HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-12-07, Page 1If :•""e.
VOL. XXIIL---NO. 1198.
The Been has been making preparations
for a Big Fall Trade by gathering together
e. large and welaseleated stock of Goods in
every line, all bought at the lowest and best
ena,thete and matked at the etnallest margin
eef.prolit. Goode were never as cheap as
this season, which yon will admitafter
•callieg and getting prioes for anything you
need, let it be what it may, Dress Goods,
Flannels, Underwear or Staples, Furs,
Ready -Made Clothing, Booth and Shoes and
Oroceries. And in order to father help
,Iroit and make a $ go es far as possible, we
will give to all Cash Buyers a STitAIGIrr nrs-
'course of 10 in ORNT., instead of aur present
eystem, on all purOhases, let it only be 10
touts, (with one exception only, sugar.)
• Reinembee our goods are marked as low
its any in the trade, and we will not be
tinaersold. We still hold the reptetetion for
the best Tea in Wingham at 86 cents, 3 lhs.
for one dollar. 5 lbs, for ono dollar and fifty
• oBR te IsElSOOCES,
The Only Direct Importers.
TUB Bran, Oct.11th 1894.
Marriage Licenses
limed by Futile PitTEtt801,1. ZTo 23, Vie-
torie %treat, Win gh am, On b. No wituesses
:.„). EsT Place in ennachi to
1, get a 13usInes$- Eau- •
ca ion, Shorthand,
• ; ""ItrLiii is
tint Cen-
tral •
1' lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont, :
, tmqueseionaeiy canade's0thatest Come
merette sehoois. Cate'oalies free. Men-
tion this paper. Shaw & What, Principal&
rieatmelcre ing Balsam cures aphis,
Mr. Jas. MoLeoob in f Gerrie, was in
town on business, la riday.
Candies by the n at the Star restaur-
ant, Jes, McEntee,
—Rev, r4, G. Woo ,of St. Paul's church,
preached a very in street' g discourse on
meseions, on Sunda ev ing last,
Cell at the City stauran1 and inspect
our goods and pric W, A. Jones.
—Mr. E. C. Cler 's sale of furniture,
&a., on the market quare, on Friday last,
was quite succesefu , all the articles being
Bargain Day at H. E. Snell's Star
Grocery, Saturday, Deo. 8t1i. Big Bar-
—The Town Couu il will meet ext Satur-
day, 15th instant, in aecordence with
statute, to close u the ii,bioiai affairs of
the year.
Vireo pounds of
for 25 cents at the
11Si—The C. P. R,
day last, was sev
mail on that line
east that day.
Jbfbest mixed candies
tr restaurant.
JAS. Mel -Imam
fternoon train, on Fri-
el hours late, and no
was received from the
My Xmas. stook of Fancy China, Dinne
Tea and Toilet Sets is now complete. et
and inspect before you make your pn
chases, The China House, W, T. Yen
, Mr. J. R. MoIK !vie is having new at
more modern windJwa put in the St
Restaurant, this w k. They will improv
the appearance of tfie buildingecery 41(141
Genuine Old Brown WineserlIToilet
Soap, 3 cakes for 5o., at the Author Hous
• D. M. Goenox.
—The arced:throe services of the Win
hare Congregatian churns will be bel
an Studey, Decem r 3.6th„ It is expecte
that Rev. W. H. W there teformer paste
ill preach on the ceeien. ,
.• ...,
Tete property of ha late David Ross
consisting of good filling and about si
ores of land, will be sold on favorabl
rms. Apply to re. David Ross, Wing
--.The Huron Vet emery MediealAssocia
on held a amain, at the. Dixon hotel
Bruoefield, on Mon
weather being favo able, a very geed eo
ndance of mendbe , from different -see
ons of the county were present. JeWil
n, V. S., of Wi ham, President, oc
pied the chair. Several •• interesting
Evers were read nd were discussed a
neiclera,ble leegt . The meeting then
joumed to raw in the wn Hall
linton, on Jen. Ot , at 1, o' ock, Iharp.
t .
