HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-11-23, Page 1UE
VOL. XXIII.---NO. 1196.
The BEAR has beeu making preparations
for a Big Fall Trade by gathering together
a large and well -selected stook of Goods in
•every line, all bought at the lowest and best
markets and walked at the =tallest margin
.of profit. Goods were never as cheap as
this season, which you will admit after
•calling and getting prices for anything you
need, let it be what it may. Dress Goods,
Flannels, Underwear or Staples, Furs,
Ready -Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes and
Groceries. And in order to futher help
you and make a $ go as far as possible, we
will give to all Cash Buyers a STRAIGHT DIS-
420NT or 10 PER CENT., instead of our present
system, on all purchases, let it only be 10
cents, (with one exception only, sugar.)
Remember our goods are marked as .low
as any in the trade and we will not be
undersold. We still hold the reputation for
the best Tea in Wingham at 35 cents, 3 lbs.
or one dollar, 5 lbs. for one dollar and fifty
%kg. elogkr
The Only Direct Importers.
'Tire BEAU, Oct, 11th,1894.
Marriage Licenses
betted by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic-
toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
. t.Espr Place in Canada to 0
• ,Illir get a Business Edu- •
• w' ca. ion; Shorthand, z.
I et.. is at the Gen.
---- • - . - • - .trui Business Col- 4,
lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford. Ont. 4,
Unquegionably Canada s GreatestCons-
•snerclel Schools. Cats inues free. Men-
tion this paper. Shaw & Wilco, Principals. 0
Town and Farm Property sold on coin.
misition, to the best advantage of both
buyer andseller. • No sale'no charge.
Rents collected and propertylooked after.
Those desiring insurance should select
one of the -following old and. reliable English
stock comport -lea
Sun Fire Insurance Company, (Esteb-
lished 1710.)
Norwich Union Insurance Company,
(established 1797.)
• Alliance Fire Assurance Company, (es-
tablithed 1824.)
• Lancashire Fire Insurance Company,
(established 1852.)
S. Y01311.ILL,
Beal Estate and Fire Insurance Agent,
Kent Block, Wingbam.
Baby earring
• riage, at T. E.
nners, to fit any cam
—An assembly we
once Hall, on Friday
enjoyable time was
Kerr's Fair will
eld stand, Dem
than ever.
—The property oaered for sale by Mr.
Chas. Gillespie, by. emotion, on Saturday
last, was not seta. t did not reach the
price expected by th. owner, and was with-
drawn. •
"Baby' S Own" Toilet Soap 10 dents.per
-cake. at Illa ouse. W. T •rxs.
'1-41r, John 'or is thielweek driving
It, is expected that L will need fifty or more
piles to make a goo- job of it. .
piles in
held in the Temper -
last. A most
y those present.
n in E. O. Clarke's
Groceries cheaper
tho ziver to"moteathe wheel -house
•of the waterworks -rom being inundated.
For Saie—A n tuber of &Mem' and
White Leghorn rc isters. Prices reason...7,'
able, Apply to W. Ta.vx.on, Wingbain..
4, •
k4t-littr. Jelin Rerl Inns rented the premises
now oeoupied.by E. C. Clarke, tailor,
next door to Mrs. Herdsman's millinery
establislattent, ari will neMe his stock of
1 46
meet , else ousehold furnit\ire, into
said premises the int weelt in Deceinber.4
—For firet-class tailorihg and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster di Co.
Remember the place, one door south of
R. A. Graham's grocery store.
—The Board of ealth of the town of
Berlin has issued i order requiring that
ttll fresh meat expo for Sale in the town
by persons not resi it shall be exposed on
the market place fo aperiod not less than
fifteen minutes fo •the purpose of inspee-
tion. Also that all Steens not residing in
the municipality oh iring or exposing beef
for sale within the trimielpality shall pro-
allOtt head and lungs ,
New Peel
and pur
Ci—We had qt
day night, and some
the soft weather on
is, new Currants
11 of snow on Sun -
has fallen since, but
Wednesday has taken
it nearly all away.
—Boots and shoes neatly and promptly
repaired. Goon Bitoeueus, The New Shoe
—The Be. R. S. Anderson, M. A., B.
