HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-05-27, Page 16GOOD TIMES TRAVEL Seaforth 527-0050 FRANKENMUTH, MICH. JUNE 13th The Bavarian Festival Festival Parade! Return home in evening $15. per person SCOTTISH WORLD FESTIVAL TATTOO Toro to Exhibition GUST 22nd Reser Grandstand Seat A iSsion to C.N. E. By MOtor Coach $18. per person •RESERVE•EARLY Nashville & Wheeling Tours Labour Day and Thanksgiving Ontario Licence #1239997 1-43-tf ALUMINUM SALES. For a complete line of aluminum siding, soffit and fascia, eavestrough', doors, windows, railing, awnings and shutters. Call kll4 BEARSS ALUMINUM at 527-1295 19-43-tf - 'VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES Bob Peck VARNA * 20.5748 19-43-tf„. Classified Rates WORD COUNT Charges'are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. Fl pat INSERTION - 20 Words $1.50;6c per word' thereafter. • SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 4c per word, minim-urn $1.00. • SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.68 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.54 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. • Accepted in multiples of half inch.) • BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per • insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words, $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 20 words $1.50, each additional word 6c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.50 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING;', EVENTS - .20 words $1.50, each addliitinal word 6c. Three Insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 Words $1.50 , each • additional word 3c. 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT . TIME OF INSERTION. „.., gyp. Oaacellation of trultipie insertion-- - advertiservititittftfAdon, Tuesday. Deadline for olatsified ads is 12 Noon Tuesdays. Phone 5:27.049 Announcement Don Holst 'Real Estate Ltd. Realtors -Announce the Opening of 'a Branch Office at 12 Isaac St. Clinton To Handle All Your Real Estate Needs Buying or dlyZieurnsgonRaelaSi tat Service in Call 482-3595 14-46-1' TfW .1-14RON rViAl!' 211 .1976 Ikea Good. " CEN E CLASSIFIEDS ERTISE IN *•••••immarpomumnimni•NOMMOIMImma., 14 'Property For Sale 14 Property For Sale 19 Notfrei 14 Property For Sale 11 Articles For S‘ale HEALTH FOODS SUPPLEMENTS - Wedding invitations, social announce- ments, personalized stationery, Bibles, books, greeting cards, individual and boxes, plaques and wall mottoes, music. Radiant Life Centre, 57 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario. 11-44-4 SWIMMING pool wholesaler must dispose of 1975 aluminum pools in stock. Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space. Brand- new swimming pools include walk, around deck, fence, filter and warranty. Size 15' x 27', $1,088.00 cash or terms. Call Gord collect days or penings 11 Articles For. Sale 1 Coming Events 1 Coming Events CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING DRY BAGGED room. Shop at back'. Located near uptown. NEW Bingo Clinton Hall 8:30 May 27th. Admission $1.00. 200.00 in 54 calls or less. 1-46-1 THE LEGION Ladies Auxiliary are holding a rummage sale Saturday, June 12 at the Legion 1-46-1 George and Laura Rock would like to cordially invite their friends and relatives to join them in the celebration of their 40th Wedding Anniversary to be held on June 9 at Family Paradise. Best Wishes only. 1-46-2 BINGO at the Vanastra Centre May 31. 15 regular $10.00 games, 3 share the wealth. Jackpot $260 in 55 calls. $25.00 Consolation. Door prizes and other specials. Admission restricted to 16 years. 