Heathfield's Beall g! 'Balsam is the
surest and safest c for coldri in the
world, Price 50 cen sat Williams' Drug
Store, Wingharn.
—The Gospel T mperanoe meeting, on
Monday evening la, , was one of the meet
Isuccessful held; tl attendencie was good,
an d the ladies o the W. C. T. IL feel
greatly encouraged. Mr. G. MoIntyre etc.
cupied the chair, nd the meeting was
opened teals prayer y Rev Dr Gifford and
singing by a united hoir, made up from
members of the P sbyterian and Medea -
dist choirs. Thei selections •wore well
rendered and wer heartily enjoyed by
those present. R y D Petrie was the
speaker of the eve ing, and delivered an
address bristling th fads on thesTemper-
twee questiou. 5 t addresses were also
delivered by Rev Jas Hamilton and Dr
Gifford, Mr V lsey Park rendered a
beautiful solo in od voice, The benedic.
tioe, pronouced b Dt Gifford, brought a
most profitable eting to a close,
Eere's Fair, arke's old stand,
V—Tlie weans spell li s taken almost all
our snow MI. v
Tons of cancliereat 'ity Restaurant,
W. A. Jones.
Kr. and Mrs. John Dodds, of Seaford',
are visiting friends in town this week.
Oysters served in' every style, at D.
Rah'e restaurant.
• Messrs.V. G. end lex, Strong, of Ger-
rie, were in town on business, on Friday
Be sure aud attend. the Bargain Day
Sate at H. E. Snell's Star Grocery, on
Saturday, Dec. 8th.
Brussels Post as Kate Hernbly, of
Wingheett, was vi ting friends here for a
few days last week.
Orders given by te et
Reeteurant delivered
of the town.
Telephone No. 1
lilinery goods et east at Xis ilaceei.
Mr. D, R. McInto , of ticknew, was
in Wingham, on Wet ay, ou bueiness.
Williams, the ggist, sells pure drugs.
M. Jos. Mose pi e, of Brussels, was
calling on Willem friends, 0 (ine-
jas. McKelvle, o a ar restaurant,
has imported direct o Plordia, 80 oases
of oranges and is s g thetneheaper than
they were ever sol n Wingbam.
--Miss Sutberla , of the teaching staff
of the Publie Sohoo regurned her duties on
Monday, after a 811 1 absence through ill-
L ins' and Children's Hats, at cost, at
• s Wallace's.
--The editor of t TIMM bas to aanote-
plimentary tickets to
Orange Hall in Gerrie
nd entertainment in
ne to the star ledge receipt of co
raptly to any pert dedication service o
JAS' iVielCEVM and Sons of Scotl
—Messrs. Sparl g and Holmes, Reeve -
Baby carriage runners, te fit any car -
end DereetY, resile ivelY• are in Gederieh riage, at T. E. Conte see,
attending the meet' g of the County CoenciL
—Services at
WANTED to borrow for a term of years— .ptileeraelleitlegexety tehtlenpa
48,000 ongoodfarm security, at 5 per cent,
"For vsbat do we li
interest. For particulars apply at Tress •
ri. enT , Wingham, Ont. "The sunshine of
tl .-
r. --Mr. Peter Fi , postmaster, has been —Long boots, hend-madd and factory.
s; quite ill for some days. He was taken made. Tim best and cheapest in the
county. Goon ItItOTHEItS, The New Shoe
with a fit of vonn g, one day last week, stem,
54and it was severs hours bef e it could be , —A meeting we be held in the Coins
e; ateppeci.