D., was inducted intj the pastoral oharge
of the congregation It Wroxeter, by the
Presbytery of Maitla , on Nov. 14th inst.
Railroad accident! terrible loss of life,
but no loss of time, for the watoh was
nought at PATTERSON'S Jewellery store.
—Brigadier MargAts will assist at the
services of the Sadie tion Army, on Satur-
day and Sunday ne. Capt. H. Cookerill
is the officer nowj4 Marge of the Army.
Parties wi bi g to Learn Shorthand will
do well to a, pm vitally or by letter for
informatioxfiid ten is to,
se—One day last we • a couple of loads of
town nimrods drove it to the neighbor-
hood of Blackhorse, a d spent a day hunt-
ing. They secured a large number of
rabbits, &a.
Take Nbtiee.—The TIMES and
Weekly Globe will be sent to any address
in Canada or the United States, from now
till January lst, 1890, for one dollar, pay-
able in advance.
Messra. W. J. 0'
and H. P. Chapman
other day for Den
they have consider
shape of real estate,
Mr. Thornton, form
expect to be absent
apman, of Winghem,
of • Ripley, left the
er, Colorado, where
ble •property in the
left them by the late
ly of this town. They
bout a monthV
—J. Golley, Veterinary Surgeon—Offiee
and infirmary : 132 Victoria street west.
Residence 125 Minnie street, Ridd's
former residence. Calls promptly attended
to, day or night.
—Service at the
next Sunday at 11
day School at 2.,
pastor morning a
subject: "Rejoicir
"Sowing and reapii
Mr. E. C. Clarke, being about to leave
Wingham, will dispose of his Furniture
and Household Effects by private sale.
Can be seen at any time at the house on
Patrick Street, and if not disposed of by
the 28th iust., will be sold by publio auc-
tion, on Friday, 30th inst. Also a number
of very fine house p1ats.
Congregational church
. m. and 7 p. m. Sun-
. Preaching by the
evening : Morning
." Evening subject
g." All are cordially
James He
road, shipped a fin
Mr. W. Jackman,
county, West Vir
It went by expres
days to reach its d.
son gives conside
breeding of Berksh
iderson, of the Bluevale
Berkshire sow pig to
f Great Bridge, Norfolk
nia, on Monday last.
and it will take four
tination. Mr. Hender-
ble attention to the
•e swine. °Oat.'
—Mies Charlottg MoDonalcl wishes to
intiniate to the ladies of Winghem and
vioinity that the Dress and Mantle malting
business, formerly carried on by Miss M.
Johnston, will be continued by her in the
old stand, Gregory Blook, Prof. Moody's
tailor system thught. Cutting and fitting
a specialte .
—Our former wnsman, H. W. C.
Meyer, Esq., Q. C., f Calgary, N. W. T.,
has recently bee elected High Chief
Ranger of the 1 •dependent Order of
Foresters of the ' lorthwest Territories.
The November issui of the Independent
Forester contains a eery good picture and
a short blographicalieketeli-lif Mr. Meyer.
His many friends ti t- vicinity will be
pleased. to learn the the people of the fat
west are recognizing/genuine' worth.
e "e •
—I areatill here -in, Wingham in the.
Furniture and. Undertaking business, and
eordiallyinvite anyine wanting goods in
my line to call ai-d see for yourselves
where you can ge eat va ue for your
t b
money. Don't be
interested parties
wino and see for
here to be nndersol
picture Framing o
bear this in mind.
—The entertain
assisted by her pup
oceived by what some
lay about prices, but
yourselves, lam not
either hi Furniture,
Tindertaking. Please
actieal 'Undertaker,
ent to be given on
t, by Miss Houghton,
s and °there, promises
to be the event of tl season. Theoperetta
is a high•class one, ild Miss Houghton has
• spared no pains o get her assistants
thoroughly drilled 4r the Occasion. The
cute of characters sa good one, and the
• eliornses by 50 'Ye es will be one of the
features of the rformattee. The town
• hall stage will be one too large to accom-
modate those t (Mg part, Admission 25
• etas; ohildr n 15 cents. Seats may be
reserved wit extra charge at letr, Z. It.
Munehaw's flewelry store, where plan of
hall den be oen.
For the latest and nobbiest Flair Pins,
call at PATTERSON'S Jewellery Store.
