HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-04-15, Page 44• ilia tujON XPOITOlti.AP1i.
Mr & Mrs Vincent J. Lane
Children help Lanes
celebrate their
-50th anniversary
Ray kleffernan Theresa and Lou Maloney stand in front oethe New Dublin Feed Mill truck.
under the proprietorship
Mr. and Mrs.
Lou Maloney
The feed business and mill
which has been operated in Dublin
" for many years by
. has been sold to
Mr.-and Mrs. Lou Maloney
Effective April 15, 1976
We wish to express our appreciation and thanks to, the people of Dublin and area
whom ,we have been priviledged to serve for their co-operation and patronage
through the years. We ask a continuation of that same co-operation and patronage
1 on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Maloney who, of course, are no strangers 'to the area. We
know, that the Dublin Feed Mill will continue-to provide an excellent service:
Ed Stapleton
Wm. Stapleton and Son
Please Note —
We seek the co-operation of our customers in clearing all accounts at the earliest
possible date.
Dr. Waite tells
WI about cancer
, , .
A well known McKillop
Township eouph.•,, Mr, and Mrs.
Vincent J. Lane celebrated their
fiftieth w edding annk ersary on
Saturday tie ith a special mass at
St. Columban Church, a dinner
for members Of their family and,
close friends and a evening •
reception at the Knights of
Columbus Hall.
When the were married on a
Wednesda. April 7 , 1426, cars
Were still up on blocks for the
winter and Mr. and Mrs. Lane
tray elled in a light sleigh over
roads ,k ith "tremendous pitch
holes" to Mitchell where thoy
.caught` the train for Toronto and a.
week long honeymoon. "When
we got home the weather was just
breaking up,• Mr. Lane said,
adding that„Apttif was as cold that
year as it V, as last week.
The Lane,s Were married at the
same St. Columban Church by
Father Dant/cr. Their' attendants
were the grOOm's sister. Mrs.
Mary Moylan of McKillop. 'who
was at the celebration on
" Egmondville
Following the regular —li:C.W.
meeting at Egmondville United
Church on Monday. April •I2,
Gordon Wright, Seaforth
delighted a large audience of men
and women by showing his
travelogue on Scotland's
Mrs. Dawn Papple sang
"Where you there" .accompanied
by her mother. 'Mrs. Stephenson;
Which was enjoyed by all_ Mrs.
Jean Lunn gay- the meditation
entitled W ng. Hope,' an
Easter. th -stating- sPring •
wasn't just a season, but a symbol-.
Mrs. Alice Tyndall led in prayer
and Mrs. Olive PaPple read the
Mrs. Alice Tyndall 'was pro-
gram convenor . for . the meeting
and Mrs. Hazel Harrison 'chaired
the business., An invitation was
accepted to attend Barbara Kirk-
man , meeting at First Presby-
terian Church. May 5 at 8 o'clock.
'It was decided•to have ii Luncheon
is Served Meal, the date to be
announced later.
Rev. Robert Roberts closed the
meeting with prayer and Mrs.
Marion Rosesgroup served Itinch
Saturday and• the bride'S brother,.
who is now Father Toni McQuaid
of St. Lucia in the West Indies.
Father McQuaid will be home for
holidays in July.
The bride and groom's parents
.lined across the road from each
other on Con.. 2 arid 3 of
McKillop. Mr. Lane said. He's
the son of the late John and
Catherine Lane and Mrs. Cane is
the daughter of the late Joe and
Mary McQuaid.
Mr. and Mrs. Lane have lived
all their married life on their farm
at Lot 13, Con.3, where Mr. Lane
was a farmer and insurance
agent:Mrs, Lane was organist at
St. Columban Church for 36 years
and still plays there often. They
have a family of two sons,,Jack of
St: Columban and Ken, London.
and three 'daughters, Beatrice
Kale of Lot 10. Con.2, McKillop.
