HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-11-23, Page 6• .1••••••••••• Apr AA; E WING it :A TIMES, NOVEMB FR 23 [894 • ttatingiym imo 77_ ritileaSt :see, tee insn :se • ...91.011141.1.001M1.0....191.1,...2•TRA.PC,T•4007*. TO OUR IR,;:t,c.DECRS. We have math, arrtingetuents With tile TOl'onto teebe Printing Com- pany whereby we art' elle to glee. the Thus and the Weekve GLOM to our subserilers for the extraordi- nary low pr'ee a One Dollar per year—-theprice of the Thies alone. The, 'weekly t ;tube is a twelve -page, eeven-eoluenn rises collet ining. all the geneml =WS Mid epecial page of trie news. TO take advantage of this offer cash must in every ease. be ',aid iu advance and ell arrears Le paid up to date. A representative of tl:e TIAtEs will, during the next two or three Months, call upon as many of mit. Mends as possible soliciting, subscrip- tions for the paper. He will have printed receipt forms from the Thins office, and is authorized to collect moneys due us for subscriptions, job work, advertising, ete., ma give receipts for same. We trust all our friends will let their neighbors know of this offs'. If our canvasser has not time to reach you, send in your subecription at once to this office and it will receive prompt attention. This offer applies to renewals Ls well as new subeeriptions. After the 1st of January next, wu intend to adopt the "pay -in -advance" aystene and alae TIMES Will not sent to subscdbere unless it is paid for in advance. We have decided upon this clump, after many years' trial of the preensystem of "pay at any time" or "never pay at all," and believing it to be in the interests of both the publisher and subscriber that the paper be paid in advance. f*d. IIOWICK. Mr. ,T. Howard Hunter, M. A., Inspector of Insurance for the Pru - vine of Outario, made his annual inspection of the books and docu- ments of the Howick Fennel s' Mutual fire Insurance Company on the 24th ult. All the directors we, e present except Mr. MeKercher. Th.) books were found to be satisfactory. For a number of years past the In- spector has been urging upon. the board of directors the advisability of collecting at the beginning of each policy year the average cost of in- surance per year instead of assessieg for losses and expenses of each par- tieular year. For 7elea.leiay Lunge. burn's CM Liver Oil Emulsion wtth 1Vild Cherry seal Ey poeliosphit combiees the curative powers of too pectoral remedies mentioned in the m(94 perreet and palatable form. erica) Ste. and St per bottle. EAST WAWA:COSH. On Monday night last an exceed- ingly sad affair happened in this • township, resulting in the death of a most highly esteemed and amiable youtet lade, Miss Jessie Mutes youngest daughter of Mr. Robe Match, aged 23 sears. Mr. and Mr. Match Imo away from home et the time, on a visit to another daughter, and at abeut eleven o'cloe's at night a messenger was sent and told them that their daughter Wa dying in convulsions. They Ilastel ed home, only to find the statement was too true. The unusual eireum- Stancesof her death led to an inquest being held on Wednesday, when ths preeeoce of strychnine was found in her system, and the jury returned :i verdict that she died from poison, administered by someone unknown. The family are very highly respected and the heartfelt teempathy of the entire conununity goes out to them hi this hour of sorrow and trial. "'Or ver Fifty Yvon' A w scut A(no Wer.b.rongn Phuspv. - Mrs'. Win srb low' .otillm; Syrne set( beet] for o( er flit( your; by millienenf ronalorre for ;hairy/di:lion while teetittne, with perfectstuteees.ttOOt1eM