HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-11-23, Page 71
Mortgage and Loan Statistics, An Easy Method of Keeping
According to the report of the Warm.
Dominion Uovernincnt there are 82 I should like to call attention to an
loan companies and building societies easy Method of warming one's self
in Canada. Seventy-one of them when other and more common means
are domiciled in twonty-four places are not often used. I allude to
in Ontario, eight are in Quebee and warming the body by merely taking
three are in Nova Scotia, These dCep inspirations,
companies are not all alike, say The On one very cold afternoon of last
Monetary Times, butdiffermaterially winter, though walking bi'isklyalong,
in age, size and method. One has 1 was uncomfortably cold ; feet and
$10,919,000 of loans ; another, a hands were very solei, and lay ears
new ono modelled, on an Pld Country so chilled as frequently to require the
concern, has only lent, $1000. Some application of my Heavily gloved
take deposits at interest, some receive hands. In addition, the whole sur -
payments on the instalment plan, faze of the slain was unpleasantly
others borrow entirely on debenture, chilled; "creeps" ever and anon fun -
The return has lumped together the ning up and down my spinal column
transactions of all these companies, and radiating thence over the body
The aggregate subscribed capital of and extremities ; in short a condition
the 82 companies reached $93,766,-
Among the liabilities of these
organizations we find capital stock
amounting to $35,445,252. This
consists of $19,941,188 in fully paid
shares and $15,504,064 partly paid After a few inhalations the surface
up, the proportion paid, in the case of niy body grew warmer, and a
of individual companies, varying general sense of comfort pervaded
from 10 per cent. to 25, but the me. Continuing, the next to feel the
average being 21 per cent. Cana- effects of the effort were thy previous-'
•dians have lent to `these companies ly frigid ears. They grew agreeably
$28,559,000, of which $18,531,000 is warm, and within the time required
deposits and $10,028,000 ori deben- to walk three blocks, at the previous
ture. But the companies have bor- pace, bands and feet partook of the
rowed nearly twice as much froin general warmth, and I felt as com-
people in the Olcl Country, namely, fortable as if the same length of time
•$49,408,000, on the strength of de- has been passed by a glowing fire.
bentures, and $2,613,000 in perpetu-
al stock—in all more than fifty-two
millions of dollars.
On this aggregate of $82,362,000
borrowed from the public in Great
Britain and Canada, about sixty
millions -is represented by debentures
which has at a rule a life of five
years, and are payable or renewable
at the end of that time. That there
is much activity of movement in
these securities is shown by the fact
that the companies repaid $8,253,000
during the year, and that they bor-
rowed afresh no less than $9,712,000,
part of it, very likely, at a. lower
rate of interest.
Judging by the sum set down for -
the total of interest paid and accrued amount of oxygen inhaled 'this abun-
for the year, the average rate of in- dant supply of blood is thoroughly
terest paid by the companies for oxygenated, tissue metabolism is
their borrowed money was 4.66 per increased and more heat necessarily
cent. But the more prominent l y
companies are getting money in produced.
-_ ,..Britain at from 3 3-4 to 4 per cent. Many times unavoidable exposure,
The annual rate obtainable on mort- ` as in riding, driving, standing and
gages in Canada has fallen from 8 to the like for a ,ranger or shorter time
10 per cent, a dozen years ago to 6'. in the cold has been the cause of
or 7 per cent. to -day. In fact, whati'severe and even fatal congestive
are termed gilt-edged loans, on first-' troubles, such as pleurisies and
class city property, are now effected pneumonias, and a means of quickly
at 5i. or even 5 per cent., while 6 per ! stimulating the flagging peripheral
cent. is a comnnon rate for new first ;circulation which a person. has always
rate farm loans. i with him, and which can be employ -
The companies have made loans of ed without moving a step, is one
$115,347,000. Of the aggregate that ought not to be neglected or for -
loans more than 96 per cent. have gotten.—E. B. Sangree, M. D.,
been made- upon real estate. The American Therapist.
total advanced upon land has been
$110,916,53'9, and the value of the A Terrible Experience.
