HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-04-29, Page 15• Free ',Estimates No Job Too Sma II DAVE HEIMPEL DECORATIN G • Painting, Papering, Light Carp- ,itry, . •' Floor Sanding and Refi ni >hing Industrial, Co;nnicreial and Residential STRATFOR D. HEIMPEL 393-5590 (We accept colic WM. MOSES ct calls) 271-6305 #•.#•4414#•••••••••?#,14.#4,010###~1 .41:rks • , Hurry . . . Limited Time Offer Call Us for Free Estimate at Canadian Fureiture Restorers Hwy. 83 am. from Acme Signs EXETER 235.0131. Ontario Owned and Operated by: EUROPEAN TRAINED CRAFTSMAN WITH 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN FURNITURE RESTORING SHORT SUMMER SUMMER --- The winter weather put a quick end to short sleeves and spring seeding early this week. Lorne and Don Carter of R.R.#2, Seaforth had to leave their tractor and cultivator sitting in the field waiting fpr spring to return. (Staff Photo) Obitu6ries 1' • ARNOLD ISTINNISSEN LIFE — and Mortgage Insurance Plans Income Tar peductahle Registered Retirement Savings Plans and Annuities. Income Averaging Annuities Ask for our new Flexible Premium R.R.S.P. — REPRESENTING — Tel. 527-0410 Sun Life Assurance 117 GODERICH ST. EAST Company Of -Candda SEAFORTH • for 17 years. NNestitIONse at BOX FURNITURE Save on GOLD APPLIANCES during GOLD RUSH DAYS You get GOLD forss than the price of while Westinghouse DRYER Three temp. Special setting for Permanent Press clothing. Gold. Westinghouse WASHER Three speed washer with Double Agitator for delicate fabrics, Gold. BOX FURNITURE-' SEAFORTH PHONE 527-0680 4 95 A group of men's shirts and blue jeans Service Satisfaction You Want 1/2 mile south of Dashwood's main Intersection 237.4314 g Weather s MEN'S BLAZERS attractively styled and with seven colors from which to choose .Navy, Brown, Powder Blue , Beige, Burgundy and Green. 49 50 TROUSERS 100% polyester trousers 1 1.95 to 19.95 SHIRTS Sport and dress shirts in long and shore' sleeves from 8 95 to 1 9 .00 JACKETS 6 For summer 1 1 .9 5 to 19.95 SPECIALS Boy's spring Jackets A 9 5 Men's suits to clear while they last. One of a kind 25.°° Bill O'Shea - 527-0995 Men's Wear Seaforth 4, from eto Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall The Walton Women's Institute held• their minnal meeting on wedneSclay evening April 28 at a dinner at the Crossroads Restaurant at 7 P.M. Institute Grace was sung prior to the supper -which was much enjoyed by the 28 members present. Mrs. Harold Bolger expressed thanks on behalf of the Institute ladies for the meal. Mrs. Mervyn Jones replied. Mrs. Don Achilles presided for the meeting. The Institute Ode was sung and Mary Stewart Collect repeated, Roll call was payment of fees and gifts for Sunshine Sisters. Any new members are most welcome at the next meeting. Minutes were, read by Mrs. Ken McDonald fejlowed by treasurer's report ' and correspondence. The Achievement Day for "A ']'ouch of Stitchery" will be held on June 5 at Grey Central School. A card of Wanks was read from Mrs. Jack Gordon to the Institute for serving lunch at their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary party. The ,Hall Board funds have been signed over to the Institute and are to be used for repairing of the community hall, which is still available for different functions. The new committee to the Hall Board are: Mrs. Don Achilles, Mrs. Ken McDonald, Mrs. Eleanor Liphard, Mrs. Herb Traviss and Mrs.Alberta Hudie. Delegate Mrs. James Axtmann is to be delegate to the Waterloo Conference on May 4 -5-6. The Branch Directors and P.R.O. are to bring report for bus trip to next meeting. The 'Dessert Euchre is set for Wednesday, April 28 at 7:15 with committee, Mrs. Don McDonald, Mrs. Harold Bolger, Mrs Torrence Dundas, Mrs. Tom Liphard, and