HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-04-22, Page 251141.611 TIRE SUPPLY „lattkgra - You won't have to warty about tires this-summer it you take Advantage of our SUMMER TIRE SPECIALS NOW WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF RADIALS - BELTED AND 4 PLYS Here are some examples Of sale prices. HEe78 X 15 W/W Steel Radials H 78 X 15 Glass Belted W/W G 78 X 14 W/W 4 Ply Polyester FOR PICK UPS 7.00 X 15 6 Ply Lug Tread 750 X 16 8 Ply Lug Tread Rec. Veh. 11L x 15 55.00 28.50 24.00. 35.00 48.00 55.00 ALIGNMENT SERVICE HAUGH TIRE SUPPLY 267 VICTORIA ST. (HWY CLINTON — PHONE 482-9796 N really does. an excellent -lob- of keeping ew products available to ease cleaning job. Most can'be used with or without water. They are treated with lanolin (or similar prod-ucts) , and even have an antiseptic agent built into the formula to help heal the minor nicks and scratches that are part and - parcel of most Saturday a f tme rons to no lila projects.u f actl ers sup-ply dispensers to hold the hand cleaner container so that you can dispense the cleaner efficiently and eco-nomically. Their low cost perMits installation of one in the garage and one in the basement workshop for real convenience. You will also find the auto store a revelation in • A lot of it. In nationwide fuel economy ' tests, motorists' cars were tested befOre and after a tune-up., Results showed that a tune-up with new ChaMpion spark n of ring plugs saved, on the average, a gallo gasoline -in every tankful. Conside that 3 of every 5 cars on the road -need a ould tune-up right now, tune-ups alone c save us millions of gallons of gasoline I each week: Tune-ups benefit us in other ways, too. Quicker acceleration for safer passing.' Dependable starts. Pius a substantial reduction in emissions. See your mechanic regularly for a , Champion tune-up. Once a year oti every 10;000 miles. WINDSOR, ONTARIO. _ We've got your plug. • • If. the grease and grime created by the do-it-yoUr-selfers at your house has you working overtime in the laundry room, the fol-lowing information may help. . Go to your local auto-motive supply store or the parts jobber frequented by automobile mechanics, and buy sonic mechanics' hand cleaner. Not-the old fashioned abrasive stuff of years gone by, the kind that took the skin away with the dirt . . . but the new kind of creamy product that won't hurt sensitive skin and terms of household helps that you don't see adver-tised on TV. There are bags of easy-to-use floor cleaner that eat up garage floor grease fast and save you the job of cleaning up the grime that used 4o be tracked into your iit2use. There are adhesive-- super lubri-cants, squeak stoppers, rust and Stain removers, sealers dtgreasers that ,you spray or brush on and 'hose off with water . . . to mention just a few. Some of these products you may find in your hard-ware store, but many are strictly auto supply store fare, because =-they are the professional materials used by professional me-chanics .1 . but many have car dean application in and around the house. Check in your telephone book under Automobile Parts and Supplies for the auto supply stores near you. Then do a little brows-ing and ask some questions. Your p anti7 shelves may soon be stocked with a variety of auto - products right' along with - .your favorite detergents. - And pretty soon you'll wonder how you ever got aging without them. AVOID JACK RABBIT STARTS — they are doubly wasteful. They- burn up excessive gas had they also cause -excessive-wear on tire treads. Do-it-yourself gassers should have maintenance know-how too "The Lord . helps him who helps himself." If the above seems to be the motto of a greater number of gasoline retail-ing- outlets, then the fact8 of life are becoming more apparent. There is a grow-ing trend toward self-Serv-ice gas stations where the customer pumps his own. Expensive.fuel is a. little cheaper to buy under the system. But the ear owner who has counted on at-tendants 'to do simple maintenance jobs is out of luek. Car owners who habitu- ally buy gas at. self-serve outlets shotild make sure they -know how to check vital :`life signs" of their cars. Then they should check at. least weekly. Do- ing this requires a little knowledge of where to look and what to.lOok for. If in doubt, such informa-tion is contained in the car's Owner's Manual. For example, the prOper level of oil in the crank-case is indispensable 'to proper engine operation. You should know where the dipstick is located in your engine. Then know how to "read" the stick to determine whether your car has sufficient and clean oil. - What about the battery? Is the water level high enough to make sure it operates properly? Are the terminals clean and the cables sound? Check to make sure all radiator hoses are intact and that fan belts and • other pulleys are not worn or frayed. Learn where to check on brake and other fluid levels. THE. SCENIC SCENIC WONDEHS of a continent, once only available to the wealthy and the -adventurous, can be