I Chamber, on Mo day evening next,
is ••• •Belmoniei Englisl W ite Oils is the best •
: 3
wily Liniment i e world. Good for
an or beast. Pr' 25 cents, at Williams' . •
in eown. All int •ested in the organiz
Drug Store, Wing sm. I tion of such a soci y in tow re earnest
n•- —A deptitation rom the Heron Veterin-
; requested to atten
1 013)111.2ff Ps IieSt u
d ary Association 11 wait upon the Hon..
a John Dryden, M ister of Agricultnre, in • and sore se;t3
e,, reference to cert amendments they wish t wiegewe,
, made to the law hieing to the Ontario, _-
Veterinary Colleg dn. In another 0 mein appears a letter
, 'from Mr. Thomas nglis, of Carrick, deal-
-Watches, els ts and jewelry promptly ing with the ques ion of a market tor tile
e repaired and full warranted by Kerala'
Pelee, Meyer Bloat, Winglartm. farmers! produces. Ir. Inglis Lias been en-
• / gaged in the octal
—Mr. Thos Mo lymont, *former busi- and knows whereo trade for many years,
he speaks. We take
" ness inen.of this own, butwho has been the letter from the Canada Farmers' Sun.
! residing in the S Ahern Sthtes foleksome ; 1
O years, is in town is week renewing ac- i "Where is rrty watch, Melinda, ?" "joht
quaintances. , He oks as if the leathern" nie's out cracking hickory nuts with it.
"All right, then, that won't hurt it, fo
' climath agrees wit him:W.7.-
•it was got at M. Patterson's jeweller
store, Winglaum."
A LAN surr, a go -ba suit, or an
every day suit may be purchased at the ; —A conservative ass meeting wilibe
,A.nchor House. We have a splendidly
t asported stock of Tweeds, Suitings, (ece ' beld in the Town Hall, Wingbana, on Tees -
and we make them up in the most fashion- day evening next, 11 instant, when ad -
able style and at the lowsst possible price. dresses will be del •ered by Hon, J. C.
• D. M, Gonacen Patterson, Hon. Jol • Haggett, Senator
v—• Mr. Thee. Rollinson, of Winnipeg, Ferguson( and Dr. 41. Montague, on
Manitoba, is a guest of his brother-in-law, the leading question of the day.
Mr, Thos. Gregory for a few days. Mr. —For first-class tailoring and cheep
Robinson will be r nerribered bienany of gents' furnishings, try Webster te Co.
ng bee • n the contractor iltmember the place, one door south of
A Graham's grocery store.
n of the C. P. Rerintoite
—We are in sec pt of a neatly printed
been resitting in Winni-
eigb t -page paper,•e led "Progress," issued
years, and has been
business, , by the Regina (Atha Industrial School, in
• • which our old frien Mr, D. O. Munro(
—G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east formerly on the Trs ,,s staff, is a teaeber.
the Congregational
fr at the regular hours.
or. Morning subject:
e ?" Evening subject :
organize a Debi:die and Literary Society
Xerxes Fair, 01 e's old stand,
Everytning eelliug at herd times p
at D. Bush's restaurant, Cell and see.
Mr. W. M. Gray, f Seafortin made
business trip to our t we last Friday.
—Caslrfor good butter and eggs at B. A.
Grehemet market grocery,
Ur. Thos. Strechan, ex -Reeve of Gi
was calling on Wingh m friend% on
day lasts
We have an iraMeluict stock
Made Clothing on bawl.Thes
e j were bought direct from the rnanufteetor
and. will be cleared out at prices rthea
than the cheapest:, D. VI. GORDON.
—To those who a interested in goo
farming and stocka• *sing, The Cattadiaxe
Journal is becoming's
ratting down of t1�
s generally make.*
necessary for our eg multurists to exercise(
Live Stock and Far
-ey, quite a boon. The
Fri- prices and bed ti
YOU KAY moose noun eseeoe. when b
ing Tweeds from us. During the n
thirty days we will give you Suitings
Overcoatings at prices heretofore unite
of in Wingham. D. M. Goanox
-The work of pile Meg at the punop-
ing house of the wake works bas beau com-
pleted, and a most au stantial job ha been
clone.esa •ewe*
Jas. KelIelvie, of t e St Restaurant,
heenthis week, had h• sb rernoddled both
inside and out, and • mast say it is one
of the meet corn e restaurants in this
part of the eount , Jimmie is bound to
keep the lead.
e,,,,, 1 the greatest care in rder to secure the'
ext proper returns( for eir labor, and Theo
nd Canadian Live Stock and Farm Journat
mei - •
contains just the nd of inforinettiont -
necesary to assist -the 1 in the worit. Thet
subscription price is ne dollar per year,
and an investment o this kind is nee thee
be should be jarofitab e. t.Plie Journal's ad.
dress is 20 Bay Stre Toronto. e ,
—Dr. Macdonald cielivered a temperance
address in Listowel, on Tuesday evening,
under the auspices of the W. C, T. IT.