CA -Mr. John El r is aside with a
felon on one of his tan
Baby carriage r ners, to fit any car-
riage, at T. E. s.
U;,4•L Mr, E. C. Clark has epld his tailoring
business and outfit Mr. Wrn, Barrand.
—Cheap Lamp Goods, H. E. Seem,
Macdonald's Block, Wingharn.
-•The snow and it snap is having its
effect upon busiess which is brightening
up conaiderably.
It is your own fat .t if you suffer with.
headache or neuralg A, when Phenyo-Caffein
is a sure cure.
\-If winter sets i • now there will be a
water famine in -tome sections. Many
wells are still dry , ind the best of them
have only sufficien', water for present use.
—J. R. Reynolds' stock of groceries at
cost, at H. E. SNELL's, Macdonald's Block,
—Very fine pickles of the Town Council
and School Board, )ddfellow and Orange
lodges were taken last week by the travel-
ling photographers who were doing the
--Trunks, valises, leather begsatc. New
stock just received at GOOD Buoerrims, The
New Shoe Store.
—Strathroy has t o cases of small -pox.
It is to be hoped th t this dreaded disease
will not gain a foot old in Ontario. The
law in regard to eccinietion should be
enforced, and eve thing possible done to
prevent the spree, of this malignant dis-
I have just opened up an import order
of Fancy German Table China, in all the
latest designs. Call and see them at the
China House. W. T. YATES.
—Man is a har ster. He begins life at
the cradle; lear e to handle the fork;
often haeletkish • ays and sows wild oats,
threshes his way through the world. and
when he arrives I the sere and yellow leaf
time mows him twit and his remains are
planted in the hi ide.
—G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 6.25 a. m. and 11.20 a.
m., via W. G. & B.; 6.35 a. m. and 3.25
p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con-
nections by all trains.
—Our exchange are warning the public
against a Russian Jew named Semiskoff,
aged 22, short stab re, full brown beard,
fairly well dress , and speaks broken
English, who is sol iting assistance on the
plea that he has een deserted by his
Jewish brethren cause he has turned
Christian. His w ole story is a fabricae
',ANTED to borr w for a term of years—
$3,000 on good farm security, at 5 per cent.
interest. For particulars apply at Trues
Offioe, Wingham, Ont.
—A. "tell-tale" mijk jug has just been
deifsed in Engla5d. It is a glass measure
graduated at every quarter pint. Below
the pint and half it marks three lines
are etched showing the tickness of cream
which should appea in milk of average
quality, in good an in very good milk,
thus measuring bo quantity and quality.
It is to 'be hoped t t such a useful measure
will soon make its' appearance in the Do-
Take Not e.—The num and
Weekly Globe will be sent to any address
in Canadabbs tJnited States, from
till January let, 1896, for one dollar, pay-
able in advance.
--Mr. T. J. Shanks, lately editor of the
Kingston Daily New , has commenced fit
that city the publiceion of an eight -page
weekly journal called .he Young People's
Paper, mica with sto ies and miscellaneous
reading matter of at h a ohmmeter as both
to interest and benef the rising generation.
At the low price of .0c. a year it ought to
nd an entrance oto every Canadian
•4o, r nil y circle. Furt er particulars regard-
ing this new poriodi al will be found in
our advertising cola ins.
Hundreds of peop
cures headache or n
thing else has finite
—By actual mem
at contains, mine'
301,805 vocabulary
the Appendix of Pt.
PhratteP, ete., contai
ing tits total vocabu
849,333—this after
exercised to exclude
immense increase of
English Language
that the vocabulary
tional Dictionary
Century Dictionety
write Phenyo-Caffein
uralgia when eyery-
ie Standard Diction -
e of the Appendix,
cis and phrases, and
er Names, Foreign
47,408 entries, mak-
ary of the Dieticeary
rent ears has been
1 useless words. The
the vocabulary of the
pears from the fact
Webeter's Interne.
125,000 and the
Three cans Lobefe6 for 25 mints, at J.
McKelvie's Star urant.
0-Mesers. Malt r Brothers, of the fruit
evaporator, hay closed down operations
for the season.
The latest Com go Pins, in gold.and sil-
ver, at Perreusex's Jewellery store.