lands thus loaned upon is given at Mr. Goo. Tribe, of Staffordville, Ont.,
$227,840,872, which leaves a margin a pretty village near the' shores of Lake
of value of about 52 per cent. Erie, went through anexperience lately
Exactly What proportion of this' that he will never forget. He tells it iii
leis own words :
$115,000,000 is loaned upon farm For three year I suffered from skin
property there is no means of know- disease in its worst frons. I tried Ken-
ing. uedy's Medical. Discovery apd the
Cuticuta remedies, and doctored one
year with the best physicians in the
land, but got. no benefit ; they pro -
Rev. T. Watson, Colborne,Ontalio, nouneed my disease a Scaly Eruption,
writes :—K. D. C. hasproduced in but Failed to remove it. It camp on in
red blotches and spread over my body •
pie a wonderful change, almost from the skin became thy and formed hard,
the first time of using. My Indiges- white settles; tho itching was intolerable,
tion is all gone, and my general but I am now completely cured by the
health is much better than it has tru of Ltbatu Blooii Bitters. I eau
truly say that Iowa my good health to
been for years. K. D. C. has my B.13. B., and I advise all sufferers to use
heartiest and unqualified cominenda- this splendid medicine.
tion. I believe it to be all its Makers ul o. Tom, Straftorclvillo, Ont.
claim it to be,
Free sample sample of this wonder -work- Short and Sweet.
ing remedy mailed to anv address. Something to be studded—a, shirt
K: D. 0. Co,, Ltd., New Glasgow, N.
S., Canada, and a7 State St., Boston, front.
Mass. • It is the quack nostrums that
gather in the ducats.
The 'loyal Commission Farce. Poverty is in want of much, but
Does the Thompson -Foster combine • avarice demands the earth.
expect to deceive anybody with its 1 To be found in bad company is
Royal Commission farce ? The re-! often equivalent to being lost.
port whieh has been so lied about ! One good deed is worth a bushel
inay just as well be consigned to the; improperly made out and reeor`ded.
flames. The people have made up I Abad bookkeeper may be a good
their minds and do not need a $150,- bendkeeper when. he has a chance.
000 report to toll them what Sir fillers aro a :i
Oliver Mowat declared twenty-five great ' many painters
years ago, that "three-fourths of allin this world, but they are not un -
the erime, wretchedness and poverty I numbered.
in the land'' aro oaused by the liquor The monkey goes to the sunny
traflle. The finance minister was side of the tree when he wants a
quite certain about the traffie once, Wedlincr climb,
but that was before he entered the -Y••• --••-M
Cabinet and learned the trieks of the The Standard
trade,.--ThoTemplar. remedy for all stomach and liver
Tho only way to cure catarrh is to complaints is Ripans Tabules. One
parity the b1t' 1. liood'tlf Sarsaparilla tabule gives relief, but in severe
purifies the blood, and tones up the eastl.5 one should be taken after each
whole ayMem, meal t tial the trouble- burs 'dlettp-
that every reader of this little article
has doubtless many a time experi-
enced, I then began taking exercise
often employed before with benefit ;
deep forced inspirations, holding the
air lis long a possible for expulsion.
The happy results obtained from
this simple method are probably ow-
ing to several causes.
Tho cold, of course, chills •the sur-
face of the body and contracts the
super'flcial blood vessels, usually af-
fecting first hands, feet and ears, and
afterward the general body surface.
Contracting of the blood to the part
and in stagnation of the current, thus
rendering the tissues still less able to
resist the cold. Deep forced inspira-
tions not only stimulate the blood
current by direct muscular exertion,
but also by compfessing the expand-
ing the lungs the flow of blood is
greatly hastened through this organ,
and on account of the increased
Unqualified Cominondation.
Gems of Thought.
Iie that never changed any of his
opinions, never corrected any of his
A man's own good breeding is the
best security against other people's
i11 -manglers.
If any man reject drudgery, by
that token nothing great or high
shall ever come out of that man's
No two things differ more than
hurry and dispatch,. Iltrlry is the
mark of a weak mind; dispatch of a
strong one,
A cheerful disposition is not only a
personal blessing, but a pnblie phil-
anthropy in the good effect is has on
There are two freedoms—The
false, whore he is free to do what he
likes, and the true, where he is free
t4 do what ho ought.
You traverse the world in pursuit
of happiness, which is within the
reach of every man. A contented
mind confers it all.
Beyond Disputa.
There is no better•, safer or more
pleasant cough remedy made than
Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. it euros
Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Coughs. Colds.
Bronchitis, and all throat and lung
Every tree and shrub is a distaff
for holding, and every twig a spindle
for spinning, the material with
which God invests it.
A good woman is the loviest flower
that blooms under heaven; and we
look with love and wonder upon its
Silent grace, its pure fragrance, its
delicious. blooul of beauty.
Heart Disease. Relieved in 30
Minutes.—•All cases nt organic or sym-
pathetic heart disease relieved in 30
minutes and quickly cured,t by Dr. Ag-
new's Cure. Sold at Chisholum's Drug
store, Winghatn.
