HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-04-29, Page 5PIW,11011P3 BALL and HUTCH flopte - 4 PHONE 482440S • CLINTON, ONTARIO 24 Goderich St. East Open 24 hours Emerald how May 3 - May 10 ANSTETT JEWELLERS LIMITED • SINCE 1950 Clinton - Seaforth Wolkeiton 1975 LErr OVER! THIS HAULER IS PRICED TO SELL 1975 FORD RANdHERO Finished in dark blue metallic with silver and black accent stripes. Features include a 351 V8, automatic double power, decor group, radio . Rally styled steel wheels and radial tires. H .cavy duty suspension. A LUXURY WORK • HORSE.- See Ken at BILL Mc LAUGIfLIN MOTORS 'LTD We Bring It All TOgethei:, SERVICE SAVINGS • SELECTION SATISFACTION Herat in Eg ille Churc THE. HimpN. EXPOSITOR "110711 iP OFF TO HOSPITAL Police, 'ambulance employee John Sinnamon and volunteers carry Catherine Poland, 19, whose pick up truck was involved in a collision with a transport truck and the wall of the Pricegard store in Seaforth early Tuesday morning on a stretcher to a waiting ambulance. Catherine, and the pick-up's other occupant, Marlene Miller, 19, were released from Seaforth Community Hospital Tuesday afternoon. Boyes Transport driver Emmerson Edward, 62, of Clinton was in fair condition there at press time Wednesday. (Staff Photo) E't Tender lean RIB STEAKS Correspondent Qon MacRae Mrs. Frank Van Bergen, President in charge. On Monday evening a Mass was said for members of the Dublin C.W.L.• After 'Mass a special meeting and social evening was held, in the church hall. St.Patricks) - it was very well attended with 82 ladies present. The 'meeting opened with prayer and a short business discussion followed. It was agreed to hold future C.W.L. meetings on the first Monday of the month, the next meeting to be held Monday, June 7th. Guest speaker for the evening, Father "All we need now is some more entertainment," says . Seaforth's recreation Director Clive Buist. 'who is chid organizer of the Saturday. May 15 phonathon to raise money for the, arena renovation fund. . The phonathon, with broadcasts all from SDHS over CKNX radio, already has 20 volunteers li ned up who will man 'phones for the 12 hour marathon. But .Clive says he'd like to see non stop amateur entertainment at the school while the phones are ringing. Mrs. Lila Storey 'is organizing sonic afternoon entertainment but there are time spots open for others who will sing or dance for a good cause. "It'll be really informal but we'd like to make sure we h ave enough entertainment," Cli ve said. Anyone willing to perform should call the rec office at 527-0882. Five phones will be available from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and the Seaforth Optimists have agreed to pick up pledges from callers. Clive says callers can drdp their pledges off at SDHS themselves, see the entertainment and pick up • refreshments and free „Nlloons for the kids. Ail daylong callers will get a Albert Spencer was introduced by Mrs. Dan O'Rourke. Father Spencer spoke on how he became Diocesan Director of the C.W.L.. He told of ways the ladies could be of,more help to our church and community and offered his help to' start study groups •and other activities. Mrs. Frank-Van Bergen thanked Fr. Spencer and the meeting closed with prayer and the singing of '0' Canada'. The ladies then enjoyed a wine and cheese party. Spring flowers were given to Joanne Pickering who had a birthday closest to this' dates M rs. Paul Hoff with the nearest anniversary and Miss Maureen Ruston for the youngest chance to win prizes and the rec director, says the most prizes will be offered for early callers; before 9 a.m.. "to get our thermometer moving fast." The phonathon day will start with a pancake breakfast and end with a dance, free to all who donate to the arena, at the Scaforth Golf and Country Club at 9 p.m. At 5 p.m. there'll be a draw for a chord organ, now on display at Pulsifer Music. Tickets are $1. 'Ili ve says his committee hopes people will think up gags that will encourage pledges. "Rumour has it that a jail will be on location and if the price is right you can get the person of your, choice either in or out of jail." Clive asked' donors to remember that every dollar they give will be matched by a dollar Wintario, up to a total of $46,000. The arena renovation committee has $16,600 on hand, hopes to raise $20,000 at the phonathotr and with proceeds from dances scheduled this summer, hopes 'to match the $46,000. He says official receipts will be issued for contributions, which are tax exempt and the phone„ number for pledges is 527-1330. (By W, llms.,Ofte) Over 125 delegates from-the 17 horticultural sucieites in Dishier a of the Qoorio Horticnitatal Society attended t'40 annbal district Meeting held in Egmendvilie United Church Saturday afternoon with the Seaforth members hosting the event. Mrs. William Klie of Hanover 'ivas re-elected president. Vice presidents are Ed. Fielding, Wingham; Russel Bray, Lions' Head. and Mrs. George Lobban, Owen Sound. Guest speaker, Richard Hook, dean of applied arts division ,of Humber College, Toronto, described common insects and the control of .them. He showed slides to demonstrate his subject. Mr. Hook summed up his talk by cautioning his audience to follow directions on the labels of insecticides, emphasizing how dangerous these products can be to anyone , handling them. He advised wearing rubber gloves and coveralls. • Concluding Mr. Hook said, "Treat the. insects that are dangerous and leave the rest to the birds. Skits were put on by two of the • junior horticultural socieites -- the Clinton Juniors on their work during the year and the Goderich Green Thumbers on building 'A fire Friday at the farm of Harry Arts, R.R.