Marie McDaid„ Hanover and
Rosemary Flanagan,Kitehener.
Th'e Lanes have 33
grandchildren and a Jarnily choir.
with their daughter` Rosemary as
organist, sang at the anniversary
mass. Other grandchildren
ushered the guests. •
Mr. Lane is the Huron
Expositor's St. • Columban
M any guests
at anniversary
Those from a' distance attend-
ing the 50th. Anniversary of Marg.
and Vince Lane included:. Mrs.
Mary Lauzon, White Rock, B.C.;
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Gowley;
Calgary, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs.
Pos.:, Lane. Toronto; ,Mrs. Bea
Lane, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Mailloux, Toronto; Mr.'and Mrs.
Jas. O'Reilly, Stratford; Brother
Joseph McQuaid, Uxbridge; Mrs.
Sal McQuaid, St. Thomas; Mr.
and Mrs. Harold All-en and
Nancy, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. McDonald, Newmarket; Mr.
and Mrs, Doug , Dalrymple,
Hanover; Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Brenneman, Kitchener; Mr. and,
Mrs. Jim Majer, Kitchener:: Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry Staples, Stratford;
Sister Jean Moylan, St. Joseph's.
London; Catherine Moylan, St.
Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
• Lobb, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Don
Goutreatt, Clinton and Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Allen, Goderith.
Vincent. Lane
Dr. Robin Waite, Pathologist
from Stratford General Hospital
spoke on, Cancer at the March
meeting of the Dublin W.I. He
discussed breast and cervix
cancer, self examination and
showed charts at the home of
Mrs. C. Friend, who int'oduced
The meeting opened with a
welcome to the representatives
from the Canadian Cancer Society
and guests by the president, Mrs.
N. McKay,
Roll call was 'What do you do to
maintain good health?"
Correspondence -was read. The
next meeting is to be held at the
McKillop 11 K nifty Stitchers
met at the home of Mrs. M.
Moylan. The meeting opened
with the 4-H pledge and motto.
Roll call was answered with
'What have' you decided to make
for 'Free--choice' Article?,.
Mrs. M. Moylan discussed the
historical outline of embroidery,
characteristic techniques and
designs, and which .certain
cultures be came known' for.
The leaders showed how to do
the Twisted C ord,_
Mary ann Nolan • and Mat is
Claessens demonstrated the
twisted Cord. Each member is to
bring a cord to the seventh and
eighth meetings:
Roll call was 'An Idea for your
club achievement" presentation
at the sixth meeting.
The girls discussed the
skit - they are doing for
Achievement Day. They worked
on the. Free choice article.
• Next meeting at Mrs.M.
Moylans opened with the , 4-H
Pledge and motto.
Roll call was uses for the
French Knot.
The meeting was held at the
home of Mrs, R. Pepper, April 20.
A bake sale is planned for. April
10 at 2 p.m. at the butcher shop,.
A minute's silence was in
memory of Theresa Coville who
passed away.
Mrs.G. Aikens thanked Dr.
Waite and presented a gift.
Mrs. Joan Sykes of the
Stratford Cancer Society spoke on
new literature available and
distributed pamphlets.
A film on the same subject was
shown by Mrs. B. Laing assisted
by Mrs. L. Laing. A gift was
presented by Mrs. H. Pethick.
Cancer kits have been distributed
to -canvessors. There were 20
leaders home to plan the skit for
Achievement Day Tuesday
April 20, at 7 P.M. They
discussed the uses of French
Knots including as an outline, as
centers for flower or as a filler.
For Meeting 8 roll call* ,was
'Show your Free Choice article
and tell your favourite stitch".
Discussion was how to evaluate
an embroidered article.
Final plans for Achievement
Day were discussed. For group
work they completed the learning
stitches and free choice article,
with fabriC samples telling why
these 'were chosen also threads
cost and finishes.
