HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-12-07, Page 3• 1 THE WING -RANI TOMS, DECEMI !) i89& C. T. COLUMN. Some ,Amusing •k#uU$.. ([x,:,n[tca,al ,ix 'rzll, iy, olfnai u=tar:all.) ( The prize of one guinea recently.� offered for the host amusing "bull" I Fos Gil and tome anti .Vat i.re Land. ; has been awarded for the following _____ I specimen : Well call the atFcntic>n, of the mothers and sisters , A certain • politician lately con- . to the face, that Min Woman')trlHtian Teluper• demising the Government for their Onion nion meets the third ,llous t:dsy eters mom,. at three [clock •hart,,foronehour, at Nes news recent policy coIlcerning the :i11COnie MOIL I tax, is reported to have said: As the ifshtor hal kindly raven us part ot his i" They'll keep cutting' the wool oft ' genie, for our work, ,vt' ask friends of the [smile to ; 1 edlid Melts. of Interest on all lomat Quest» r15 of the • t.le sheep that lases the golden eggs day t(> any of our ,llentbet'b, 1 until they have pumped it dry," :s --ss» •—- n• . • •' ' Below are sone of the best compo- : The Liquor Traffic Criminal. i anions sent in : ! Extract from a speech made at a Until the liquor traffic 1s more ! meeting to promote total abstinence: generally regarded not only as a;"The glorious work will never be criminal offence+, and treated as such ! accomplished until the good ship but also as the prolific source of i Temperance, shall sail from one enol nearly all the evils which afflict our 1 of the land to the other, and with a common humanity, the great feeder I cry of Victory i at each step she of almshouses, asylums and penal 1 takes shall plant her banner in every Institutions, the parent of Poverty,' city, town and village in the United dogradatidn and suffering ; until the 1 Kingdon." Moral consciousness of the people, ! Au Itaishman in the midst of a which has hitherto lain dormant, is, tirade against landlords and capitals awakened to the appalling actualities ists, declared that " if these men • of this nefarious business, we shall I were landed on an uninhabited island not be prepared to as vigorously deal I they would. not be there halt an 'with this sevonhead8cl and ten -horned 1 hour before they would have their monster as his foul and deatllilealing !hands in the pockets of the naked 'character and practices.demand. ; savages." We have become inured, because of I Only a few weeks ago, a lecturer their frequent and continual occur- : at a big ineeting gave utterance to roncerto exhibitions and transactions, the following: " All along the un - which,. if witnessed for the first time, ;trodden paths of the future we can would startle whole communities 'see the Bidden footprints of an un - with dread, awe and terror, and send 'seen Hanel." the patriotic blood pulsating through i " We pursue the shadow, the the heart and coursing through the; bubble bursts, and leaves the ashes veins of whole nations. If any other - in our hands. power than this colossal despotism of.• One of the regulations of. the 'West MB, which has avarice as its main- Boston Bridge Co. reads: spring, diabolism as its chief cor- i And the said proprietors shall nerstone, and ultimate destruction, ' meet annually on the first 'Tuesday physical intellectual and spiritual, as ' of ,Tulle, provided the same does not its end, should presume to lift its fa]1 on a Sunday." hand. against the well-being of pian- i An orator at one of the university kind, and should prove to be the unions bore off the palm of merit. Promoter of a tittle of the crime and , when be declared that " the British misery now traced directly or in- ' Lioii, whether it is 'roaming the directly to the liquor scourge, how' deserts of India or climbing the long before such a power would be forests of Canada, will not draw in pronounced an, outlaw, and dealt its horns nor.retire into its shell."