There was a fair at endance, and his ad-
dress was greatly apereciated.
—Miss, Charlotte I MaDonalcl wishes to
intimate to the ladies of Winghare and
vicinity that the Dress and Mantle makiug
business, formerly carried on by BLAB M.
Johnston, will be continued by Iter in the
old stand, Gregory Block. Pref. Moody's
tailor system teught. Cutting and fitting
a specialti .
a. —On Friday event. g last, at the regular
13, meeting of Court M tland, No. 25, Cana-
dian Order of Fore ors, the following aa -
dress was read to . E. C. Clarke, on the
eve of Ids departur to St, John, N. B.,
where he goes to rtber the interests of
the 'society, as go evil organizer. The
address was read by Elliott(
DEO. Sin AND Bit
your departure from
the raoreimportant
the influence of ou
sister Provinces, w
allow you to depart
you in some degree
a- mutual tie of friend
" broken. You affili
r Order in its earliest c
y duty called you to 1
• in the early struggle
you where to be f
hand to forward
Forestry baa acbiev
In recalling to o
order has accompl*
cannot but associa
You have held sora
positione in the gif
Chief Ranger in a
that of Vice Chief
Conrt, And we cal
confidence that h
• 044.oeko,.. 441)044.•044,44+•,,,,
gl. White Oils cures
• etism. Spreins, Bruises
t Drug Store,
• 'Town and Pam Property sold on cora- h
•Mission, to the best advantage of both •
bayer and seller. No sale, no charge, ti
Rents collected and property looked after.
•"Dose desiring insurance should select
nne of the following old anareliable English
.etook companies : so
Sun Fire Insurance Comjiany, (Hetet,- eh
'•• dished 1710.)
•Norwich Union Insurance CompanYS co
• ((established 1797.)
• Allianee Fire Assurance Company, (es-
teblished 1824.) 0
• Lancashire Fire Insurance Company,
•f(establiabed 1852.)
ay, Nov. 26th. Th
Beal Estate end Fire Insurance Agent,
Kent Block, Wingbam.
Xeres Fair, Ciar s old stand.
—The Wingliern Co regetional Church
sabbath School will la a a Christmas tree
eintertainmeht, the doe of which has not
lathe set.
Prices away down . B. Snell's Star
ay, Saturday, Dec.
Grocety, Baguet
e -Mr. E. C. Oath Mrs, Clarke and
Miss Edith heft on ednesday morning,
rev 0. V. Be, for ttore home—St.
joins, N. 13. 0,
Coughs and Cold an be cured by using
Heathfield's Plena Balsam, at Williams'
Dug Store, Wing m.
—Mr. S. A. Mort rt is at Chinni, this
-week attending the manna meeting of the
tario Fruit Gr wers' Assoeiation, of
ieh lie is a past resident, and director
for this district.
All kinds of White Stoneware in steck,
,and the prices away down. The China
Iitease. W. T, YATI1S.
—At the regular m ting of the Sons of
Vcotland, held on itlity evening last,
-there was a fair atte dance. One Candi-
-date. was initiated, an considerable busi
ZOO traliSaated.
—Trunks, valises, leather bagseetc. New
stook just, received at Goon IlltoTtralta, Ikis
New Shoe State
—Farmers are via ed against a new
swindle designed to tray the unwary.
