HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-04-22, Page 22Kilometers as well as miles on, late models 4f0 Due to Canada's con-version and pending U.S. conversion to the Metric system, some of the new 1976, model -speedometers are calibrated to show both miles per hear and kilometers per hdur. A kilometer is 'approxi-mately 60 per cent of a mile. The needle indicators on the new models show 'both at .a glance: miles in black and kilometers in blue. AUTO Fairs ENGINE TAYS "TURNED ON"? ATINY CARBON PEPOSIT—PERHAPS NO BIGGER THAN A SHARPENED PENCIL'S POINT:.. CAN OUSE YOUR CARS ENGINE TO TURNOVER Fra-FLILLY AFTER IYOu TURN OFF THE KEY.THIS STARTLING coNviTION IS KNOWN AS "DIESELING" r lr 17-'5 MOST L1RELY TO TAKE PLACE WHENA CAR 15 U5ED PRIMAR1V IS sHogr, Lori -SPEED RUNS WITH MUCH STOR- ANC,- GO • .+41 111L11/1/:.. I rirt — 1'4 270 OK- A TRAi.AE0,ExPERT MECHANIC. CAN OFTEN HEAD OFF THE 'DIESELING" PROBLEM By MAKING SURE YOUR CARS IDLE SPEED CONTROL AND IMF MIXTURE CONTROL ARE SET TO FACTORY- RE COMME DEO SPECIFICATIONS. COMPLETE, PERIODIC TUNE-UPS ARE AL50 RECOMMENDED. Make sure windshield 'wipers. are in shape for use in bad weather Carl's Auto Body Specializing in • Collision Repairs * Frame Work If , Spot Repairs, *complete Refinishing to All Types cif Vehicles 24 hr. TOwING Night Number 887-9_231 Day Number 887-9269 'BRUSSELS; s- From outer space? Guess again aalasaa--- WI' A MOON ROCK sample but a• close-up of body damage on a car. According to the Windsor,,Ontario. Police, damage such as this rates high among the safety defects they. have discovered in sa let, c.berks. tim-ir damage i 7.• .1;3.1.4cl-sows hcCatise the protectivC shell the car build.. around passengers.i. hampered in east' of accidents. - Cover Eveletinyst WITH SIMPLE, LOW COST INSURANCE a , Accidents Can Happen To Safe 'Drivers Too! Play it SAFE behind the wheel of your ear, De- - pend on AUTO INSURANCE to meet the cost of repairs, injuries and liability claims. GET THE FACTS '1 from Seaforth insurance Agency Limited 39 Main Street S., Sea forth Donald G. Eaton 527-1610 Kenneth J. Gardno 527-1610 527.0490 The Glassmen of - Ontario ARE SPECIALISTS IN . G LAS TRIM:.. AUT & TRUCK GLASS COMPLETE AMPER WINDOWS AUTO UPHOLSTERY VAN WINDOWS CUSTOM INTERIORS CONSTRUCTION VINYL ROOFS EQUIPMENT OPERA WINDOWS VAN ROOF VENTS BODY SIDE MOULDINGS' QUARTER WINDOW CONVERTIBLE . TOPS 'BLOCKOUTS INSURANCE- CLAIMS CALL 524-2136 FOR FREE ESTIMATES ' ' ALL PARTS AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FOR 90 DAYS, FREE MOBILE SERVICE ON GLASS TO HOME, OFFICE, FARM, FACTORY giandard AUTO GLASS LIMITED 356 BAYFIELD RD; GODERICH 5 2 4-2 1 36 4 Tailored to need. A large amount of lee- way is provided states and localities by, EPA in setting up laM programs tailored to their particular heeds and resources. For example, I. M may separately or along (12 with a safety inspection; .1%-• a,- state-owned, 'contractor operated, or commercial cInspection sites may be _used; maintenance in! •, .1: emission controls may be rc- initially introduced as a voluntary measure; pass- fail standards ay vary somewhat and 'two basic o testing methods may • be 1— employed. 4.3 EPA does insist that I, M O be done at least annually x and that, regardless of 11.1 specific program, the over- all objective must be ac- 5-,---z-cOMplished of most, vehi- CC , • it SOFT AND STEADY Riot Ott the accelerator ltdaVel,ct- yam more. miles tier` 01101X than erratic possilM What studies show Studies have shown that all other controls in these areas — industrial, munic- ipal ,and new cars replac- ing old cars — are by themselves not enough to achieve health protecting levels. LM does provide clean- er air. New Jersey esti- mates that its carbon mon- oxide pollution has de- cIineer13 percent since its program.began. Other au- to related pollutants in -the state are also decreas- ing. - For the other areas af- fected by this kind of improvement cannot be as easily cited since their programs have not been in effect as long as New Jersey's. The annual cost to the motorist of an I/M pro- gram now varies between ll'and $5 per year either in additional registration fees or payments at the inspection site. At this time, four out of five cars . have been passing the New Jersey test, and repair casts for those that have- n't have averaged between $30 afid $35. Hy ROGER STRELOW U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — Assistant Administrator for Mr and Waste Management Motorists could save between $20 and $25 in gasoline caste each year by having their auto emission control equipment ; regularly inspected and maintained. Some motorists are already realizing these kinds of savings. Since 1972, New Jersey has operated an inspec-tion and maintenance (DM) program in connection with an annual safety inspection. Chicago; Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Ohio; Portland, Oregon, and Riverside and Los Angeles, Cal-ifornia are also now conducting some type of I/M program. These last Several programs were or-dered by the U.S. Environmental Pro-tection