HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-04-15, Page 14• • 7"77177.777-'7., ","3, SAVE-SAVE----SAVE .Save Time-Money:$00 compacA9n By Applying• 28% SolUtion Nitrogen and Chemicals with our BIG 'A' Book your nitrogen needs no \Ai! ,VV,e also carry ANHYDROUS AMMONIA and AMMONIUM NITRATE For' all your Fertilizer, Chemical and Seed requirements Call 0 m P.114 1VIITCHEht, 348-8433 HENSALL 262-2527 Ili I -R1116.. BEAN'S N E , CD S. • FE 11',FPU'Z'S.R-,4 For broad spectrum weed control in corn, with less chance of carryover, apply a labeled'Lasso plus.atrazine tank mix. Lasso® ,Herbicide by Monsanto Always read and folhow Lasso label.directions,. MONSANTO CANADA LTD., Montreal, Quebec Toronto, • Edmonton • Vancouver ARNOLD J.STINNNSEN LIFE — and. Mortgage Insurance Plans Income Tax Deduetable Registered Retirement Savings Plans and Annuities. bicome.Averaging Annuities . Ask for our new flexible Premium R.R.S.P. — REPRESENTING — Tel. 527-0410 Sun Life Assurance 117 C GODERICH ST. EAST :Company Of Canada S,EAFORTH I for 17 years. At Hibbert Council • Federation requests grant Bladex Sutan Aatrex Lasso Furadan C 0 N Barn Cleaning, Disinfecting .and Spraying with CARBOLA Also Spraying - ' for Lice and Warble Control \I DAY or .NITS We try to keep the SERVICE RITE RITE Seed Corn supplies are still available United RX30. Trojan . . . . TX90 Dekalb XL 12 Northrup King . . PX20 also National Grass Seeds available mop 1111111LY 111fildM :14 SUPPLY L ',,Mcfc.010 'nape logris I ir orre r first accepted utioN EXPOSITOR Apilui, 114 1976 yds. of B gravel at 85 cents per APf4194604s for farm drainage cu. yd. and 6,000 cu. yds,. of A loaAs .are being accepted in the gravel at $1.54 per cu. yd. was order that they come into the let to George Radford .of Myth. McKillop Township office, The price this year for supplying, although the township's ceiling hauling and applying gravel to on, the loans has been reduced to farm lanes was set at $2.25 per $94,909. by the provincial cubic yard. government. Councillors discussed partici- Last year the township issued pation in the' province's Ontario $118,000 in the drainage loans and they already have applicaz Home Renewal Program, which tions totalling $167,000 for this Provides loans' and grants to year, cleark-treaSurer Marion people below a certain income McClure said.,The council hopes level to bring their houses up to to have a special meeting to standard. A decision will be made decide how to meet the cutbacks, at a special meeting to be held Mrs. McClure said 'and loans will soon, Mrs. McClure said. be approved in the order in which Building permits were issued to they came into the office. Ethel Beattie for siding; Jack At their meeting Thursday, Flanagan, siding; Sam Scott, McKillop accepted the tender of barn; Harry Regele, implement shed repairs; Wilfred Shortreed, Robinson Farm Drainage, Ailsa renovations to house; John Soon-Craig of $9,342 for construction of the Lawrence Drain. No appeals tiens, implement shed; John F. t were brought to the court.of Maloney, repair siding on house revision on the drain. and John Henderson. house and Construction. is scheduled to garage. start in • August, Mrs. McClure The road superintendent's accounts of $8448.63 and general said. accounts of $2734.52 were passed A tender to supply 20,000 cu.' for payment. PUZZLING OVER METRIC —, About 35 parents attended a metric workshop that was part of education week at St. James' School. Here Joanne Mathews, left, her husband Paul and Reg Dick look over some of the metric material. (Staff Photo) Hibbert Township council reserved a decision on a request that it give a grant, $1 per active farmer in the township, to the Ontario Federation of Agriculture at a council meeting on April 5. A delegation of Federation ' members had requested the grant. COuncillors accepted petitions from several ratepayers from Con. 12 and 13, asking for the construction of two n ew municipal drains. Engi neer on the drain work will be appointed at the council's May meeting, after approval is received from the conservation authority. Don Hulley was appointed Fire Chief of the portion Of the township '(Con. 1/14 lots 21/30) which is in the Seaforth & District FireArea. . A grant of $25 was given to the Band of Branch 