enjoyed by virtually any family with a car. A sure investment in -an exciting, trouble-free vacation this spring and-summer is a ear that is kept in optimum . condition. Good maintenance Will help keep the gasoline bill as low as possible as well as avoiding unexpected trouble that, takes the fun Out of trips. Self service gas growing everywhere After a SloWdown due to the oil embargo, self serv- ice pumps are now 'in- creasing. T,oday about 12 of all gas is self service and estimates are for 405; by 1980. The lute for the . consumer is logger prices ' — as much as 5 cents a gallon on some brands. Self service also points to fewer minor repairs and other service work per- formed at gas stations. Station attendants with mechanical know-how are moving into the inde- pendent repair market. Meanwhile thp number of service stations has shown a dramatic increase in the last two years, principally gas only stations. Here Comes Summer! Summerize Your Car We'll check every trouble prone area of 10 your car and provide you with the I'll'' TEXACO SUMMER . PRODUCTS to help make your life easier /11\ DATSUN GERALD'S NI/ DATSUN, 22 Goderich St. W. LTD. SEAFORTH Phone-3527-1010 THE EMERGENCY WORKER 19 co • REBEL 23 + Save Time and Money While on the Move YOU CAN GET A COBRA RADIO For As Littie As $ 1 59 9 5 We carry a complete line of antennas. by ANTENNA SPECIALISTS TURNER SHAKESPEARE OTHER ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE FRANK KLING LTD. SEAFORTH , • t 77 : care ollars and cents nee or owner to ge most benefit from it lean- $ibelius,. the noted Finnish comp-r, once re-marked,. "No one ever built a monument to a critic." While Sibelius _obviously- wasn't 'referring, to matters t, a. concerning, the, automobile, his observation could well x be applied to the. current state of the car. While the vehicle has been attacked by detractOrs as' Z an environmental menace,, a safety hazard, too expen-sive ta.buy and:maintain one fact remains indisputable. No, single' invention of Mankind has so revolutionized e way of Weil an entire; nation. ar shap$ very warp: and woof of life Oiic economy is:. so dominated by the car that a drop in production. has Shattering effects on our standard of The Very warp and woof of our lives are shaped tie car, from where we live and work to how we spend our free time, these times When car ownership has often been a greater financial burden than most of us Like, when one Tconsiders- the alternative the car is still a bargain. • TOthema.n or woman cooped up in the office or shop all week king, that weekend spin to the beach or camp-- ground has a value far beyond dollars and cents. And -that well-earned vacation by car is an experience few of uscare totorego, whatever the expense or other sacrifice. Fortouatelyi most of us who are concerned with ',cutting_ vacation- expenses and travel can take some positive action this year before embarkiiik on our wear-borne hips. As-sure as you're going to buy post cards to send home to.Aunt Emma, you're going to be buying lots oft gasoline. yog hivestin a time-up, before you leave, you mauossibiy save enough on gas bills to pay for the service on- the course of a long trip. Also before you leave on your trip, take inventory of -items you may have neglected on your car. Things to. check before you leave • What shape are your tires in? If you feel they may need replacement, the time to do it is now when you can shop for the best prices. And what about your brakes, shocks, lights, cooling system, steering, lubrication and other vital items that may need attention? The time to make sure is now, be- reit& you run tile risk of an untimely byeakdown, a long way from your favorite service outlet: , We urge you to visit the service man,you trust your car whb. now to make sure yo spring:and summer mo- toring is all the fun you hope i will be. PA asks to cut vapors Oasolin&vapors that en- - ter the atmosphere from filling station gas pumps account for six per cent of all, harmful, emissions in large_ population areas, a4cording to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA has proposed _action, to the amount of vapor in the air in eight specific areas. Controls of certain filling stations would: be imposed in Balti- more, Boston, Denver, Los Angeles, Newark, Sacra- mento„ Washington, D.C. ' and the San Joaquin Val- • ley in California, Under the regulations, stations pUmping , more than 10,000 gallons per -month would have to pro- vide for recovering vapors. Final torapliance would be required by May 31, 1977. To meet proposed stand- ards, Special pump nozzles and hoses- would be used. These would return vapors from the car's tanks to a special underground stor- age tank. The EPA esti- mates some 37,000 gas sta- tions in the eight areas would be affected. Costs required to install equip- - ment would mean about a half-cent extra per gal- lon for the customer. OBSERVE speed limit. Avoid high speed driving. You'll save a lot of fuel and get to your destination just as quickly. • t 'p.