#41. Scaforth destroyed a barn .and caused an estimated $15,000 damage. The cause of the fire', which' broke out around.,5..pin. is as yet undetermined. Lost in the blaze was a quantity of hay and" straw along with a new plough. When the Seaforth fire department arrived most of the barn had already been destroyed: Mr. ARts says that he doesn't know if he will replace the lost building dr not. "It will depend on whether or -not there is a rebuilding clause- in the insurance policy -. he said. bluebird houses for the done by the 17 socieites in ,the endangered bluebirds in Western Ontario. district. Mrs. Klie outlined the wOrk Prize winning slides taken by • ivlitehell, PORGY Statton of g, held in Auburn in 1977 and in Ontario wexe shown. These included three prize winning slides by A Seaforth member,, The annual meeting will be members of societies throughout Wingham in 1978. mmonsgspionommommommi AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE From Your Door To and From TORONTO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT • PASSENGERS • PARCELS • AIR EXPRESS • FREIGHT in clikriate'controlled comfort UNITED TRAILS INC. SEAFORTH 527-1222 or-enquire at your local travel agent niiimisollillMiuggnmomminia=1111111111111 Jugs Bread 3/ With Any $3.00 Gas Purchase ARCHIE'S SUNOCO 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 You are invited to our Emerald Show '76, May 3 through May 8, at Anstett Jewellers in Clinton,' Seaforth, and Walkerton. ' Come in and experience, browse through, and learn about the Emerald, the birthstone for the month of Maym • the."Miterald and the Diamond are the preCious stones most often' mentioned in legend, story, and history. What fire and clarity are for the Diamond•., immeasurable depth of colour and the "jardins" .. the inclusions are for the Emerald. Because of the Emerald's rarity, they are sometimes more' valued than the diamond. Come in to our Emerald Show and experience the fascinating word of the Emerald .,. an experience you'll appreciate, May 3 - May 10. At Anstett Jewellers, we have the necessary scientific knowledge and gemological instruments to properly grade every precious stone. Your confidence in us can be assured by our membership in the Canadian Gemological Association, and our Gradua,• "Gemologist and designer (CIA) on staff: lady present. Mrs. Mary Dillon being the oldest member with runners-up being Mrs. Rose Stapleton, Mrs. Melba Murray and Mrs. Agnes Givilift. These ladies also get a mention for best attendance. Tickets were sold On a mystery prize which was won by Joan Murray. Pelsonals Mr.Don MacRae, Mr., and Mrs. Mike MacRae attended the Connors-Mantha wedding in Sarnia on Friday evening at Sacred Heart Church, Reception followed at Guild Wood Inu,,,,Point Edward. Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Jade MacRae,, London, Mr. and Mrs, Bruc Hallman, Waterloo. Mr. Joseph Doyle has returned to his home on Peter *Street, Dublin after spending die winter with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Mitchell • and family, London. - •Mr. and 'Mrs.Bert Cayley, Raglan St., have returned home from Florida where they spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Maloney are operating at full swing at their new venture at' the Dublin teed Mill. Edwin Stapleton seems to be enjoying his retirement; his project is renovating his house and he is the sidewalk superb,- tendent. Contractor is Mr.' Wm. Feeney and Pat. , Joseph Looby has returned from University Hospital and we hope he continues to enjoy good health. Dublin athletic Walkathon had to be postponed because of the storm - bdt get ready for. it on Saturday, May 8. Phonathon needs more entertainers - For the bride and groom we have special discount prices on room • groupings. Drop in...we will be pleased to help"you choose wisely, at - moriey saving prices for 'beautiful rooms. Dublin 82 enjoy CWL wine and cheese JOHN JOSEPH EMMETT MOHAN Well known in Seaforth where he provided pastoral assistance.st St. James' Roman Catholic Church on many occasions during' the past 25 yearS Rev. John Joseph Emmett Mohan died on April 4. He was 69. Father Mohan ,was buried from St. patrick's church in Toronto on April 7. SEAFORTH MEAT MARKET WIENERS NEW gIQRE HOURS MON, TUES. THURS. 8-'5:45 CLOSED WEDNESDAY FRI. 9-tiii 9 SAT. 8- 5:30 t11111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111 111111111111111 2% Milk $1.35 3 qt. bag - $ 1.30 t Dep. ••• The doctor ordered a blue 2-door but whatever model you choose, we haye just the tonic to, make you feel like a different person! . „ And when you discover.how liberally we're trading, you'll see that the treatment is completely painless! . 'CoMe in today! No appointment necessary! QUIETT LUXD oiltiORUY 1976 FO G H A h.4 QR • 2 Door Pillared Hardtop Finished in two tone gold and dark brown metalic With a Dark Brown vinyl half' roof and Dark Brown interior. 351 V8 Automatic, double power, convenience group, air conditioning with auto temperature control, AM- FM Stereo radio, heavy duty suspension, color keyed wheel covers. A TRULY STRIKING LUXURY CAR! 1976 MERCURY MARQUIS 4 Door Pillared hardtop finished in dark blue metallic, with a contrasting white vinyl roof. This car features a 400 cu. in. V8, power' antennae, air conditioning with auto temperature control, dark blue interior, AM - FM Multiplex radio. A BEAUTIFUL AUTOMOBILE THAT MUST BE SEEN! ' • SPIRITED DRIVING 1976 MUSTANG II COBRA . 3.door 2 x 2 sports car. finished in Wimbleton white with dark blue racing and accent stripes. Besides the Cobra II Package this car features a 302 V8, Automatic double•., Power, electric rear defogger. radio, luxury interior, competition suspension. A UNIQUE SPORTS CAR! 1976 CAPRI II S In Jet black with contrasting gold pin stripes and wheels. Black and tan interior . Features include a 2.8 litre V6 engine, 4 speed transmission, Deccor group, radial tires and racing mirrors, EXCITING EUROPEAN STYLING AND HANDLING: •