The Huron Expositor, 1976-02-28, Page 34
BEST PUBLIC SPEAKERS — Wednesday was 'public speaking Cathy Mc Gavin, Brenda Pullman
day at SPS and finalists from all classes entertained fellow students. 'Jim McClure, Peter Boven.
School wide winners Were, front, left, Jane. Morton, Susan Ball,s'
• t.
, rear, Scott Driscoll, Greg Riley,
Something to Say
by Susan White
Closings are politics of illusion "IP
Gets suspended sentence
Nicholas Hauw.ert. of S.eaforth,
pleaded guilty to two charges of
break-in and theft in Seaforth and
.one in Exeter when he appeared
in Exeter court on February 10.
He was given a suspended
sentence and put on probation for
two years. Seaforth Police Chief
John Cairns said Mr. Hauwert
had admitted a break-in at the
Seaf orth rarmers Co-Op .on
January 26 and a break-in at the'
local arena the week before, that..
In court in 0pderich last
Monday,, 'Harry L. White' of
Seaforth was found guilty . of
possessing stolen property, a rug
belonging to Deep Steam Carpet
Cleaners. The charge "goes' back
'63Oct-ober 8, '192,5, Mr.:W.hite was
fined $150 or IS days.
In provincial court in Seaforth
on Wednesday, February 18,
Robert Oliver ' of Main st.;
Seaforth, was fined $60 or six
days in jail on a charge orc•ausing
a disturbance and $103 or 10. days
on a careless driving charge.
Bryan A. Somerville was fined Dorothy Rhynard, pleaded not
$150 on a 'charge, laid by the guilty to five charges of false
Goderich OPP, of driving while pretenses and her t vial date was
disqualified. Frank Verberne set for April 21.
pleaded guilty to a charge of Marian Laws, Brucefield,
speeding and was fined $163. pleaded not guilty to a charge of
'Martin Verberne was 'convicted false pretenses and her trial was
of failing to produce evidence of . set for March 17. John Miller,
insKu erannneeethanLd Rfi hnyendai.$d53w. ho.
was - on a charge of assault and a bench
Ann St., Seaforth failed-to appear
charged with assulting, a police warrant was issued for his arrest.
offitnae pe pr,eCaor, nisnt cForner Baun rdt bfae in
i ecdh '"geacorti-P'also faired -to appeal Ito
John D. Hulsey, Church St.,
warrant was issued for his arrest. answer charges)o•-•,•ot. careless,
Terry K. Prouse of Albert driving, speeding-•al&failing to
'Street, Go.derieh was fined $53 for produce a licence and a bench
having open liquor in his car and-. warrant was issued for his arrest.
Peter J.'Chcssell was lined $53 on David- W. Scott, Mitchell,
a charge of having liquor while a pleaded not guilty 'to failing to
minor. .
of stealing a pair of socks from the
Old Mill in Blyth, Was given a 12'
month probation and ordered 'to
drive his car only to and from
work. .
report an accident and hiS. trial ., •
Myles A. Price, Seaforth, 'was set .for April 21. `
pleaded not guilty to eight Ralph A. Elliott received a
charges, including wilful damage, cusp ended sentence on a charge
driving Over 80 mph, impaired
driC'ing, careless driving, having
a vehicle Trialvi,a
and dfailing
liquorrepoE ia
n naccident.
for March 17, in Seaforth. •
ALL EYES ON SISTER MARY — Students listened attentively at St. James' Sch
last week when principal, Sister Mary St. 'Louis announced the winners o the
school's public speaking contest. A few parents-visited the school and listened to
the speeches too. (Staff Photo)
Novice team Plays Milverton,
The first "game of the' series
between Seaforth and Milverton
novice hockey team .Was played-
hereSaturday 'night with Seaforth
defeating Milverton' 6 - 2.
,In the second period, when the
score was S - 1 for Seaforth, the
excitement 'rose with Allan
helping Raymond Anstett stop a
shot bY Milverton in the crease.
As a result a penalty shot was
made by Milverton and Seaforth's
outstanding goalie Raymond
Anstett stopped the puck With no
prOhlem. "`
David Mel-twain scored 4 goals •
• and Allan Works scored 2 .goals
. for Seaforth
The second game will be played
in Milverton 'at 7 o'clock Friday,
.February 27 with the 3r,d game
back • in Seforth on Saturday,
February 28, 1976 5:30 p.m.
