HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-04-22, Page 18SMYTH'S SHOES MITCHELL scr Anniversary s Thursday, April 2219 Saturday, Mayl- This is our Once A Year Clearance Sale Every item in the store REDUCED * WOMEN'S SHOES 3.99 - 5.99 - 7.99 - 9.99 * MEN'S SHOES 6.99 -10.99 -19.99 * CHILDREN'S SHOES 3.99 - 5.99 - 7.99 * WORK BOOTS . 14.99 - 18.99 rooramonommonnmenrykonmorriremporronmominsmi ormemor 1' SALE WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES 1.99 Two Pair 2.00 10% OFF New Spring Stock • PURSES R LUGGAGE SMYTH'S SHOE STORE MITCHELL Open Friday Nights 'Till Nine • REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REV IEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIE REVi EW RE VIEW REVIE I V E REV IEW R IEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REV IEW -REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW Sandra Hulley t and Linda Smith, editors Queen candidates are ready Budget is obviously and specifically designed to conceal more than it reveals, and is a ,/ -masterly presentation of warped statistics and semiotics. woven together with the consummate skill of a professional con artist. Had the Treasurer and his officials spent their time end.. effort in• sincerely attempting to exereise, some degree of financial res- ponsibility, the people of this Province would have been much better served." He questioned the Treasurer's projected budgetary expenditure increase of 11.7%, because the Government has made a practice of underestimating their expendi, teres, and pointed out that, in any event, keeping expenditures to this, level • wasn't all that wonderful when one considers Quebec's increase is only 11.0% and Nova Scotia's is only 11.3%. Mr. Shore underlined the .fact that, although the provincial deficit had been reduced, it was still, at one and a quarter billion dollars, the second highest deficit in Ontario history, and he questioned the Government's l'his is a short week in the 4104ligure because of Easter is eak,Ttio lead-offs in the budget debate took place this week, and leading off for the Liberal Ogiosition, ' Marvin Shore, M.P.P, for London Nord' and the Party's Financial Critic, said that the Treasurer had given a good theatrical performance when Presenting the Budget, but "unfortunately for the people of this Province, the Treasurer is a much better actor than producer." Mr. Shore said the "new her future yet either. Mary Ellen Knight is the seventeen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Knight of R.R, 3, Brussels. She has one sister and two brothers and her birthday is September 10. Mary Ellen was in the geography club this year and went to' the Canary Islands during the March break. She is a mernher ef the girls, basketball and volleyball-teams. She was a member of Walton Baseball Team last year. She has her County honours in 4-H Homemaking, and has her grade eight in piano and grade two in theory.' Mary Ellen is undecided as to her future also, but she, does plan on going to level five. Cathy Duffy is the eighteen year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Duffy of R.R. 1, Dublin. She has• five sisters and. Three brothers. Cathy-plays.the trumpet in the band and went to Florida when the band•went in February. Baseball and cooking are her hobbies. Cathy is a member of the Brodhagen Baseball Team. As • 'yet, Cathy hasn't a summer job but she's hoping. She is unsure of the future also. Janice Houston is the nineteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rae Houston of R.R. 2, Brussels. She has. two brothers and two sisters and her'hirthday is January 20. Biology is Janice's favourite subjects. She is in the colour partyin the band and helps a bit with yearbook. She plays the piano and sew.sin her extra time. Formai Plans The tickets for this year's formal are now on sale for seven dollars a couple. The date April 23. Decorating has begun. The theme this year is A Chinese , Garden. The candidates for queen have also been chosen. The six finalists are Mary Ellen Knight, Janice 'Houston, Deb Van Vliet, Barb Doig Nancy O'Shea and Cathy Duffy. A full report on each girl will. be in next week's column. Spring-Into Spring This spring the students coun- cil decided that instead of choco- late bars, they. would try to sell garden and flower seeds. The campaign called "Spring Into • • **** ** • o • • • • • • 4.• • • • • • . ,....