HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-11-23, Page 54.
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ORA 311.v. OREF.V.V. the Mayor, as stated in lila 011-1, it WaS reported to him that Robert. •
davit. Lowry was in a starving' conditions
A CASE IXTEREAT TO MUNICIPAL It is contended that the plaintiff and he went oriel made laquiry Into
COUNCILS. has not been candid and truthful in the matter and found him in a bad
: making his ease for an injunction, I state, and be recommended that some
The following is the full text of the cannot see that there is any material assistance be granted him. M. DI;
judgment delivered by His Honer, suppression of filet or misrepresenta- Ment reported 'that Thos. GU:aloes
Judge Chadwick, of Guelph, in the tion. The affidavits Were suffielent has put box and screen in drain at
end of tiles, and he recommended
payment of his account of 2.50.
Mr, Gemmill reported that he had let
a job of culvert on gravel road to
Wm. Hayes, at $8, jab completed ;
also, let a job of putting a railing
on largo culvert, to Robert Lane, at
111'0,25, and lie recommended, that
Turnberry's share of both the above
case of Crain) V. Mount Forest . without saying that he did not get
T1118 action it brought by a mem- notiee of meetings, and I am not pro-
ber of the Councit of biount Forest topared to say froni the affidavits tiled
prevent interference with Ills right by defendants that the plaintiff did
to be present at the meetings of that , have notice of meetings. There
body. It appears that at a meeting " seems to have been a loose mode ot
on Oct. lst, plaintiff spoke of some : business 88 to eommittees—meeaing
members as "such characters," and by chance—but reports wore put in
refusing to apologize or rotraet these and 'there sbould have 1)008 meet -
words, he was removed by order of lugs. .1 am notaairprised that plain- accounts be paid. Moved, by Mr,
the Mayor.. At another meeting ontiff should think meetings were held Musgrove, seconded by Air. Diment,
the 15th Oct. the subject was again ; of which he had no notice. The ale- that Colin Eadie be refunded $2,14„
brought up, and plaintiff again put • davits do not show proof of a single error in assessment—Carried, Moved
out. I notification of any eommittee meet- by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded by
. The main question I have to decideling except that at the first 'council Mr. Musgrove, that Mrs. Birney be
is, broadly, whether any power exists meeting plaintiff was asked to remain refunded 57 cents, error in assess -
for proceedings such as are corn- to elect chairmen in two committees. ment—sMoved by Mr. Diment, se
planed of. The caeo of Doyle v. It is shown that the bonus committee condecl by Mr, Cruickshank, that
Falconer, 1 P. a C., 328, and Lan- Met specially once, but it is not Adam. Reid be refunded $1, dog tax
ders v. Woodworth, 2 sup. Ct,, 158, shown that plaintiff had notice, --Carried. The, annual report otthe
decided that legislative assemblies (in Boulcling says he notified when in- Board of Health was read by the
one ease that of • Dominica, in the structed, but atops short of saying Clerk. Moved by Mr. Dinient se -
other of Nova, Scotia,) have no power,
in the absence of express grant, to
remove a member for contempt,
unless he is actually obstructing the
business of the House. This, of
course, applies to all legislative and
representative bodies in this country.
There is no pretence here that plain-
tiff was obstructing business, except
in so far as, he refused to do what the
Mayor and others insisted he must
do. In fact the obstruction came from
the other members, just as it was in
the Landers v. Woodworth case, as
pointed out by the Chief Justice.
s The defendants, therefore, are
driven to rely upon the alleged by-
law No. 210, which is as follows
"That the Mayor or chairman may
order and cause any members of the
Council using
indecorous language or estoppel.
personalities, or who may refuse
to A question is raised as to parties.
obey the orders of the Mayor or It does not seem -important as it a! -
chairman, when called to order, or fcets only the costs, and all -dcfen-
who in an!,,- way may offend against, slants appear by one solicitoe. Short -
transgress or break any of the rates ly, 1 think they 'were all properly
and regulations herein contained, joined. See Holt v. Medonto, 22
regulating the conduct of members Ont., 302.
at any meeting of the council or of I have some doubt • as to ho'W
any committee thereof, to .be removed should disposed of the ()este. As
by the chief of police or any other opposed to the ordinary rUlerit may
constable from the council chamber be said that plaintiff's conduct was
or place of such meetings, and such such that he is not entitled to eon -
member shall not be entitled to again sideration, that he might have sa4ed
take his seat at such council or eana. trouble by submitting and withdraw-
mittee meeting until heshall have
apologized for his conduct to tho.
council or committee, or shall have
withdrawn his indecorous or personal
It is to be observed that this by-
law, even if a valid one, would not
justify the action taken at the meet-
ing of 15th October, because at the
most it only provides for removal,
etc., of the offender during "such
council or committee meetings," that
is, the meeting at which the offence
is committed.