'-'.Mr. J. W. Gre n, late of the Mildmay
Gazette, has am ed a position as can-
vasser for the Tor to Meal.
—Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A.
Graham's market grocery.
—Olivette Lodge, l',ebekah Degree, I. 0.
is making maid progress. There
were two initiations at the meeting on
Tuesday evening.
—Watolies, clocks and jewelry promptly
repaired and fully warranted by Heesee
Pane, Meyer Block, Wingham.
--Brussels will hole its first horse fair
of the season on dm Oth of December.
Why cannot our 0- until arrange for the
holding of such a fai in W' am month-
Jno. Kerr will ov is stock of Grocer-
ies deo., on Mon ec. 3rd, into the store
at present ow d by Mr. E. C. Clarke,
—The local W. C. T U. are arranging to
secure the Rev. Mr. Celeblediok,of Brussels,
to give an address at their next Gospel
Temperance meeting. Further particulars
as to date and progra, ems will be given
—Private moneys to loan on mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
--The Grand Tru has issued the fol-
lowing circular sig ed by the General
Manager, which exp airs itself : Several
fatal accidents havir occurred recently in
consequence of cat le running at large
being on the railwy, notice is hereby
given that, in order 1..3 protect tho
and prevent the 5 struetion of life and
property, the Grand Trunk Railway Com-
pany of Canada will from the date of this
notice forward, cau to be impounded all
horses, mettle, sheep • swine found runn-
ing at large withi , half a mile of any
public road crossing of their railway, in
accordance with the statute in that baluelf.
The following ons , tried at Goderich
lately, will prove i -teresting to farmers
engaged in the sto k raising business in
this district :—"The judgment in Baechler
v. Andrews declares that by reason of the
plaintiff failing to f rnish the cattle with
good and sufficient asturage, the defend-
ants are exonerated from their contract to
purchase the cattle, hat as to the fifty
head which defend(' ts fed in their stables,
they fed them at tbe eguest of the plaintiff
and he is liable for eir feed. The result
is that plaintiff's acti n is dismissed with
costs and that defen nts recover against
plaintiff on their cou terolaim the sum of
$512 and costs. Ayls orth, Q. C., and M.
0. Johnston for plai tiff, Garrow, Q. C.,
and Proudfoot for defe dents."
Please Pa Now.
We send out in thiq issue of the TIMES
a number of reminds of the amount
due on subscription, '.nd will be pleased
if those receiving the notices will remit
the amount at once, We must have all
subscription account4 settled by the Jet
of January next. J ]arge number have
settled during the pet few weeks, and
the have our thattlra.
Perso ials.
Miss Mahood, of lAnoardine, is visiting
at Miss Galbraith's.
Miss Lundy, of 3lyth, is a guest at
Mr. F. H. Itoderus'. .
Miss Nellie Bell, who has been taking
a course at Alma Ladies' College, St.
Thomas, has returnei home again.
Hairy Day and lis wife left Int week
for England. They xpect to spend Christ-
mas in the land of nt-tletoe and holly.
• Carpets Along ith Furniture,
Anyone wanting o buy furniture or
carpets this fall an wanting to get the
beat value far their money, I would ask
them to cell and see what I have to offer
in Bed Room Suites, Parlor Suites, Side-
boards, Mietresses, B 01 ' ,
tem I have all sucte goods on hand and I
want to sell them, a d no matter what
prices are quoted yo elsewhere don't buy
until you call and see what styles and
prices 1 have. Not nly the best value in
furniture, but to an one who purchases .
$40 worth and or of furniture 1 will'
supply carpets at st direct from the
manufaeturer. 11 ne ssary you can get the ,
carpets made to erd to fit your rooms, .
cut, matched and owed all ready for ,
putting down. Thi _is a special offer and •
a chance to get youlooins carpeted cheap.
Remember this offeshis from
Furnitu 'Dealer, Wirightim.
Oysters served in every style at the
Oity restaurant. • W. A.. JOHNS.
—Mr. Wm. Oleg!
shipped upwards Of 3,tj
from his store hieme
-Mr. Thos. Corny
last week consultin
health not having
grain merchant,
00 bushels of wheat
ring the week.
sr., was in Toronto
a specialist, his
been good f onne
Full stook of Canned
ary, dm., as usual, and
s, Conlection-
U at closest prices,
--Mrs. James John .ton, of Palmerston,
whose property was cl inaged by fire last
week, has made a Settlement with the
insurance company i regard to her loss,
and intends to repair the building as soon
as possible. k.e
V—Mr. Colin Kennriy, son of Mrs. S.
