HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1976-03-04, Page 1VT4
P0•00 a Year in advarice Whole No_ 5637 Single copy 25 cents
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.... , office is full and requires $20,000
was needed; Bayfield telephone , .
' - ' - ` for more equipment and $17,305
aerials. Power had been off sin_c&1,1:30 Tuesday night and was still
combined with high winds toppled tree limbs, hydro lines and tv
MAIN STREET, HENSALL Hensel! streets IdOked as if a tornado
had passed through ,them late yesterday morning. Freezing rain
l'inibs were still falling because of the weight of the ice. Volunteer
crews with chain saws and trucks tried to clean up debris on the
off at press tlirnp. Although rain had stopped Wednesday morning,
streets while people stayed home and tried to keep warm.
for cable; 525,000 for cable for,
line front Clinton to Bayfield;
$19,126 for cable in egmondville
and area; and $18,569for cable
for line from Hensall to Kippen.
Mr•Grahain reported' there is, a
heavy deMand fin. private
telephone which cannot be,
supplied until expansion takes
Approved by tuckersmith
council is, only the first step,
Ontario Municipal Board, the
telephone subscribers .and ,the
...Ontario telephone Commission
must all give approval as well,'
Requests for h-uilding permits
were granted to Charles. Pergel
'and George Keddy of 'Zurich. a
new house in Egmondvilic;
Dennis S mith,R.R A, Clinton,
at 20 mills for farm and resi-
I • McAble ''s request to for Comm
adbeen sold to date for
township will be visited. Any
homeowner refusing to buy a
licence for dogs in the home will cost about $25,000. Tender will be be prosecuted. called, to be in by April 1. The Ministry of Community Construction to take place, after and Social services paid balance September 1 at the request of the of the -capital grant, for the ratepayers affected:who want the construction of the Day Care crops harvested.
the Sinclair Drain estimated. to
Centre at Vanastra amounting to Engineer E.H.Uderstadt of $59,956.56. The total cost was Orangeville will be'askeci to bring
in a report for improvement of B
branch of the Layton Drain as
requested by John l-laverkamp
R.R.1, B'rucefield.
Sandy Contracting Co. Ltd. of
Goderich will haul and spread , Tuekersmith, 6.42 per cent of the
gravel on township radgs at a cost • total levy of $108,424 shared by
of $25,500 this d year. The Sandy all the municipalities in the
tender the lowest of two watershed.
submitted. Council passed a -motion to
Fred Harburn's tender for support the board of the Clinton
weed spraying of township 'Publie Hospital,,in itslight.against
roadsides for $5.75 per mile was - ' closure. Letters W'';111 be sent to the
accepted. ' - Ontario Premier, leaders of the
Passed for payment were road Opposition parties, Minister of
accounts of $12,590.77, Vanastra Health' and Jack ridden. Fluron_
Recreation hills of $13,656.25, MPP.
general accounts $11;541.79 and The meeting adjourned at 12:5(1
Day Care bills' of $2,346.24 for a a.m. Wednesday.
Passed for' payment :was the
levy to the Ausable-Bayfield
Conservation Authority for 1976
amounting to $6,957 for
ri expanded.
Commissioner Vern Alderdice investigation as it does not
$h103S 00 Each h use th
*„ 4 • r :of Kippen and Manager Mel conform to the township zoning.
',...."4,4 ,y,•4 • 4i 4 "k" * .4ispt - Gra.bant of Bruceheld attended by-law. •
5... • ', t.4;:i.!.-, ,
r • •, • , ,..•
. ......., . . .„
.;" 412' the telephone system can be apartment for his living quarters
was held over for further. Clinton. reportred 164 dog tags •
Sender Van Dorp of R.R.5; "5-
)1; " •
• . , Tuckersmith Township council is James, Egmondville, a new The mill rate for 1976 was set •
:4 ...I...4 4.• , • ' ?,4 , , "4. • • • • -1••••.: • . • ' • Tuckersmith Mil ut ici )al convert art of the "Country ' cial - the same rates as set for the
willing to issue debentures for\ house.
z:•e• 4 yi, t o pro
• ;••• •,•.••• •": • . • . • „. i••••,14. (By Wilma Okc) milking parlour: and Howard total of $40,135.05.