But I think the by-law is in ex-
cess of any authority. Section 288
of the 'Municipal Act, is the only one
nudes which it can be claimed—it
-enables councils to "make- regular
tions not specifically provided for by
this Act, and not d'ontrary to law,
for governing the proceedingsof the
council, the conduct of its members,
the appointing of special meetings,"
ete. Supposing these words to cover
regulations as to indecorous language
and personalities, there is no power
given to punish for disregard of
them,. and I do not think any can be
implied, because "80 such power is
necessary to the existence of such a
body and the proper exercise of the
functions *which it is intended to ex-
ocute."--Doyle v. Falconer,. p. 340,•
and further on grounds of public
policy, for reasons mentioned in the
cases cited. A plain reason is, that
in an evenly divided body, a major-
ity could be obtained for ono side,
by the simple process of declaring
some simple word, objectionable, one
party being accusers, a partisan pre-
siding officer exercising the judicial
'function, and the sentence of expun
mon being carried. into effect. And .—filed • from Council of Culross, it •-grav°1 / Peter McLaren,' $50, part
again, a member of the council is not gravelling on boundary ; from John salary.
Meeting adjourned to meet
there as an individual, but as repre-1 in Mellonaid's hall, Bluevale, Decem- •
senting others on whose McKinnon, re drain ; from C. A.
ber 160 1894„ at 10 °tie&
behalf jories, Township Engineer, rc Powell
that he ever received instructions. °ended by Mr. Musgrove, that the
I do not think it necessary to go report of the Board of' Health be
over all the grounds on this point— received, and adopted and that their
the plaintiff's affidavit was a very accounts be paid --Carried. Moved
full. and reasonable statement of by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded by
everything important: Mr. Diment, that Robert Leathern be
Now it is said that plaintiff cannot refunded $1.95, error in assessment
object to the by-law because, 10 18 al- —Carried. Moved by Mr. Gemuaill,
leged, he voted and spoke in favor of seconded by Mr. Musgrove, that on
it. I cannot find as a faet that he the application of James Powell to
did so. Tbo evidence is conflicting. have Government drain in cons. 6
One says he voted,- another that he and.? cleaned out , the Clerk be in -
spoke. Plaintiff says no vote was strutted to send for the Township
taken and that he merely remarked Engineer to attend to the same—
when the motion' was put through, Carried. Moved by Mr. Diluent,
that he hoped it would have a good seconded by Mr. Musgrove, that Jos.
effect, This hardly amounts to Kitchen -be refunded $2.25 on account
speaking in favor of it. But I can- of being assessed in the wrong School
not see that any case is made upon Section and that the -same be taken
which to set up the doctrine of from the money raised for No. 9
School ,aection—Carried. Moved by
Mr. Diment, seconded by Mr. Mus-
grove, that -Mr. Cruickshank be ap-
pointed to examine John McKinnon's
drain this week, and if it is a Gov-
ernment drain paid for by assessinent
that the Township Engineer be noti-
fied to have it cleaned out—Carried.
Moved by Mr. Gemmill, seconded
by Mr. Diment, that Gavin Davidson
be refunded 69 cents, error in assess-
nient--Carried. Moved by Mr.
Cruickshank, seconded: by,Mr, Di-
ment, - that Mrs. D. Johnston be re-
funded $1 dog tax—Carried. Moved
ing his words. He might well have • by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded by
done so, but he was within his right Mr. Diment, that the Reeve be.in-
in refusing to submit to, what was a strutted to assist -the Treasurer to
sort of punishment, a humiliation. It make annual statement — Carried.
is as reasonable to say that the of-
fended members could have let pass
words that I cannot consider realty
of any serious importance. • Before
he uttered them the plaintiff was not by Mr.Cruickshank, seconded by Mr.
being treated•with much delicacy. Diment, that Walter Paterson be re -
Right or wrong he had been recogniz- funded 50 cents, for . error assess-
ed to a certain extent as chairman. ment —Carried. Tho following ac -
of the Police committee. He had counts were passed and orders on
acted as such without objection. for Treasurer issued : Municipality of
some time, and then his authority is Culross, $13.50, gravelling; Doff &
Suddenly questioned and steps taken Stewart, 40 cents, lumber ; W. B.
to remove hhu entirely from the corn- Towles, $4, Medical Health - Officer's
mittee. It is said he neglected to call toes; Malcolth Lamont, 1.)5, Member
the committee together, but it seems- Beard Health fees ; Wm. McPherson,
the members wal not attend. -From $4, do.; Gemmill, $4, do.; Jas.
the mayor's affidavit I - gather. that Elliot, $4, do.; John Burgess, $7,.
when plaintiff Sought to explain Ile Secretary Board of Health ; Robert
was asked to resign "rather than be Lowry, $4, charity ; Jelin J. Robin -
put off." The impression on _my- son,. $2, culvert; Robt. Hogg, $1.50„
mind is that he was not being treated- repairing B. bridge ; Thos. Gil -
fairly. On the whole, I think that mour,.$2.50, box and screen in drain ;
the defendants other than the cor- Win. Hayes, $1.50, culvert; Howick
potation are not entitled to particular boundary ; Robert Lane, $1.62, rail -
consideration and having driven ing, Howick boundary; Robert Lea-
Plaintiff:to this court, they should thorn, $1.05, error in assesSment ; J.
beat- the cost. Kitchen, $2.25; do.; Colin Eadie,
$2.14, clo. Wm.Eagleson, $4, culvert;
• TURNBERRII. • Hugh Arekay, $1, refund dog tax ;
The Municipal Council of the
Township of Turnberry met in Me -
Donald's hall, Bluevale November.
