The Huron Expositor, 1976-02-28, Page 1Whole No. 5633
117th Year
$10.00 a Year in Advance
Single copy 25 Cents . •
C.A.Berber •
WHY CLINTON? •-• Signs asking Ontario lic.;:alth
minister pointed questions about why he was closing
Clinton Public Hospital were held by members of the
crowd who greeted him there Thursday morning,
Mout 125 people including about 25 press,
radio reporters waited Outside in: the cold for about
two hours while the minister gave the word on the
closing to officials inside„ • .,(Staff. Photo)
Minister' Frank Miller looked a little sheepish as he
accompanied. Clinton police chief Lloyd Westlake
into Clinton Public Hospital Thursday mornin'g. The
crowd of about 125 looked grim and gave Mr. Miller
Minister says
a chorus of boos. Mr. Miller told hospital officials
that the 62 bed hospital should Close aS soon' as
possible after. April 1. The closing will save $800,000,
he said. - (Staff Photo)
o more Huron beds go
Ontario Health Minister-Frank
K. Miller • came to, Clinton
Thursday when he left a
second, Lloron County hospital
had been told to close,
"•1s soon as possible • after
April Miller told reporters.
who asked when the closing of the
62 . bed . Clinton PUblie Hospital
was to.take effect. •
Auxiliary member Peggy Menzies
,said hospital authorities -
ke Wednesday afternmin that
94r. Miller ss as coming to. Clinton.
• Various people stayed tip 'til 3:3(1
that morning preparing brick for
the minister.
''Mr. Miller.canui in. listened
to our .presentations • role
-things:. down. toured the hospital
and we were starting. to tee!
hopeful,- Mrs. Men/ieti who. is
district director of the laoSpital
Auxilia'ries of Ontario said. ThCm
a group gathered in the basement
boardroom of the Clinton
Hospital: including doctors,
hoard membersand auxihary and
nursing staff . represcntative"s'
-.sere told that the hospital would
A fess press representatives
were allosscd 'to hear S
Linnounceinent: tInt acre ushet'ed
out when questioning of the
minister began- Clinton Town
Police kept spectators. and the
press rom getting past the from
door of the hospital.
About 125 people, many,. of
them senior Litt/ens holding sins.
sas-ina "We. • paid for this
Hosiiital" hoed Mr. Millet' when
entered flu . hospital about
M:40 ssith an' UPI' and plain
clothes policy- escort. A. slightly
largcrcross 0 yelled louder at the
minister and threw a few
snow halls when be left the
ho:spittil at noon.
Huron:-.Mitilesex MPP .lack
sy ho "•1`• at :CPI-1 is hen .
Started creamery. in 1914 .
C. A. Barber dies at 96
retest hospital close
2000 •t Clinton school
various institutkins, and busiriXs.,
groups, and included, several
persons • who testified •-• they
wouldn't he alive today were it
'not for the easy accessabilify-and
'fine care 'available,,at the Clinton
After the speakers, a panel
discussion was set till on the stage .
and following an adch'ess by each
of the eight panel members,
questions were heard from -the
Clarence Denomme, president
of thy. clinton retail Mertihants'
Association. •said the los's of the
hospital will in can quite an
econOMiC'10Y, to the town because
'it is, the town's biggest employer.
The l(t z4 of the $800,000 annual
hospital payroll would hale a very
detrymental effec - • on Clinton
because.the town has so few jobs
in the Manufacturing area,
'We are lot a uniqile position in
that many jobs- are in the seta ice
Mr. Riddell said that all of the industry,- M' penommi-
hospital closings - ten so far- were [amity income., have
done without consultation and
without w arbing, and" while the
legislatufe 'Was not meeting.,
He said Pferiii3r'Williartit)(MiZ
has never replied,„jo any lett ers
(By Jim Fitzgerald)
team in Huron .County,' Dr.
The community around Clinton ' Baker said.
is up in arms fallowing the order
last week that. Clintgn's ' 62-bed out at Clinton can only be done in
Many of the operations carried
hospital he closed down by April
London where a hospital bed
1st, throwing ' '75 • full-time costs $100 to 150 more than the
employees and 35 part-time $75 cost per day in Clinton, he
employees out of work, said.
