The Huron Expositor, 1976-05-20, Page 4ti
B radio brings
California. It's jllegal to talk
across the border however.
Crowded CB channels are such
a problem both in the U.S. and
Canada that the first• Canadian
CB magazine, called Canadian
tianseiver, predicts that
communications authorities in
both countries will expand the
network to 50 channels.
Canadian truckers want the
DOC to star t enforcing present
rules that ban profanity. talking
lonier than five minutes at a time
and ban playing music on the air.
To put the pre' sure on and show
that they are well organized, a
Toronto newspaper reports that
the truckers plan to move en
masse from Channel 10, which
most of them use now,. to Channel
1, today, April 15.
Many CB stores recommend
buying a C13 se t with a good
noise suppressor that tones down
static. It is necessary but Alf Dale
says local CB'ers could talk to
each other over a faint conversa-
fiat between CB'erS in the Exeter
area say. "If it's not too close it
won't bother them."
He says he and a few friends
might arrange a time, in advance
when there aren't too many
people on the radio and arrange a.
channel and have a talk. He still
talks to friends from the Oweh
Sound• area "hut it has to be a
good night", to receive from that
far away. Sometimes he will click
around the channel and hear
who's talking and if he's
No Job Too Small
iNb „Ss ,SS,..•S'aSSPS:sfs....s..... .......
.. •
a new I . o to Seofatth
for the check; the person who '
complains about TVI has to.
The main thing, the veteran
CB'er 'stresses, is to not start
feuding over the interference.
"TVI can be corrected,'? he says.
One,in 21 cars in the US now
has a CB set and Canadians
appear to be following the trend,
General Motors plans to, make
the two way radios .optional
equipment on 1977 cars.
Readers who are already into
CB know all that's fn this article
and much, much more. Those
who aren't interested in CB may
say they couldn't care less. But
those of us who aren't involved,
may have to start learning about
CB's in self defense, especially if
we still want to talk to our friends
and co-workers.
CB is the biggest craze since
sliced bread. Just ask the people
who work in the back rooms at the
Huron Expositor where terms like
10-4 and negatory, 10.9 and break
are being thrown around with
awesome frequency.
PICKING UP THE PLEDGES — Dennis McCauley and Bob Dinsmore were two of
the Optimist club members who picked up phonathon pledge's all over the
countryside on Saturday. By noon they had picked up $280 from donors who phoned '
into the arena•enovation drive from Tuckersmith. All pick-ups were co-ordinated
by CB radio, with Alfie Dale as dispatcher. (Staff Photo)
Buckled safety
belt, galvaniz-
ed steel chains.
77" x.131/2" GYM-DANDY SLIDE .:.`31.88
15" SWING SEAT '2.99
AVX4•10,,om-4S,.'sraSS-a.. OW.aMasSSf.S.MSSS-MsMiss
IS every one in your office or at
the pArties you ep, to suddenly
*Akin, to each other in a strange
#ev.v. language? Do you shake your
head 'in 'bewilderment as friends
suddenly take' to driving around a
tot in. ,their cars, talking to other
.eople who are driving around in
heir cars?
If you answer the abuse 'two
questions in the affirmative, then
you are probably one of the fens
people in Seaforth and area who
have not caught the CB radio hug.
We're in the minority as sales and
use of CB radios is climbing here
as it • is all over Canada and the
• . Expositor advertising manager
Dave Robb, who caught the CB
bug last fall, estimates that-there
are; 250 CB units in Seaforth.
That's one for every three
hou'sitE units in town.
Most are in ears, "mobiles",
but as a CB'er gets more serious
about being able to chat. ss nil
other "good buddies", he or she
is very likely to buy another unit
for the house. Some people. like
Alfie Dale, a quadraplegic who is
confined to his house, have a
house or base unit exclusively:
CB enthusiasts' say 'it takes an
investment of about $200 to set up
a mobile. That includes $13.50 for
a licence, good for three yearS.
from the Federal 'Department of
The DOC estimates that there
are 70,000'CB ts .iit'Ontari(-i", "40 per'
cent of them licensed between
January 1975 and January 197s.
.Many people, including veteran
CB'ers , feel that the radio waves
are getting too Crowded..
