The Wingham Times, 1894-11-16, Page 3irsalwaSactasoinctwarwAcaolaccor 1114. T. O. COLUMN. "`; I TIM WINO= J[ 31ItiSl` I. THE W1N GTTAM TIMES, ��l' OVEMB.ER 1(L 1 M941 also asking for immediate relief from the worst features of the present (eon) ,,., r NY 'r a...-- I i ) license law, viz : Misnumbering of Ai)Y Gm/ (II1 !'!Mar' and .vaare Land, offences, lack of legal provision for relief where) bars exist in opposition Weil call Gm atientlon, of the mothers and elsters to the will of the community, and 1'('- to the filer, that the woman's ohristinn 'romper- tainin of °ulcer' i who are in sylllpa- once Union meets the third h[onday .eery month thl' with th(! lit 1101' at thrco e'cloel. •Harp, for ono hung, at firs. IFohn's l residon •c, katriek utroeL Alt ladles are made wol. 13.. Congratulating the Ontario Come. r,htnr has kindly given ns part 01 his OI ositionn upon. choosing for their sp;1e,,, for our work, we esti friends of the 90.11114) h leader 511011 an able exponent Of telll- send items of lamest on all moral questions Q o dor to env of our tnembert,, per€1nCe and :supporter of prohibition n,,, ,,.n, ;,.n:„ww„v,,,,,,,a,.�.e,e...,,a,,,,•,.,,., ,. as Mr. G. F. Maxtor. A copy of this resolution is to be sent to Mr. Marter, -4 't. C. T. U. Conventions with congratulations upon his Glee- Tho seventeenth annual convention tion as chief of the Opposition. of the Woman's Christian. Temper- 1,t. Protesting against military and ance Union of Ontario, the iuost sue- society parades an Sunday, and the cessful since the organization, was publication, sale and use of Sunday closed on the 3rd Inst. to meet in 1895 newspapers. in Hamilton.i The report of t1i Plan of Work At each session large and enthusl- Committee was adopted. It recOln- astie meetings were held. Mended, among other things, that The various department of the W. the unions co-operate with the super- C. T. U. work were so able and intendant of neglected children, Mr. thoroughly dealt with that it would J..?. Kelso, in his efforts to carry be impossible to report 00 them i13 .out the provisions of the Gibson Act; our space. that the Tobacco Act be amended so The Committee on Resolutions that the buyer will be sllbjeet to the submitted 14 resolutions, all of which law as well as the seller, and that were adopted. The following is a minors be prohibited from smoking briefs su111111ary of thew resolutions : i11 public places; that a special effort 1. Declaring their platform, the be glade this year to elect women in chief planks of which were moral School Boards and also to have them Mr. F. S. Spence, the well known. suasion for the individual and pro- appointed high school trustees; that Toronto temperance advocate, in the hibition for' the state, and tolling on the attention of the provincial license course of an interview the other day, the pulpit :led press to unite for this inspector be called to the non-inforee- said: We w:11 demand a more rigid Object. This resolution also pledged hent of the license law; that the enforcement of the law throughout the support 11n(1 influence of the W. Dominion Government be petitioned the country. We will ask that no C. T. Tr, to the individual or party which stands by their platform. Thnn)otgiving ]Pay. ! Piro Xnsuranuo. What it tho gold of the corn lands `!'here in a point in connection Is faded to ember gray ? with fire insurance which is not And what if the down of the thistle Is ripened and seattered away ? generally understood. If €L Ulan has hero's gold In the mattered harvest, goods destroyed by fire in value to There's homely and hearthstnno cheer, the full .,mount of his insurance, which of course cannot be more than two-thirds of tiles full valve, he is paid every dollar. In the case of ,roods damaged by removal the in- surance company is only liable in a ratio a;) the amount of insurance iii Behold. 