glass after- ohot1ld try to accomplish the drying .of the storage and the brokerage fee iwalds< or at li:tst a month before calming. for tvettili '• the `Utast,He Don't make your own dress unless I r� :y �, gives a y The milk is unfit for use inward the note for the loans „thick the ware- yott can do it really well, btst, containing as it (foes prol-ertieC house )ren indorse and deposit, with 1 iint�' ndticl o . : . -.,t1- for the n (. arc- ., bot?lI etllf's Wel. the e storage to ai certificates g'C zizc<ates its thea' bank. ' Akre. Witlt thiel rnolkty the buyer e --sin , o t 'rho Trete af nd Weekly Globs from Clow' • In the cage of a strong- back and get writ butter, eggs and andtgetthe balance for bilis y tr free. now I the faarin 'i's t111d • JNel'AMIN(a nooks, knutltblets, Posters, Ilii 1 Heads, ('11 Ouhus a.., ,tic., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply Or address ia. Et<1.IOTT, Timms °tllco, Wingham. nieniseneuseesagesetter UNDERTAKER, -•r Vw �L d Ir ..101110110* CAVEATS,TRA EMARKs OOPYRiCFITS. CAN I OBTAIN A i'ATENT? prom t answer anti un honest opinion, write to AID N N d CO.. who have bud'near9y fifty years' experience in the patent business, tlommun)ca- ttone strictly confidential. A it fin fl boort, of In- formation concerning Pawing and how to ob- tain theta sent tree. Also a catalogue of median-. :cal and eelentlfio boosts sent tree. . Patents taken through Menu & Co, receive special notice in the SeientifaAmerican,awl thus aro brought widely borer° the public with, out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly ill nitrated. has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. SO a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition. monthly,.5O a year'. Single copies, :VA cents. Every numner contains beau. Will plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with pians, enabling builders to show the latest CO.. ayand t1Yong. contracts. 3, BiOeDWAY. NOw is the time to buy your i ow Shades When you can get them 'of FINE QUALITY,IVIOUNTED ON SPRING ROLLERS —1-011-- 25 CE S. NEW PATTERNS, NEW DESIGNS, at all prices. CLINE & CO Hardware Merchants, STONE 131.oc:c, SVingham. %UTE y/( ((tq, `.'••j Y) it T !Josephine Street 11111"}l$ill, Ont, J. A. liAttt1to, J. W. Seorr, . Mount Forest. . Listowel Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Par)slers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at at fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention G3von to Col- lecting Accounts and N otos. Agents. in Canada, -.The Merchants .sank of Canada inglIamiTimes •-IS 1'I;,IIL1SIIIID EVERY FRIDAY MORNING A'f 111E - TIMES OFF( JOSE fickle StREET WIN(,III &M, �ONTARIO, Subsoriptionnp2•roo,.)lpar Yeats, in advane ADVEILTISINO aaTI.S: anw0 1 1 yr, 1 01110.1 :i Iii 1 ni O1 -u+ Colwun 8110 00 540 (l0 1 81-3 00 0 00 tlaif 40 00 5) 0U 19 U0 4 00 Qnartev " 20 00 11 00 7 00 2 00 One (Mair (1 dU J 00 I 3 00 _ 1 00 l,(-4:al and at et easnal advertisements, Ne. per line for Best insertion,:mil go, per line to own Uubse(luene luserticu. Loom noticos lues pt, litre for llret insertion, anon. b 50. per line for elle)) subsequent insertice. No loeab notice will be oh,ugetl less than 25e. Advertisements of Lost, Foiled, Strayed, Situations,, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines,. nonpal•Oii, $1 per smith Houses ata11' u uie for Sale, not exceeding 8 51 for fret mouth, O0c. per subsequent Noah These touts will be shiotly adhered to Speslal rates iur local advertisements, or frit longer periods, Advertisements iuid local notices without specific • directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged, aecoidiugly. T;..t•el'oty advertisements met be - paid in an:anca Changes for contract adrertic :moats must be n - the o)'ltce by, Wodoesday noon, in order toappear that week R. ELLIOTT PROCRntTOR AND PUDLIsaEA. T ►R MACDO ALD, �l CENTRE STREET. wll'OUAN, •ONTARIO,.