Kennedy, of this tow _, while working in
Teeswater, on Fridau last, killing pigs,
overlifted and injure. himself seriously.
At last accounts he was doing as well as
could be expected. -
The City restaurant is the •nlv place
in Wingham where W k. s celebrated
candies can be purcha W.
—Walkerton is agLated over the cow
question — whether hey should run at
large Cr not. It is ab at time that a town
of the pretentions of Valkerton closed out
the cow question at 5 refused to have
bovines pasturing on i s streets.
—The Pork Paolo s Association of Can-
ada have issued 1 is following rules to
govern the purchash g of dressed hogs this
season, of which fart ters and others inter-
ested should make a tote and govern them-
-Lone boots, hand made and factory -
made. `The best and cheapest in the
couuty. GOOD BROTHERS, The New Shoe
selves accordingly :
hogsa deduction of 2
That on all dressed
gut left in, 4 lbs. be
all shoulder stuck I
ducted, according to
4. That dressed hog
and gullet left in, 3
That boars are un
on all stags, if accep
shall be deducted.
sows only be purch
from 50c. to 81 per
mutilated hams a
lbs, be made, accor
Take Nati
. That on all dressed
s per hog be made. 2.
togs with the bung
educted. 3. That on
gs, 5 to 10 lbs. be de -
amount of damage.
not open at the breast
bs. be deducted. 5.
rebuttable. 6. That
ed by buyers, one-half
That aged and flabby
sed at a deduction of
100 lbs. 8. That on
allowance of 5 to 10
ing to damage.
—The TIMES and
Weekly Globe will be sent to any address
in Canada or the 'Welted States, front now
till January 1st, 1895, for one dollar, limy -
able in advance.
—The Salvation Pamy is preparing for
their annual Self -Den el Week, which will
b3 celebrated rougl-nut the Dominion of
Canada, from Decenner 1st to 8th inclu-
sive. The proceeds w rich have been raised
in other years throng this concentrated
effort, has been a remarkable testimony to
the Army's develops tent and activity.
Every member of the
numerous friends of
asked to abstain from
and in come cases, ofli.
deternined to do with
PS is ordinarily cons
order to raise funds t
tion Army in its man
The Social operatic.)
been greatly develo
twelve months, and,
quence, the demands
Army have increase
greater efforts to rais
during the Self -Do
amount aimed for is.
Misses Hodgins w'sh to'
ladies of Wingbarn itt
netted Dressmak g
work done in the
able rates, by e
denoe—Victoria street, second hones west
of salt block.
irmy, as well as tha
.5 institutions, are
some or all luxuries,
era and soldiers have
'ut e'en expenditure
dered necessary in
support the Salve-
fferent branches.
s, especially, have
d during the last
IA a natural conse-
pon the funds 01 the
which will require
an increased amount
al Week. The total
timate to the
ev have cote-
Winglutm. All
. style, end at reason-
erienced Minds. Ilesi-
A Chil,i Enjoys
That pleasant flay r, gentle action and
soothing effects of :Syrup of Pim., when in
need tef a laxative, and if the father or
mother is costive er 1-ilions, the moat
gratifying results 'Weal its use; SO that it
is the best fanniv temedy known, and
every family shotild have a bottle on hand.
Take Nottee.---The Truss and
Weekly Globe will be sent to any address,
in Caned* or the tTnited States, from now
till January 1st, 1896, for one dollar, pay.
able in *Ammo&
—Your poultry n ay be neglected; that ia
your fault, and you .• loss. ronr grand-
mother's ideas wi 1 not suit modem,
methods, however good these ideas inigha
have been, they ar old now, and ant of
date. Everything connected with poultry.
is fully explained i the Canadian Poultry
Review, Toronto, a arge monthly mega -
zine, sent at one dol ar per year, or tetra*,
new subscribers for 1.50. A free sample
copy will be sent ou readers on addressing
a postal card to tl publisher, H. B.