'Lis tiM tt nu of year to frill value.' If the insurance be To count our blessings and most+los-- 1 The day of thanksgiving is here. only one-third of the entire stock, the damage sustained by removal is only Bare and brown in the shadows. compensated to the extent of One - The meadowland meets the gaze. third. In removing goods in such Where the bold, blithe bee went seeking » Its sweets for the summer days. Caeca the oWner saves two dollars' The honey is stored in plenty, worth for every dollar saved for the insurance company. There is quite a distinction between goods destroyed by fire and goods damaged by re- moval. nd so we will be full joyous •- The day of thanksgiving is here,. A sigh for the vanished splendor Of the autumn's purple and rets, For the goldenrod that is whitened, Icor the gonti'n bloom that is dead. Then turn to the hearthstone cheery, So what if the winter is near ? The time is not one for repining - The day of thanksgiving is nero. The fruit bas matured in its season, , The sunshine has ripened the seed, Then sing to the Lord of the harvest A song of thalThsgiving indeed, The morn and the moon have passed by US, 'Tis the sweet afternoon of the year. So let not your tribute be lacking - The day of Thanksgiving is here. -GOOD HOLMExrsPINO. Aggressive Temperance Legis- lation. 2. Commending the stand taken by Bishop Watterson, of Cohunbus, Ohio, on the liquor question, and calling the attention of the Catholic chinch in Canada to the necessity of strong measures against the liquor trade, and hoping for early official action by them in the matter. 3. Calling the attention of the women of the Catholic Church to the following extract from Bishop Wattcrson's address to the clergy of his diocese : "I have asked you to carry on this work for education and reform, and continue to foster a more wholesome sentiment and practice on 4* the drink subject in the community in which you live, and discontenance the dangerous business and unhealthy influence of saloons ; also to endeavor • to engage women in the cause ; the influence and prayers of wives, Ilnothes, daughters anis sisters will be of much avail." • 4. Expressing the opinion of the ' union that the publication of the ...,.details of prize fights, seductions, :sem i"'•_ dastardly outrages, etc., in news- papers was in opposition to the public welfare and should be done away with. 5. Protesting against such exhibi- tions as that of the living pictures recently given in Toronto, immoral show bills, etc. The convention pat themselves 011 record against any exhibition of the human form, unless properly arrayed or classed, and accord their active co-operation to the Dominion W. C. T. U. in their effort ,/'to have the law on this subject Inacle 1 more stringent. li. Deprecating the publication of - the names of female inmates of houses of ill -fame, when tlio names of equally guilty Igen were suppressed. • The convention protested against this as degrading to their sex. 7. Urging women to give time and thotight to the reforming of chess from the present tyranny of fashion. 8. That as the W. C. T. U. had 'Mectlred by their efforts a sanitary et, applicable to mercantile estab- lishments in which many women are employees, they now urge the Gov- ernment to strengthen the weak spot in the law by amending the I''actut•y Act so that such premises would be frequently inspected, and when neccssrry by female inspectors. A copy of this`resolution was ordered to be sent to the Premier and the leader of the Opposition. 9. Expressing the thanks of the W. C. T. U. of Ontario, to Mr. John a4Yaters, ex -M. P. P. for Middlesex, for this conduct as elnimpion of wo- For Healthy `..ungs. Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites combines the curative powers of the pectoral remedies mentioned in the most perfect and palatable form. Price 50e. and. Si per bottle. Guelph citizens aro trying to sub- scribe $20,000 towards establishing a rolling mill for the manufacture of iron from scrap. Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes. -All cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quiokly cured, by Dr. Ag- now's Cure. Sold at Chishola)'s Drug to prohibit the importation of opium; one bo given liquor if he is less than store, Wingham. that the W. C. T. U. co-operate with 21 years of ane. We will ask that The proposed avillter carnival leas the Prisoners' Aid Association in the penalty for breach of • the law be denounced by Rev. 1)r, Armstrong of - . their endeavor to establish inebriate heavier and more strictly enforced. St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, asylums and houses of refuge in We will ask that the hours of selling Ottawa. He held that it partook of everycomity.l liquor bo materially reduced. the world, the flesh and the devil.. Belief in six hours. -Distressing Kid- ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kid- ney Cure." This great remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on ac- count of its exceeding promptness in reliev- ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male and female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and eine this is your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug store. There was produced' in Ontario last year for each person in the bet ride inside of the Electric Lighted and -.-- Province, 27 bushels of oats, 27 Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment trains School Children bushels of turnips, 10 bushels of of the Chicago, 11Ii1weukee Le, St. Paul Railway and you will be as warn,, comfort- will eat sweetmeats and you can't wheat, 7 of corn, 7 of peas, 6 of ahlo and cheerful as in your own library or prevent it. The first you know of it potatoes, 4i• of barley, 4 of =avoid boudoir: To travel between Chicago, St. ; there is €L headache; the child is lvurtzels, 11 of carrots and about Paul and Minneepolis,or between Chicago, bilious and something must be done.' another bushel of sundries. The Omaha and Sioux City, in these luxnrionsly, appointed tains, is a supreme satisfaction;Use Ripans Tabules, a remedywllich I unsolved problem is bow to divide anis, es the soinowhat ancient advertise- I is standard for such troubles* . I this produce more equally. meat used to road, "for further particulars, - see small bills." Small bills (and large Luck and Labor. 1 ones, too) aril be ts. for ilesage and 1 WESTERN s ` T sleoepinl; car tickets. For detailed infer- ' lllany people Complain of their bad l�'�l' v-- mat'ion address A. J. Taylor, Canadian luck when they ought to blame their Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. A Blessing to Every Household.. HOOLLAY'S LLS AND OiNIMENT These remedies have stools the test of fifty 1cars experience, and are prawtuneed the bent h,'.iiriuu tet Fcanily 1190. Purity the blond, correct ail dinnrdcns ',I the LITER, STO)MACII, EIDh ).Sti Alk .0 I r. )ten t inv 111 xblu in :ill ee811)10intn incidental to females of all ogles. TI -72133 0.I.M.Z11)1Viai Is the only reiiable remedy tar teed eggs, )iris. ulcers, and old wound.. FIO t1ltr:I4(ti1; Is. SURE TII€tOATS, O01.14GIS, r;t11.LF1, (el"f, itf'u.rsATIn,I, t;L:(01;LAit 14%tELIA''(.:4 ASU 101 'milli DISEASES IT II.18 1u NUM.. :ilanufeetuIeo only at 74, Nov Oxford. Lute 55:3, oxford atrcct, London, and sold by ullle:Iivine Vendors throughout the world. i. 'Pur hase.s i;huuld look to the Label on the Boxes and Pate. If the aedrtsis is not 533 Oxford Street, Londou, they are spurious. The officers elected for 1895 aro: Another reform we will advocate Is President -Mrs, May R. Thornley, that in connection with the retaining London. of licenses by license holder's. Now Vice -President --Mrs. A. 0. Ruth- a man before he can secure a license Ruth- erford, Toronto. in a place where a saloon existed Corresponding Secretary - Mrs. must secure the signature of the Vary Wiley, Richmond Iiill. majority of the voters in the sub - Recording. Seeretary-Miss Ella division. If he once secures this Cosi'old, London. there is nothing further necessary.' Treasurer - Miss Jennie • iliac- The voters cannot deprive the man Arthur, Cornwall. of the license. We ,ask 'that voters .