the child *afros the gurus, alive All pain, cures wind call. and In thelmat toned(' for Dan hxa. Is pleasant te the tette. Sob, by Dragelsts In every mot of wort.y.11v1 cents a nettle. Its halite is ineeleulablelie sure and ask for Irmo. Winslow, h Sterithang Rs run, and take no Other MOO. N. D. C. will cause your food to nourish you. MORRIS. Warier:0 canette, --, John. 11fe1lroy, Sth line, bad over • A (;1.0,A./N.Ti,u11.7TI: .r,, „'l: GuatT 3,000 bushels of turnips off three w.,131, z,, ,,m. .,..;" u, nn tomh. items ot' land, there were 138 livered loads. This is a big yield. lit. has '2,500 bmtliels in one tat—miss Pella rphs sisseri at Ilesala air. 1.narier, in Fraser, of the 214 cull' 118'., 1,a1,11 Fe,plY to a tine:Altai .;.; li. his ;mow - seriously ill bra, we are Pease". to 1.:'uf tlse west, stC71 t. "It is a masts gate. elle is reeovering lilet'ly now.loject eouatxy ; i, it lin .,..firev.t.,ir --tit•Orgo Ara, 1st eon. has Len e ! , . ,un.ler ile sau, and it4 resowests are daugereusly ill f w for a couple of Inudi]t. 4; .. • 1 , I A.b.e1. . 5 VOW Ripply the world Wt. laanY Meads win he Please" t"; wi:Ja brieel when its 11,1nel:est; pied - hear he is gettinr eomewhat bettor.t rtes come under enitivallan, Mesta --Peter, son of David Knight, Sth 1 t Ile exceedingly product:ve, and under line, died of typhoid fever near I suck cultivation as iS, receives from Cypress, 2thttlitObd, a few weeks ago, ! our pe,,,,h, there the :..1„1,1 of ,.,,,.aiii, is neva 37 years. Ile was a Illarrieti ' something enormous. 'rho chniate is inim, his wife beteg a daughterf "-- ' the finest in the world, and taken all Richard Stewart, uf Egmondvillete, , we 1 edier, the count:.. . s is beyond any- :, formerly of Mot t is. i ate, 1.!..1`.• , thing that can be imagined by those about seven years in the. /I' 1331;• ; who have never been there. It is a Three young children are left to the truism to zay there is room for an care of the mother, who is shwerely liennesse population. 'Phu day will sympathized with in her bereave- ewne when our great wvst will sup. 11.1ellt. -- Missionary anniversary . port it.; millions. The peope. leei a services Were held it 1.31*CWiltOW11 oil . bawdy, intelligent race, thoroughly Sabbath afternoon. The deputation , imbued with a spirit ef loyalty 'to was Rev. William Baugh, of Auburn, . our British censtitutiou. They are and W. II. Kerr, ut"Phe Post, Brits- ; proud of their country and proud of seles—Rev. W. Baugleof Manchester, ' being Canadians. To develop the and Y. II. Slot, 0 Brusscls, tweet, however, the people need to , ducted service in Johm'ton s church have ell(iaper commodities, which is not pussible with the present .istriff la a resent ine;;tes,. 1)11111"Iwt1 in Sabbath wetee. Both geutlemen delivered excellent missionary act"-setegislation. The hard time: in Mani- ureeses. Suitable music, was Pmrki-Ituba are not due to ,soil and climate, ed by the choir. The pastor pre-, but to the legislative system which seated the animal repart. 1 every clay is causing .dissatisfaction tauong the farmers both in the east 25; I3Jon to 13cre3emen.—Ope bottle:and west." spleen Lunimeut completely 1 As to the political feeling of the removed a curb f row my horse. 