A stranger comes Alen and ankspermission
to affix a bill on *feu and finally offers
11 for the excluitive u of the fence for the
purpose. The farm generally accepts
and signs a receipt . $1, which conies
beck to him *remelt bank in the ehapeof
4 prernideory not tor 11146 attOUlat.
The TrItta and .Weektv Globs from now
1111 the oda 01 Re,15 for $1. Stibeeribe now
and gat the balance of tan' year fres.
—Private moneys to loan on mortgagee
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
tf• Jowl Netmeetnes
We have been •equested to emelt! drew
the attention of ou • readers to the fact that
this is the 5s11 De ials week �f the Salva-
tion Army in Ca ada. Every member
is actively engaged. now in bringing about
the desired reeelte. Specie' collections are
taken up in their op netir and indoor meet-
ings, the otteupard of nearly every hose
are being appeale toand all members of
the Army are arm with colleoting carde
to raise funds fob le movement. to which
they have deeded. themselves. Wo wish
to remind. the rub in that the Army hoe
opened during tit last twelve months two
more Rescue Both it in Canada and ono
Food and Shelter epos on London, Oet,
All antatiotts eon e given to the Local
MOM or collect° or sent direct to Com-
mends tit Booth, S Ivatioa Temple, Toron.
to. Amounts see ved will be aoknowledg.
ad in the War Or
—Boot* and shoos neatly and promptly
aired. Goo» IIIKITY.00ILet The NOV Woe
our eitizens, ha the Executive C.
for the' construct you to the more
this town.iellie ha District Organize
peg for the past fe
Nor yet alone
quite successful it you been
our fellow tow
on on sevens'
the Town Counc
on the Board o
displayed that
always obaraote
In wishing yot
position in whic
General Organi
of Foresters, we
often reve to
spent tvi
In th
wise P
and th
Coma i and
Signee on bel
Roue. lthu
Wingham, N
Mr. Clarke
thanking the n
talents expresso
ra that wher
he future tit
leave eVingbam at 6.25 a, xn. and 11.20 a, The mechanical wot
ne., via W. G. &33.; 6.85 a. m. and 3.25
p.a, via Clinton and auelph. Good con. of Indian hays af th
nectioes by all trains- pest the editorial wo
move in municipal Atmore. Though th paper is hardly one.
r. W. F. Brookenshire fourth the size of tit TIMES, it contains
will be a candidate for great deal of news.
1895. He will likely! rerr's Pair, CI
who it will be we can.
tain that Mr. R. C• Class Leade
be a candidate for the Aelass leaders'
toubt Mr. Wm, Holmes in the Methodist cl
as Deputy -Reeve. We Wednesday, Decennia
Y opposition te either with devotional Betel
cleo0urn i 1 Iseeresk, dwaheieedh ttt nh de f do al oowu si snegsnt d
re informed, , The Origin, Aim and
Claes Meeting, by t
-4. Golley, Veterinary Surgeon—Office fit1- -r ; The Qeelifie
and intnary : 82 Victoria street west.
Residence: 126 Minnie street, R , ickl's e' „ enneres by the
former residence. Cellspromptly attended Afternoon seesion—D
• is done by a couple
ichool, and we sere
k is performed by Mr,
4. —There is a sligh
miners in town. it
announces that b
the elayoralty for
have opposition, bu
not say. It is ic
Sparing will aged
Reevesbip, and •no
will seek re-eleetio
have not heard of
of these gentle!?
severe,' of the pr
re-election, so we
•tafs old stand.
c.vention will be held
arch, Winghato, on
✓ 12th, 1894, opening
e at 0.30 a. ire, after
objects will be intro-
• Morning session—
Development of the
Rev. A. H. Birk%
tions and Duties of
tr. Wesley Herr, the
otional exercises ; in
to, day or night. ; Hindrances to the Sim
—Rev. Dr. Mc • y, of Formosa, Chime, Meeting, by the Rev. G
preached in the resbyteriat churcle1A., 33. D.; Row eau
Wingbare, alt Sun y evening last. He ; Meeting more attractive
&merited in glowi language the good : the Rev. J. W. Ping;
leak done in that eland by the intredno.: Meeting, led by Rev, Dr.
tion of Chriatianit . - Daring his sojourn ; Church outgrown the 0
in that dotietry the oetor hap established' the Bev. 11.