Altie Dale is one of thosk. CB
used to be taken more seriously
and was valuable for accident and
weather reports,' he says. People
used call numbers more than
nicknames and there was lots of
courtesy and no foul language or
long winded, aimless chatter.
Now it's hard to find a channel
• out of the4;mthat is available, and.
the CB lingo'is 'getting too heavy.
"Some "-guys. you can't even
understand what they are
saying,." Mlle says and he feels a
few loud • mouths called "bucket
mouth" or "ratchet j'axv" in CB
talk are scaring off sonic people
Who like the -idea of CB.
CB was originally designed as a
radio, system for bu.sinesses or
perhaps farm commu nications,
not th'e hobby band it. has
become. Alfie hopes thecrase will
dieselown a bit but meanwhile he
'talks most of the time on • • CB
sidebands which are on each side
of,thc regular CB channel, giving.
him 69 channels to chose from. • ,
.A side band set is more
expensive, but more and more
people are getting them, when.
they become frustrated in' their
efforts to ''qtave a QSO or
conversation on •the regular
channels. -
After you. talk to someone you
can send them a QSL or confir-•
matioji that you've talked, a spost
card giving your real name,
address • and official DOC call
numbers along with your skip .
handle or nickname, says Attie.
who prefers call letters to the CB
language. If the DOC is- going to
crack, down on abuse. they need
call n timbers.
Sometimes people who've
-talked a lot to each other on C41..
never meet or leave each other's
real names. Wren you do meet
your fellow talkers. they never
look like you picture them, Alfie
Every week a' ''new dealer
star is handling CB equipment in
the county. Dave Robb says.
Some fear that the market will
quickly become 'saturated .,..that
CB equipment will go the way of
.ne snowmobile binge of a few
years ago. But maybe not.
There are lots of sophisticated
gadgets that can be added on to a
basic CB set. Attie Dale wahabout
the first person in Seaforth to'
have a 'beam antenna. When
,others sass ss hat good reception
he got, they wanted them too.
"Nov. a lot of is Ives say 'darn that
Alfie Dale' ' Loreen Dale
All the gadgets can drive the
CH'ers estment as high as
$1500. One Toronto store selling
CR equipment exclusively has
seen its- sales volume go from
$'00001/0 _to $1 million in four
Truckers in the United States
began using ('B in huge numbers
during the gas crisis sshen the
speed limited was lowered.
Pro ate motorists followed suit. A
recent radio show estimated that
one in 14 A merican families had
a CB radio and one in 10
Canadian families did likeise.
Motorists sec their CB as
imalitahl+ it Oita, have a flat tire
or a rood t. mergency and can
radio fellow CB'ers to send the
police or a tow truck. An
American man told me that a
woman was attacked when she
asked for help after having a flat
tire on a busy freeway. "With a
CB you can -stay in your car with
the windows rolled up and radio
for help," he said.
CB'ers do a lot of search and
rescue work, usually in clubs,
ss ith the co-operation of the police
or cis ilian rescue groups. They
have been active during flood or
storm emergencies in the U.S.
There is a CB club in Exeter and
there has been sonic talk of
starting one here. It's a lot of
work to keep a club going. and the
same few do most of it, Alfie Dale
thinks, Clubs plan fox hunts (like
treasure hunts) and dances and
send any money they make to
charity .
CB's- have a normal range of
five to 10 miles. But in certain
• weather conditions, especially in
the summer, a skip occurs and
CB'ers here find themselves
talking to NoSts. Scotia or
interested say "break" and ask to
join, into one of the'eonversations.
As CB's sprout like weeds
interference with TV sets or CB
conversations being received by
mistake over other equipment is
becoming a problem. A church
service in town not too far away
was interrupted this winter by a
booming voice in CB lingp that
somehow got received,on some of
the church's electronic
equipment. And Alf Dale knows a
man who once heard a guy on CB
coming through his toaster!
Believe it or not, Alf says, the
TV .set often causes the
interference problem (Called
TVI), especially old sets' without
the proper filters, or bad
antennas. The best thing to do is
first contact your neighbour, the
CB set user, and tell him you've
got TVI. Then you can call the
.DOC and they'll send an
inspector out to check both the cb
set and the TV, If the CB set is at
fault it'll have to be fixed or go off
the air. But the CB'er can't ask
Free Estimates
10-4 GOOD BUDDY-No 'they aren't, talking to each
other but Marilyn Chesney, who's known as
"Secretary" on the CB - bands and Kathy Robb;
"Little Jewel" illustrate the fact that women use CB
radios about as much as men db. Loreen Dale, who
moved to Seaforth last fall with her husband Alfie, a
longtime CB user says women in Owen Sound where
they used to live rarely talked in the radios. Marilyn
is using a base unit: Kathy is using a mobile CB radio
that is mounted in the Robb's pick up truck.