1 take ves 1 t "There pleasure in recommending the remedy,: ; the Liberal leader said : 8' it stets with mysterious promptness in LS an intensely strong feeling that tse removal from horses or hard, sett or tariff reform must come very soon, calloused lit ni ps, blood sperio., splints, and the demand for it is universal earl os, tea ese:,, t, es and 1, throughout Manitoba, the Northwest Roue, Farmer, Markham, Out. Sold at , Territories and British Columbia: Ohl:tholes Drugatore, Wiugham. :The feeling everywhere is that the iprovress of the country is being, BRUSSELS. a,ncrhas too long been, hindered by A resident of 21 years passed that the protective tariff now in force. bourne from whence no traveller re- There was not a single place, even turns on Tuesday afternoon of last the smallest, where we did not find week in the person of James Wilson, this feeling." well known to the people of this locality. Mr. Wilson was born in ! Danger 1 rem Catarrh. Roxboreshire, Scutland,on July 26th, • Tile most important feature about that very conanOn complaint, catarrh in the head, is its tendonuy to develop intu smile other more serious and dangerous disease. The feul matter -dropping from the head into the bruuhial tubes or lungs is very liable to lend to° bronchitis or con4timption, that destroyer which causemore deaths in this country than any other disease. .'s catarrh originates in impurities in the blood, 101101 11 1)111 lun. lions can do but little good. The commos, sense method of treatment is to purify the Wood, and for this purpose there is no preparation superior to Hood's Sarsaparilla. The powerful within of this medicine upon the blood expels every impurity, and by so doing cures catarrh and kires health to the en ti re organism. 1821, and served his apprenticeship to the house carpentering and cabinet making. He came to Canada in 1843 and took up land in the town- ship of Waterloo where he farmed for a few years then to Eden Mills, when he ongaged in the sawmilling and atftewell' went into an oatmeal mill. 186e deceased moved to Stratford 111.1ffollowed the grain business for A. L. Argo and fur 2 years .was with Mr. Redford in the milling industry. Mr. Wtleun be- came a resident of Brussels in 1813 and was for many years grain buyer for the Goldie firm of Guelph at Milstein Gerrie and other places ! Ontario Fruit Growers' Con- ant!. was held in high esteem by his; vention. employers. The subject of his . The above convention will be held notice was twice married, first • to in Orillia, on December 4, 5 and 6. Miss Elizabeth Ramsay, ottunes s , The first public meeting will be held township, in 1817, who died March on the evening ef the 4th of Deem- th, 1869, aged 41 years. Five ber, when there will be a lecture on children were born, John, of Park- "Fungi," by Prof. Panton, of the dale s Ruben, of Saint Paul ; 'TAMPS i " !Agricultural Oollege, Guelph. This deceased ; William, of California,and I will be illustrated with stereopticon David, of Duluth. Mrs. Lunen, of , views and will make the matter very Stratford, was Mr. Wilson's second i dear and interesting. It will be wife and proved herself a true and followed by an address on "Expert - faithful companion to him. Thoy ments on Fungicides," by Prof. inv.' five childree, four of whom are Craig, of the Central Experimental living. " Four years ago deceased i Farm, Ottawa, and this will be tot - had a stroke of paralysis which in,- 'lowed by general discussion. The terfered considerably with his actvi- next public meeting will be held on .ity. wit; followed by four 1Wednesday morning, December 5th, other strokes, something very seldom at 1 30, when experiment station heard of, and is perhaps one of the !work will be discussed. At nine 1 best evidences of Mr. Wilson's spl en- , did constitution. Three weeks ago I he was prostrated upon the floor of the kitchen and from then to the time ,of his decease was unable to speak. 