HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-03-25, Page 3.and curb ramps. It was pointed
out that many items required by
the disabled arc useful to other
members of public, as well. For
example, curb ramps are used not
only be wheelchairs but also by
shopping carts and baby buggies.
Once a pattern is established,
curb. ramps entail no greater
expense than the traditional step.
Likewise, ramps into medical
facilities aid not only permanently
disabled patients but also people
with temporarily immobilizing
illnesses or broken limbs. ,
The immediate tasks of the
nucleus group involve public
relAtions with municipal councils,
resoese committees, senior
citizen g and other members of the
Anyone interested in attending
meetings or learning more about
the' organization, should
telephone Elaine Townshend at
A committee has been formed
to present a brief to Godcrich
town council on April 5,
concerning this summer's
program of work on the sidewalks
around the Square.
Other members whO can be
contacted by anyone who wants
more information are Herbert
Sootheran, Clinton, phone
482-7671 and Ed. Steegstra,
Goderich, 524,2369. The
group's next meeting will toil field
Saturday, March 27 at 2Pp.m. at,
Elaine Townshend Meuse.
ice_ 1111111111
A group• is being organized in
this part of finron, County to work
' for improvements in the environ-
ment for disabled people. Nine
people met at the home of
Expositor columnist , Elaine
Townshend near Bayfield March
13 to form a chapter of
Alpha-Action • League of
Physically Handicapped Adults,
The meeting was o ned by
Jim Hunsberger who is a co nitin
ity worker with 'Alpha i Londonh,
Alpha began about rye years
ago and is now afiliated with, the
March of Dimes. It consists of
about 2,500 Members , of which
50 percent are disabled and SO
percent non-disabled. The group
is active in 'several fields
including transportation, accessi-
bility to public buildings and
.recreation. „
Mr. Hunsberger cited two
legislative changes and
commonity improvements Alpha
has attained 'thus far in London.
One is an enforceable building
4-law making it mandatory for
certain buildings to be accessible
to wheelchairs; the other is, a
pedestrian curb ramp policy.. to
allow everyone the freedom to
independently cross a street.
The meeting was • opened for
discussion on the organization of
a similar group in CentralaHuron
area. It was estimated that 800
people would be affected by such
a program.
A nucleus group was formed,
with .Elaine Townshend named
president and additional officers
to be chosen in the near future.
The ultimate goal is to organize
people with mobility_problems
complicated by architectural
barriers, to act to imprOve these
situations and to make the public
more aware of the problems.
The main objectives include
transportatton, public facilities
oti all models - now and used
Come .Toll3russels.Motors I
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Valerie Sitmarnom was
incorrectly identified in hhoto of
candy stripers on the front page
of last week's Expositor. Valerie
is second from the right in the
photo. In the photo of:the candy
stripers on, page eiglit, Valerie's
name was leftiout lathe cutlines
under the photo, She is at the far
left in the third row.' The
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.by Karl Schuesshir
Charles answers his own phone
was telling you about all those V.I.P,
preachers I couldn't get near. There was one
though that broke all the rules. He answerd
his own telephone. He wasn't travelling all
over the country. fle could see me within a
few days. He didn't, put me off.
Well then maybe I'm not talking to' much
of a V.I.P,, if a fellow's acting this way. Or
maybe this is" a has-been.
Now some people may say that. Some may
think that Charles Templeton was a great
preacher in his" day, one of the beat. The best.
Nightly he'd preach to crowds `from seven to
30 thousand. But that was almost twenty years
ago when he left his ministry with Billy
Graham.'He said then, and now, he couldn't
carry on in the work of funclamentalistic
Christianity. His doubts and his questionings
mocked the faith he was preaching.
It take s aman a really great man-- a
V.I.P. to to terms with himself. To be
honest. Despite the consequences, despite the
disappointment of thousands of believers,
Charles Templeton stepped down and at 33
cut a whole new direction in life.