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much? Th.' the basic question government that we want
and it's up to us to 411 the answer~, not closings.
Hullet school has
The grade six class presented a
very interesting assembly to the
students on January 30 and to the
residents of fluronview. on
February 13. •
The program • inch:Ricci floor
gymnastics by some of the girls
and a box horse displays by• sonic
of•the boys. Three square dances,
Oh Susannah, Captain Links and
The Wearing of the Green were
very' well performed. • • .
A very amusing play All in a
Day's' Work and a choral reading
it's About 'lime were presented
very well. The clasS as a whole.
sang Winter Wonderland •and
Jingle Bells. At the conclusion of
Mr. , MacLennan's.
announcements' the program
closed with Oh Canada. - ' •
. •
Winter Carnival
• Hullett' Central Scheel partici-
pated. in the Clinton and District
Winter 'Carnival, Saturday,
February 7th .The prineessKaren
Durin and prince. Paul
Middegaal, carried the -school
banner on the front of the, float
and a number of square dancers
and guitar players completed our
school entry.
At the conclusion of the parade
the children proceeded to the
high school to take part in the
taiefit programme Wearing, pf the
Green, Captain ..links and Oh
Susannah were three numbers
presented by the dancers. A
group of nine girls playing guitars
sang Foiir Strong Winds and
Sunda) Morning. Everyone -hada
very 'enjoyable rinse at these
events. ,
Volleyball Tournament
Thy. annual volleyball tourna-
mem WaS held on February 14 ro-
tin.' Clinton Secondary School.
Present were teams &Om Clinton
Blyth Public, Huron
Centennial Brucelield.
Holmes\ file • • Public. Seaforth
Public and Hullett Central
Schools. Both -the boys and the
girls represented Heir schools
well., •
The boys' trophy went to Blyth
•Pnhlic School and the girls'
trophy?-weat to Huron Cent &finial
School...Hulled girl); were runners,.
up and .the boys placed third.
Heritage Day
As we' all are aware ..the
sixteenth or February. has been
proclaimed as Heritage Day. The
grade eight students from Milieu
Central brought immany antiques
arid set up an informative display
in the gym. - • • -
The rest of the schodl toured
through the gym to see the many
articles from the past. There was
someone ayailableat each display
to answer • any q uest ions the
pupils had. •
initiate" the project. The
committee has arranged for two
meetings to which, all interested
youth are invited, for Monday and
Tuesday, March 1 and 2 at 730 in
the basement of the Public
Library. ,
The meeting will provide an
opportunity to. explain the
Seafortt Lions
are pUrpose, goals and nature of Leo
investigating the'possibility of • Clubs. Requirements - „for
forming a Leo Club in Seaforth. participation and the relationship
The club has named a with the sponsoring group will be
committee headed by Ed. Tay lot' explained. In announcing the
and including Ross Ribey and meetings the committee indicated
Keith Snell to determine the participation does not involve
interest there may be and to giving up activities in which youth
may now be engaged. Leo Club
membership is open to all young
adults from 13 to 18 inclusiv, and
it is this group that is invited to
attend the meeting next' week,
Mr,Taylor said.
At the meeting Monday' night
Lions head O'PP Constable John
Ray of Goderich discussed the
ns may form Leo 4C
AdvglitAge .4114 011P40419114 of
t-I'm Seat belt was
introduced by.. Seaforth folife
Chief John Cairns,
At an earlier meeting With
Stewart Copeland as chair Man
District Governor Jack Mettler of
Ba.yfield told members of changes
being contemplated in the zone
which could involve Seaforth.
In a car club draw Fred Tilley
won $25.00.. Wm. Flodgert
announced- a gift of $33.Q0 to the
Lions Crippled Children's
Committee in memory "of-the late
Mrs, Writ, Drover.
• ).
I don't think there is anyone in
the province who would' argue
rhat our government ls• spending
a lot, perhaps too much, on health.
care and that economy is needed;
jiist as it's needed in all areas of
government spending.