'Ile was a member of the Presbyterian church for many years and was con- nected with the Odd Fellows for up- wards of 50 years. Deceased took an active interest in public affairs in his earlier years and served both on municipal and school boards render- ing good service. He was of ajovial 'disposition with a strong preference fur Scotch recitations and readings which he could render in geed style. A brother (John Wilson, of Ilowick, Iwho was here during a good portion , of Mr, Wilson's late illness), and sister (Mrs. Coutts, of Crosshill), survive him. Mrs. Wilson and family are deeply sympathized with. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon and was largely attended, Rev. D. Millar and Rev. S. Jones, itt :the absence of Rev. J. Ross, conduct - :0d the service. Western Star Lodge members and visitintr Odd Fellows n also attended. • 1c.. D. 0, Pills cure eb.ronic 2011Stt. pation. o'clock on that morning there will he a meeting of the directors. On Tues- day afternoon previous to the meet- ing of the Association, there will be a meeting of the Board of Control of the experiment stations. On Wed- nesday evening there will be the President's address, the election of officers, and one or two papers, with discussion. On Thursday evening there will be an address on "Fertili- zation of Flowers and the Orchard and Vineyard" by Prof. Beach, of the Geneva Experiment Stati011, New York state, and another on "The Codling Moth and the MUM Curetzlio" by Prof. Fletcher of the Central Ex- perimental Farm, It .Never FOIL Norway Pine- Syrup cures conghs, eolds, asthma, bronchitis, sore throat and diseases of the throat and lungs. Price 25 and 5O cents. ......•••••••••i•••• 'sleets. Lawyers wee(' nown 111 BO tt.len te,000 years is ('. The girnilb luta a tuugne Meese: 18 Welles long. The children of the Meekest Afri- cans mat boen whitieh. There are three thins 83 many widows as widuwers, Forty per cent Of Frenchmen are permanent bachelors. Traiued bullfinches are the Queen's favorite cage -birds. The Freneli army is live times as large as it MIS in 1870. A single oyster in a seaeon produces about one Hanlon, MUM', cavEATS,TRADEMARm QOPYRIGHTS, CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? Fora ran& MT. tag:111%V AltAxklIiigt.s. experience in tee patent business. uom unlea. 11:41171V longalri9atitgag"illgt%''Lt: tain, them sent free. Alen a catalogue og mental- 'clire`,1411,7g2 VgIVIrati & co, receive elude' notice Mate Scientific American. and Onus are brought widely before the public with. out cost to tho Inventor. 'This splendid paper, maned weekly, elegantly ill ustrat ed. has by: ar the largest cireulation of any Scientifio work in tho world. SG a year. eannan goatee eentfree. Building Edition. monthly, Wade year. Single conies. •25 cents. Every number contains beau. Ural plates, in colors, and photographs new booms, with plans, enabling builders to show tho lns atest desigand secure eeett.acui. Address 24111s1N & CO.. Nuw Y0101, 301 Il1WAnw4r, • - . ^ .• -• Now is the time to buy your (Jemmies- is now second only to`rls Ty 0 -ii Great Britain i)1eam stna,vigatiou. i ' v ind Mrs. Strauss, of Washington, has the largest rose farm in the world. An average of three British sea- men lose their lives by drowning every day. Western Pecpo say 01 S3ark's . Powders. For Sick troadaelte, Bilioustmes, Neu- ralgia and Liver : Mr. Wm. Grey. formai) G. T, R., FINE QUALITY,WIOUNTED ON o liana.: -1 iiiiiremo for ism or hwolvowit:0'1Am, - ONTARIO. yeard front. Berm liemulaulloo. Nothing SPRING HOLLERS _____ did me good mitt] 1 got SW Ws 'ft y B. TOWLER, P0 w de i'S.'' Mr. HOrtia0 Willa, chief of pollee, Woodstock: -- "Starlets Powders are