The Huron Expositor, 1976-02-28, Page 6mg-kit/WN EXPOS TOR, FEBRUARY g6, 1976 vo. for free estimates in the convenience of_ your own home Or see us at our modern shop where we have a wide selection of fabrics, many at ' EXTRA SAVINGS ROLL END PRICES ARE 'AVAILABLE ON. FABRIC ENDS, SUITABLE FOR SMALL JOBS For Your Re-Upholstery Needs :con us . . Canadian Fiirniture Restorers -P!4iWy. 83 across fror**eme Signs EXETER 235-0131 °Mari° Owned.and Operated byt EttR0015ANTI:04Etc CRAFTSIVIAN elcd 014itu0s,„ 116TCR I NG WITH 24 YEARS EXPERT(iv Wins 100F speaking contst At-Seaforth Manor Minnie Hawley is 90 ",•Bir'tliciti\ Greetings to Mrs. Minnie Hays ho on Tifesda Mrs,. Lill- Ht,.. •. aelebirdted her 90th birthd,o at Paul Van Esbroek of Exeter won the public speaking contest sponsored by the Independent Order of Oddfellows, Huron district. last °Friday night at Central Huron Secondatv School, Clinton. Paul's prepared Speech, a satire on the union of Canada with thi.. United States, made ,him the zone champion and won him a trip to the United Natioes in Nev% ork. #A, ' the ,.).)9 test is i ,ponsori..ki by the Oddfell Ks of NPrthAmcrwa and is ‘„-•alled file 'Pilgrirntrge of Ypith for the„United Nations, So far $4-: studer0 from_ Ontario hase %%on the trip. Once in New York, students, aged either lb or 144 from all user North Aoi ,ri,:a. are taken on a tour of Ote U.N. and are -met ,,arnbassatiorsi,Pom different countries. ambassadors '• present •the., and cons of the U and student is expected to speak to the group, about, wtat he has learned and ho‘\ he feels about the U,N -.1. A ‘‘ ihner ,111,f „,on.e tram th.%.,41.10*.ti• one Tott°f The .itter all the ,peaches'--ha\ in the Foer rouhout tht. ,umMer.. from' different area, in `north Incr.., a v. illh,,zi.;),11:,vs tit E.,7 [ht. pass: en.. !.cars. 443, Avower er runner-up in the speeches, has been from Ontario. Runner up in the zone eonte st was Diane Mitchelmore from Goderich. Her speech was on the "Twins" in her family. Her sister and the family dog. Paul and Diane competed against seven other students from Clinton. Wingham, Exeter, Goderich and Seaforth. • Judges were s. Monteith, • Exct p er: Debridge. `Exeter and Taylor, Varna. • Aft er the contestants presented their five to se% en minute gave a speech. Last year s zone champion was iLorry York otClinton, • Egmondville people see bapd very gOod. It was like old home week seeing all the people from Seaforth down there. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith of They got down to Ft. Myer ts to Huntsville just returned . from see the S.D.H.S. band which was three weeks in Florida, 1111111111111111111111111111MIIIIIIIIIIIII11101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011110 C.B. SAVINGS SHORT S REBEL 23 is -23 Channels' - S/RF Meter -Adjustable Squelch -Positive/Negative Ground REGULARLY $169 9 5 95 t NOWT 139 While Stock Lasts t , Joyce Bruce Rev. prepared speech, the. one minute impromptu.' Correspondent gptides Mr. and MrS. Wayne Scoft of Seaforth and Mr. ' and Mrs. Charles Geddes _have returned from a two week holiday in Fl tda, ey visited with rela- tive f Mrs. Geddes; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mudore and family of Orlando Florida. NEW, The Quiet One frorn Regency SOLD A. TER 65 YEARS — Margaret Lane Smith of To,ant0 grew up in this house on the Milt Road. aldhc: \tv.ith eight brothers.and sisters .vhen it was owned by her 'father vvno nought it 65 years ago. Mrs. Smith's bicther Chartie Lane, who died last • year Kept the house and 150 acres in the family but it has been sold by his estate to Ken Larone of Toronto, Mrs Smith said her brother hadn't lived in the house for ,several y ears'but made his home in the Commercial Hotel in Seaforth, (Staff Photo) The FiegiStered, Two Way .Radio R.R.#3, Mitchell. , 3 Miles East-of Mitchell on # 8. Watch foth6 Pines on the Sonth side. 'AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR COBRA-REGENCY-JOHNSON • COURIER-PACE:---- HI GAIN- CARDON OSPIYA t ;•:, ••:••••• 7H-••,:rtnikity ir vrfer, for .t .A Have your G'1,-.aria. agent snow Pr6r.1 .6ri Annuity's t a' • a -lithe c.a.- t-nt 1.14 t-ie.(1t.:,-..tio-v, you gr:t No fc., forget One rnutc;i," iututt )iri•-rr Jrc..5 if yOu -;;;;;;;;;;.,>.•:0 Arnold Stinnissen Seaforth *527-0410 40 10141 410111410 10 C111 [b] L61fl _ Seaforth Manor. A pat't \cas held b\ Mr. ancf Mr, in 'her' honour , and tea and Bc4-,,ra \ birthday cake, . gift of her -Mk Keno: niece Ekie Spadden, were \ isiting„Mr enjoyed hs all. Attending were Mrs. \for-, • Rev. and Mrs. Bert M, Spadden and g•rand,:hildren nt Riyhmend \Alison M..t ..Hill, Mr. Land 'sirs. Sam Eunice • McSpadden of iorsyiLh, Mr. Mr.."K‘r. Dennis 'M'eSpadden.