„,.. „. . • • TO CKNX RADIO e • • • • • • This year there are six girls entered in the running •for the Avo `' formal queen• competition. Those six are: Barb Doig, Cathy Duffy, Janice Houston, Mary Ellen Knight, Nancy O'Shea and Deb Nan Vleit. Barb Doig is a level four student. She is seventeen years old and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Doig of Egrnonclville. She has one brother and one sister. tier extra curricular activi- ties include cross country, volley- ball and she, is an' honourary member of the student council. Barb' has her County honours in 4-H Homemaking and she is on the broomball team also. Home economics and physical education are her favourite subjects. Swim- ming and biking are just some of • her hobbies. As for the future, Barb isn't sure. She is going to attend level five and make her decision after that hopefully. She hadn't expected to be chosen as a candidate for the competition, so it has beet a surprise and a shock for her, she says. Nancy Erin O'Shea is the seventeen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill O'Shea of Seaford'. She has one brother. Nancy is in level four and she considers herself an "average student." trench, history ,and accounting 'are her favourite subjects, Her free time is spent swimming, skating, playing tennis or reading. This past summer, Nancy. was employed at a day care' center. She has no summer plans for this year so far. As -for/the future, Nancy, like so many other young people, is undecided. Early childhood education teacher, a purchasing regent or an airline stewardess are MI possibilities. Deb Van Vleit is the sixteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jan Van Vleit of R.R. 2, Brussels. She is in level/three and her birthday is March 14. She has one brother and two sisters. Home economics is Deb's favour- ite, subject. She is also lead flag bearer in the band plus a former cheerleader. She has her County_ honours in 4-H.' Sewing, roller-. skating and swimming are some of her hobbies. Deb isn't sure of • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • 'a • • • LISTEN Sunworthy Says Yes-You.Can decorate the walls of your home to reflect your own tastes, your moods, your , personality, your family lifestyle. You can pattern your walls supei-modern, traditional, or anything in-between. And best of all, You can do it yourself, when you're, ,Working with Sunworthy Ready .Pasted wallcoverings. —Choose your patterns and gather the ftw simple tools you'll need to do the job - a yardstick and pencil for measuring and marking, a string and a weight to make a plumb line, scissors for cutting and trimming, and a water box and sponge for the application. Getting the walls ready comes first. Different types of wall surfaces require different types of preparation - full details regarding this important step are included with each roll 'of Sunworthy ,wall covering. , All set now? Let's show you why Sunworthy says Yes-You-Can, HUME LUMBER PHONE 4624441 BAY.FIELD RD., CLINTON. OPEN: Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; .Priday a.m. to 9 p:m.; Saturday 8 a. m. to 4:36 p.m. Shop wilt) CHARGEX and MASTER CHARGE at most Wiseway Stores • Action Ads 527-0240 ShOrts Swimwea "Finally Warm Weather" Gowns Pit Suits Baby Gifts Blouses Halter Tops lit Coats Slacks Pant Suits Dresses We've got the Fashions to go with the Sun Dial 920 : : All Day Saturday . i May 1 5 For complete coverage : of the . . • . • : SEA/FORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE . . • . • a • ft - • • • • o . • i Phone -527-1330 with your pledge • • , • 0 • tine i 926 on your %kilo for tho results. . • Help . Mike our Arens RerinvatIonto possible. • ••,,, #40"114.40ii•••••••••••••r••••••••••••••••••••4 • • FUND RAISING • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • -1HOR014 .ECP960703, APRIL. 2 , 1976 tirraY.Of,Urkt A4, P: P, Discusses Ontario .Budget de:fails . rephices.The net result is that a larger nuinber of businesses must divide the same size pie into smaller pieces. In -addition, the small businessman will heferced to pay increased OHIP premiums, thanks to the Treasurer. "I see _ no reason to congratulate the Treastirer, on. his Budget. 