Mrs. M. Moylan showed how to
applique and where this could be
Mrs. J. Dorsey showed how to
mitre a corner, Ann Cronin
demonstrated how this was done,
each member doing a mitred
Rules and reasons for judging
were discussed .
The meetings were closed with-
() Canada and a snack was
served: -Marion "Nolan thanked
Mrs. Moylan for her home.
Last week after defeating
Grand Bend and Bayfield in ttie
ZOne playoff,. they .won a third
trophy. The boys can be proud of
their accomplishments and con-
duct and can look ahead for
bigger and' better things next
The McKillop No. 1 4-H group
held their seventh meeting at the
home 'of Sandra Regele at 7:00
p.m. on April 8th; - "
To start the meeting each
person told where the french knot
could be used. Bgtty Glanville
told us' about applique and
Elizabeth Pryce demonstrated it.
The group decided what part each
play for our Achievement Day
skit. Betty Glanville suggested we
have our books up to date for our
next meeting so that she could
look through them.
The next meeting is to be held
at- the home of Lorrie Ann and
Elizabeth Pryce on April 14 at
7:00 p.m.
The Dublin Feed Min
Therese Maloney works th8 controls while the
Ray Heffernan and Lou Maloney discuss the
vacuum tank for the sucker unit on the new
boys hold the blower pipe, , truck.
Assisting Lou and Therese in the Business now is
Mr. Ray Heffernan, as Mill Manager.
Ray has had several yecirs mill experience
working for the W.G. Thompson Ltd. Organization. .
You are invited to come in and see
the new lineup of quglity products
* Purina Chows and Health Products
* Purina Dog and Cat Chows
* Farm Supplies * Seeds * Oil *
-Bulk pickup and delivery
- fast efficient - 2 minutes per Ton
blow or suck feed
-.saves labour , no bags to handle
-call- we'll do the work
Mr. and Mrs. Torrence
Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
Stesens of Walton and Mr, and
Mrs. Stanley McBride of
Fordwich arrived home Thursday
from an 18 day bus tour to New
Orleans and Padre Island, Texas.
Connie Coutts. R.N. of
Guelph spent a couple of days this
past week at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
We are glad to h ear that Mrs.
Walter Broadfoot returned home -
from Seaforth Hospital on Friday.
Mr. Lloyd Porter was taken by
ambulance to Seaforth Hospital
one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs.Roliy Achilles
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Achilles and Debbie at
On Friday evening there were
_eleven tables of progressive
euchre in play at the Walton
Community Hall.
Prize winners wer: High lady -
Mrs. Jim Smith, Low lady
••• StiffIty 'J-ohnston. High man -
Ernerton Mitchel4,..low man
HaiveY Craig. Easter draws -
Mrs.E. ,Stevens -and Mrs. M.
:hal& Ludy cup - Torrence
DUMAS. • tie next card party wilrhe
*sett euchre on Wednesday,
tyl xha .
The. Dublin Area PeeWee boys
hockey club have concluded a
most enjoyable season. With
financial support from local
organizations, businesses and
individuals as well,, ,most .of the
cost of operation was taken care
of. Tho-boys-are,.also grateful for
•the kindness of interested parents
who drove cars, the fans who
supported them so faithfully„
anyone "Who helped in any way.
As anyone 'who haS.'itir'the •past
been involved in minor sports
know, a lot of effort goes into this
type of undertaking.
One of the most rewarding
things to the, community as a
whole, and certainly ' 'to the
parents of team members, coach
and manager was the winning of
the most, sportsmanlike team
award both on and off the ice, in
competition with some sixty odd
teams at the Goderich Young
Canada Tournament. Sportsman-
' ship • was also blended with
hockey ability during this tour-
• nament as the team was only
defeated by TeesWater in the
"A" final after first . having
beaten Ripley - Thedford and
Knifty Stitchers plan .
Achievement Day
Dublin Pee Woes
most sportsmanlike
Dublin, Ontario
"Quality at a Fair Price"
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