• B. \. „M.A. .% ' of Thronto. Mr. .Lesjit., `den. of Winthr)p and ..41,re and •. Mrs. Alex Dennis otSeato her sil.ter and brotherMrs.Etta isitreu ‘t,';t14-Ter k..„;• Hawlev..and Mr. Zack.M,Sparlan. and Mrs. le‘ v. as the ret.y,airnt fatht., :'Mr, Len M.K of many gifts and flmkek. and.. Mrs. R . good Wishes from the staff, 4.110_....11j.ss Moron friends. CongratulatOry message.s. Frankm,--- Ball also,.were reetro.ed..from _, • ,s Minister Trudeau. Robert Mr any Mr,. isited Da, idson. "Mr. B Manor. Visiting Da\ id,on iker% ittr 4 \t ••• Amy Los r ,• Mrs. Peter • Friday ;atter-no. Se•atOrth :v.. g1 attended ar.;. Manor and j2rusented a. fine Full H Mr. 1 e r... musical• for4015.mr,•..:13,ert residents. M r. ErielvinAktieA.R.*.c.,Davi:4.;..orriCr':, the.. M.C. for the (...\ ening t1•j7 following the program thoicing was enjoyed and refreshments Miss. served. Mrs.C.lertruLii.• Visiting Mr' William Scott Mr. John Darlina.. • Miss Ina' Scott' of L9mion. Mr. Ha \‘. l e % Mr, I •l" H Ross Scott. Brueetield and Mrs. Mrs., Minni-. Ha Constance has many visitors Correspondent MrsAlin-YMerner Congratulation's are extended AO Mr. and Mrs. Frank.tardella of :Missis,sauga on the birth of a son. Christopher on February 23rd in •Missisauga : He is a .grandson for Mr. and Mrs.Don Buchanan. Mr. arid Mrs. George Wasson and Marjorie of BlYth \x,cre Sunday visitors with' Mr. and Bill SIM-6. Mr. and Mrs.(. Mr. Karl, Keller of Shakespetir'e. Mr. Mayne Herman and Miss Debbie Klein of Guelph were Sunday dinner guests, with 1Y1r. and Mrs. PaulSte\ Darren and Luanne. Jim DollimOre and Buchanan of Aj.ax spent weekend with Mr. and Mrs. [ion Buchanan. Paul and Gary. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dowson. Brenda. Bonnie and John of Varna, Mrs. Ella Jewitt of Seaforth visitecl•on Siinday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Presicator,- Iill, Debbie; and Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley, Kim and Greg of Winthrop were Sunday visitors „with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Riley. • Mr. and Mrs. Lo* Ilenry and family of R.R.0 Ripley visited On Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jbhn Thompson, Sharon and Notice TOWN OF SEAFORTH DOG OWNERS Please be advised that 1976 Dog Tags are available at, the Town Office. Town Clerk TOWN OF SEAFORTH ere\to ria. a ay phone. The c.ost of 'making a local call from sOrne . 'pay phones iri your local calling area .has increased to 20'cents. But there are still a lot of :10 cent pay phones around. And we'd e to • tell you where you can find them. The 1010Pay Phone Gen rally,, you'll find these phones on municipal .sidewalks, in railway stations and bus terminals. Pay PhoneS in IttSpitals, nursing homes, . rooming house*and churches will also 'remain at IQ cents. The 200 Pay Phone movie HOM Ebray phones in most other locations, such as hotels, airports and restaurants, go.up to 20 cents Emergency calling At. the same time,.a new service will be added to all outdoor pay phones. What this added • service does is enable you td reach the-Operator, Directory Assistance and Repair Service without,depositing a coin. Instructional cards From now on, when you're calling from a pay phone, look for the information card above the dial. It clearly tells. you whether it's a 10 cent or 20 cent pay phone. Be I Canada, McKinley M.P. and on Saturday Jack Riddell. M.P.P. y isit2Vand presented her with a plagete from Premier William. Day is on 'behalf of the Ontario Government commemorating coMmemorating thiS happy. occasion. W.edrIcsday -eyentn • sir. --Gordliiii4Nin and his hand from Bob. •Mrs. this week wnh her ,!in and taMil%, Mr. and Mrs. John \'‘• left. Andrea and Kern ut Mrs. .1 tit 'rner t \Nat.:duo spent a ir.:•1A r sun anti famik. Mr.- avd Mr, ( \lcrner Sands, 1,nn. M1. ha ,.•I and Jim the Specifications RECEIVER 'Crystal Controlled ChannelS 1 through 2 93 Sensitivity .5 microvolts for 10db S+N/N RT. Gain Control Flange 40db Adjacent Channel Selectivity 60db g.10K.Hz • Squelch Sensitivity •V to 500 microvolts;adjustable Audio Output 4 watts TRANSMITTER Crystal Controlled Channels SHORTY'S CR 230 Cuts Noise i by 40 db's Delta Tune * RF PA Gain 1 through 23•.- • • Carrier Frequency Accuracy ± .005% Microphone '500 ohms dynamic , RF Power Output 4 watts, legal maximum it Ye