1-46-1 GEORGE R. Shavings For Sale $1, per bag and 4,PROCESSING- JOHNSTON * ** ** * 2 acres just south of Clinton on #4 Highway, steel work shop heated, concrete floor, **** * * Just listed: 11/2 -storey insul home in Lohdesboro, 6 rooms, 4 bedrooms, oil heating, modern kitchen. Located not too far from school. * * * * ** CouRtry living on 2 acres just north of Blyth, 2 storey stucco home, 9 rooms, 5 bedrooms, oil heating. * * * * * FOOD FOR THOUGHT The only things worth learning are the things you learn after you know it all. REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKER BOX 249 CHRIS BLACK will play for DANCING at the MITCHELL AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE on FRIDAY NIGHT, MAY 28th from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Admission$5.00 per couple - restricted to 18 years and over.- 1-44-3 . Beef-Mondays Hogs-Tuesdays AL'S MARKET Phone 262-2017 19-43-tf REALTY LTD Stratford 273-2821 Seaforth 527-0052 - , - First time offered. A three-bedroom one-floor residence two blocks from Main Street in Seaforth. Can be purchased with suitable down payment and take over mortgage. CUSTOM spraying of all sprays for corn, beans, grains and pasture. Also spraying for wild oats. Contact Jack Feeney or Joseph Roach. Phone 345-2318. 19-43-tf CUSTOM LUMBER MILLWORK LTD. BOLTON., ONTARIO PHONE BOLTON 416-857-1882 11-46-2 STEEL BELTED Radial Tires - 4 new GR 70 x 14 Glide Air Steel Belted radial whitewall tires $150.00 mounted. Call 527-1350 ask for Dave. 11-46-1 ***** Two-bedroom, gas-heated home, carpeted and new, appealing and likeable. Roofing Eavestroughing Painting Pointing Insulating and Carpentry SEAFORTH Lions 41st annual summer carnival, July 8, 9, 10, 1976. 1-45-5 ** * * ** Home of distinction, near the hospital. Early possession. It stands proudly waiting for a new owner. * * ** * * Ask us about a cottage at Bayfield on the lake, a gravel farm, a farm just outside of Seaforth with- an attractive stone house, a two-acre parcel, a 47 acre farm near Brussels, a 60 acre site South of Clinton and a super-duper piece of property up near the lake. A.ss us anytime.' 11-434 1-519-4332611 An MLS Realtor SEAFORTH LIONS BA-R-B-Q Dinner and Dance, Saturday, ' June 26, 1976, Seaforth Commtifiity Centre, Campbell and • Cardiff 'caterers. Music-'by' Walter Ostanek Band. Tickets- available at Vincents,. Larones, Bob & Betty s, Huron Expositor, Rowcliffe, Whitneys, Stewart Bros., Seaforth Banks and from Club members. 1-43-t f , 2 Lost, Strayed STRIP tickets refreshments, duplicate. The Seaforth. for admission or single and Huron Expositor, 11-43-if 14-46-1 Looking for a home of your own? Consider these: A 11/2 storey frame house, completely redecorated,. on Goderlch Street, West, Seaforth. -An attractive brick bungalow in Egmondville. * * * * * * * * A P/2 storey white frame house on Hensall's main street. * * * * * A building lot for your cottage at Port Franks. * * * * * * A raised brick bungalow in Exeter- a beauty. • * ***** One of Seaforth's finest old homes on North Main. LARRY PLIIMSTEEL PHONE 527-0052. 14-46-1 16 For Sale or Rent FOUND in Egmondville one kangaroo jacket, owner can have ' 'Slane -by identifying .and paying '"'.for ad. 527-0507 before 2:30. 2-46-1 SUN 'CAMPER hard top trailer, sleeps 7, furnace, frig, stove, ' oven and toilet. Phone 527-0172. 11-46x2 SWIMMING POOL: Deluxe, Redwood, above ground pool. 16 x 24, 1 yr. old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice 1/2 price. Call Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. 