A crowd estimated at nearly Not only does the Clinton
2,000 elbowed their way to—hospital serve about 10,000 in the
Central HuronSecopdary School Clinton area, but Dr. Baker said
Tuesday night to protest the the large influx of cottagers and
cld/sing of the, Clinton facility. It
was the largest crowd ever
assembled in Clinton for such a
purpose. The gymnasium floor'
was completely filled, as were the
. bleachers along the qicle. The
crowd spilled' • out into the
hallw7 ays where the public
address system had to be turned
on to reach all those present. CarS
were parked bumper to bumper
for five blocks around the high
Dr. Brian Baker, chief of
medical staff at the Clinton
- Hotpital, received the biggest
reponse, a .standing ovation, at
the, meeting.
i. Baker, •who has been 'bre
Clinton since 1972, said tii6-
.,..013.calth minister regarded the
As no more...than' he has sent. ...Davis doesn't want
"a mere. pin in the map." any input.," Mr. Riddell said,
He said that closing the Clinton
The 2V2 hour meeting,
facilitycre•presented a threat to the organized by the Clinton
health, care of people .in Clinton Coneerned Citizen Coalition, was
area because ,,, the other four chaired by Clinton Coumiillor .1i ni
hospitals in Huron - Goderich
Hunter and started off • with a
• Atexandra -Seaforth, Exeter and
Mock 'funeral 'service' skit put on
Wing yin - had no room for by the prefectsof the high school.
pthients from This was followed by • a dozen
",We the, best medical
sneakers representing eitizons .
.P"°:PA attar lkIVITH *HOLE IN iT — That's wit Ian. Grenville,Smith is faced with at- his •
,'sera de centre at the corner of Main and Goderich StreetS. A car hit the light
standard, knocking It into the plastic sign about 1:30 Tuesday morning. Police'say
someone will be charged. M r. Grenville Smith says cost over $300 to repair
the sign to be paid by the persOn who broke It. (Staff Photo)
for Goderich.PSytThiatiiic -Hospital,
said a meeting would be .held in
Stratford on Wednesday night
with representatives of six of the
close d. hospitals present.
He said they' would be
considering several alternative,
plans, including a rnassmarch on
Queens Park in Toronto when the
legislature reconvenes .on March
Hospital administrator Doug
Coventry released figure's 'that
showed the Clinton Hospital waS-
' one of the most efficient.hospitals
in Huron County and one of the
He said it cost about $74 a day
to keep a patient in Clinton,
compared to a provincial average
of $111. The average length of
stay and the average cost of
patient stay', were also Well below
the provincial average .
Clinton Mayor Don, Symons
said that ....mined was fully behind
the protest movement and, had
given the Clinton Concerned
Citizens.Committee office space
in 'the town hall 'in the fernier
police office. The p hone' number
is 482-7872.
. He rPcOmmended that .each
person write a personal' letter to
Premier Davi's arid Mr. Miller
• pointing' out the necessity of . The
'' We have been given the
challenge to 'show that Clinton'
has tine of the best hospitals in
the province and we can set an
example for the rest of the
--province to .Mayor.
Symons. said: •
On the panel were hospital
administrator Doug, Coventry,
hoard preSident Art Aiken, New
Democratic Party, president.
Chefurk a of ,London, Mayor
Sym(in, Huron-Bruce MPP
Murray Gaunt, Huron-Middlesex
MPP Riddell, hospital chief .of
staff Dr. Baker, and Hamilton
(Continited on •Rage 20)
hears of"
„.• (by Wilma cake)
In order that priority ..
maintenance sv‘irk sueb as
painting and repairs yam• he
carried out ,during the spring,•
school ii yak. the, Huron-Perth
County Roniai Catholic Separate
School Board approved giving to
the building commUtee aui
i.tds anee of $15,000 of the
anticipated budget for til,76 at, a
meeting in Dublitt Monday night.
I' The 'board supported
resolution from the Lambton
y Board of Education to
petition the Ontario government
to raise the 'ainimum drinking
age from 1k3 io-20 years,
The board will grant'
permission to the flesson,N.outh
Club to use one of the b(iarti
'owned buses at [lesson on' March
ft to take .up to fifty members-toe..
Kta (tenet to see the lee C;:pa(.10Z..
4.1.1e club will be asked to pa .X
the cost of gasoline at the rat c of
25 cents per mile plus the cost 01
hiring'' one • of the regular bus
(iris ers. -
The voting people belong to the
youth club at .St.Mary's Church.