60 churches, and t ey are all now under: Devotional exercises; A
the charge of efficie t pastors, Be strongly Joseph Bilge, of Gociertelt
urged the claims 1 the cane* in, that Baugh. Twenty minute
foreign land to the eneroeity of the people.1 introduction and the sa
His Chinese atn nt, who accompanies discussion of each topic.
him, sang a piece a the elected the doctores be ham et tea session
address. Clues Leaders are urged
l'he largest stook ef niattnu gdMo 'Art in the -00iAtellti011.
ens of the Class
IL Cobbledfck,
ce make the Class
and proateble, by
A. Model Class
Gifford; Has the
se Meethig, by
vening sess40—
rem; by the Rev,
and the Itev. W.
renewed for the
time for the
b Collection will
r expenees. All
attend and take
ibay.G. Dagen,
ever Awn in Wingha at D. Bush's !Andra= ; nat. W. nail secretary,
retitaurent, consisting Confectionery,'
of all kinds, Canned Goode, Pruits, Nuts, I The To and WeeldThlobe from now
ite., and will ha sold as cheap as the, till the end of 1h416 for $1, Subteril.4 VOW
dumped. and get the balanos of this year
warm spot in h
' its people. In
which he was ngage, he hoped
that his most s eguirie ectetione would
be realized. II • heel tit Wiest confidence
in the Cenedia Order 31oresters, and
believed the pe pie of the Mar* hat Pro.
vinces would a il themselves the bete -
fits Ito. be de ed fro mem ;rehip In
•suet enutid bit andel stitot n. Short
• speeches were edit Mess s. D. M.
Gordon, John eland rid others.
"tati factory osulte.$)
So say% Dr. Corlett, tin old and h
• prattitiorter, in Delle.ville, Ontari
writes: 'Tor Wasting diseases ss
fele I have timed Stiott's Iltutdaion
the Most satisfactory results."
Baby carriage miners, to At any
rho, it T. 14. COMM.'S,
RE4,—On the eve of
ur town to engage in
phere of extending
noble Order in the
feel that we cannot
without expressing to
ur regret that the
ed yourself with our
ildbood and wherever
k after its interests
of its existence there
nd lending a helping
le good work whites
r memory what our
lied in the pat, tee
e your name with it.
of the most important
of your brethren, frotu
‘ ubordinate Cogrt • to
Ranger In the High
not but feel proud of the
been reposed in yon by
nmittee in appointing
responsible position of
for the Maritime Prov -
Tess Kickapoo re Doming.
The Kinkapoo Inc an Medicine. Ana,
Concert Co. have re ted the Town Hell'
for an ,ind eflnite peri ,cotutneueing
Virednesdav, Dec. 321, and will give 17114
concerts, and hietu r on ,t11 etloirindeiiiffehrezo,ts
remedies. This ecu
highly .recontaletide: Torn the differee .4
places in the surro vicinity whores
they have vis' an( if they please the
people of Wi • g te tl e seine ea they are%
reported to plet 'ad the people in
the sister t s, we red list for them a
good sum, The inissiou to ndulte
is entirely fres; ail der the nee oP 21
nYiemaretrwtsill oboenceihsatrgoeit itUit'llitusge::1 De ha. eTt/g1
Magic Ventriloquism Black Art. Laufrn-
ahte Farces, tace The neliane will appear
in their native cone le, feathers, beetles
&se ; and go tb retire their very interest -
bag ceremonies the same as on their
native plains. The front seats will be,
reserved for ladies ••nd their escorts and
4 good time is ga aranteed to all who
A special meetly
Board was held o
Members p resell
J. H.
Histo C
T. Abraham, A.
°hoot Board.' .:•;"
' of the Public Schenk
Thursday evening iteetr
J. A. Morton iebairman).
N. Griffin, Wto. Moore,
&threat). The rosigue-
tion of Miss H 31, teacher of the .8rct
Department, was ead, when it was moved
ip here is about to beby J. 11, Ilisenclts, seconded by Win Moor
n the Ceuta Room has
appreciated, but also by
men who have elected
cessions as a member of
, and also representative
• Education, where yon
frit of energy which has
zed your life.