1 in all conscience, bring,myself to de so, for I canna I condone ' his deliberate attempt to twist the' financial facts to suit his political purposes. The Budget is a truly remarkable collection of hyprocrisy and hypothesis,. and I have no doubt that as we continue to examine it in more detail - during the Budget discussions and during debate on the various Estimates - we' shall discover many half-truths, many , instances of misdirection, many 'adjustments in , the base of calculation', etc. "I had hoped to congratulate the Treasurer on at least making a sincere attempt to code to grips with the problems of inflation. But he has done very little. According to the Treasurer and his colleagues they hay.:. ,been doing a great job. The problenis we are experiencing are thejanIt of Ottawa - of municipal extravagance - of inflation trends of increased demands from the -people of Ontario for more and better services (this last according to the Minister of Government Services)." TENDER. TOOTSIES for your Delicate Footsies • Our-new New Spring Styles Have Arrived Don't Miss out on your size BUY EARLY Spring" is not going too well at all The stude t body does not seem to be too in erested in selling the seeds. EXam Coming Up • Because of all the school missed the exa have been scheduled for after the Mtraii break rather than 'before. Well, that time has crept up and Thursday (today) is the day, they begin. They will run one week, until. April 15. -Full Flight Plays Friday night a dance was held at SDHS with Full Flight provid- ing the music. There was a fairly good attendance at the dance. It cost 2 dollars to get in. and $2.25_ without a student card. Brazilians Boole Safely Three months of fun and learning are all over for at least two of the Brazilian exchange studen6 who - stayed in the. Seaforth area. Bete Maia and Reclaim Zika left for their country on March 14. Word, has been received since that they arrived . home safe • and sound. They' are missing all the friends they made here and say hello to everyone. Jesse Lagos, the third Brazilian exchange student, decided he wanted to stay in, Canada for at least three more months. So now he is being hosted by an Exeter family, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gould, It was quite an experience for these three students., They will never forget the stay here and I have a feeling all three will return here someday: Sandra Hulley, Bete Maia's host student, is going to Brazil this • summer for three months, June, 'July and August. She will stay in Bete's honie while there. reliance on possibly overesti- mated projected exports to underwrite the Treasurer's forecasts for revenue and employment figures. Referring to the Premier's accusation during the ,Throne Debate that • the Opposition showed "lack of faith in the people of Ontario" and their ability to separate, their wants from their needs, and to separate inconvenience . 'from lack of service, Shore said "does he `(the Premier) really expect people to beli eve that losing a Community hoSiiital is merely an incon- venience? Does he himself honestly believe that social services for our densely populated urban areas are only wanted rather than desperately 'needed?" Mr. Shore pointed out that although the Treasurer claimed he ' is providing stronger incentives to Ontario's sniall business companies, he has done nothing more than eliminate some of the burdensome paper work involved in the Govern- ment's tax credit scheme. "The number of companies to 'benefit has increased to' 50,000 from 20,000, it' s 'true, bet by reducing the tax rate from 12%. to 9%, the Treasurer, is not providing one exra penny to small businessmen in Ontario. 'He admits himself that. the -$30 million 'cost of this reduction is identical to the cost of the..tax credit . scheme which it Huronview Welcome newcomers ' The Christian Women's Club Song Service was led by Mre. Shirley Luther of Hensall on Sunday evening accompanied at the organ by Mr. Luther. Two new residents Mrs. Rossie Sholdice and James Elliott were welcomed to the Home at Monday afternoon's program. The old tyme music was provided by Marie Flynn, Lorne Lawson and Norman Speir with Morgan Dalton and Nelson Lear helping to lead the sing-a-long. The Clinton Christian 'Reformed volunteers assisted with-the activities: The residents enjoyed a visit by the. ladieg cif the Clinton Christian Reformed Churchnn Tuesday 'aiternoonand those without immediate relatives were given an 'Easter card. .,, Rev. Ball, of Gerrie, showed a. coloured film of the. Holy -Land at the "Family Night" program. 'M r. 'Ball has just ' . returned from a conducted tour of Israel and gave interesting . commentary of his trip at the start of the film. Miss Grace Aylesweith, formerly of Gerrie, thanked Mr'. Ball on behalf of the residents. , , The. Over 90 Club met on Wednesday afternoon itthe first floor, north .sitting room, and enjoyed a musical prOgram provided by three guests Mrs Elsie Henderson, Nelson Lear and Morgan Dalto,n..Three new residents were welcomed to the Club, Miss Muir, Miss Darrow and Carl Campion bringing the membership .to forty-eight residents. Seafot;th Horticultural Society Plant Sale Saturday May 1 11-3 pm . Rathwell's Auction Rooms Members Bring in Your Plants Labelled 7 Main Street 41( yT 4