HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-03-11, Page 4TODAY'S ORD BY HELEN ALLEN NEEDS ENCOURAGE!SIENT Robert, rvoentl> urne t 14 is a gesoe,.;wk.rig t•row r eyes. light-brown slight', ha.., • \ PI-, a few freckles. Hel>. ,t,u•et slit. bet, ir • •mert.•It..,.: .n. he ,an beeorie da•te he.',11th> hoe . Robert !ekes the oLtdovrs raT..rt. ke 2ampITI2 and sw rdrnir.g. r .poi.. -Robert is ill Qen,. Orti. %kJ i iron: grade three to graqe. etch: 1: is tt-T. rILI.er In IT he hat: the or....-...rage•-•er; are.. pr•de of nToTher arc father and her in dee eloping .eir,4%.•...".1. Roper s fast.." p...1"c71:‘• NJ. •••• . re•ponstrie deco he,?ptul. He •L 7:•;. 11s ys'Il be .or tor parents ..1;."77; . personaht>„ we1.1.1tet h.• The.. .eorthee h!le person To inquire oboe.: anion R...-, pv•as. 's Ministr> Sere • Box !....`%;;•, Station K. Toi onto- NI :41-' 2112 In - - sorne."---eg of ‘0117 pre•sent'f4;:ttle . For general adoption ettorira:..-n :‘ Constance Foresters go bowirrg The Shillelagh Snack Bar & Gas Bar Torn &'Pattline Watson Phone 345-2841, Dublin 410 OMEA ,seeks challenges LOOBY CONSTRUCTION LIMITED and LOOBY BUILDERS (DUBLIN) LIMITED a • WISH YOU A HAPPY St. Pdtrick's Day, GENERAL CONTRACTING — BRIDGES — CULVERTS DUBLIN — PHONE 345-2E00 He said they must eontinually see to the need of keeping the consumers of electricity and local councils knowledgeable about eletrical erterey, its costs, the siviands and the continuing efforts being made 4.) ensure a continuous supply. of energy to meet the needs of the people of the province. Commissioners must accept the challenge to seek out ways of making greater contributions not only to respective local commis- Just a 'few facts re the Annual sions but to the association. meeting of the OMEA. The new There is doubt that the deliher- president is D.R Larkssorthy an ations last week in Toronto will optometrist in Stratford. . Past has e a direct bearing on the cost , president A. B. Cousins suggest's and as ailability,of future energy that it is e,qually important that in Ontario. lea p indis idual commissioners and Mr. Frank Cronin ahei his members of the local commis- nephew Gary Cronin have return- sions he prepared to meet todays after• spending holidays challenges. Florida. St Peter's hosts day of prayer Pauline DeKroon. Theresa Van Bergen Betts Anne Kre-sonen and Vickie McCreight shaped and hake so, types of dinner rolls., The Canadian Food guide for Health was studied. Nlary Jo looby was elected secretary for the next three - meetings Acheisement Day plans acre made, Maureen De- laney, Mary Jo Loclby and Vickie MoCreight to pot on our demon- stration. 'Meeting closed is ith hot rolls .for. lunch. V\1DS ctn '11/41 tea` A•saismi—v Citizens Band Radios from Wright Chev-Olds GM-123 Mobile CB Radio • Li/mei-T..1 modrdno Ipr Ca truck mire-Mame vehicles • At 23 channels • .icardiscl trottnemotit • Sold stare transceirti • Sensittat strong rettabte opeastion • Eaw t vanste,ed aftolhe• •ehicle • use with CB antenna GM-123 Base StationPower Supply • Commidit 11S volt IC house current ado 12 ton DC current ale rectal rases On too PI purer supply unit (see titan • Use lath base Station antenna Heavy Duty Hump Mounting Bracket - Antennas A sttlectiolf of top performance Ca antennae tor ma imelfh ergbae. marine or brae station Desitmed for dependable use and easy iristattatim• Input,* hbout your paritctalst ca 0- • Suitable tor elinsinission hunto mounting ▪ Ftx heaVy duty ose atm or down position ADD NEW DIMENSIONS OF CONVENIENCE TO YOUR BUSINESS AND FAMILY PLEASURES Coaxial Cable Ni • On easyto carry spode tor yew cormentenc• • Amicable in SD and yob toot spooks • Comptes with necessary ocariertors attached SeeDennis for full details