that the resigna ion of Misr( Hail be
accepted—Carried .MovedbyJ.H.Hiseocks,
seconded hy ON. 'Wan, that the Seem- •
tary advertise in t Globe (mid Empire for
a teacher holding tsecond cams profession- .
al certificate, to fi the vataney created b
the resignation f Mies Hall—Carrie .
Mr. Peter Deans 1 id a, complaint before
the Boarrl, in refe eace to the pintislitnent
and suspension of his son Charles, withont
just cause, and as ed the Board to investi-
gate the matter. After some explanation's
by Mr. Mosgrove, the Prieciptte and Mr.
Deans, it was 'rn ved J. H. Him:sake,
seconded by C. N. riffue that whereas it
appears that the pil, O. Deane, has not
been. suspended, b is at liberty to return, e,
to the school, no a.ion be taken in the , -7
matter --Carried. The Board then aa -
We look upon T
inn as by all odds
kind published in
compares favoura
religious journals
neighboring Hope
fondly not favor
o Presbyterians.
e Canada Presbyter*
bebest paper of the
the Dormeion, and it
ly with the foremost
the Old Land and
lie. The Presbyterian
God speed in that higher ed vsith its weeldy
you are now • callecl its visits is a serious •ser in every way,—to
r for the Canadian Order the young especii Ily, ins educative •in -
hope that your mhad will fluenee cannot ea ily be overaatialatd.
The Thanksgivin n.utuber, issued last
appy time that you have
week. was "thi • of beuty," as well
as a regular et wehoue of valuable
en t mit isters and others
m leer of articles pave
e to the oceain. The
of the table of con-
etitled "Parrnee Sads
ing," by the well kriown.
aule Mocha% of King -
"We Thank Thee" by
come we trust thee an all.
will protect you and yours,
all Meet in the Great
wish of the Brethren of
No. 25,Wingliam, Ontrio.
ltof the Court.
it, T. 3. Meteex,
anger. Secretary,
ember 30th, 1894.
t the Would always be o, r. O, A. Coleus n; "Te PhilosoDbY of
Th an kenivlog," brilliant paper by Re,.
hear for Wingitaln elkci eV. T. Herridge, De of Ottawa; and
is new sphere labor in • Early Rem -wise noes of Queen's Ui.
bout t ', Itov, Prof. 'Kowa,
nly a few features of
ber, full of readable
r,printed in two shades
ially attractive. It is
this old.estblihed
lar rate to elubs made
e families in each eon-
hurcb. This is a mar -
considering the size
publiation,iltd should
increased circulation.
s evidently ettoceeding.
50 8110050a,
reading. Promi
contributed 5-11
and verse suite
principal feat ti t
tents Weeta fit0
leig It's TO4t1 tow'
writer, Agues
ston, and a poe
the same lady; 'A Smuttier's work la
its feeling terms,
Home Missions,' by 1v. Pro113ard,
ers for the kind senti-
he Address, and asserecl
lot Might be east
ot Winuipe ; "Brother Graterul's
Thanksgiving ress," by "littolconian;"
**Chinese Work i British Columbia," by
rereity, Emote'
I). D. These are
an toirntrable imo
tartic'les. The co'
of blue, is espe
understood tha
paper offers a do
up of one-third
gregation of the
vellously IOW ra
end quality of th
result la ti, large!
The Presbyteria
It certainly dose
Ire *tasking.
Misses Hodgins wish to intimate to
ladies of Wingbam that they have 0,44
ineneed Dreeismaking
work done in the lateatstyle amtcl wi
e.ble ratss, by experienced hand.
dom—Victoria ortet, second Wale *
of salt Volt,
AWik 1,42