Amen Some
Ourseives as others
nig iipinoN ExinisiTQF.1
higgek? Are*e .r.adnita and kids,
dust,.. moderatef,
drinkers? .; • .
O arelite•coSta of:our AlcOhol
habitS getting ':Itigh .enough that
we should,44ve A000,14* 1.04$
at the whole suhject?:, 'We think
so, •and that means" dialiakne,
talking about and Offntlig things'
that fielp „ see ourselves'
others see PS,
Here was a man who Billy Graham credited
in his biography. Graham said that Charles
:Templeton more than any other man -- bar one
early exception -- influenced his preaching
style. The twq were close friends. They still
are. But in those early days they brought their
ev angelistic crusades across Canada and
North America• to thousands.
What's wrong with preaChing toddy I asked
Charles Templeton. Why aren't there many
great preachers today?
I've had all sorts of answers to this
question. It's the times., T.V. Instant
entertainment. The' car. Instant access to
highwayg' of vacationers and weekends.
It's the people-. Faithless.Rootless. Indif-
ferent. They won't sit still very long. They
want everything fast and condensed. Brevity
is the soul of the preaching wit. It takes great
congregations to make great preachers said
one man.
Or some others say it's the temper 'of the
times. Talk is too cheap. The church needs
• action. Social action. Do your faith. Don't sit
on it in a pew.
Now Charles Templeton may have agreed
with some of this. But he puts much of the
blame on the preachers them selves. If
preaching is really important, then you have
to spend lots of time at it,. You don't go up to a
concert pianist and ask her how she plays so
beautifully . Or to an Olympic athlete and
wonder how he managed to win a gold medal.
You know why_ they're so good. They
practice. Practice. Practice.
He admitted that today's. preacher's get only
about a once-a-week practice on 'Sunday .
Years ago they preached at least three times 'a
Week. On Sunday morning and 'evening. And
midweek too.
But that's no excuse. Templeton says a man
can always preach to the empty pews. He can
practice to a silent church into all hours of the
night. He can perfect his art in front of all
those vacant pews. Restless shuffiers and
noisy whisperers won't bother one bit.
Charles Templeton knew that kind, of
practice and he learned his preaching well.
And as I sat Andli sten'ed to him, I wanted
him to be a preacher 'agent I wanted hint to
put his wordsmithing back into the churches
' But that can never be. Charles is too honest
and honorable for that. Yet his voice rises
clear. • It speaks out in radio programs like
Dialogue with Pierre Berton. He writes books.
Recently he put' out a book called simply
"Jesus". It's a telling of the life of Jesus from
the combined four Gospels.
He gives many speeehts and lectures, still
in the same intense and direct way he always
has. But there's no preaching. .
"There ought to be a moritorium on all
Preaching for a full year", declares Charles
The church silent for a whole year? If that
were so, at least for the Protestant church, you
might as well lock •up the building and go
home. Because the sermon is worship. It's the
main part of th.e service. The sermon, the
Word, in church. '
Now I know what you4 re trying to say,
Charles, Templeton. The Word is actually
Jesus..We substitute words, the written
words, the Word, for the real . Word.
-But one year without a sermon? Stop up the
Preachers for a year? That's strong medicine.
A violent antidote.. There gees my two hour
documentary on preaching.
I'm still reeling from that• suggestion,
Charles \ Templeton. But I keep on insisting.
You're a V.I.P. in my book.
'Do Canadians drink 00#184eb
alcohol? Axe we obsessed° with
booze? A lot of people think So,
including the provincial health,
department who launched "you'
are your own Liquor control board
campaign", showing some small
interest in preventative health
measures, •
That's 'why we were really
interested a couple of weeks age
in the comments of the three
Brazilian exchange students wire
spent the winter herein Seaforth,
The three, Bete Maia, Jesse
Lagos and Radana Zika are
bright, lively, interesting kids,
They had a unique oppOrtu nity
to observe CanadianS.