11-43'-tf LEADING SWIMMING POOL Manufacturer must dispose of brand new 1975 above• ground aluminum pools, made to sell for $1890.00 willing to close-out for $1188.00, Full• warranties in effect. Call collect anytime. 1-416-667-1302. 11-434 4 Help Wanted. RADIAL TIRES 4 new GR 78 x15 Safety 99 rayon belted radials , whitewall tires. $1'75.00 mounted. Call 527-1350 . Ask for Dave. 11-46-1 ONE Daisy 450 pellet gun (177) used four months, wooden stock, 5 shot repeater, $20.00, Phone after 4 o'clock 527-1059. 11-46-1 Contact - MORE THAN $2000. • ERWIN WARD, Seaforth 527.0502 y 19-44-4 will be paid to our regular part time school bus drivers this school year. Why don't, you, supplement your income? Regular & part-time male or female drivers are required. We 'will assist in obtaining licence. UNITED TRAILS INC. Phone '527-1222 4-43-tf WILLIAM M. HART Salesman * ** Seaforth 527-0870 527-1972 565-2855 14-46-1 SEAFORTH HOMES New, 3' bedroom bungalow, Lot 66' x 1,32 ' $39,000 ***** 2 floor, 3 bedroom, carpeted living room and bedrooms $29,500. 25 acres on Highway, 15 acres rolling gravel loam with spring trout pond and some bush. Phone 528-2733. 14-45-2 1974 Lionel Hardtop Camper . Phone 527-0674 after 6 p.m. 11-76-1 TRAILER.50',,x 10% Can be seen at Doug.' Rathet jpst.,east of St. Columban on Highway. 11-45-2 ELECTRICStove, 4 burners, in good condition. Frigidaire clothes. dryer. Phone 527-1448., I 1145x2 FARM FOR SALE 85 acres of workable land in' McKillop Township. Apply to K. W. COLQUHOUN Real Estate Broker or ALLAN CAMPBELL, Agent Phone 527-0445 • 14-45-3 • ***** 1973 Marlette mobile home 12' x 60'. Lot 66' x 165'. • .. $15,000. OUT OF TOWN HOMES 12 year-old, 2 bedroom brick bungalotv in beautiful condition. On a good County road in Hullett $45,000. New 3 bedroom bungalow in FIRE WOOD, stock up now, Morello Mfg Co. Ltd., Mitchell, Ontario. 11-39-8 SWIMMING' POOL SACRIFICE: Leading Manufacturer and distributor has 'above ground aluminum pools left over from 1975 ,season, 1/2 price, guaranteed installation 'and terms. Call Credit Manager collect. Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 11.434f GREY-BRUCE Canada Farm Labour Pool, 21 Jackson' St. S., Walkerton, urgently needs general farm labourers especially single workers for casual and permanent employment. Experience preferable. Please phone collect to Grey-Bruce Canada Farm Labour Pool, Walkerton 881-3671. 4-46-1 GOLF CLUBS junior set in new condition.Wood putter and 3 irons. Call 527-1597 after 'five. 11 -46x2 2 Bedroom apartment, 2 1/4 mi. west of Brodhagen available immediately. Phone 345-2353: 16-46-2 lst - 2nd MORTGAGE FUNDS For debt -consolidation, new purchases or refinancing. No hidden charges or bonuses. We ,specialize 'in the hard to get mortgages. Call collect anytime. 1-579-0100 • HANNAH FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. • 19-43-tf ONE male 'Chihuahua puppy, 6 weeks old, Grey colour. Phone 482-9931. 11-46'-2 17 Wanted To Rent it BAILEY Egmondville $39,000. COUPLE wishes .to rent house, _minimum 2 bedrooms, within 10 miles of Seaforth, country preferred, references provided. Apply Box,, 3231 The Huron Expositor. 17-45-3' ***•** Year old brick ranch-style;' .'Bungalow, 3 bedrooms, large rec Croloi..mnton, with fireplace. Located in $44,900. ****** Large split level home has field- stone fireplace, on 15 acre wooded - lot, west of Clinton '$77,000. *Four excellenthomesjust listed ** * * in Vanastra priced from $17,500. 7 Situations Wanted 16-year old youth wants job on farm on weekends and summer holidays, has experience, 523-9406, Ask for Don. 7-44x3 SEED 'potatoes, reasonably priced - 262-6008. 