..... . • T uesday rit.;x4, the council session l night Court of Revision was held on
requesting the debentures. Mr.
Alderdice said , the system
- -e ir • th • money bythefall of
- • ' • telephone system in 1977 so that Market' store at Vanastra to, an past four years.
SeafOrth escaped the worst of the weight of the ice. •
damage from freezing rain and An- Expositor photographer
storms that .bl'anketed ,' western .who . went • Hensall yesterday.
Ontario Tuesday' night and 'fOtirird 'Mashy' people
Wednesday'. But south of here, in taking time off from work to help
tuckersmith arid the village of ' volunteer crews clean Op the
Hensall and Zurich people sere debris: Branches were, still falling
still without hydro, at press time then. Two' men and a-truck from
Wednesday ,afternoon. the Seaforth, P.U.C. spent
"It's 'a disaster area", • one yesterday In Zurich helping them
resident of Hensall said. Power cope with a serious situation.
there went off at 11:30 Tuesday Power in Zurich was off from 9
night. All' street's; were littered p,m, Tuesday.-
withbroken branches and trees' •, Power was off in parts • of
pulled down by high windS and Seaforth fortwo and- a half holm;
Van EgmoncKgrpup
A large group of new officers
were named at the annual meet-
ing of the Van Egmond Founda-
tion at the town hall last week.
names new o
which are needed to run the community, to start in the spring.
branches off.
during the night and only one of One school bus driver on a
two substations was operating Tucke'rsmith route couldn't turn
Wednesday afternoon* down one road because a
Clintoti:could..stay °pep if
other r
to the $800,000 that the Province
says it will-save by closing Clinton
Public Hospital, the hospital
won't be- closed. Huron
Middlesex ' MPP Jack Riddell,
•just after a meeting, with health
minister Frank Miller-Wednesday
morning said the minister;
him: really a Huron-County
problem, not a Clinton Problem,
There are too many beds' in
Mr.. Riddell said the minister
promised there would almost
certainly be no public hospitals
Closed in the county "if the
hoards add administrators can get
"'together, come up with aprogram
and show him the same savings."
Representatives from the five
hospitals are meeting on Friday
and the MPP said Mr. Miller is
prepared to send a member of his
staff to work with them and help
them come up. with an
After considerable. discussion
Monday afternoon. the -.Huron
County Board of Education
refered recommendations from
the budget'eummittee to a special
riieeting to he held Monday;
March 15. •
The budget committee sugges-
ted a number of ways in which
co'sts'= can he reduced. Superin-
tendent of Business Affairs Roy
Dunlop said the propsecl cuts
A BIG BOOST . TO. THE ARENA FUND — Jim-Cunningham, general Manager of
Topnotch Feeds Ltd. handed over a cheque to Mayor Betty Cardno Monday for the
town's arena renovation fund: The Topnotch 'cheque, fol- $3500' brings the
thermometer which registers donations (in -the background) 'up over the $14,000
mark, , (Staff Photo)
board predicts 20% tax rise
year," •
In discussion of the proposed
cutbacks chairman Herb Turk-
helm said. "We don't want to let
the 'quality of education 'deterior
ate but we want ,to assure .our
taxpayers that the mill rat6'vtill be
he1/1 as. muar as possible.
Turkheini said he hoped a
proposed increase in levies to the
municipalities of about 50 per
cent could be cut to about 30 per
Storm knocks power,
pow„-r line was down, When she
got to a second corner where, a
(Continued on -Page 20)
A CABLE CAR IN ST. COLUMBAN? — That's just one of the working models-and
,projects that Grade f3 and 4 pupils of Mrs. Joan Murray have made as they studied
Switzerland. Students spent about an hour and, a half a day during -February
learning about the country and had their parents in,on Friday to have a look. Marijo
Kale, left, Suanne Murray. and Alexene McIver dhow .how the cable car works. open mind."
More pictures on page 8 . (Staff Photo) . Meanwhile;—•Seaforth Corn- '
If Huron county hospitals can
get tOgether and agree, on bed
cuts and budget redtletions equal
alternative program.
