HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-04-15, Page 13tl Laurentian, two door hardtop, crestwood brown with contrasting sandalwood trim; 350 cu. in. V-8, auto- matic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, one owner, sold and serviced by West End Garage. Lic. HNN 887. $3393 WEST END'S LOW PRICE' 1973 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE Four door sedan, an exceptionally clean car with 35,000 ORIGINAL/VOLES, finished in dark br6Wn with contrasting •sandlewood interior, 350 cu. in. V-8 engine, automatic transmission, poWer steering, power brakes, radio, etc. k. FKA 306. WEST END'S LOW PRICE $2979. • • 1973 PONTIAC Parisienne two door hardtop. Finished in medium green I • with matching green vinyl top. V-8 engine, automatic . transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, white Wall tires, wheel discs, etc. ONE OWNER. c. D.1N 273. W EST END'S LOW PRICE . . $2993. 1969 PLYMOUTH FURY III Two door hardtop, yellow with black vinyl top. RIDES AND DRIVES LIKE NEW. Mechanical fitness extra. DHU 465. , WEST END'S LOW PRICE $640. NEED A TRUCK? See the GMC experts at West End Garage OYER 25 LIGHT DUTY &MC's in stock, including Pickups, Suburbans, 4-Wheel DriVe Crew Cabs and JIMmys. Open Every Night To Serve You AND ALL DAY' SATURDAY WEST END GARAG OF MITCHELL LTD YOUR PONTIAC-BUICK GMC DEALER 34: =8458 B2 HURON T. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• • • • • • OD SPECIALS • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HAMS Maple Leaf Footbqjl Style TURKEYS Grade A frozen 18.399c. 10 to 12 lb, average FRESH TURKEYS . Limited amount lb. 89c lb. 9tY lb. 98 BACON Maple Leaf sliced packaged 16.1.53 MINCED HAM Sliced lb. 95c -Freezer Specials- lb. 99c lb. 75c lb. 1.29 90c 7.90 101b. TURKEY DRUMSTICKS 10 ,lb.TURKEYURKEY WINGS BEEF KIDNEYS Store 262-2017 AL'S Ni4RKET HENSALL —ONTARIO • • • • BUTT PORK CHOPS ',Fresh SAUSAGE OR SAUSAGE MEAT Pure Pork HIP OF BEEF Fully OrOeessed FRONT OF BEEF Fully prvcessed AMERICAN LOIN OF PORK Fully SIDE OF PORK Fully processed processed' 10 lb. BEEF PATTIES 4.50 the 29c A bbatoir 262-041 DUPEM ARKITS R* AVM $49.9' 8 59.95 and 25. 14 PAI Work Socks WOOL BLEND 00 PERCENT WOOL, 30 PERCENT NYLON SINCE 1894 'Area Cede $191 'MONONA 13.96A6 SPECIALS in the modern world Men's LEATHER 'JACKETS Shortee Jackets VALUE -$90 and SW Special Price - Unlined Work Gloves s 75 ONLY • PAIR CLORTATTONNE APCAKLM Ladies' LEATHER JACKETS Leather and Suede 3 styles and choice of colours VALUE $120 Special Price VALUE $100 Special Price E. OLD MILL IN BLYTH At The Railwa'y Tracks OPEN MONDAY TO THURSDAY MIR FRIDAY t9 SATURRAY >6 , SUNOAY 16 remora for quality Red low wires Irani/ choler Ir groalfu arks. Rile loarnr • AI naintonli, the Original Old Min in Myth. Windbreaker VALUE - $70 Special Price $39.9' ainion f IHE1:11.1F1ON g*P0*.OR APRIL 10'..101! 1 Correspondent MrS.,00104e4p01::, '• . ,Pn 5.1mlayt morning Alex Taylor efficiatedfor.thexcCePtign of three new members ilito full communion in .V,4114., 1411,t,P4 Church, and eight in Goshen' Church. They were Brenda POW- son., Steven Elliott and Darryl Johnston in. Varna, and. Win, T. . McAsh welcomed thenr on behalf of the session. . New members received in Goshen were- Mrs. Ervin -(Retne) Keys, Kathy Peck, Donna MqX110Y,J !P n144-911$t D4111W EcAP1, 44,03' .P.Act. I3aryy, Eckel and •14ch4T,51 MACilge7 Elgin McK Aveinley len*ti OPP CurreSpOicklit Mrs. geils CaldWelP Spring seeding is. the• poor cif the day in the Kipper) EIOn. Ed Taylor t„Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs. W6 L, MOlis. on beftalf' ,f the sessfgn, Speci4 music was provided by Rodger '40: solo -"Y.Vii!spri0 ,Miss Jean Ivison has returne from a holiday in -Guelph. . Icippen East W I will bbld the' Annual .Meeting thP Legion .: April 21 pr*clOck.-: hy,..epot •luck4inner at 6:30 p.in. 14. 01 FOX HUNT WINNERS1 — The recent Fox HUrit sponsored by thlk. Exeter. CB club wasn't the English style hunt with red coats anti, hounds. This fox hunt involved a driver and a devigator in a car trying to find the fox, who was transmitting to them by CB radio, Foxes in the hunt were Rob Noakes and Robs Alexander at fat-left and right in the back row. Winners of the fox 1 hunts, with their CB "handles" are at right, front, first 'Little Trucker, Cathy Triebner and Speedy, Marg Triebner, second Papa and Matra Bear, Jim and Evelyn Gaunt and,third prize, Ja9k in, the beanstalk, Jack Peck and Chicken Farmer, Bob Peck. Fox 2 hunt was won by, front, left, Grasshopper and Billy Goat, Paul and Bill Armstrong, Behind them are second prize winners, Bobcat, Ralph Batten,,Corner Kid, Grant Hodgert and third Dairy Queen Barbara Dundas and Green Acres, Donald Dundas. Chuck Holmes won a radio draw. Prizes were presented last Sunday at Hully Gully. (Staff Photo) Lower Interest Rates NOW AVAILABLE ON • 1st and 2nd Mortgages anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL — INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES ° Interim