Donovan. The Ravi v is nearing its nine-.
teenth year. Get rid f your old roostere
and buy it young thor gbhred to grade up.
your flock.
—Mr. J. M, Reberts See. Treas. of the
West Wawanosh 'Matted Fire Insurance.
Co. was in town on Frit am last on businese
connected with the Co (many. In looking
over the report of the leoard of Directors
for the year 1893 it is noticei that the
!ffffaIrs of the Company ati•e in a vary setia-
factory condition. They had 2130 policies
in force, total assets, 0,640;$Nliabilities,
nil. They paid out in] 'see by tire $1957.25.
During this year they 1 ave issned over 900
policies and expect h molt 1,000 before
the end of the year. he average cost te
policy holders for th, Jest foer years wan
$1.75 upon each $l,00, or about 173 cento
on each $100 per a ilium. isfr. Finlay-
: Anderson, of Belgrav, is agent for the
' C =pony in this (Hazlet. 'Be has up to,
the present time taken (pp lications covering
risks to the amount of $142,925, which
shows that the comps, iy is very popular.
' amongst those wishin; insurance.
Obitu ry. •
The following notic * of the late Sohn N.
Knechtel, of Brussels !father of Mrs. (Rev.)
Perrie, of this town, we take from the.
Brussels Post of laza week: Early on,
Monday morning the spirit of Joleu N.
Knechtel took its fligl t. The deceased was;
born in Ilitcheuhans , Bavaria, Germany.
and along with his p rents came to Caned.
when 12 years of a . They located in
Waterloo County a a the subject of thio
notice learned the hoemaking at Berlin,
and afterward the t nner's trade at Strat-
ford. He managed oth of these trades at
Egmondville in late years before coming
to Brussels in 1854 When he reached.
Ainleyville there w re two other resideuta
here Wm. Ainley and. Thos. Halliday.
From the former e purchased the first
village lot sold an afterward the farm.
adjoining the town Dering his sojourn -of
40 years here he d splayed his energy 'in
going into the me centile business and be
also operated a sh shop, harness shop
and tannery. Six years ago Mr. Knechtel
went to the West, ook up land and openect.
a store at Killanr y, Manitoba, where he
spent 5 years. M s Margaret McMiclutel.
of MoKillop, becai to his wife 48 years age
and aided her hue and very materially, in
the prosperity whi h attended their united.
labors. Of eleven bildren born ten sur-
vive, viz : Mrs. J tes Wilson, of Chesan-
ing, Mioh. ; Danie. of Chicago ; Valeatine
and Mrs. Noble C tiff, of Seaforth ; Abra-
ham, of Leslie, Miele.; Robert of RipieY;
Mrs. (Rev.) D. Peri e, of Winghaun James':
and William, of Iscussels, and Th011tatt..
DOW attending the iormal School at To-
ronto. The eldest son diedat 8 years of
age. Mrs. D. Stew of 11 ' town was Pa
adopted daughter of eeetee'
them until her ma doge , Remelt tek
was a man of strong releg
often proclaimed the Tru generally ine
the Germau laagua e, to hi* Lutheran.
brethren. He waa v y conscientious and
lived an imright, norable life, Ths
lemma of his death s a degeneration Ot
the blood corpuscles, to being ill for sever*
or eight months, but he was conscious to.
the last and knew in whoni he had be-.
lieved. The homes .ad was field last;
summer to J. Shaw it d the family.pro.
posed removing to Se forth this Winter.'
Alt ths mein ers of he family were irt
attendance at the fun ral excepting Mrs.
Wilson and a remark •le and noticeable,
feature was that his s en sons were pall-
bearers. Rev. 3. Ross conducted the sere
vice on Wednesday a terinion. Among
those noticed from a di once were :—Rev.
D. Perrin, of Wingham; Jno. Rnethtel an
Mrs. Steinacker, of 11 took, Perth Co.
3. McMichael and wif , of Seaforth; ‘Trio,.
M. P„ Tho McMillan, Thos.
McMichael, and J. Ile thorn and wde, all
of Hallett tovrfishi Three brothers
survive Mr. Ruechtel They aro Velentitto.
-of Rostock; Daniel, Ilenovery and Vrtne
Of Eirtiteele. Mrs. echtel antifamily are
syintathised with i their bereavement,