- -with .as the veriest monster. How Tit Bits. . long would fathers patiently endure ;�_ _— • to see their promising sons devoured 1 Stork's Powders, each package of Eby such a voracious Moloch of de-�,whieh contains two preparations, an in a struction? How long would mothers ;Sound wooden kilos, the cover of which look with silent indifference upon 1 Jorms a moosu're tar one dose, an im- I mediate relief for Sick Headache and their daughters despoiled of every I ;to,nttoh, also Neuralgia, and all kinds endcarntent•ofhome, of lore and. Of �of nervone pains, and another in cap - even life itself? What sacrifice : sures, (from �i to ? of ono is an orllinnry would be deemed too great, what I dose) which acts on the Bowels, Liver treasure too costly an outlay, to put '. and r Stomach, forming r a never• MAIN 1. ner,eat treatment for all .'lead and such a demon beyond. the power to . Stcma. h complaints. They do not, as degrade and destroy? Bat alcohol most pills and sa many other medicines Stalks abroad unmolested, sowing ; do, lose their etiaot or produce attar discord, planting the .seeds of disd ase, i constipation, and are nine' to talo 2a� stimulatinf' and developing passion I cents a box, et all iuedicine dealers. residen,.e, l',it>'iok atreeo All ladies are made fret - 4 , inciting to felony, arson, licentious- 1 s l Gambling. Mess and murder, and the great plass i of mankind, while 'they professedly; It may be that the laws respecting ,. deplore the effects, yet look upon the 1 gambling are not generally known ; great prolific zause as they would and for the benefit of those who en- upon a common spot of pastime. We 1 gage in it as mere past time, we have fallen Upon an era of rare op- : submit the following for the eon portun_ties It is an ages of progress. 1 sideration of any parties or party The'light is brdxa i ig. The spirit of, who may engage in playing games ;reform has Wolf -hold of the people.' of chance. "A common gaming. .A few have said by their actions as i house is a house, room or place kept well as well's, ,.`it is now high time ! by any person for gain, to which to awake out of sleep." Prohibition, .persons resort for the purpose of play- as it stands forth to -day, a living . ing at any game of chance ; or pot>>fi'it; the admiration of its friends, i house, room or place kept or used for and an aMaZellient and terror to its l PlaYin,g therein at any game of adversaries, is not all accident, or a chance, etc., ete." •In another section mushroom growth, but is the God, -1 talc stfttilte says, "Anyone, Who well 11 W t Of atient• t •- d 1. ,.:+r�" +�• patient, >t.ldevCillles all)pc.aN, frets or behaves X15 blaster •aiutly, endeai1'bi', such as cannot or mistress, or as the person having LH of its reward, and such as is still care, government or management, demanded to carry forward the work ' etc. etc., shall be liable to be prose - auspiciously began to its glorious 1 cuted as such, etc."; the party or t` consutnntation. Our weapons are I parties who plays or looks on, }while net Barna];' but moral and spiritual. anysother person is playing is guilty Agitation without flinching, nor of an offence and is liable on con - lowering one iota the high standard 'lotion to a penalty hot exceeding of our honest and heartfelt envie- one hundred dollars and in default of tions, should be the real motto of the payment to two months' imprison - limit.. May the God of right speed ment. Again, any ono found guilty the clay when this colossal rum des- of obstructing a peace officer enter- potism shall be crushed, destroyed, ing a gaming -House is liable to a annihilated.. - penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars trod to six months' im- at is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of gathers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria, prevenfs vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates' the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy. and