They came here from another
culture and were plunked down in
the middle of gerWay of life. They
noticed a lot of good things about
us . and they praised our
hospitality. But another thing
they noticed was that teenagers
here spend a lot of time waiting to
.be 18 so they can legally .drink.
The Brazilians felt that drinking
was more important to kids here
than in their country where there
is no legal drinking age and
alcohol is around but not too
important to them or their
Now we know that a lot of the
The Ontario Housing
Cprporation on behalf of the
Ministry of Housing will conduct
a suryey to determine the need
and demand' for senior citizen
housing in the Township of
Letters outli ning OHC's senior
citizen. rental • housing program
will be mailed to senior citizens;
asking them if they wish to
participate. if an interested
McKillop senior citizen does not
receive a questionnaire mail,
he or she may obtain one f m the
Clerk's office in'Winthrop. Group formed in iiprpn
talking that our kids do about
'booze is just talk. It's the aame
with a lot of adults who talk about
how smashed they got over the
Weekend. But we think eenerally
that what they saw is accurate
and that booze is a bigger part of
our lives, and our teenagers lives
than it would,be in Latin America
or Europe.
Somebody once said that the
problem with Canadians and
liquor is that while we have
adopted the "civilized" European
habit of wine with meals., etc.,
we've laid that on top of gdod old
rootin' tootin' drink to get drunk
,on Saturday night habits of
alcohol use. We drink European
but we drink wild west style too
and together that adds up to an
awful lot of beds in our
community and psychiatric
hospitals filled by alcoholics.
We •cot some criticism on our
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interview with the flrazilian
students, We found their
observation about teenage
drinking Probably the most
intersting thing they had to say
and played , them up at the
expend of some of their other
comtnents. In no way were the
three being, destructively critical
of people here who made them
feel so welcome and we hope no
one interpreted the Expositor
story that 'way.
But we thought their comments
on teenage dripking had some
validity. They didn't say that 'all
teenagers around Seaforth want
to drink all the time and the story
didn't either.
But they did point to what we
think may be a problem. We were
talking to Some people who've
moved here recently from
"Western Canada and they had
noticed that teenagers in this part
of Ontario seem a whole let more
interested in liguqr and being Ili
so that they can go to'bars
the kids they knew out West,- 0,0
course they've got too.much else
to do out there," one Of Om
Do they nit have enough to do
here? Are teenagers just going
through a stage, that they'll
outgrow as their horizons get
Disabled work for improvements
W h
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is what
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save energy.
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systems in government buildings (which
has already cut some energy bills by as
much as 20%);
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natural gas and oil furnace efficiency;
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Pi - i. t. 1 • 11110f4a _t int „mi.
reclaiming waste materials to produce ----_-.•
. I energy: , ,
• sending an "Energy Bus” throughout ___11
Ontario to do on-the-spot analyses for
industry (go far, annual energy cost
savingg averaging 20% have been
. identified).
Your Ontario Government's goal, by 1980, Practical suggestions on ways you can
is to 'reduce by One'-third the growth rate of save energy and money are available frbm
energy consumption in the province. To your Ontario Government and from
achieve that, eleven MinistrieSof your ' energy-supplying companies.
Government, are working togeth r in the
Ontario Energy Managernerf % •fogramv,-;,:7,,,.,.. For more informatiOrkwite to: '
The Program has two objectives --to Energy tVlanagement Piograrif
find ways to help you cut your own energy Ontario Ministry of Energy -
bill, and to find ways of using your 12th Floor ,' . province's energy more efficiently. 56 Wellesley Street West
Right now, the Progyn consists of Toronto, Ontario-1\47A 2B7 .
70 working -projects, including: ,
,• testing ways to.r.edace fuel consumption Ministry of Energy
in automobiles and farm operations; Dennis Timbrell, Minister
. ,
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Province of Ontario .• , , ...
William Davis, Premier _ 4 •(
41.. • 4.• wolONS.41.,... • kel..4