- may bo given permission to take Look Out for Gold Weather away as well as give a license. want of wisdom and action. Mr. Hamlet's Soliloquy Revised. Cobden, a distinguished writer in England wrote thus about luck and! To run or not to run ? That's the question. Whether it's better to go a -gunning for a bird in the bush. Or hang on to what I've got. To run, to win -perchance to lose! Aye, there's the rub ! 1!'or in that storm' of votes what gales may blow. May be a fav'ring wind to vict'ry*'s harbor. Perhaps an avalanche to bury one. • And if the latter then farewell - A long farewell to dreams of great- ness. Whereas, now There's always a chance That I may get there Later, if not sooner. To run, to win -its temptin' But then, to lose ; No sires, Bob ! iNtot for Joe ! Guess not! Guess, Eh ? Nominated.? Who? Me? Great Scott 1 Gee Whiz ? Will I take it? Would a duck swim? Conte on now with your old fogy Mertens! Where's my speech ? man's franchise in the Legislature,Gimme Ivy bat 1Now, altogether 1 and regretting his retirement from hooray 11 1 public life. 10. Pledging the union to work Hatsdg and Anlslos Rate. for woman's franchise. Por years 1 have been a great sufferer 11. Thanking Judge Chesloy for For itchy skin trouble and salt -rheum. his recognition of woman's rights at My hands and ankles were literally raw. the late general conference of the The first application of Dr. Chase's Oint- Methodist church. ment allayed the burning, itching senna - i2. Congl'€1,tulatin . SriOliver tion. One box and a half entirely cured ma. It is also instant relief for ehil- 'Kolvat 011 his return to power, not blains. Henry A. Parmonter, St. because this convention was a unit Catharines, Ont. Olt his general policy, but because he 1 was pledged to take aetive measures' Rev, S. B. McIIinnon, Clinton, has married. for prohibition, and asking him ii,r seemed a call to Kemptville, and The light that shone in her face 11 an early redemption of his promise: South Gower Baptist Churches. gleamed in triumph. ADVERTISER labor. I 16 -Page '41, eekly-96 Columns. Luck is everything waiting for ®N �. ®® something to turn up. Labor, with keen eye, and strong Now to Dec. 81, 1895. will, will turn something up. Luck lies in bed, and wishes the postman would bring hint the, news BALANCE OF YEAR REE. of a legacy. Labor turns andnt (go clock, and ua�l,^ � � ttli with busy pen rinin�• hammer, laya the foundation of competence. Luck whines. Labor whistles. NONE BETTER, Luck rises on chances. Labor on character. Luck slips down to indigence. Labor strides upward to independ- ence. For Oiler Fifty Years AN 901.D AND tvsm,•TmtD ftsnr.DY.-,Mrs. wilt $low' S,,othlnt Syrup has buns 119•Ld for over fifty ,Years by millions of mothers for their chltarenwhile teetllht., wi 111 perfect success. It soothes the child Bottoms thegums, allays ull pain. cures wind collo, anti is iebn,,t reined)' for Diarrhrea. Is pleasant to the tae a. Sold by Druggists in men, , pal t of the Wo1'1u.i Tlveityavo cents a nettle. Its value is incalenrablo. De sure and ask foe :ars. Winsiow s Soothll Syrup, and take no other kite'. FEW AS GOOD. Large Prize List. Handsome Premium. Good Inducements to Agents. HARNESS AND D O L L - -- • ,',�i'.rl�`t• i!,�1f°(iY',)�..i ,'�'. ,✓,'yi• Y:,. /S1 .x 1r,.r%.I: �I.'j+gr..1twiET.-/'tq e %�aEe'+IJ r�'•p" /l.t'. •TrIP ' ti WkVvlf, ; i ��I) •^ ".; t• .: Li ll �� �t,al... i� ryry1� �{ �i �ct (4:4-416A, .,...... 1. ... ..:t..i.. •✓ ,.w'r.'...G.F.✓ o:✓•u ."1,1d-., •.'.,dp .. Fti.1 a.u. sale m' VS:LOINS S .. ` ; ; capacity? from 10,000 io 80,00 cubic Greet (2121'-'10%*�,''V17OI�12 SiLWit. RADIATOR" -WA t, •5 W®©® FURNACE r.- t'• ®ifs>. 'HEAVY GRATE, especially -cm* t ,s'- P r g"°7e" �- - adapted for wood. burning ^+i e • � tr' Heavy Steel Plate Fire Box Dome �. and Radiator, which heat itis- . (k+' , r y ,) ' gnic3 .: and are more durable „op '-' r' " _ RADIATOR of Modern Construe- Cr3- + M u t • tion and Great Beating Power C.:,-,,-- 1 yi) it t ,l �i LARGE ASH PIT AI' - . Rtt®I FURNACE txl.- . ® bis 650e- : Sectional Fire Pot �- - !1 N' . Rotating Bar Dumping Grate _� raiz: DEEP ASLI PIT :�, OXFORD WOOD FURNACE -�' • Sendfor... ' 0 -Full Guaranteed Capacity :