11-46-1 FOUR new Kelly Springfield custom armour trak summer tires & rims, 8.75 - 16.5 on 8 stud rims; 2 cooper 12.00 to 16.5 tires, half tread. -527-1482 or write • George Kreutzuiser., Box 844, 'Seaforth. 11-45-2 R.C.A. Floor model color T. V , in excellent condition, $120.00. . Phone 527-1842, i j ' 8 Albert Street Phone:482.79371 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED COUPLE wishes to rent }muse, one or two bedroom, Seaforth, Dublin area. Call 345-2834 after 5 o'clock. 17-46-1 LEADING Pool manufacturer has 1975 above ground redwood type pools available, willing to sacrifice, at half price. Call collect anytime 1-416-667-1302. 11-434 8 Farm Stock For Sale THE ROTARY CLUB OF LONDON EAST presents • THE,HANK SNOW SHOW - with Rosemary Atkins and' The Rainbow Ranch Boys 8:30 P.M. May 27, 1976 . Centennial Hall London Tickets $3.50, $4.50 and $ 5.50 Available from: Words and Music 426 Richmond St., London 438.3631 Centennial Hall . 550 Wellington St., London 672-1967 ana , • Members Of The Rotary Club of London East' All net proceeds donated to charliy 1-44-3 MASON BAILEY- BROKER/MANAGER Clinton, Ontario Large 3 storey brick building in Seaforth, gas furnace, full basement. ****** 14 acres on the edge of Blyth, ,2 storey brick home, 8 rooms, '4 • bedrooms, carpeted dining, living room and den. 1 1/2 baths, Creek crosses the property. Small horse barn. * * * * * * 1 1/4 storey frame home in Grand Bend, 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, carpeted living and dining room. Year Round Home. ****** Fully equipped restaurant in Clinton, seating capacity approx. 30 persons, ideally located. * * * * * * • HOLSTEIN bull, calves, Ted Van Dyke, 527-1435. 8-46-1 10 Used Cars For Sale Modern equipment. We guarantee all work. Write or call • Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482-3320 or Seaforth' 527-.0284: • 19 Notices UNIT STEP, the easy way to buy better concrete steps. No waiting for concrete to. set. Many sizes and styles in stock. Enhance the . beauty and value, of your home with precast steel reinforced concrete Unit Steps. Our installation crews work quickly and cleanly. Call Frank ' Kling Ltd.., Phone , '527- • 1320, Seaforth." 11-45-4 ******* . 2 bedroom brick bungalow, just off Highway, west of Seaforth. 922,500. ***** 2 floor brick in the country south of Dublin on 1 1/4 acre lot. A good solid hOme. .$32,500. LOTS . , Seaforth - 66' x 132', $7,000 each Alma - 9/10. acre, $7,500 each AlMa 1/2 acre, $6,500 each Kinburn - 1/2 acre, $4,000 each Carlingforcl - 1 lot 45' x 132', 55,000. Clinton Office 482-3595 John Thonipson 527-0238 John Duddy 482-3652 DON HOLST ' . REAL ESTATE LILMITED Realtors HOME and farm .repairs, cement work, masonry work, specializing in fireplaceS, chimneys and 'other `odd jobs. Free estimates. For more information please call Stan Kirkham, 'Mitchell, 348- 8797. 19-43-tf ADDING machine rolls, typewriter ribbons for most machines. The Huron Expositor. 527-0240, Seaforth. • 11-434 1973 Cutlass $2400• 2406 or 345-2349. phone 345- 10-45-2 19-43-tf nit ONE 1971 Datsun 510, call 527-0446. , 10-46x1 HONEY' for. sale, 2 and 4 poUnd pails. Wilmer Kelly, 101 ..1.ameS Street, 527-1023. 11-43-4 • 11.Articles For Sale FOX TERRIER house trained to. give - away to good home. 527-1607. _ 11-46x1 WESTERN CANADA SCHOOL OF AUCTIONEERING LTD:-:, Canada's first, and the only completely Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, C. 366. For particulars of the next course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215 19-45-9 ELECTRIC fencers for sale. ' Repairs to any model, 345-2306. 