Playground fun in the safety of your bac
4 Seater ,Swing
and Glider. Set
Action, safety, quality— you can swing it!
Great exercise •and fun for up to four children.. Two swings, two seat
glider, all with cool plastic seats; two end supports double as chinning
bars, Carnival-color enamel finished 2-in. tubular frame; safety-tested
chains. 6'4". legs with 7' top rail.
393-5590 (We accept collect calls)
-Painting, Papering, Light Carpentry,
Floor Sanding and Refinishing
Industrial, Co :n inertial and Residential
Bickyard Trailblazing.
A. Big Chief Tent
Colourful teepee style has bright screen-print on
water resistant, cotton drill material. i x.
Measures about 40" diameter, 5' high .
B. Commando Pup Tent
Roomy enough for 2 backyard.buffs. Water-resistant
Egyptian cotton. With poles, guy topes 1395,
and pegs, About 4 3",1( 5'1" x 3' high „
Bear cave
Base station
Bucket mouth
'Blood BoX
Chicken coop
Dead pedal
Eatum up
Feed the bears
Green stamps
Keep your nose between the
ditches and Smokey out of
..your britches
Mobile parking lot
Peanut butter in ears
Pregnant roller skate ,t
Portable stockyard
Ratchet Jaw
Salt shaker
• Sit-wheeler
Smokey the Bear
',Theea, 011 you, threes and
Thermos bottle
:r-Tijuana TAXI
Police station Or post On highway
`CB set operated from a fixed
location I'd like to interrupt
Talks a 'lot
Police radar unit
Weigh scales for trucks
No -police cars around
Slow-moving vehicle
Roadside restaurant
Long-haul truck with 18 wheels
Get a speeding ticket.
Drive safely and look out for
'speed traps
TElephorte conversation
Automobile carrier
Not listening to Ca set
Cattle truck
Nonstop talker
Truck spreading salt or sand
Pas§enger car pulling a trailer
Police patrol
O.K. message received
Repeat message
This is an emergency
Best regards
Tank truck
Marked police car
Young lady
ax-young lady, wife,
Top Quality
Whale Beef .94
Half Beef .995
Price subject to change '
Free Delivery
Within 10 Mile
Ph. 262-58&4
Lawn Swing and Glider Set "Gym Dapdy" with 5' Slide
Fun features to occupy up to six children, Quality Two swings, two-seat .glider, two-seat lawn swing,
construction as above set, Two-seat lawn swing 16" wide, two bar-type end supports and one-piece 131/z" wide
two-seat glider; two swing seats. Sturdy 6' 9"
slide-bed with 3-step tubular steel ladder. 01195 legs. Large 8' 6" top rail, 52 Nylon swing bearings. 9'8" top rail.
M..' WIM.M.' ',
. .
Safety features: one'-unit 11' 2" top bar and hangers — no
bolts to work loose. 6' 9" legs 'need only one bolt each'. 2
swings, glider, slide, lawn swing. Extra- 9900
heavy-duty hardware
Extra Savings!
"Gym Dandy" Slide's)" Glide "Gym Dandy" Play Centre
`Climbing rungs, Olympic rings, climbing pole,'over-
head ladder, chinning bar, trapeze and swing. Over 7'
high, 2" tubular steel frame, Ground iph95
coverage about 125 x 128". Fitness huy. 11,1107'
4 .,..4A.
W. Ltd
Apply far your
2 saucers; target on steel
pole. Tossing fun for 2 to
4 players.
Tennis, squash, nandbal I
practice. Complete set of
z. '.010i111' GAME s
15 Sec
Ball attached to steel
shaft by braided nylon
cord. With two bats.
Designed by Weider to
build up your stamina
and eniturance.
air Pair
Non-slip pedals adjust
for children of all sizes.
Puntastic buy.
Horseshoe-type lawn
game with 4 posy discs. 2
stakes and 2 target rings,