natural sleep. Cas= torics. i,s tho Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Canto is . "Castoria, is an =client mvdleino for ohil. dram Mothers ziavo repeate 1:f t(.1d mo of its good effect upon their children." D ;. G. C. O^coop, Lowell, Mas. "Co teric. is tho bt:.c remedy for children of wl•ich I ant argrc!11Lad. I hope tho 0.. Is not far C.Litant. when mothers will consi: orthoreal interest of t:mfr el:llama,. and use Castoria in- stead of thovarlouocuaok nostrumswhich aro destroying their loved ones, byforcing opiuo , morphine, cooth:ng syrup and other Im.rtful. agents down their throats, thereby sending teem to promaturo graves." Da. J. F. 3 INc-^.ELOa, Conway, Ar' Tho Canto -or. Com:pony, 'i• i Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted to children thaw I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me," It. A, Anenlsn, P.;., D., 111 Co. Oxford Ct., Eraoslyn, N.' 2'. "Our physicians in the children's •d'pest- ment lhavo cpol:cn of their o.--prri•, once In their outside prt t t co ,rill, Caat;mia. and although wo only have aa,otr•f nr;:. medical supplies what is known all r[„ m:»r products, yes wo aro 'free to confess that to merits of Castoria has won us to lool: with favor upon it." • U iITICD ELospixat. AND DI,BPCNr.6RY, Boston, Mass. ALLEN C, SSIITn, Pres., Iarrav .Stroot,1'dow York City. vi:• •Y .. S i aunt .''•iyli'Z rl.+f,.?ca. .r, .A5•AK.!'t.SV:31411Mlf.•,•R�t.,i. Simpheity and Charity. We smile at the childlike siinpli- city of the Lind -hearted man whose charity "believeth all things, hopeth all things," even of those whom tate world distrusts. "But," 'as Dr. Holmes says, "the angels laugh, too, at the good he has done." Dr. Dobbin, an old-fashioned clergyman of Dublin, was noted for his kindness to the poor, and for the simplicity which trusted them as though they could be guilty - of no deception. Once a man was begging at the clergyman's carriage window. Having no change about him, he handed the beggar a guinea, saying,,. "Go, my poor matt, get me change of that, and I will give you a shilling." He never saw thebeggar•'s face again. One clay his wife, on coming home, found hint in the hall with his hands behind his back, as if hiding some- thing. She insisted on knowing what it was; and he timidly 'brought out from behind his back a roasted leg of mutton. He had quietly taken it from. the spit in the kitchen,. to give to a poor woman waiting at the door. T eke ;m otxce:—'Tho T,nrxs and Weekly Globe will be sent, to any address, in Canada or the United States, from now tali January 1st, 1$00, for one dollar, pay- able in ad,•itiine. Religion pure and Undefiled never works by the mouth. Law wears iron shoes, and don't care where it steps. t Book canvassers should take cour- age from a story told by an English lecturer on "The Art: of Bookbind- ing." A man of their profession had called. at a house whose occupant met hila with a growl. It's no use to me. I never react. But there's your family, said the canvasser. Haven't any family—nothing but a cat. Well, you may want something to throw at the cat. The boels was purchased. Take Notice.— rite Tian and Weekly Globe will be sent to any address in Canada or the United States, from now till January 1st, 1896, for one dollar, pay - . ay. able in advance. If the boards in a bare floor do not fit perfectly, have the spaces fill- ed with putty or -with a mixture which has been often recommended of late made of old newspapers soaked in a paste,made of flour and water. The proportions of this are one pound of flour, three quarts of water and one tablespoonful of powdered alum. The newspapers should be powdered into bits, and the whole thoroughly boiled and mixed until of the consistency of putty. It may be colored with a little of the staining mixture, dud should be forced into the cracks with a knife, when it will soon become bard and dry like papier