19th 1894. Members all present. Reid, $1, refund dog tax ; Mrs. John -
The 'Reeve in- the chair. Minutes of. atoll, $1, do.; John Stapleton, $5.40,
draining ; Arthur Stapleton, 40 cents,
last meeting. read, approved and.
gravelling ; Frank Wright, $1, re-
signed. Comnamications were read
fund of dog' tax; Samuel Leggatt,
from Messrs.Cameron,Holt& Holmes,
$22.50„ opening Kinloss boundary;
re costs in Bryce's suit—filed; from
Nelsou Ritchie, Civil Engineer. re _Smith & Pethick, $9:21, Spikes; R.
Porter,$4, culvert; John Little, $2.25,
appointment for Township Engineer
Moved by Mr. Gernmill, seconded by
fr. Musgrove, that Smith & Pethick
be paid their account for spikes, less
those got by Moore—Carried. Moved
Walter Paterson, 50 cents, error in
assessment ; Gavin Davidson, 69 ets„
do.; Mrs. Disney, 57 cents, do.; Adam
.his duty and privilege to take part aratn_....411ad,t from James Powell) re
• drain, The &CVO reported that •
In the proceeding's.
:Tong Buitagss, Tp. Clerk.
The plaintiff has; therefore, in MY along' with Mr. MusgroSt lie had
Bond r t" Sot arra 1) era
ntivi to Got A "Sunlittre Pieture,
been fin .• • •
— 11%1 1.1 P
ProPel13' lenION ed examined job of gravellince on Cut- pet beating the words "Why DOQS a WO. -
from either meeting—certainly from ioss boundary, opposite lot 19, and an Look Old Sooner Than a man") to
that of Oetober 15, from which he
was removed, not beettuse of funher found job had been accepted by Lever Bees., Ltd., 48 Scott St., Toronto,
and you will receive by pest a pretty pie.
offensiVe language, as to which there bad re • d 1
Onlross; also, that Sohn .T. Robinson
. , ture, free from advertising, and well worth
pant tot ar culvert on Utn framing. This is an easy way to decorate
IS considerable rootn for doubt, buten-- your home. The soap is the best in I Lie
1)0=150 of his refusing to retract the ea
Concession, at $2, and he recomm rl
market itha it wilt only Cost one cent post.
payment ; also, that Robt. IlOgg
age to send in the wrappars, if you leave
words of October litt, and in pur-, had. repaired.13. line b id
ge, at $1.50, rho enas open. Write your address ear0.
SUMO of the can..esied intention of A and he recommended payment; also, folly. •
Brings comfort and improvemo4 and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The aany, 'ho live bet.
ter than others and enjoy life more, wi111
leas expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
tho value to health of the puro liquid
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Syrup of Figs.
excellence is duo to its presenting
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It has given satisfaction to millions and
mot With the approval of the medical
profession, because it.acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them and 10 18 perfectly free fror.a
crveiy objectionable substance.
S,yr9p of Figs is for sale byall drug-
gists in 750. bottles, but itis manu-
factured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name Syrup of Figs.
and being well informed,you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
Mr. A. Gordon, teacher in No. 3,
has moved to the house on the Strath
estate, and Mr. Wm. Castles takes
possession of the one vacated. --The
Patrons have changed their time and
place of meeting and from henceforth
will meet in a vacant house of Mr.
J. McRae's.--•--The Temperance pee-
iple on the 6011 con. gave an enter-
tainment in the school house, which
was a success in every particular.—
Mr. Jas. Alliston, who was down with
typhoid fever is recovering slowly.—
To all appearance we have winter in
earnest and some of the tardy ones
are caught with their turnips in the
ground.—Master Willie Goble, who
had his arm fractured, is about all
right again.
The many friends of Prof. Thomp-
son in this section will be sorry to
read the following from the Toronto
Globe. Me. Thompson is a brother
of Mr. Jas. Thompson of Turnberry:
"The graduates and students of Knox.
College will regret to learn that Rev.
Dr. R. Y. Thompson, who for the past
four years has held the ehair of Old
Testament literature -and apologeties,
is too ill to continue his labors as
professor at Knox Three weeks ago
a pulmonary trouble !overcame him
and he was forced to go smith for the
winter at•least. There was a pro-
tracted meeting of the Knox College
senate Tuesday to discuss the filling
of his place. It is understood that
Dr. Thompson has tendered his
resignation, and that after four hours'
discussion the senate decided to let.
the matter stand in abeyance for the
present. In the meantime Rev. Mr.
Ramsay, Mount Forest, bas been ap-
pointed, to begin lectures after the
new year on Biblical literature. Rev.
Dr. Thompson took his course in
theology at Knox and his arts at
Toronto University simultaneously,
and so brilliant was his career that
he succeeded in heading the classes
at both universities in the finals."
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