HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-04-29, Page 10THE.. .11iP.RPN EXPOSITOR, AMID, g.9, CLEANING UP THEIR PLATES — A good crowd cleaned up ham, potato s and lots of homemade pie at the annual` harp supper at Cavan United Church last Wednesday. (Staff Photo) Councils asked To consider handicapped Letters hale been sent to all the municipal .councils in Huron County. urging them to conmder•the needs of the handicapped in their' future planning, The newly formed Huron group for the handicapped is tr, ing to promote, awareness of the problems of the. handicapped. It reeds ed an aeknow - ledgement from the Goderieh Town Council of receipt of a brief regarding pedestrian .:urb ramps. At last • w eek•s meeting of the Huron a field trip was planned to inspect the curb ramps. installed in the Kincardine sidewalks, In addition, two members LA ert• appointed to gather data on the building7 standards 'for the handicapped. The main topic, how cer, concerned the formalization of the group's status. The Merits of remaining independent were weighed against the benefits 01 affiliating with a larger group. To • obta-in more information about other associations, the group in \-rted Jim Hunsherger. a member M.TH.\ London (Action League of Ph.siLailt 'Hundi'apped Adults), to,attend a meLting On 'Thursday. April 29 at 8 P.M. in Holme‘o Public S..hool Library. F.‘ r:;. one is \\ elcome . Although no definite decision has been r..t,hcd. the Huron group hopes. to imnoutwe the'adoption of its forma status and name in the near future. Ant one re ii bring information. on the ,..L1.1..,tritction or ren.Wation of a house for hair o....tipane\ may contact Ralph and Pat Watson at Box 68, Brussels: phone. other numbers to call for information of the group's activities are Elaine low nshend. Goderich Tow liship. 482- ,133,-; Bert Sootheran, Clinton, 482.-6'1: or Ntar> Howell, Goderieh, 524-86-12. Truck smashes into store, Van .Pgroond applie ..s for $10,000 The Van Egwond Foundation night. which has been suggested has applied for a $10,000 Mr. Ring said, Wintario grant to repair the Van The house will be open for the summer again this year, staffed bs volunteers who will 'be recruited by Peg Coombs, pro- bably starting on the May 24 L1 k etal. Dal id Newlands. an archeolo- gist from the Royal Ontario by the Huron County Playhouse Museum who will be digging at in August. the Huron Pottery across the river The Van Egmond group have will be using the property behind been told that they should apply the Van Egmond house to for a Wintario grant to pay the • catalogue pottery findings. Tents costs .of bringing the Playhouse for the Sir Wilfred Laurier show to Seaforth„and the founda- .l.'niersity students taking part in tion may have to if the cost Of the the dig will also be set Iv behind A ”.1.2 ,cinnn a _ the house for three weeks. , Group to promote Huron travel Egmond house roof and finish installing proper plumbing and heating in the house in Egmond- vale. Fund raising activities planned include a daffodil tea this spring, a widely promoted Cider Fest in the fall and two perform- ances of Anne of Green Gables Dublin & District Lions *Club Dance Dance Dance SEAFORTH LEGION HALL Saturday, May I, 1976 Music by Nite-Lites Admission $3.00 per person Lunch provided 9 - 1 404eP NOT SINCE LOVE STORY.. PARK 1 ,0 ritf MAR( PHONI SU•IN I CODING., AIR COMMON() BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND NOW PLAYING UNTIL SAY, MAY IS T IPM NITELY , FRI.00SAT. 7 1011.7 30P M BE SORE To SEE IT RerartiMenOtt at Adult Entertainment 4 IT 4 As If *II 4) * Ik TIAA IA it 4- *At* SUN , MAY I TO TUES , MAY. ITH THE ALL TIME CLASSIC RETURNS • p. AA ONLY The most magnificent picture ever! L . filiy1V/ n "GONE WITH THE WIND" (WILE, „It"2:',1 MIEN LEIGH A." ISSUE 110M111) 01,1411.1.11.1%11,LAND • yrii1;11-01_ TiCKE1.,..