maehe. ook'sCotionRoot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Suooessfulfy'ased monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable modielne dig. A Boon to Maniind. Covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Neuralgia. Swelled Neck. Enlarged Cook's Cotton Root Compound. take no airbag. Glands, Lame Back and all Muscular tute,or inclose $Land 0contain postage in letter .Pain, Lameness and Sorenetis are speedi- and wewillsond,sealed,byreturnmall,'unsealed 1y and effectually cured by Hagyiu'd's particulars In plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 Yellow 011. It removes all pain in afew , stamps. Address The Cook Company, applications. 1 . Windsor, Ont., Canada. Tho Bost Mand of Sermon, • riS011mCllt wltll Or without hard SAYS GLADSTONE, IS ONE SEVERE ON S < Leads to nervosienestli fretfulness, peep.{ • -z islYn•e . futironio Dyspepsia and great illi ofy kloud's Sarsaparilla is the Look Oat f6r Old Weather remedy It tones the stomach, ticiates hIP. ride inside of 1llh s leotrie Lighted 'a lin appetite, and gives a relish 1;tl feed% .cartr Heated �r°t!sti•bule Apartment trains It makes pure blood and Rives healthy1 of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.. Parry the c.ergymen. of the Yid' were not as action to all the organs ot the hbdy+ hallway eget yoU well be as wenn, co tort- 1 rule Were t'lidit,olllrtpou their con - action, Take .food's for Hood's. bre n lolls d d a Sarsptllar]11a tL , , ,I 1 gteg�'¢ Y C r+.i-Poor Digestion p CO\GRI:f#AT10N. labor r Soo{ b> Wingham by t:. L, lwilliaety, Lrogsist. SANK of HAMILTON W!NG HAM•. Mr. Gladstone, l tpon being tleked 1 Capital, pi.,�� 1,`Ot)0. heat, 10,50,000 recently what sort of Berinon he President-yltit. $TVta'r. liked best, wrote that ill. his opinion wtoa•i`resident—A, 0, IiattSAY. and cheerful as in ,your own libt, ry or R1�4rc.. 'c O not, e0tltlntie UtLi':s. battdoir.' To travel between, Chic•t. yLlpilnientl lay upotl Pahl and IUinueapolis,er bei.sveen r,' �tgo, n #, OlftclStOlte, y 1 Aeon's Pitts bec'efne the favorite Omaha and Sioux City, ir.these le :' oust y 1 ifle Souls and Consciences of their theil,f2 lwlth eve, y one who tries appointed tr,'i11s, is, a aulai'etY1e stj�aisfa0tion; i'hearers their Moral obligations or 1 them. ltlratf, aid, as alae somewhat, 1tilSciolat adverUtlse^ 1 probe their lives and brim tip their ment used to rer,,t, mar Waller partienTaltfa, Vs the bar of eotl5eiellec. y see iswatt bit " Slnall %ills (and 1h'rge whole lavesled are tltOsc most nee �r itt Benisons nal • e pat led ..til a� ff 1 ti, � a� t; land i e s t ,�sl� rC 'su (.tit >, sC'ls l [ales, too j w it l 1te t t;epttYi tor pasett,t,, Tll '( a this year, on account of the 46sa int; cttr WO ts. 1 (fLetailcit infer-' 1 similar to the one that offended Lord 1 adian ,. ' 'Tn 12it alt 1 � laitied that ',Vat , Motion, Ltcld g ,' tY. i. , 'When lie loan i atting before it reached , �.t"s I) Melbourne, p «.' I.'4"211ger .ti eat' TorwriW' d'ielt. 1 obliged to listen to a ptv�t'eh�cr 1 y , •B7t!71r v: ry VY Solis ••tar. rtlsitittation, ., �.- he was g a l +e'`' ..,..b . 1 who insisted upon a man's appl;t'h'i ' i �` rt tlbSel'i i' Tor tilt TI1Cl y. kliYc r, Pleo's Retnody for Catarrh is C+ro .s I f , Ott; lives have `WA lost and his religion to his private lire,: ",C"1ii�is,1 ` tel.'s Be,4 to tree, and ellhIs t. "Weekly Glebe. 1 year, pro i'l'ty amounting Ito $1,000,000 said par.' Gladstone, is the kind of. ,.., x .