HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-04-15, Page 8SADYE Al THE EASTER PARTY — Sadye Watson
of Egmondvilteis only 14 months' old but she enjoyed
Saturday morning's Easter Party at the-Libratv with •
the rest of them. Sadye's babysitter is her cousin
(Staff Photo) James. Amanda
Friends, neighbors and
relatives of Mr, and Mrs. Jack
Gordon gathered at- Family
Patadise on Friday evening, April
9 to help .celebrate .their silver
wedding anniversary.
Mr- and Mrs. Gordon were
married in Toledo, Ohio. Mrs,.
Gordon was the 'former Eva
Wager, daughter of the late Mr..
and Mrs..Del Wager of Missouri,
Wisconsin. Jack is the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs.Robert Gordon.
Lunch was _served catered by
the Walton. .Women's institute,
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wedding cake was also served.
Mr. 440 Mrs, Gordon were
called to the olatfcgclm. when.
Joyce Gordon spoke, a fewmords
;of congratulations. The' happy
couple received many lovely
gifts, card% and an envelope of
money. Both • Eva and Jack
expressed their'. thanks to
everyone for making it such a
memorable evening for them.
The evening was spent dancing
to the music of Howard Smith's
Orchestra from Brussels.
••••••• •
April 15, 'till 9 p.m.
4PaWm0AWAWe.NA.,,' •
,..„,..,...convener, gave a reading on "The
' s Ressurection Message". During
- the meeting with the league
annual meeting of St. James'
Cat** Women's League held in
the; school last Tueday. Mrs.
the illness of president, Mrs. Ray
Alvinsimale presided, owing to
' The Visiting committee for
linteliinson; Fr.Laragh opened
home and served lunch following
a funeral.
four visits were made to the sick.
World Day of Prayer, offered to
following Confirmation and Mrs.
and Miss Irene O'Sullivan.
March members took part in the
Life Convener reported that lunch
had been served in the school
Peter Jansen, Community Life
convener, reported that twenty-
Masses for deceased members,
said the Rosary at the funeral
April will be MrS. Nora Maloney
,Mis. John Maloney, spiritual
&pot luck stIpper preceded the
Mrs. Maurice Huard, Christian Sirector - Fr. Laragh; Past
Tresident - Mrs. Hutchinson;
• Mrs. Smale then conducted the
resolutionsconvener, Mrs. James
on by the delegates to the.
religious articles were read by the
Devereaux. These will be voted
Diocesan Con;zention to be held in,
Sarnia May 11 and 12.
Connolly; Corresponding Secre,
giving their reports. On behalf of
with the executive and conveners
expressed thanks to everyone
who had helped to make the year
year. Elected were: Spiritual
Secretary - Mrs. Michael.
Treasurer - Mrs. Ken Vincent.
Mrs. Hutchinson, Mrs. 'Smale
so successful and presented Fr.
Laragh with a cheque for the
election of officers for the coming -
President - Mrs. Ewart Wilson;
Vice Presidents - Mrs. Huard,
Mrs. Henry Schwarz; Recording
tary- Mrs. Herman HOste; .
The annual• meeting followed
Resolutions re raising age to Fr. Laragh installed the officers
twenty years for alcohol, and welcomed them. Mrs. Wilson
improving the quality of the thanked the membeis and asked
" media and desecration of for their continued cooperation.
kilbarchan notes
Enjoy armchair tour
of British Isles
have returned from a holidaS? in
Florida. Mr. McDonald has
returned to his home in
Mrs. Lenny Stinnissen has
returned from Amsterdam,
Holland, where she visited on the
occasion of her mother's birthday
Rev. M. E. Redber took the
devotional this week. He read the
Scripture from St. Luke's when
Jesus started on his mi nistry.
H e came fo Galilee armed with
the power of the Spiritof the Lord.
• Rev, Reuber brought his
daughter Miss Anne Reuber who
has been teaching in Kanazawa.
she has been in Japan 31/2 years.
She had several slides which she
had taken in Japan. She, had one
picture ota fairly ,heavy snowfall,
- contrary to a geceral idea.. The
way the Japanese use their fans
gives one the idea it has a very
warm climate. Anne tells us it
gets' very cold.