Mrs. Stewart Humphries in charge. Every member is to bring two desserts or send them for that evening. The annual meeting, - immediately followed with the minutes of last year's annual approved as read. The year's flnarreial report was givem • A mention of 'perfect attendance to m eetings daring the past year went to, Mrs. George McCall, Mrs. Ken McDonald, Mrs. Dave Watson and Mrs. Allan McCall. Auditors report was given by Mrs. Bill Huinphries, Reports of , the standing committee conveners were given. Agriculture and Canadian Industry by Mrs. Mac Shoidice. Citizenship and World Affairs by Mrs .Don McDonald in' the absence of Mrs. Alvin McDonald. Education and Consumer Affairs by Mrs. Keith Rock. Education and Cultural Activities by Mrs. Harold Hudie in the absence of Mrs. Norman Sehade, Resolut- ions by Mrs. Harvey Craig in the absence of Mrs. Graeme Craig. Mrs. Torrence Dundas reported for the Sunshine, on cards she had sent out during the year and new Sunshine Sisters were drawn for another year. Reports Mrs, James Axtmann gave her report as the Public Relations Officer. The curators report was given by Mrs. Nelson Reid. The new slate of officers for , 1976 - 1977 were installed by Mrs. Ron Bennett. They are as follows: Past President - Mrs. Allan McCall; President - Mrs. Don Achilles; "1st Vice President - Mrs. William Humphries; 2nd. .Vice President - Mrs. Harold Hudie; Secretary-Treasurer- Mrs. Ken McDonald; District Director - Mrs. Allan McCall; Alternate -Mrs. Don Achilles., Public Relations Officer - Mrs. Don McDonald; Branch Directors - Mrs. LaV'erne Godkin; Mrs. Neil McGavin; Mrs, Nelson Marks; Mrs. Graeme Craig, Curators - Mrs. Nelson Reid; Mrs. James McDonald, Auditors - Mrs. Stewart Humphries; Mrs. Ray Huether. Sunshine Sisters - Mrs. Torrence Dundas, 4-H Co- ordinator - Mrs. Stew arat Humphries. Standing Committee Conveners: 'Agriculture and Canadian Industry - Mrs. Harold Eldlger, Mrs. Herman Plaas; Citizenship and World Affairs - Mrs._ Harvey Craig, Mrs. Frank, Kirkby; EducatiOn---snd Cultural Activities - Mrs. Harold Hudie, Mrs. Keith RoCk; Resolutions - Mrs. J. ,Van Vliot Jr., Mrs: Jim Axtmann; Family and Consumer Affairs - Mrs. Gerald Watson, Mrs. Trevor Smith. It was moved by Mrs. H. Hudie, seconded by Mrs. N. McGayin that the secretary- treasurer be paid $25. With the speaker's fee to be left the same as Iasi year. A donation of $10 was voted to the Brussels Fair Board and $2 to the Historical Society. The Sunshine Sisters gift will have a set price up to two dollars. The District Annual will be held on May 11 with Molesworth Presbyterian Church, registration at 9:30 a.m. Voting delegates to attend are: Mrs. Don, Achilles, Mrs. Allan McCall, Mrs. Gerald Watson and Mrs. Don McDonald. Donated The flowers for the front of the hall are being donated from the Brussels Horticulture Society. Several offered to plant and care for 'bed during the summer months. The meeting to plan programs for the coming year will be held in the hall on Monday, May 3 at 8 P.M. All executive and conveners to. be present. Young People's Dance The Young People of Walton and area held an Easter Dance in the Walton Community Hall on Friday evening, April 23rd with grades 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 present. Miss Carolyn McClure looked after arrangements and Rev. Ed. Baker acted as chaperon and provided the music with records. Chips and pop were served for refresh- ments. It was reported a success, and much enjoyed. Personals Mr. and Mrs. David Dunk, Darlene and David of Corunna spent the holiday weekend at the home of his mother, Mrs. Phyllis Dunk.. Mark McLlwain And Jiinmy Savauge of Seaforth visited on the weekend at the home of the former's grandmother, Mrs. Edna Hack well. Saturday