financing on new construction or land development REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD. Doing your. II Spring Cleaning? How about a facelift for that old, chesterfield Of yours ? Reeve opens "Three Links" Head Office: 56 Weber Street, Kitchener, 15191 744.6535 Branch Office: 705 Goderich Street, Port Elgin.15191832-9510 WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH TODAY EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS Before Buying Your. Next far Or Truck Choose From Our Largest Inventory Ever! 1974 PONTIAC Jack Robertson 4 1972 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE Here's a luxury car that has been CAREFULLY MAIN- TAINED BY THE'ORIGINAL OWNER. Optional equip- ment includes power windows, power seats, automatic .temperature c trol AM/FM .stereo plus many more luxury features. 'nished in rich chestnut brown with contrasting beige nyl top. Lic. KPS 046. WEST END'S LOW PRICE $4393. Correnspondent Mrs. ,Hilda Payne Opening a new facility always gives one a feeling of hope for the' future and this is amply expressed in the "Three .Links" Senior Citizens Club room in Hensall on the ground floor of the 1.O.D.E. hall. This building needed repeco,rationg badly; .the ground fldOr, ,,an old stare had ,stood eMpty, except 'Tor a few card players, for many years. Concerned townspeople ear- marked it for the use of Senior Citizens and with tilt consent of the Oddfellows, the march 'was forvvaisd. Getting support from first, the. Oddfellows, and then the town council, businesses were contacted and all were behind the project. An L.I.P. grant for 59,000 was obtained for the labour and then the community wat•canvassed fOr funds for materials. Response was good and, as a result the whole building has been. renovated., Largely through Etnie Chip chase and Custom Trailers, materials were forthcoming at the right time, and turned a rather dingy building into a place of beauty. Rich, brown paneling is on the walls, recessed lighting in the celings, ceilings lowered and kitchen and bathroom re-fitted. Last Tuesday. April 6, the building was officially re-opened by Reeve John Baker, assisted by Mrs. Robert McKinley, and-the keys to the building were handed Dana i4ozzato,. Star Jesney- and over from the contractor Glen. Miss Sandra McCurdy from town. Koehler to' the new president of Visitors from out of town included the senior citizens, Percy Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Ivey of Campbell. Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thanks were • expressed to all Taylor of Varna and Mrs. Vera whO had helped in any way to Johnston and Jack of Brucefield. complete this renovation and Mrs. Elizabeth Volland enjoyed hopes were expressed for a a visit with Mr. and Mrg. Tony further irant fl-om New liorizons Etue of London, who took her to to ,provide Much needed furni- visit in Varna with Mr. and Mrs. turc. Coffee and doughnuts were Lewis Taylor. On the way to served to all presentatter touring Varna, they picked up Mrs. Vera the building. Personals Johnston and all enjoyed their . , 'iisit together. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal attended the funeral of Mrs.• Mr. Gordon Schwalm has been Lawrence Van Den Heuvel in visiting for the past two weeks Goderich, on' Saturday. . with Mr,and Mrs. Robert French and son Roy in Rousseau. Mr. Mr. Anthony Gelderland and Mrs. Jean Addenan of Ridgetown French and Roy drove Gordon visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sim home at the weekend. • • Roobal on Sunday. Miss Hazel Macdonald, Goder- Mr: and Mrs. Carl Payne ich, retired missionary of Taiwan visited 'With- Mr. and Mrs: Rossr„.,and,,. Ethiopia, Miss Flora Mac- . Berdan of Union on Sunday.• Jean and • John Young of Lakeside, Phyllis Duncan of Strat- ford and Mary Goodwin ,of town visited with Mrs. Pearl Passmore at the weekend.' The Minstral Shov:• put on by the Huronia Choir in Exeter last week was enjoyed by; many of the residents of Hensall. Some members of the choir are citizens of Hensall, • Visitors with Mr: and. Mrs.. Gordon Schwalm, Mrs...Elizabeth Volland and Mrs. Daisy Ivey last Week .were Mrs. 'qefievieve Windover, Mrs. Bona Clark, donald, Goderich, Secretary of Life Membership ,of London and Hamilton' Synodical and Mrs. Rachael Schwalm, Literature Sec- retary of the Synodical, and Mrs. Elizabeth Faber, Kippen, Litera- ture Secretary of Huron Presby- tery, attended the annual Londdn- Hamilton' Synodical in Chippawa Presbyterian Church, Niagara Falls, Tuesday and Wednesday. They. also .took in a. tour of the Falls which were still piled high with chunks of ice .flowing from Lake Erie. Only beds of beautiful croeuses were in bloom at the SPECIAL 1 5% off on all La France fabrics Call Us for Free. Estimate at Canadian Furniture Restorers Owned and Operated by: EUROPEAN TRAINED CRAFTSMAN WITH 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN FURNITURE RESTORING Hwy. 83 across from Acme Signs EXETER 235-0131 Ontario