You must not only work, but you
must order your work with intelli-
gence; you nitlst bo preparing the
way fur what you intend to become,
as well as what lies to your hand.
A Remarkable Cure.—J. W. Jennis.rn,
Gilford—Spent between 8200 and 8300
in consulting Doctors ; tried Dixons and
all other treatments but got no benefit.
One box or Chase's Ca„arrh Cure did
me more good than all other remedies,tn
fact I consider myself cured and with a
25 cent box at that.
It is self-sacrifice whish in count-
less ways oils the wheels of life, re-
ieving distress, soothing sorrow,
bringing joy into families, cementing
friendship, endearing men to one
another and lessening all the burdens
of life.
Rheumatism Cured in a day.—South
American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days.
Its action on the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
of the disease immediately disappears. The
first nose greatly benefits. 75 cents.
Warranted at Chishom's drug store.
It is harder to avoid censure than
it is to gain applause, for this may
be done by one wise or great action
in an age; but to escape censure a
Ivan must pass his whole life without
saying or doing one ill or foolish
Take Notice.— rhe TIMES and
Weekly Globe will be sent to any address
in Canada or the United States, for one
year, for one dollar, payable in advance.
Subscriptions may commence at any time.
• Nourish kindly feelings; look on
the bright side of things and the
best side of people; think happy
thoughts; smile whenever you can;
speak gently; find. pleasant things to
say; for they make the music for the
—I alp still here in Winglam in the
Furniture and Undertaking business, and
cordially invite anyone wanting goods in
my lino to call and see for yourselves
where you can get best value for your
money. Don't he deceived by what some
interested parties say about prices, but
come and see for yourselves. I ani not
here to be undersold either in Furniture,
Picture Framing or Undertaking, Please
bear this in tnind.
8. GRAM,
Practical Undertaker.
Anybody will soon become wretch-
ed who gives himself up to gloomy
diagnosing of others, or to lnicrso-
copie dissection of diameter, or to
belittling remarks of associates, The
censorious mind grows upon one in-
sensibly, We cannot watch it too I
closely or too constantly.
!`Subscribe for the TIMM and.
Weekly Globe, $1 a year.
Ben ,lath, the Muezzin.
Far lifted from the city's jar and Prot
13vt1 Ha1ik waited on the minaret;
And gazing where the Prophet's city stands,
Abenediotlon waved from wrinkled lianas,
His prayerful voice was raitied—tlie hour was
To Allah lifted his imploring eye,
Below him sparkled Many. a twinkling fire. •
Where pilgrims camped around the sacred
"Oh. where is God?" the old Muezzin cries;
With eagle glance he scans the vaulted. skies.
All silent trembling the thin realms of air—
Ben Hails vainly sought an answer there!
Beneath his fest stretched far the sapphire
"Lel in its depths—Divinity may bel"
The blue waves rippled on the lonely shore ;
No token reached him in their hollow roar 1
The campfires leaped, their red glow mount-
ing higher,
Ho pondered: "There 1 Perchance, is Allah
Bright gleams lit up the sleeping host in
vain —
Not a response I Ben Hafiz asked again.
The mountains, bung above him, croasted
Caught his quick eye—"Is God there hidden,
But scarped rocks and peaks all silent lap, -
With no reply, Ben Mafiz turned away,
"Alas 1 All silent !" the Muezzin cried,
The ]lopes which warmed his heart in sadness
"Earth. air and fire—the waters, I explore— I
For God, whose footsteps here return no 1
more:" ,
When, like a lark, a sweet voice thrilled
above !
An angel sang—"Ben Hafiz ! God is love!"
In 1941 it is Computer, that tho PopuIa-
tiou Will lie 17,500,000.
Some intere+ting statistics regarding
Lnudou have recently i,een prepared by -
the County Council, with some ccnjeetnres
as to the population which the city only
have in 1941. According to these figures,
Loudon already contains 1+ per cent. of all
the population of England and Wales. If
the city grows at the rate of the last three
decades. in 1941 it will have a population
of 17,500,000. If there be no additions
from the ontside. es there have been in the
p• st. but merely the natural increase is
added which conies from the exeess of
bit tie; over deaths it will contain nearly
Consi.:-ring that New' York is fast be-
coming the seat of wealth in this eountry
that Loud,,u ,s ut England. one can gala
an idea of lupi•" tl.e burl, -n of taxation
would fall upon Now York if the socialis-
tic income tax bili sL , '1,t Leetime a law.