11-44-tf Geraniums, tomato plants, marigolds, petunias, .§,panish onions, also some cacti, African violets and other house plants. Apply 150 Market -Street. 11.46x1 GESTETNER INK at The Huron 527-0240, Seaforth. Bicycle Parts AVAILABLE Expositor. 11-43xtl Need a Sign? and Repair Large or Small- - I do them all - ** ** • TRUCKS LETTERED * * * * * . Prompt Efficient Service * ** ** Your Own Personal.Sign Writer VA ASTRA SIGNS 12 'Wanted To Buy, New and Used Bicycles Egmondville Wilf's Bike Shop 527-0803 , 11.45-4 Wanted To Buy Used 6 ft. flail (hammer knife) mower for cutting grass; PTO 'drive, Need not .be operational. Bill Southgate 527-0812. 12-46x1 ••11 2 stor y br. or e' in ri on, 8 ,,rooms, be r m 2 11 ths, antiq& itc * * * * * Cottage on Maitland River,, ' 1 floor frame, 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, furniture included.. Lots of trees. * * * * * * 2 1/2 storey brick home in Clinton, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths .carpeted living room and dining 14-46-1 BEEF type cows coming in soon, 345-2306 • 12-45-3 SWIMMING Pool sacrifice, leading manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left, over from 1975 season. 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and terms. Call collect days on evenings. 1-519-433-1083 11-43-tf 482-7978 PIANOS. Write or call' Gingrich Box • 34, Komoka, 472-1994, 12.43-8 14 Property. For Sale 19-43-tf Eavestroughing installed by the foot Phone H. J. Mero Phone 527-1533 Seaforth, Ontario 19-41-8 14 Property For Sale TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES CANARIES VIC FOX 523-9525 CLARK ZINN ' 524-8620 TOM SCHOONDERWOERD 345.2459 HAROLD WORKMAN 482-7658 ' Clinton Office ' Phone 482-3821 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Main Street building for sale containing a restaurant and income from 1 store and 3 apartments: HOMES 3 bedroom, 1 Year old home on large lot with, sundeck, workshop in Seaferth. 3 - 3 bedroom apt. with extra lot. Clbse to downtown. 4 bedroom brick home on I acre with creek, A complete li ne of pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP 350 Main Street BRYANS Exeter Phone 235-1951 11-38-tf Stump Cutting SERVICE Contact BRYAN GODKIN R.R.4, Walton 527-1327 Seed Beans A COUNTRY PROPF,RTY AND NEARBY VILLAGES 3 bedroom neat home in Londesboro on a good lot. 3 bedroom home in good condition on 1/4 acre in Kippen. , 6 large building lots, water available at Kinburn. • 3 bedroom brick home on 1 acre near Bayfield. 2 storey brick store with or Without large lot in Kinburn. 3 bedroom'hOme on paved road near Bayfield. ' 2 bedroom , modular home, carets, electric• fireplabe, in Hensall. 3rd bedroom being added. 2 bedroom home in Blyth in good condition. §0,001n. neatilLome,-rec..,,toenINIMP44 Certified Seafarer Kentwood and Sanifac ART BOLTON 527-0455 11-44-3 19-42-14 CLEARANCE sale •of solid cast' Franklin fireplaces, Complete' with barbeque, grate, screen, chimney adapter. Hamilton's Machine- Shopr SOW; " 26" • Nelson Street, 1-235-1655.11=44:4 COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25e each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR • 0 11.43xtf Additional ..,Classified,., 240 acre dairy farm, large briek home near Hwy. 21, with or without stock and equipment. 200 acre cash crop farm with good buildings near Auburn. 97 acres without buildings in Hullett Twp. near Clinton, 250 acre beef and hog' farm near Londesboro. SO, acres without buildings North of Holmesville. 14-46-1 - on PCige 17 Yl•