evening supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott Sr. of Blyth and Mr. and Mr's. Alvin Stimore of Stratford. Among those from the Brussels' Horticultural, SoCiety attending' the District 8 annual meeting on Saturday, April 24 attgmondville United Church were: Mrs. Bert "You were right. Demand- ing a raise is half of the battle. In the second half I got canned." klemingway, Mrs. William Ivfiller,'MrS.LOttie tvicCutcheoni; Mrs. Phyllis Dunk, Mrs. Nelson Reid and Mrs. Allan -McCall. Mrs. Kathleen• D.anby of brussels visited on Sunday with .Mr. arid /vIrs.George Williamson. • Visitors at the hontOntMis,, Charles McCutcheon viire Mrs. r Audrey Riley, 'Maxon Riley, Mary Beth Riley, Linda Lee Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Winternute and Dennis on Sunday on the occasion of Mrs. McCutcheon's bil-thday. THE HuRON G, VVilliornson native .assistant manager,. . Williamson is manaRer of a 'new •Oef.tY*runther Mrs. • Norman, ID bank which opened... last Wednesday,at North day. Gerry, ii/hols.toorrictl to. the fOrmier Barb Nott of Seaforth started with the hank here 11 years ago, Since 'then he's worked in branches in Sarnia. Collingwood, Orangeville. and Sudbury years at Grandview in Brantford, retiring in 1953. Miss' Houston was a member of the Egmondvilie United Church and of the U.C.W. She is survived by a brother, Andrew Houston, R.R. 4, Sea- forth and was predeceased by one sister Elizabeth. Thee remains rested at the' Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home in Seaforth where a funeral service was held Monday at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. R.J. Roberts. Burial followed in the Egmond- ville Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Rae Hous- ton, Harvey Craig, Charles Eyre, Bill Smith, Ivan Forsyth and Arthur Wallace. . Flowerbearers were: Jeff Houston and Joanne Houston. Walton WI annual MRS. JAMES S. HENDERSON The death occurred in Seaforth Community Hospital on Saturday of Mrs. James S. Henderson of Seaforth following a long illness. She was 85. ' Born in McKillop she was the daughter of the late Thomas and Sarah (Harris) Jarman. She attended area schools and for a time was a seamstress. On December 27, 1911 at a ceremony at the McKillop home of • her parents she was married to James S. Henderson, also of McKillop. She was predeceased by her husband in 1968 and by a daughter Eleanor in December 1974, She is survived by a, daughter Laurene, MrS. Clarence Maloney of McKillop, by a brother Thomas Jarman of Cli max, Sask. and by four granddaughters Joanne, Barbard, Carolyn and Anne Marie Maloney. A member of Northside.United Church, a funeral service was conducted at the whitney-Ribcy Funeral Home, Seaforth on Tuesday by her minister Rev. M. E. Reuber assisted by Rev. J. Ure Stewart. Interment followed in Maitlandbank Cemetery when the pallbearers were Ross Gordon, Arnold Lamont (Hamilton); Geo. held at restaurant . Henderson (Mitchell) Robt. Tyndall, Wm. Leyborne, (London) and Russel Bolton. Flowerbearers were her four granddaughters, Anne Marie, Carolyn, Barbara and Joanne Maloney. FRANCES A. HOUSTON Frances A. Houston, .84 of R.R. 4, Seaforth, died Friday at Seaforth Community Hospital following a short illness. Born in u c ersmith, she was the daugher of the late Samuel ,and Helen Houston. A school teacher, she was educated att S.S. No. 9 Tuckersmith, Sea Collegiate Institute and Teachers College, Stratford. She taught for 8 years at Cranbrook and, for 32 wheri he was The lyilliarnsOns have "Ovd. childrOn, StePtiei-e 6, MKT Williantsen andin,lawke Mr. acid Stephanie 4. The family spep4 Mr$,Metv •Nat uttended,,:the new #arse in, the summer at, their bank's -opening. . - . 'cottage in Wasaga, Beach, • • vi • • •