a sure cure every time." Mr. Maynard, Woodstock : —"They are wonderful." Mrs. Mary Keats, 83 Main .Street, Elamilton : "Suffered for years from dreadful headaches ; tried u° tu be r oe remedies and domors without 0111(th result, but Stark's Powders did the work." She says: "They have ,.,000 of the greatest blessing. to me, in fact they me wondertul." Primo 25e a tee: ; sold by all medicine dealers. • Put this restriction on your pleas- ures; be cautious that they injure no being mint lives. Otttarrhal Deaftleaff. Mildness or dell hearing follows catarrh, colds. ole. Haeyard's Yellow( 011111MM OW the worst eases in a WV applicatioi13. (NT e"ma. 'When you can get them of o• ,,*'" • 1:,(1(1.ititglitiii (lain* ee111.14111)— EVERY FRIDAY MORNING 01' --AT TIIE—• TIMES OFFICE, JOSPHIalt. STREET WINGIIAM, oNTARio. subsortptior.pric;,$.1.1Ocor year,inadvarate ' Space f 1 yn, 1 0 Ine, I Ol mu. olie- °atom12i— 'vie thi (NO 00 i 100 00 ON 00 Ulla " 4') 00 20 00 12 00 4 00 quarter " 20 00 12 061 I 7 00 2 One inell 5 03 3 00 2 110 100 Ceiral and ;stile; mane ativertisenmoits, gm per line for first indertion, imd St, per line fo ;toed subsequent Insertion. Loma ;Mims 10e. pe, line for first 11 sertion, and 5e. per line for each anbsequent Insertlet . No local notice will be charged less than gfic. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations. and Business Chances Wanted, nut exceeding 8 linos nonpareil, ei per month Ileum and Foram for Sale, not exceeding 8 51 or that month, 50e. per subsequent month These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for local advertisements. or Pm longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific direetions, will ne inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Trid,hitory adverthennents must be ! paid in advance Changes tor contraot adverth",ments must be n ttlharr,to,ollvocook by Wednesday noon, in order to appear 11.' PEaLolgiTtitIvit AND PUBLISHER --'-• ••-•. •- DE MACDONALD, CENTRE STREET. Jimmie, where did you get that nickle from ? , It's the money you gave me for the heathen, idol lima. Then why did you keep it.? My teacher. said I was a heathen: —School Board Journal. Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario 25 CENTS —Coroner for County of Iluron— . Office Ilpetalra, next to Mr Alorton'e office, Wing. ham, Ont. • °MOE 11 GUM -0 to 12 a. m., 1 to p. m., or A EW PATTERNS Residence, Diagonal Street. ej P. KENNEDY, M. 8_ Al, C. P.S. 0. (Successor to Dr. J. A, lieldruno NEW DESIGNSrd Medalist of Western University: Late House Surgeon in London General Hospital, f.2.pecinl atten. tion paid to diseases of women and einldren. Office—Formerly occupied by Dr: bieldrum,Corner of Centro nue Patriot streets, 55 01011A61 • • ONT at all prices. 3. L&. CLINE & CO, Hardware Merchants, SroNn flr.ocx, \\Ingham. . . . vi A eAir r r"-onrer -'4 L4\ ls 1(9. 4,:o (1,4 0 0 Josp*e ent, V KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE T 11 E MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never blisters. Read proofs below: KENDALL'S SPAM CURE BLUEPOINT, L.L, N.Y., Jan. 25, 1894. Dr. B. J. KENDALL CO. Gentlemen—I bought a aplendid bay horse some time ago -with a SHaNin. gothim for 830. I used Kendall's spavin Cure. The Spavin to gone now and I have been offered 5150 for tho same horse. I only had him nine weeks, ao I got $120 for using 52 worth of Kendall's Spavin cure. Yours truly, W. S. MAI:sues. KENDALL'S SPAM CURE SHELBY, Mon., Dec. 16, 1893. Dr. E. J. KENDALL CO. Bins—I have used your IrondalPs Spavin Curo with good success for Curbs on two horses and It Is the beat Liniment 2 bave