*4,ERS -- May Smith (left) and Ethel Dennis are th—e—ofieerful ticket sellers at the annual Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary penny sale. The sale runs until Friday at Box's with the draws held that night. (Staff Photo) • Ann iverscfry Service Wesley Willis Urilted Church, Clinton May 2 7:30 pm Speaker :-Mr. Jack Burghardt Chief Newscaster for CFPL TV ,London EVERYONE WELCOME CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seat orth April 30 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $1,0.00 TI'IREE $25.00 GAMES $75.00 JACKPOT TO GO! — TWO DOOR PRIZES — Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ' PERMITTED) —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion, Seaforth Guy Lombardo & His Royal Canadians DANCE MQNDAY, MAY 24 SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Tickets Still Available,at rocker Family Footwear Recreation Office $15 -" per couple -....•••'" -NOP' .40."- -.•••••- 1 :00 Pine Ridge Chalet, Hensall Open Wedding Reception for • Donald` • Shrolaipsnheall and E - Carter Sat., May 1 t WIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E .. = ....--- — = = immin7M1...................ii Anall r. Triday & Saturday .+ _ HOTEL ,... , , • , • . ., .., .7.. ......:"............. ....... ....- = .......... „...... ......-7 ....: ....... .... ... ... .... - Entertainment Gary Boyle. Proma: *Wm Nwrolo ; — Fru' ay Noon„ pecia IsMIE , . MON/71"..".....”: 0,.... ter om M F.... Mon. MON Mao I 1.01011 IONS MAIN 1. Cabbage Ro11 -SEAFORTH tutionoommtaimmotottonutpos Secause he's Sam Sthide.Jr and MS falcon'. worth a Miltthel rj "I whv is everynneseax , Geome YAM bErd? moo MN* saw THIS WEEK -END Al THE MUSTANG D RIVE-111 Arm arnm omit on* Mori • WOW NEM MEMO limos WM. OM,* NUM IM IWO NOME WNW A OEMS Mel MTN Dinner CHICKEN MON • OMR MEI WINGS 1-1 Friday & Saturday ** ******************* STARTS WED, MAYS TO MT., MAY I P M. ONLY - II•commEndM Achill Ent t• iltiermasniu, &a. 44444 4,14,)-1 PLUS ANOTHER LAUGH rrl , SM., 54? Shaw starts It MO A rtir PACIU MINIM - DOUIttlat "Bobby-Jo and thi rtus • „ "Macon County LAO" R....0.d It Adult EntotilnYnint dit 'sprits OPENS II km. - All t1Arr1 '41Ett EN clianec attlitt.itt 'H? S ST tiNtitt10-0 ?kW S Y if'{ 51;46' 04003,12000XAMMU Thursday Night Mixed ' Bowling League BANQUET and DANCE • May 15, 1976 DINNER AT '30 SEAFORTH LEGION HALL IhNSWARRitaMMCNO everyth/i :4 d' SA „ gets madder W. dni d adder T. • it 4, mad DRIVEsIN THEATRE :BEECH. ST. CLINTON FRIDAY, SATURDAY, -UNDAY April 30, May t, 2, THIS IS THE CLIMAX. Gene Hackman continues his Academy Award-winning role, GENE FRENCH HACKMAN CONNECTION I "CAPONE" Sfarring BEN GAZZARA, JOHN CASSAVETES and SUSAN BLAKELY FI R S T S H O W A T D U S K 0 11 Tt O -0 m z O -n . -1 a Ut d. 44 z w a. 40 w LL U. 0 ta READ and USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED Action Ads Ag..0 -,...1p1E1ONEt ,,D1,1tECTI,RALOPIPt.• r .$270240 WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON. EX' • SITOR PHONE 527-0240 SE,AFORTH . Cabaret Dace Dance to STAR TREK Seaforth Community Centre FRIDAY, MAY 7 10-1 Admission 5.00 percoupie Sponsored by 550 Club ' • - THE TICKETS-ARE ON SALE FOR OUR '76 Opti.mist Mardigras Saturday, May 29_, Afternoon Matinee 3-5 Barbeque Served 5-7 Evening Mardigras 7-? TICKETS AT,— SEA FORTH INSURANCE -- THE FORGE — MEMBERS Featuring the -Lincoln .Green Nite Lites SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Night School offers the,following 5 Week Classes Tennis Instruction- Wednesdays 7-9 p.m.' starting May 5 Introduction to Astronomy (Continue.d from Page 1) said their damages were ab out 5500. Mr. Jew didn't know what it would cost to repair his building but he said it is covered by insurance. Tow trucks were tinable to get , the truck's cab.out Of the building until the overturned trailer had the salt it carried unloaded. It was ,finally removed about 9 a.m. Workmen shored up the wall and covered the gaping hole with plywood on Tuesday afternoon. Police'busy `During the week from 'the 21st of April '76 to, the 28th of April, 1976, the Seaforth ' Police Department investigated .22 occurrences.. They are as )Ilows: Thefts, 2; Animal Complaints, 3: Assist Other P.D.'s. 1: General Police Information, . 