• But is chopping hospitals the
way to make savings? We think
there are • other ways. lots of
them, that' the• government
doesn'loyant . to look at.
Wan—Minister Frank Miller's
famous visits to the 10 hospitals
he closed ...;the brave fighter in
the lions' den ....look to m,e like
well thougat. out public relations
moves,- The hospital closing
exercise was ,a circus, designed
for maximum public impact and
media coverage.
Tories seem to,feel they'll get
More suppOrt • frOm across the
province by appearing to be tough
guys, really serious about cutting
spending. "well they're closing
hnspittils aren't they.?'" They'
figure the inflation panicked voter
will say, and be reassured about
the fiscal responsibiity of the
Davis government' • •
•The . province has cynically
decided that they'll get more
support from the rest of the
province on the closings than
they'll lose from- the populations'
of a few small towns and one
iniinigrant ' neighbourhood in
4 Toronto. . .
That can .be the only
explanation for the drawn out,
show boat quality of the hospital
clqsings. Because, the $40 million
that Mr. Miller says they will save
this-year is a..tiny drop in' the
proVincial health bucket.
What ,is saved by closing ten
hospitals is 'much less 'than what•Ministry has just spent
to give Ontario doctors an eight
per, cent increase in payments
from OFHP. Currently payment to
doctors from OHIP is $600
million, 25 percent of the total
cost of health care in the
Closing the . Clinton
Hospital will save the.. province
4' $800,000 and closing :.Goderin
Psych.. will sit-VC $2- !MIN%
health minister •says.' That'S 2.8
million saved in little Huron •
County alone.
Where are the $2,8 million cuts
in the provincial health bureau-
cracy in Queen's Park?. To the
contrary. it's rumoured that a
new division is being set up with'
-the Ministry of Health to oversee Don't think that it's not your
the • hospital closings._ And we fight. According to a confidential
-don't doubt it a bit, plan for cutting health expendi-
13esides the millions that come turc to 7 per cent of the Gross
out of 'the health care budget Provincial Product obtained by
every year for unnecessary tests, • Stephen Lewis, the' Ministry of
x-rays and over long hospital Health plans to cut eight more
stays, the province is currently 'hospitals a year until 1980-And
putting all health .unit visits to nobody thouglitto ask Mr. Miller
food premises and such on if the• Clinton Public' closing was
computer. Why? Ontario spends the last in Huron for the next few
a fraction of its health budget on years..
preventitive programs and health Then ' we may, because of
education. • • deaining enrollment and.
There are millions being' seen t increasing costs, face school.
on • 'waste, mis-direction and closings.. The big central, schools
unnecessary programs in other that the province has built in the
departments too. The paper, last 20 years have to be. full to
employee time arid • decision operate economically 'but
making effort that goes into the everyone has his favourite horror
hundreds of pages of duplicated stories about waste in ' the
oft useless press releases that go Ministry of Education's domain,
to .every newspaper office in -the' Spending in Oniario (and in the
province, must. involve several' federal government)' is out of
millions a month. The press gets control. Noisy hospital closings
miles of material on the trivia and won't - help, People can see this,
details: of -government decisions "-ruthless pursuit of government
but arc ,left In the, dark on the .saving" as the public relations
'meat of decision making. exercise it' is. The- . provincial
We don't think , it's fair to . government is practising • the •
blame the users of the health care politics of illusion cutting,
sy stem because costs are going hospitals that are• centres of the
up. Who insisted on building too community, while making no
many • hospital beds in the changes in' basic policies and
province? Who let• spending get procedures .at head office. •
out of.control? A sick patient has Who controls health care in
no; sha re in decisions about how .Ontario and why does 'it cost so
many tests and medical.
procedures are performed or how . • • •
long .he . stays in hospital, how
efficiently that •hospitakis being
run or how • many- •people at
vte health care
Queen's Park arc overseeing the • n • i d •
We have heard that ' the
province „ will start chopping
schools 'next. Again. , the
province's hope may be - what
will the closing of a few schools in ,
The hinterlands mean. to the
Majority of the' voters in the
Governments today. including'
Premier Davis arOhis pals, need"
to learn' that ,fite place /o cut
spending isn,:t at the loCal level.
at the final end result of their
programs, whether schools or
: The plaCe to" cut is the layer
upon layer of programs, waste
and people at the provincial.
regional and county levels .- the
expenses that all of us got along
quite well without before. they
were introduced by the govern-
ment that is now chopping
ou re
"You're invited'' is designed to
help you -get s .your groups
invitation Out to the 'public. The
coltimn announces free of charge,
meetings. or events which are
open to the general public and for
which no " admission will he
• Itemstor the eelumn must lie
\vritten, not- phoned 'and should
1?ertitt4 onv week before the event.