WRIGHT CHEV-OLDS LTD. Seaforth Ontario Participate in a review of Human Rights' THE ONTARIO HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION is 'conducting a comprehensive review of the Ontario Human Rights Code. The Commission will examine the changing human rights needs of Ontario residents and make recommendations to the Government of Ontario designed to: 1. strengthen the Human Rights Code; 2. improve the structure and effectiveness of the Human Rights Commission; 3. encourage responsive, effective community and educational programs in the field of hUman rights. Briefs and comments are invited from individu- als, groups, and organizations and should be . sent to the ComMissidn no later than May 15, 1976. The Commission will also conduct a number of public hearings throUghout the province. Locations and dates will,be.announced. , Your enquiries are most welcome and should be directed to:, Secretary, Review Committee, Ontario Human Rights Commission, 400 University Avenue, , Toronto, Ontario M7A 1T7 ONTARIO HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSPN: Rosalie Abella, Bromley 'Armstrong, Lita-Rose Betcherman, Jean Marie Bordeleau, Elsie Chilton, Valerie Kasurak, N.7Bruce McLeod, Thomas H. B. Symons, Chairman. . Ontario Human Rights Commission Ontario to throw'sdmetbing on and come out. Remember if you like cards. or just a couple of hours chat, you will not be asked for your birth certificate. There will not be an April Meeting, but the May one, will be the last until file The final big draw will be made then. Perhaps we can 4114go fishing or just lie around in the shade. Miss Catherine Moylan, St. Thomas visited her mother here on the weekend. marketing stit;:h ‘k rn cc?. ar,d talked arislut- tne colour scheme this . • \ prof..A last met tine were re.act The hack • WI talks The February meeting of, :he Mee.:ing Rol: a ha: Dublin W. Institute was held the h.armons"of your recently at Mrs. N. NIcKaels protect is. 'They disc.ssed the Dublin with 12 Members Present uses of the' back stitch and., he‘ k to Roll call was haw can sale improve create our oar -design and our institute? learned 110%; to make the misted . Topic. taken ha Mrs. Annis. c..h„viti...s.t.t.t.1-1 Next meeting to he and Mrs.4, Harold PetNck ss as held or. Mar.h. Sth family and consumer affairs on Marketing and-, Electromt. outs and Price markings A reading Mrs W. .Annis was titled. "If God would go on. Strike ... Pennies for friendship were collected and a -dOnation made to 'Guatemala e .arthqu'ake fund. A. film "Children of our Time' will he shown at the Legion Hall. in Stratford Wednesday April - at ri:30p..m. Mrs. Harold Peihick had a reading on House Cleaning T aso 'contests ee ere erno>ed, • Mis„ McKda showed decorat- ing discarded Kitties and iars and' tins around the house by spray painting and' hand. paints. She showed her Orchid in bloom which she brought from the Orchi'dJungle in Florida. Mrs R Burchill was , presented with a Institute pin for duties carried out in the Institute. hunch was set-vied by Mrs. J. Burcha Mrs C.' Ronev. Correspondent :heir • ..:TaL..01Te-r . and Mary Merner son-in-law , Mr artd. Ntrs Frank ''''''' and Mrs. Marres'Bos spent Tardella and t-,asoy Christopher of Friday in London and attended Ni!ssissauga the _farm Show and the Ice The Fear lees held their Capades in the evening. Famils Boss Night Sande Mr, and Mrs.Br>an Me;Connell' veenine Mash a: the Clinton and Bryson of Mt. Brydges visited the past, week. NA ith his sister Mr. and - Mrs.George Counter.. Richard. Kassandra and Vicky. Sympathy of the cornmEnity extended'to the family of :below Oliser • Anderson • N., ho passed away on .Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Southgate and Jennifer spent Saturday earning with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wammes. and Leanne of R.R.=-3. Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Don- Buchanan visited over Sunday and Monday of children and adults 'bow 4,4-1•Meets McKillop 4-H club held their first three meetings in March. opening is the 4-H pledge To for this club Is a "Touch of Snrchery of officer:. t. held. ee ith President Shirley McClure, President • Ida Decor:. Secretary.,treasurer • Lori H g !, Press Reporter - Sharon ThoMpson: ee as lth gs needed for ;he. 'enthroidery club: The name picked for the club is the "Sex% Hart, Stifchertes.'" • Meeting held at Decorte.'s. Re?.11 was 1\ hat eou• .:110.St make and. ▪ Mire,,it“ of the , Lou Rowland TRUCKING DUBLIN Phone 3454301 Mrs. Edgar Elligson cordially' ss :Acorn c d Is number' of ladies from Fist Lutheran. an,d ° Columban churches who lamed the ladies of St peter's. Brodhager for world Dal. of Prayer The theme this year. Edacation • For ..\1:.of Life. was prepare d by .Chrstian women of Latin America song "TherelS weiird out "1-1-. ere a childhood mere her of St. Peter's. was g....est speaker She said eda..azion. tor all of :tit: had different r.-,ean.:r.g..is to rite dual. not strnplx academic instruction.° but. also :et-ill-Et:to:is Soripture Proie-rtss 22- 'n child tr , th, • a:• he she ':lie, and- when he :sal old he depart fron-.. it. In oonclusi'or. she hoc food fer though:. based on Matit -Seek Firs-. the Kt o^'" Men cons:anti> ScCITTr.g. All S.,?T'TTS `f a rth'e ealth ' --Some folks sirk e for :honour Hoping 71St.. t fame Thinking the: Lies as the ; a 317.c. Others erase '.pleaAurf. Nia4ly and ;here Hoping to sat.sf> year.71in.: Wh et- the f.00,.! lithts -What the soul is seekine Only ;I's Maker ,:an This earth has nothirie7 to offi_r That can truly satisfy. "Seek ve first the Kingdom " Is what Christ told us to do. "Then all things ye have need of Will be added unto you,- Each sisiting group partici- pated in the program. St. Cclarnban represented by Mrs. Hicknell. Mrs. Leonard O'Rourke. Mrs. Clarence Ryan . Scene I -.'The REality of Poy,l•ets First Lutheran by .Mrs. Eric Heinz and Mrs. Gordon Rose. Scene 2 • The. Reality of Relationships - and St. pa``trickls DabI:n enacting Scene 3. The Reality of Repression. Mrs;Dan.., O'Rourke, Mrs. Mary Ryan, Mrs, Frank Van Bergen taking part. On -behalf -of „St peter's. Mrs. Grace 'sirs' Ronald Beuermann. Mrs. High Dietz. Mrs. Ray Gloor -and. Mrs. Karl Schuessler yacre the readers. With Sirs. Arthur Horst at the organ the :adie's' choir rendered the anthent "Reach out and touch l'. The offering 'was receised and dedicated to -be used isely to' the 'outreach' in God's Kingdom. Following a minute's silence .to,, m ake personal commitment we ask = Send us forth Lord. with • hope and vision. and hear our prayer for peace. Alight lunch was serseeI in the' basement of the church • and ended a pleasant ecome.nical gathering. Niel. Mrs • Mrs. Robert Robinson led the .--group in the tial: TO Pt-It- ; :um of ;I. WAlton and Mr. and Mrs. 1.H.Ls.:i.hari of Mitchell. Mr's, Ron Williamson of Seaforth Crown lanes. There were 4 lane: spent a few ,;says Hunts\ ille Correspondent Don MacRae \ isitocs with Mrs. Dan Costello were Mr and Mrs. Ken Hickins and family of London. Visitors with Mr and Mrs. Malone' were Mrs. Marion Kelly. Kmkora. Mrs. Harold Maloney Seaforth, Mr. and Alvin King Monkton. Mr and Mrs Frank Ktstner Mr. and NIrsl. Louis Maloney. Mrs. Diana Moeser and Danny front Rostock •The 41-1 meeting of the - Dublin Colleens was held at the home of Mrs. Chas Friend on Februori Is The meeting began .f.h the 4H 'ledge. followed the secretar>'s treasurers repot*, Then !Mrs Friend made basic 1::te bread. She started making IT In the otterm.