ever used. Yours truly, AUGUST rItEDERICII. Price *1 per Bottle. For Sale by all Druggists, or address Dr. B. J KENDAZZ 00211.P4NY0 ENOSBURGH FALLS. VT. • J. A. ./.1A1,i•TIOlo, W. Scam Mount Forest,. histowel Deposita B000IVEL1 and Interest allowed. Money f,cl'iranced to Farmers and But,iness Men., On long or sbOrt time, cm endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuaborh iToney remitted to all parts of Canada et reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting &ecounts and Votes. ' Agents in Canada--'71to Xerehants' Bank of Canada GEO. %iI CUTS DOWN THE PRICE OF MEM AGAIN. STEAK, 100. PER LB. and other meats in low proportion. PORK SAUSAGE also on hand. X am prepared to pay tho highest price for MI kinds of fowl. They moat bo drawn and well dressed. GEO. SHAW Wingham, Oct. 10th, 1803. JOB PRINTIND TNatint:44 nooks, Pamphlets, Noun, nu Ileatis, Circulars, am, aa., executed in tho best style of the art, at inootevat* pricer, and on short notice, Apply or address ELI.toTT. 'bp*. Mite, Winghon. flE T. CORMYN Office Heurs—From 0 a, m. to 5 p. A.. E. sMITEI, A en . ZETLAND SAW MILL OFFIC!::, MACDONALD'S CLOC.ko 0 of each month. . •si . • h VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc,, funds to loan at, lowest 'rate 1.. iitit- .81,11 *arno pirssoitoenri.eihinteat itl,itioirstgiatfes, town OFFICE—Beavor 'Block WimonAti J. A. MORTON ' RARRISTER , W bighorn out E. L. DICKINSON', Tigni•PI foto/. :Etc. • SOLICITOR TO SANK 01" 18014EY TO LOAN. 011103-111 Oyer 1.11,,olo, jon: hum. --•- DINTISTRY.-J. J EttUME, I,. 8, S., 0 MOAN. Ito inanutaeturafir Ilrst.class sets of teeth as cheep tip y es» be made • owe., ti e Lonindon. Teeth extracted absolutely wi. lung pail , by his now • process, guaranteed parte. tly cafe. OFFICE : In the Heaver Bleck, °ppm Ito the Brunswick House. Wm. H. 1Viacdonald, L. D. 'S., DENTIST. • GEORGE MORISON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Gar Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any rad of Wing - ham. XeOrtitolshy MOM prnoillotly itttelttl co Will visit Gorno ist and 3rd PI 3 0811 RITCHIE, (UMBRA]; INSURANCE AGIINT WordniAti, ONTARIO Sales attended in any part oE the Co. Charges 1)ANDS:DANSA.UsTICtT"I001N.‘ lantoit igEettinom,Folt TE2 comay Moderate. tiEirittlE 1111(015031, Beg 125, Winghant • 0 J (MN OCIRRIU, • INGHAM, ONT., ticEtisitn Atar.riotann. Pour THE .171',ITIEB WINPFIAM s A r 'Lis ozaortv:frtolvilitave..., prompt„tend vi /DIMON AND BRUCE. 1:• The undersigned in returning thanks for past favors,beg leave to say that they here n very large stock of , • LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, BARRELS, WOOD, &c., on band1 which will be sold at very close prices to meet the requirements of the hard times. „ First Class Shingles, WO per I Square. Wood ?Sets. per Cord, delivered. • UNDERTAKERi Everything else:equally low. Orme nod 3 1 too log before buying, as we will hot be undersold, l‘fctalAN ttl UM, Wingham, Juno 7th, 18118. WINGRA1VE, Ate8888/1400011 " i .11. IN f AMES HENDERSON, a) • '• • r 11 ialegglig3) OUCTIONNER POE Comma ilmottil AND, Daum All Poles Attended to promptly and on the 8hirtgli Notice. Cheares Moder/du mid &Hahn:ton Onatenteed. All necessary arrangements tall be made at 'the Tuns' ellice 15 'swum DR, 0. MOBIL 0)11 M. 13. Toronto, Member College PhyelelAtis and Surgeons, Ontario. BmbonAvx money to Loan on Notes, OgrAtiA0 Pates Discounted AT tiflASOTIAELE ItATEg Money Stivatte. ;I en Mottoonges at st pet euntwit prtylleen of }myrtle fa the end 'of enY PAN Note and aecOunts nollentna, XtOZT, lititoiN1100. Rearm' Bleck Wifighent, Ont. "ti . 11 •