London pays 42 p. r c ,t-. of the
income tax of Eug.it.t.tl red 'Wale.,
and we should not have the ad.
vantage wbioh the tables show that city
to have in escaping a large portion or tho
cost of local government by receitiug a
share of imperial taxation, and many from
other sources. London's government costs
about 855,000,000 a year, but of this sunt
the ratepayers pay only about five -sixths.
London coutaiae about one-quarter of all
the paupers of England incl Wales, and it
furnishes a large percentage ot the,crimin-
als. The women sentenced to penal seryl.-
tilde from there constitute 25.86 per cent.
of the whole number front the two coun-
tries, and the ,nen 20.73 per cent. The
metropolitan poor law debt is nearly one,
half of ail owed for that purpose its Eng.
land, and the law debt is nearly one-half of
all owed, police force costs 41.97 per cent.
of the total cost of police in the country.
The fire brigade costs 58.24 per cent.
Twenty two lit• sons in a thousand died
in Loudon in ib02y Bronchitis carried off
10,000, conetimpt.nitt 3000, pneumonia
6000, and iutiuet.za omni cancer 3000 each.
The Man In tliiy 1 '
According to Pratorions,'tl1r mon in the
moon is the patriarch Isamu, carrying the
bundle of stiek', which were to be lighted
to sacrifice his own uody on the monntain.
top. DrintiN believes hila to be Cain,
carrying a bundle of thorns, the meanest
offering his landsspfforded, 55 a present to
God. In ieelatd''tlte Oople maim that
they can see the,face't>f Achim in the moon
and that of Eve in that ttuu; Among the
Freiburgers there is a suite; potion which
says that the marks and sputa on the
moon's face aro the outlines of the traitor,
Judas Iscariot, holding his hoods over his
face while sneezing just prior to hanghtg
himself. The last belief accords with
the old Frankish legend which says tbat
there was no spot on. Looses bright
num until after the time of the cruci-
fixion•of Christ. Still another story tells
its that in the time of the creation God
threw tin offending angel against the face
of the moon, while another is to the effect
that the moon witnessed the creation of
Adam and Eve turd took an impress of
their features on her surface, intending to
people her own laud with similar beings.
When she essi evl to imitate God's work,
she made nothh'lg but 'h ser'nent, whish
since that day litre continued to fold and
unfold its mighty coils in 'tarn View of the
descendants of the God created beings,
Cote of the Becht aott , ooth.
The child receive:: its first temporary,
tooth about the fifth mouth after birth,
the dentition being completed at the age
of two years. Thee° teeth shonld be
cleaned with a soft brnst and wartn water.
The child usually retains these teeth until
the eruption of the permanent set, the first
permanent tooth appearing about the dth
year. The deoidttoua teeth should beenre'
telly watched,and when a tooth shows
decay consult your dentist and have it
filled. At this stage the filling is not ex-
pensive, and will save the child much pain
and trouble from nn aelitng tooth. The
early extraction of the decidnontt teeth
often causer the irregularities of thai per.
ntanent set. They should be. retained un•
til the jaty has fully expanded to receive
the permanent teeth. Teach the child the \
necessityof keeping the teeth clean and
pure. The early use of the tooth brush
will establish a habit that Will, in atter
years, be considered a netteseity to health
and personal aleatblew.-14ew York
Herald. a
A S _
Absolute O,ere for Piles, and all
itching 815in Diseases. The first
application relieve., and short
treatment cures. The only
remedy for Teeter, Itch, Pimples.
andah mealy eruptionsofthe skin
FCRGI>i, April 6, '9i.
I have suffered from piles for a long time
and tried several articles recommended for
this complaint, but none of them benefited me
till l tried Chase's Ointment, which has com-
pletely cured me, MRS. JOHN GERRIE•
P. Phillips, jun„ Druggist, witness.
W. Goulding, commercial traveller, rgm
Esther Si,, Toronto, suffered from itching
piles for 15 years, one box Chase's cured him,
Geo. W. Morris of Morris Machine Co..
Brantford, Ont., twenty years with blind and
itching piles• used so different remedies with-
out relief, Chases cured. SOLO BY DEALERS OR
Farm Crops and Processes,
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Reading, Domestic Economy, and a:.umitary of the
News of ,the week. Its Market Deports a e unu»nal•
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LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Publishers,
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If you want your
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A recent discovery by an old
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1 Care $?CK HEADACHE and Neuralgia
In 20 MINUTES, al o Coated Tongue, nisei- -
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