128 of the Royal Canadian Legion, Mitchell, and of $15.14 to the A.M.O. to defray costs of a brief against Ontario • Hydro increases. This was based on a Ic per capita charge. . Two readings were given the -"Flat Creek" Drain, Fullarton Township • being the initiating municipality, with a Court of Revision dated for May 3. Threereadings were given an amendment to the Building . By-Law of the. Township, setting 'out fees schedules. There was to. be no charge• for construction under $500.00. For farm and residential .to $10,000 a fee of . $3.00 p,:er thousand or part thereof, and thereafter $1.00 per thousand or part ' thereof. For Industrial, Commercial , and Subdivisions4'a fee of $3.00 per.lk thousand or part thereof. From May the new building inspector, Jack Fowler, will be issuing permits. Blank permits however will be available at the Township Office. It was decided to apply for a supplementary grant from the Ministry of Transport' and Communications for road The tender of Earl Ahrens for $412. for workable land at the Sanitary Land Fill site was accepted. Petitions were received stating that the Kerr ana Hinz drains were out of repair. Jas. A. Howes, Q.L.S. is to be notified to examine same and report back to the Council. The Ontario Building Code was adopted. The minutes of Mitchell and Dist. Fire Area, Mitchell and Dist. Planning .Board and Mit- chell and Dist. Protective Com- mittee were accepted. construction.. The reasoning was that if money was available and the Township applied, then maybe they would be lucky. Tenders were to be called for supply of liquid chloride - gravel applications to roads would commence May 25th and it was hoped that chloride could be applied right after. Road accounts in the sum of $12,291.29 were paid and General Accounts of $10,021.00. The Clerk was instructed to secure insurance coverage for a used dump truck being obtained from the County, so that it• could be used as soon as the safety check was completed. A Budget of $13,501)00 was teceived from the new Protective- Inspection Committee respon- sible for enforcement of the Building By-Laws, of which $2887.90 would be Hibbert's share. Logan review& insuranc, polici.Os Frank Campbell attended her regular monthly meeting of Logan Township Counpil held Mon ay, April 5 so that council could review the insurance policies and make minor changes. CLERE-VU AUTO WRECKERS NEW, USED AND REBUILT trucks DUNLOP & REMINGTON Car, truck and tractor tires TRACTOR TIRE SERVICE REPAIR SERVICE Clinton 482-3211. Hwy. 8 W. oi Clinton R.R.2, Clinton Two Tile Drainage Loan appli- cations :were received and held over due to changes expected in the Tile Drainage Act. Since the regular meeting word has been received from the Ministry, that the interest rate will be raised from 4% to 6% and the amount available to Logan Township , for the year 1976 will be $70,900. At this date applications amounting to over $100,000. are on file. Those haying made applications will be asked -to re-apply and loans will be made accordingly. The council accepted the bud- get of the Mitchell' and Dist. Arena and Community Centre Board for 1976, showing an „estimated deficit 'of $18,400. Logan Township's share would be an etirnated $3,496. General accounts amounting to $16,693.44 and Road accounts Mang $12a05, 11 were ordered paid. The meeting then adjourned to meet again Monday, May 3 at 8 p.m. ..HOEGYIS',FARM -SUPPLY',Cm. BRODHAGEN Phone 345-2941 Ja octiAREMSMESNA """, ENS1'SMSM1W1 Bring this ad in and check all the savings during our SPRING FEVER J Check these savings on new MF farm tractors under 80 pto horsepower, plus , industrial machines! Bagged and Bulk .Fertilizer for Pickup, Delivery and Bulk Custom Spread Bulk Granulated _Ammonium Sulphate in stock Keep CORN • input costs at a minimum by using Anhydrous Ammonia Farm Chemicals or spring planting are now in stock Eptam Afesin Patoran Basagran Treflan to name a few MODEL M-.F. 235 Tractor $400 M.F. 255 Tractor $400 M.F. 30 Backhoe Loader $900 M.F. 711 B Skid Steer Loader $400 Limited.to available inventories until. April 30th, 1976 We'Velot other brand-new bargains in stock, at unbelievably low pr• ices. t ---.B oy,,.,ges.farrn Supply zo,6,m6 s i i is i Seaforth, tivoc YOU CAN NOW SAVE M F Massey Ferguson •