Agency as part of larger air --114 clean up plans for these seriously poi--lilted areas. - I 'M can have benefits beyond gasoline savings:-It results in more efficient run"-fling vehicles. In some areas, it could mean numerous employment opportuni-ties fore qualified mechanics. Most im- Mr. Strelow portaritly, from EPA's point of view, PM makes city air more breathable. Theeby I (and there are 21 r reas now-affected other 'regions that also ought to have this pro- gram 01 effect/ need the additional amount of air cleanup provided simply to protect public health - from the grossest hazards: respiratory ailments, the aggravation of heart dis- ease, and increased death rates. Proper maintenance of engine, as indicated by znspecttons, called key to benefits ties meeting the emission standards for their partic-ular model year. The quality of mechan-ical work done in I. M is obviously critical to con- sumer acceptance of the program. In this- regard, EPA and the U.S. Depart- ment'of Health, Education and Welfare have avail- able -$100,000 in matching grants for five states /New York, Pennsylvania, Cal- ifornia, Oregon and Ari- zonan to train instructors who will then train me- chanics in the. proper maintenance and, repair of emission control' hard- ware. These states were select- ed on the basis of their readiness to implement I M. More It. participate With Federal and local cooperation, the -future should see more motorists obtaining a regular I/M checkup. It will benefit their car, in most cases their pocketbook, and above all their health. Other regions under an EPA" requirement to insti- tute I M programs are: Boston and Springfield, Massachusetts; New York; Philadelphia; Pittsburgh: Washington, D.C.; Balti- more; Indianapolis; Hous- ton; San Antonio ;.Denver ; Salt Lake City; Phoenix; Tucson; San Francisco; San Diego; Sacramento; Fresno (California) ; Seat tle; Spokane; and Fair- banks, Alaska. ing vision is especially im- portant during the bad weather season. Check for the following signs of mal- f unctioning: 1. STREAKING arcs of unwiped moisture With- in the wiping area. 2. HAZING = a thin, hard - to,see - through film covering most or all of the wiping area even after the blade has jusebeen wiped. 3. CHATTERING — a "stuttering" motion of the blade accompanied by a 'chattering" noise as the blade- sweeps across the windshield, with some areas left unwiped. 4. -SCALLOPING - a ragged outer' edge in the wiping pattern. - 5. R ATTLI NG . Ito ais ible signs of 1)TnOlenis. bid the wiper blade' sounds as were very- loose. call be redueekl -or eliminated by switching- to volyc ar bonato . blades service gas growt n g- . every wh r>rtf After a'sloWdowli tine to the oil embargo„,ielf serv- ice puinps are now in-- creasing. Today about 12'; - of all gas is self service and estimates are for 40'; by 1980. The lure for the consumer is lower prices as much as 5 cents -a gallon on some brands. Self service -also points to fewer minor repairs and other service work per- -formed at gas stations. 'Station attendants with mechanical know-how are moving into the inde- pendent repair market. Meanwhile the number of service stations has shown a dramatic increase in the last two years, principally - gas only stations. CARE FOR YOUR CAR SEAFORTH COLLISION CENTRE YOU BEND 'EM WE MEND 'EM All Types of Collision Repairs LARGE AND SMALL CARS--TRUCKS—VANSRV's Rust Repair * Custom Work Vinyl Roofs * Body Side tiliouldings Windshield Replacement Phone 527-0588 A IAN AND RON Seaforth Collision Centre Seaforth Ontario ******************************* As with so many other vital components on your car, your windshield wip- ers are most -likely to fail just.when you need them the most — like during the next storm. • • In the summer, heat, smog, and even Your serv- ice -station attendant's windshield washer spray are working together to reduce the efficiency of your wiper system. It's no wonder, after sitting quiet- ly on your windshield. and deteriorating day-in 'and day-out, that they often fail to do -their job. Check- when raining- The best time to check your windshield wirier sys- tem is during a rainstorm. Or you can check it the - next time you go, through a- car wash. You can also 'perform' a good check while someone sprays your windshield with -a garden hose. However you choose to ' check your- wipers, you should dwelt them on With the fast -and slow speeds. 1. If any trouble symptoms are present, you should replace as much of your wiper system., as is neer es • - sary to eliminate the prob- lem, In many cases, _all that is needed are new squeegees (the rUbber Darts that contact the windshield) . R eplace faith: blades When you do replace all or part of your wiper blades, make sure you re- place both - sides at the -same time. If one wiper, is shot, it's a good bet the other one is about to go, too. Safe vision during hazardous road conditions is too important :to risk for a few dollars. ° Here are five visible or audible. indicatOrs that will signal the need' for attention to your wind- shield-wipers. Clear driv- •