One picture of her class showed
them with coats on. Anne was
employed by the United Church
of Canada and most of her slides
were of the class of girls to which
she taught English.
The tables are so' low the
children sat on the floor. Their
summer uniforms were like our
old middy and skirt outfits, a navy
skirt, white middy and navy collar'
which we would call a sailofcollar
in navy; •
A grOup had a hand-bell choir
with which they shake the various
bells to ring in hatmony.They also
had a Yoga Club in which they
balanced standing on their heads.
They go to camp and learn crafts
like tie dyed-shirts. The church
minister, Rev. Kikuchi has been
in the church, here.
A niece dime of our residents,
Mrs. Lantz. Linda Page of ,•
Sudbury went to Japan the same
Recent visitors have been: dine as Anne. She.is back in her
With Mrs. Mary. Malcolm, Mr. home and she and Anne keep in
and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm touch. So much has been sung
Mitchell, Mr. Keith M alcolm,
Toronto. Mrs. Baldys Balfour,
Mrs. Mabel Higgerson, Mitchell
and Mr, and Mrs.' Ross. Gordon
and Vicki.
With Miss Turnbull: Mrs.
Mary Pryde,Exeter, Mr. H.
Barry, "Shadeview", Dashwood,
Miss Marilyn Hillis, Tillsonburg,
Misses Bess and Peg Grieve,
Egmondville, Mrs. Marilyn
Duizer MacDonald and son,
Shane, Clinton. Marilyn was a
former member of the staff.
Mr. and Mrs. David Longstaff
[Part one]
On Monday afternoon Mrs.
Helen Wilbee, a valued member
of our staff, took us on a very
interesting trip - through the
British Isles. She brought along
the slides which Tom had taken
showing the highlights of the trip.
It was quite evident that Tom &
Helen had done their homework
well before they-statte&out- and
had the main points which they
wanted to see, fixed in their
minds historically and . had
studied these places well. One
day Helen saw a pile ofEnglish
magazines on . my side table-A
friend , had ,subscribed this very
beautiful magazine "In Britian"
for me. , Knowing they were
planning a trip to the BritiSh
Isles, I said take all you want and
study them.
Helen gives Toni the credit for
planning the .trip, using these
magazines. My advice to anyone
travelling abroad., would be • to
have a definite plan in ,mind and
. know exectly what you want to
see and work on it.
I must confess I left all the
planning to my brother., 'He did
very well but when I see pictures
like Tom's ,I realize there are
many things of interest I missed.
'Of, course •as one gets older
interests change.
Some go in for cathedrals and
palaces and others for country
villages and scenes of rural life.
Tom and Helen covered all, these
points of interest.
They hired a car and went to
see what they wanted to see.
They covered all well, Tom, being
an amateur photo,grphaer, was
able to specialize on all the slides
which gave them a professional
flavour. The rich colouring
lighting was very special. '
(Will be continued in Part 2)
* ** *
about the cherry blossoms.
Apparently these cherries are
floral only and don't bear fruit.
I'th sure this work triuM present
quite a challenge *hen they have
to learn the new lanivage'. Plays
are used in some cases to learn' ,
the language. Anne lives M a,
housewith one room which'by our
standards is small, but her pupils
think if is large. There are as
many as thirty pupils in it
Anne is very interested and
dedicated to her work.
Gorcipps celebrate 2-5th annivers9ry
Members wished to provide
Easter flowers for the Altar and to
give an Easter lily to the Sisters,
The annual clothing drive fOr ,the
St. Vincent De Paul Society will
take place on April 24 and 25. A
High, Mass in hollow of Our Lady
of 'Good' Counsel will be offered
before the meeting on M ay 4 and
Members will participate in
saying the Rosary at the May
Following. Devotions 'on the
first Sunday in M ay, certificates
will"be presented to the children
who have received their First
'Holy Communion. On behalf of all
the members, Mrs. Joseph
McConnell moved a vote of
thanks to Father Laragh for all
his encouragement during the
past year.
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