‘sn and completed :t a: the meeting. so members yield ha'e for. lunch at the Meeting Mary Anne Van Bergen helped to demonstrate it then Mrs. Friend made a gluten ball.' Men-doers re\ tea red the ingredient of tread and their functions.. •1_,:.n.h was sereed and the meet- in-g--et a s adioq,rned. The fourth rne'et11-12, of the Dqblin Colleens es as- held DIUTS- 23 at :he home ot. Mrs. Friend. McKillop Correspondent Mrs. Ed. Regele this past week. ''`air. Edss ard. Regele has „ returned to his home from Seafon.h Community Hospital. and Mrs Archie Willis of Brussels - on Sunday with \Ir. and MrS. Paul K. McCallum. Sii n day eisiteirs with Mr. and Mes.Edward Rc 2cle were: M is s Jo> ce. McCallum. and Master Carl NI dCa:: Li Fr: of el. Walton and Sir and Mrs. Stanhe*YPreszcator. Misse,s , Lorna and Barbara Glans:Ile: of Creiditon. Mr. .aeid ° Mrs. Ors die Be eeierNar. w-ho spent, a fe•a weeks in Florida has e returned Their hornc, .'air Wavne W Ills of Oitissa was visiting his sister Mrs. Paul NIc•CallJm and Mr. Paul NIc•Callum last week. - Mr. Gordon • MoGaa in . former re's:dent of Me K iflop Tw p. a pa/1ft: in Seaforth Conthtunit> Hospital. We wish hIM a S'pe.et , recoe ery . Mr and Mrs. Clarence Dennis CryNIoncref spent Morrday with Mr. and Mrs.Ed. iire4sP4,0444.44/-#44#04-osisospoo~#4,•••#• Custom CHOMNG * St. Correspondent V.J. Lane Since last writing this column two weeks ago we have had quite a variation of weather. Some high winds, poor visibiltiy at times, freezing rain, coupled with some pat-t sunshine, We could well be counting our blessings. since the ice came very close tci 'alit. vicinity but not close enough to create any damage to hydro like a few miles south, wher'sc it caused as great hardship to many for over a %Tett. One can only realize how helpless we are without it. unless you have some substitute. One of the oldest and up to some years ago, life time and highly respected resident of this . community passed away in Marion Villa. London, Mrs. Mary Williams at 94 years of age. She w as also one of the great pioneers who contributed much toward the better mint of this community. She leaves a family of b sons and four daughters. Mike prede- ceased her five years ago. Frank of Dublin and Thos on the home farm, Mary, Mrs. Wm. McMillan Seafdrfh are the only one's residing here. Mrs. Allan Gittens (Margaret) Florida. Mrs. 'Cather- ine Heaney . Niagara Falls. Mrs. Riches (Ann) Bravford. John Florida, Dan, Detroit. Jos. Flint Michigan are the others. The writer enjoyed renewing. old acquaintances, and it v•.as nye to see that they could all be there to pay their last respects, Mrs., Marie Malady who has, been under the doctor's carein University Hospital London has returned home. and is up and about•as nsual. • Bro Jos McQuaid.. St. Johns School Uxbridge. spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Vine Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell McDaid Kitchener called' on hiS grand- parents,,54r. and Mr's. Vine Lane, la st week. Mr. and Mrs. Zack Ryan were • in Stratford Sunday attending the baptism ceremonies of their grandson Jeffery, If you-are not aware of the told timers" card party -on Thursday March II. you may still have time Cortstance personals Mr. and Mrs. Paul Southgate and , Jennifer were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don McGregor, R.R.4.1. Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs.Gordon • McGregor of Clinton also visited. at the same home. when they celebrated Mrs. Gordon MeQregor's birthday. All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold Columbcin Card club meet today FERTILIZER FEED SEEDS OIL * WM. STAPLETON & SON Phone 345-2330, Dublin