7; Assist Public. 3; Alarms. 2; Assaults. 2: Disturbances, 1: Lost & Found. 1.' There were two major Motor' Vehicle Collisions investigated With damages totalling $66,000.00. One minor ;Motor Vehicle Collision was investigated with damages totalling 5150.00. One person cliarged under the Liquor License Act. • Seven persons charged under the Highway Traffic Act. 25th Anniversary 'Dance for Jim & Ginette - Nash MAY 1st Seaforth Community Centre 9 - 1 Best Wishesonly 1111111111101111.1.1111116111111.11111' 11•111 Dublin Bowling Club Dance Brodhagen and. District Community Centre Friday, May 7, Music by - Murray Gr'eseno Tickets $4.00peor ouple The Huron County ,.Travel Association will investigate the cost of an advertisinrprogram for the '76 tourist season it was agreed at a meeting Monday evening at Holly Gully in Varna. Chaired by president Randy Collins, members representing the county took part .in discussions on tourism and how it could be advanced, Present at the meeting was Bill Morgan, general manager of the South Western Ontario Travel Association who brought the membership up to date on its activities and how the ,Huron Association can fit in to the overall Tourist promotion program and take advantage of local and provincial funds. Mr. Morgan said all business people as well as politicians Violinists win at Stratford Anne Marie and P aul McQuaid played violin solos and a duet at the Stratford Festival on Tuesday. Anne Marie received a first for her ''Doll's Da nce" and a 2aci. prize for "Springs Paul and Anne 'Marib won a first and a chance to obtain the • "Grand Trophy for Youth" with their duet. Their music hasher is Mrs. Lofft of St. Marys.' should realize how important the tourist dollar is to Huron County. Although direct • statistics for Huron are not available it is estimated that tourism in Ontario b, a 52.6. `billion business. Mr. suggcstI2d advantages :\ hich a local travel association made - possible including co-tiperati\ c advertising, updated information, effective distribution and solving of mutual problems. Combined these features will not nil '. help bring. the tourist to Huron but also to keep them here. Local Briefs Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. SteWart , visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sutherland, cousins of the latter, at Clarkson and Mr. and Mrs. Man McNabb in the same community over the weekend. They attended the Sunday morn- ing' service at St. James Presby- terian Church Long Branch, which. was the 62nd anniversary of the church. This congregation was.organized '1914 and Mr. cittrvart became its first minister in 1916. sixty years ago. One of their own sans. :Rev. RH. Armstrong of Wingham Preshy.- terian Church was the guest preacher and . Mr. Stewart assisted in ,the service. Mr. and . Mrs. Frank Silk enjoyed having all the family altd also Mr. and Mrs. D. Sills and Mrs. G.T..Sills (Baltimore) with them for the Easter weekend. Pricegard manager Mrs. Anne Wood worked all day cleaning up the mess in the store. Wednesday store employees were washing stock and getting 'ready to open for business this morning. Mrs. Wood said -she taped things would be btlek to normal within two weeks.' "My , husband heard the crash and thought something had exploded in town.— Mrs. Wood said. Many Sea forth people had their sleep disturbed Tuesday morning and a number helped with cleanup opeiatibns lotg.,,jt was cold, and 'Constable -IMF/on said e,:.erybne appreciated n6t coffee which was served by the Queen's Hotel across from the accident scene. The acting police chief said charges. will definitely be laid, Wednesdays 8-10 p.m. starling May 5 Golf instryctiOn - Thursdays 7-9 p.in. ,Startind May13 ENROLLMENT F k e Is $5 per course Call the school now to enrol: 527-0380