They should be sent into file
Expositor office by the Friday
he fore the week of •publicat ion
and marked "For 'You're Invited'
The Happy Owens Group of
`Seaforth will nicer for euchre
games in the Seafoith Legion'
Hall on Thursday , March 4th at 2
p.m. Visitors welcome. Ladies
please-hring lunch.
1 '
Legion games
on Saturday ondville Team
Team Standings:
This' Saturday, at the high,....Ba-tudas„ 106 pts;
Th. underbitds, 88: Cougars, 84:
Jaecivars, 73;' Mustangs, 73;
Wildcats, 59.
Ladies' high single and' triple,
Mary Nobel, 264 . 705. Men's
high single and triple. Ron
Beuerman, 346-787. .
Commercial League
Team Standings:
Happy Bunch, 89; Optimists, 83;
Sharpies, 73; Penny Pinchers, 65;
Gold 'Diggers, 45; Turtles, "44,
Ladies' high single and triple,
Alice Van Bakel, 212, 263. Men's
high single and triple, Harry De
Loyer, 276, 756.,
Team standings:
Peacocks, 93; Starlilngs, 78;
Eagles, 78; Orioles, 72;
Kingfishers, 71; Tweety Birds,
70. •
Girls' high single „lacky
Nobel, 230. High triple, Pia
Marcussen, 612, Boys' high
single and triple, Dennis Nielsen,
290 (spare; , 77:3 (spare). •
Y.B.C. Seniors
Team standings:
Alouettes, 91; Esicimos,
Bowling co- es
hilk1to.,akcs, 70: • Rough Riders,
'Girls' high single and triple,
Brenda Cooper, 222,, 550. Boys.'
high single and triple, Gerry
NObel„125, 810.
Legion Team
Team standings:
Julfilics. 95; Question Marks, 85;
Firebands, "I; Yu-Know,' 58;
Lucky Six, 57; Korner Kids-54.
Ladies' high single and triple,
Ann Wort, 265, 635. Men's High
single. lack Eisler, 297; high
triple, Ed. F3liccr, 722.
St. James' League
Team standings;$
Ups & Downs, 10,1; .Tigers. 99;
Swingers, 70: Misfits, 69; Divn.
& Out, 6 7; Aces, 54.
Ladies' high single and triple,.
Sandra Johnson. 256, 679; Mep's
high single, and triple, John
Coleman, 321.' 939,
Thursday nighters
Team standings:
BoWling Stones, 69; Question
Marks, 69; Pin, UT's, 65; Rocky
Bowler's. 60; Corner Ones, 59;
The Frustrations, 57:
Ladies' high single and triple,
Marg. Ungarian, '281, 702: Men's
'high single, Tames Brown, 373;,
high triple. Eric Mat/old, 727.
school. A Midget Boys Basketball
`tournament is being held,
Joining the host Seaforth team,
will be teams from Clinton, St.
Thomas and Parkhill: The Round
Robin tournament sees each team
competing against each other for
'the Branch 156 Legion Trophy.
The tournament winner will be
chosen by a panel of judges who
are basing their results on
Achievement, Attitude and
Appearance. The Seafortth
Legion Branch 156 is not only
providing the trophies, but are
also hosting the boys for a meal.
For good entertainment, come to
the tournament and support, the
boyp, SDFIS physed ,teacliet
Terry Johnston says.
Games Scheduled are:
9:00 Seaforth VS Clinton
. 10:30 St. Thomas VS Parkhill
1:00 St. Thomas VS Seaforth
2:30 Clilnton VS Parkhill
6:00 Clinton VS St. Thomas
7:.30 Seaforth VS Parkhill • •,
Admission is 50c fOr a whole day