• F,A7 B. TOWLEIL, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. --Coroner for County of Iluron— OficeTIp•stairs, next to Mr idorton's olhieb, Wing-. hate. Ont. ' reioh H ouRN.-9 to 12 a. m., 1 to p. itelence, Diagonal Street. , -1.,•, T KENNEDY, M. D., M. C. P.B. O. eJ (Sueces-or to Dr, J. A. Meldrum.) 0x1 fedaltstof Western University: Late House. Sorg n in London General Hospital. Special Eaten.tion ld to diseases of wbuion and children. OiI1e remedyoccupied byDr,'Meldrunt,Cornos. ofCen ie aua Patrirl streets.. 1t• INOIIAAL Oar A. VANSTONli, . BAR LUSTER, S(1LIC110lt, Etc., Private',ntl Company' funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgagee, town:, and rum proliert, botntht turd sold OFFICE-Boavor t;lnek WINonAM .7. A• MO)(TON BAI(RiSTRB rtinghtuu Oitt - E• L. race NSoE, . •. Iitair3.'.Hfs1f4 . Etc. SOL I(.` IT.OIt TO 13;.\I' UI+ iIA3IILT0\. MONEY TO, • LOAN. Office—Moyer Block, N ilgthant, - DENTISTRY. --J. S. JEROME, L. D.•S.,Wizei al(., JJ Is manufacturing nrptSel'ass sets of teeth as cheap its thc3 •calt'be made in the Dominion. Teeth ;extracted; absolutely without pain, by his new= process, guaranteed perte.tly sate. • OFFICE : L1 the Heaver .Block, opposite their Office Ilcure—From 0 a, tn. to 6 p. nL A en . I Wm, H. Maceionaid, L. V. S. MILL I DENTIST. ZETI4AIJD SAW M.3.LL OFFICE, MACotJtvALDts'•aibckt. GEORGE �1��91i�� �, Will visit dome 1st d rd Monday& A. E. SMITH, Brunswick House. 1' Proprietor. • an +:+ of each month. Lumber of all kinds, i e1 'Y ol1N limoniE,• First -Class Shingles,, I GENE1.1.1L Ilr'6tiRANC> and Cedar Posts. AGENT- , and Ceda.Y, 5. osis. }VINOIIAAI, ., Car toad Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any I'. art of Wing - ham. Rof'Ordersby mail promptly attumd to GEORGE TIlOIISON, Box 126, Winghatn , /) ONTARIO) pDEANS, Ja., WlNOUAM, ' ' „i) t LICENSED . AUCTIONEER FUR OF DIM N, TDR COUNTY" Sales attended In any part et t11't o, Chargee:. Moderate. JOHN C URIRIJ , Wisdalra, oat, LICLNSL'D At2 lxoi6I nee cot1NTIEs :, Aliod e t si oft nt ho , T Ial �it,s of ft j co ' 1 s A lit Iva _ 1 ed to. Torras reaseiable. " p orrlptly attehdi' . ., . 1 JAMES 1t5l�ilERSON, The undersigned in returning thanlls' • for past fayors,beg leave to Say t but they mamma) AUCTIONEER POR Cottst'i have tit. very largo stank of ( 111th(" Rb tIUh02l ittvL + LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, BARRELS, WOOD,' &C,, on hand, which will be sold at very close n. aicASIn, prices to meet the requ.retitents of the hard times, Toronto, Member Cnl1ae'c Phy Surgeons, Ontario, etc(ahe andL All sales attended to promptly and on' the Shitrtlitr Notice. (Iharget 5lodirnte and Satisiaotlon Guaranteed. ' All necessary arrandeneite carr be made at tile. Timis' Oiled WINOIlAM ONr S it t Class Shingles, $1 <70 .per 1 nr.LohAV1t ... Square, Wood 7Scts, per Cerdl °delivered. , Mctr5 to Loan on j dotes Discounted Lverythinl olse,equally low. Ceine an(1.I Ayr REASO1tfiABLE see u before afore buying, as YW.0 will 1 no t be lamer llatlersoitl, Money advanced on :linrtaagee ails} per centwlt�, priviletle of patine nt the end of any year., Notlt 112c1;I.AN it SOS, 1 It0andneeonnte collieted. 'Wine -awn, 3une 7111, 1898. 1 flaaver Block W111tcluttn, pa ,, iHtOY tylGtlh. • It i the ci Itt th Ha •down light 'ever,. ibrigh that :awak =It Vit, about strap; 'tile Cel 'tin wl bled. 112 a 1 bin: \r al ds Giron 7 the db 'serf .and t of ane .return q Is 1u�l�zc°, :strlaxig reel" liq ',graudf of de] pastae( my -gr 'erinaso a>ld \ herb o'. the he Oh, would •ers Iv] . d( 'beautyand •enjoy t Suddpor simstood b and)b( "Ir The :asked 1 lne ? Ilan( S. ] T an the figs -danger Fran bion • 'otheo �ou dt ,Oung per Whpeta Wha -. Listenos, ,you. mem, vanish. lfilled t the .\v fade, xl tma main hi 'ever, al you, wl .and die Can to Iny f any wif The N, 'old oa,.n youth. You. wi 'M t 11` €' childxe lles share tl 'be 'gout but all 'drei,Itls T i he \ chazigp. Warms( Beide o .animal( en the dst ninetee :egrehsa.ill de It id that yo and 'myo Thor I rave y titsdea Soill ma, a ovIer. You ell all, I older is .