�• i�l► ,pit 'Child ren, ori •bits tlf weak 4103- has l!seett' destroyed Illy forest fifes preaching man needed aaaost ;a�ttllht got" tive or t! earn be sur XI 11d' •i'11t ng lit the 1taeftdtlts •of Tennessee. the least of. r.''' K. D. C. A :Blessing to Every IIoulseho'i HOOLL AY'S PILLS AND OIN These remedies hive stood the test of fifty years experience, and aro pronelin[ed the hast Family 1150. l'ur>Ry the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, lilt?I:1 7Yi •Stix 1 11` Invaluable In all cox,plaints incidental to fealalts of all ai;es. TIT IT -1 0.119-ria\d„al is the only reliable rounds for bad ens, sores, ulcers, and old [mulls,i lsil Big<`t filzli TriltOATS, COUGHS, (•OLDS, GOUT, 8WBUMATIS1d, OLAXI'LAit !3WELLIt:(at+ A:•t. . DISEASES IT 1IA,� NO i' (JCA1.. Manufactured only at 75, New Oxford., Late 6,33,word taro and sold by ail biediclla Vendors throughout the world, f i Pur [lasers. should look to the Label on dile Boxes and Pots, if the uddreiK 53$ Oxford Street, London, they aro spurious. r ... '•7+ ,eF !.4 r.,,..,.- .,(.... , - Wig' -i t^ •^ phi.. f tilt C D.l .0 FURNA�! ALL SIZES OF ffiriLDINCS Cclpaci ie from 10,000 tl Oar- t�- delu- rte• ! OXFORD WOOD FURNACE ` - Fu11 Guaranteed Capacity • senALdfor.... CATOC<E and TESTIMONIAL ItOOK. r;r-.. " CYCLONE. STEEL RADIATOR" to 80,00 Cubic Toni WOOD FURNACE HEAVY GRATE, especially adapted forwood burping Heavy Steel Plate Fire Box Come and Radiator, which heat quicker and aro more durable. RADIATOR of Modern Construe. tion and Great Heating'1'ower LARGE ASCI PIT COAL FURNACE Large Combustion Chamber Long Fire Travol,enoirclingradlator Large Beating Surface Large Feed Door Sectional Fire Pot DEEPgASH PITng Grate ..Manufactured by.... ^°44 ".11e GURNEY FOUNDRY COMPANY Ltd., ,la '1Ta.. e FOR SALE BY . ley. t DU ..� H.ORLAND Wingb.am, - Ont. WEBSTER 8z CO.. Lave decided, for a short time, to reduce the price for AKIN MEWS TWEED SUM $4.00 SPOT GASH. If you have any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a dollar on the inaking of each suit, and get a Bocci fit. First-class Trimmings supplied, atwholesale prices for spot cash only. If you want to buy a Suit dr Overcoat you can save from fi3.00 to $10.00 on each, by purchasing from us. WEBSTER 84. CO., Merchant Tailors, Oppeosite the llesv 1'Iacdonaid Bleck, Cl'inghain. DIRECTORS MOW Pa00T0R. Or.h. ILo,ten, rl'St OtnsoN, ill P, A. T Woop, A. II. Lis "(Toronto). Cashier•• -,t. TLTt1NOULT., SfVing,l Stank--}lourP.10 to 3• Sattrdays, l0 t, Deposits of 51 and upwards recd, cd and lutea'[. allowed. Spoolnl 'ILoposits MO revolved at eurreni Tates of interest. Draftb on ,)rent Britain and the United State 'bought and sold Soled bi drpggista Of fient by'iOltll Doo. 31.. T. /Worth)... Warren, Ps, HARNESS AND GLLATi.S. Having bought ont the Ambler Harness Business and started in his old stand,. am prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept in it harness shop ' such as HEAVY, LIGHT and TRACK HARNESS, NETS, DUSTERS, WHIPS, CURRY CCMBS, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, &e., 8ce. I'iake all niy own Collars and guarantee satisfaction. Give too a trial and 1: will use you right. . G_ 'E TO '` inbham,. � to ea chotr WANTED SALESMEN acidscolnllptete lincoe at Nursery Stoes or Seed Pot*toes, or both. Per. mancift and paying positions to stood meal'. tyre Can , rive Kon Oxelusive territory if you wish. It trill i p.tygon to write us for terata, Address, The Hawks Nursery Co., ;; Itochn8ter, N. 3.1 n cantle,, Local num Travelinir S t A�� �a to handl[ our naris Cnnadk, Or'oWtl Nursery Stock. We gnarl:eke 8atisf8et)0H to r presentatives atad Customers. Our Nurseries are the largest in the Dominion —Over /DO nares. No substitution Cu orders. lsxelnslve territory and ithernt tents to whole or part time attonte. Writs• int ktoNs It'ii•tstirNd3TiliV,. f Head 'Olitee,)Toronto, "the only Nursery in'Call n{ t hn,ir trta+etintrnrchtrds. e, YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, fiend 0Cente In stature, onff%eehts tiileer, and w4• will send you by return mail tgtp., PERFECT �FECT LETTER •WEITEN` A neat little Book, helng a perfect Guide it the art of Lrttt;r Wrltinx. It contains ,zrf ti .of tare. t'riendshit'sad Bneiness, etc•, frith vahtabtatnatrtte• tions and advice. liveryverrn1lona tad. wan** should have this Book, 1AdSeess, • 11OVinJTV 411/ BLISA.MASv , litwertrelt, Otte