Seaforth Hospital administrator
Gordon McKenzie said he
couldn't give the board's reaction
to Mr. Miller's proposal until
,after another hoard meeting
He said the local' hospital- would
go to the meeting with other
hospital representatives ''with an
niunity FloSpital. which has been
told by the he'alth ministry cut
-9.2 'per cent of its budget or
nearly $92,000. is waiting to talk
to ministry ' officials before
deciding where to make cuts,
SC'H administraror. Gordon
Mekenzie said a few staff offs
may be necessary but .that 'tlte
hospital hopes to make savingSty.
not replacing,people who retire or
Icnvc joty,, .Fie said he'll know
more and will have ~toff
meeting, and talk to • the press
after he gets back from meeting
health ministry people in Toronto
nest week.
The - administrator emphasized
that there was n o cause for alarm
(Continued on Page I 0)
Even with cuts
would'reduce the overall budget
by only about owe per cent.
• Dunlop anticipated the gross
budget would be up about 20• per
cent from last year. He said
although the provincial governs
ment had put a ceiling of eight •
per cent on /expenditures "it's
impossible to . stay at that figure.
We had 'teacher contracts last
'year go up about 30 per cent 'and-
this carries throug,h into this
Walter *Antics, ..iterior, Marg
McCowan, exterior, and grounds,
Norm MacLean, ways means and
program, Dorothy Williams •
Dr. Rodger Whitman is the auditor, Stu Coupland, and'publi-
group's new chairman, succeed- Bob Newnham.
ing Bob Newnharn. Vied.ehaitttfan P4Coorobs ova" named vOl'unteer
is Jim Moore of Egmondville. work co-ordinator, Arnold Stinni-
Mona Enzenberger of,Goderich is ssen, membership . chairman,
second vice chairman, Frances Leone CloSe, Van Egmont' family
Teatero of Egmondville is secre- liason, lnez Spittal, master plan.
tary and Dave Ring continues,,as . Nick Hill, resource advisor, Ted
treasurer. Cosford, nominating and Bob
Other directors are Walter Spittal, financial advisor.
Armes, Karen TeSkey, Bob Spit- The Van. Egmond group is
to an eg oo -PkA - e-r•v - ttl el 0 PBACTISING BROTHERHOOD z='Reploe*titAthrOicl-qh6-variougi,o,,Ftevt:::Laokhart.A.,,Q,yet,,of ,...Gogteri014,4.peat ..Veaker,-G,e.o.fiag,,tlaYS,
historic house and work on More details will appear next - Thursday at the Legion prepare to link hands and practise what they Mayor of Seaforth; back rowt Jetilet Key, es, Keith MacLean and
renovation plans are research week. • ',preach. From left, front, are Earl ,Mapadden, Harold Turnbtill, Don MacRae, Dublin Lions representative. (Staff Photo
XV, r • •
Chairmen of the committees events at the house and in the organizations in the Seaforth area who attended Brotherhood Night Legion President, Dave MacLean), john Paul Pad tad Betty. Cardno concerns and'request the opport- • '
unity to contribute some input
an9._syggestions. Since there is a
(Continuer) on Page 20)
cent. Budget-, committe chairman„,
John Elliott Said the- bugdetary
restraints would remove all extra-
ordinary expenses and a 10 per
cent cutback in ordinary expendi-
Dunlop said was almost
impossible to estimate at this
time what savings would come
from the proposed cutbacks. He
said formula • decreases would
save about $230,000 and addi-
tional savings would come from
driver education of $6,500,
possibly $10,000 in titilitie\and a
sizable amount in the cutbaTV Of
about five .froin the secretarial
Elliott said the secondary
school principals -in the county
had at,4„sd to `pew cent„
cutback oft expen'Ses' and
although 'it - wasn't, unanimous
there was a feeling they could live
with -another,10 per cent drop.
, , A delegation of elementary-
school principals headed by Bruce
Robertson of Howick Central
School asked to be allowed to
discuss the budget restraints
before they become offIciAl.
• The brief said, "We note that
some of the proposals for budget
cuts are very close to the students
.and day to day operation of the.
''•&• ita I Clop 6111,"1.341,0