Three or the four French
teachers in the system outlined to
the trustees at the hoard meeting
boa French is being taught to the
students in -the 19' schools under
holfrd sd i on . • •
Presenting the programme
were Kathleen- Meillan, • Rita
Lauwaert and Gacten Blanchette.,
• Only the Grade 7 and Grade $
ptrpils are given the oral French
programme used within the
system. The lessons are for a
-twenty minute period, five days a
Beeduse of the spring break in
March the meetings of the board
will be held on March 8 and
March 29. ,
The meeting was adjourned at
11:20 p.m, when' the board went
, into cortimittee-of-the•whole, The
hoard will, hold a special Meeting
in the first seek hi March which
be in committee.of-the-
Mr. Miller art. ived, said' There %about w2iy Clinton will he closed
axe a couple of white,. elephant 'instead cif Exeter.
institutions in the 1)6:wince whose ' -It's not whirr s good for
dostirc would tt.'ave a lot more , Clinton but what's good for the
mon6 Than closing small town whole county," :that has to be
hospitals," • 'Considered, he Health.
The MC'Psaid.the effect of the . authorities would 1.‘e had to
.01hoesitdigisoans .ttrhoeaslocal economy.would close 80 beds in hospitals across
the county to .thk 'same •
Ivlr. Millet' tald•rePorters that it saving that conies frOM closing 62'
was' true the decision close . beds in Clinton, the' minister said.
Clinton Public, was made without . • • Mr. Miller said' hospitals and.
looking at . assoeiated. costs, .the community repreSentatk'l.s
effect On the community. and -its appeal, tit hint and Premier
tax base. 'and the. social .costs. • 1/Avis. -What are the •
"But my job is health," he ,chances of Clinton.' staving,
not the economy of the open?" he was asked, -"Not
• province. " high'', the, minister replied, .
The minister challenged the ,The hospital huilding sspuld
Clinton Hospital board to come up become "an assets' , the.
with alternatis c way of saving coMmun,ity" .antf could be used
the $800,000 that he said closing for chronic care, if there is ;.t need
the hospital ysould Mean, • in• the, county. 'Mr. Miller added
F1( .said some . of their that' is ith chronic beds b0:700:,..
arguments for keeping the • used in the county., it didn't Took
hospital open are, good ones but like there asa need. •
"geography. can be argued:both Employees Will he en help
Ways.— While Clinton is at the to find jobs. the health' minister
centre of the county it is also close ;aid, A bout 110 people ‘sork at
to ino'ci'ther hospitals;. Seaforth • the 'hospital, about one third of
and Goderich. he .,aid them part time, ss hick has a:
There won 't be ward closings payroll cif about $14.900 a \seek. It
or bed reductions in any of the • is Clinton's largest 'employer.
other hospitals in Huron, the. Past hospital hoard chairman
minister said. "With this closure Bob Campbell said the decision
'(('PHI we arc close to the saving "smells of politics - and„is setting
in dollars that we need - "one small toss n against
said he was aware of and Clinton's loan coo nell
bothClinton and Exeter hospitals • The Clinton Public Hospital
were considered for possible board under chairman Art Aiken
Mr. Miller acknowledged that 'another."
the impact of Ms decision "but if headed by Mayor Don Symons
a life menthe-r i ot 'Yetnpli' it "as limit this min " it had to .h`‘' • another.- Mrs. Menzies said the on the pro\ ineial gocernment's
are planning protests and •Irriefs
Shrine,,,„ 1,01)(10n. w,t.t s a •
minister did not answer questions 'lime to close the hospital.
to elithtyr"^iii` art4isidf?"i ,'el Cited'
Church. For mane sears he seved
(»i the board . of the forrner•
Seaforth Collegiate Institute,
An enthusiastic fisherman,
bossier and curler. he continued
in these a, sties until recent.
1;otli st:‘,11'1/4:1.1'IL.I(
son of (ht. late Barber
and Mats Foster Ilk Vs. OW
fOrnICI. Mabel !./11.1)th, to cehom he
was married December 25. 100"
predeceased him February
19'2. Following her demilb Mx.
Barber continued to Ike in their .
Goderich Street residence until
last summer is hen he sold the
home and !nosed to St,. 'Fboma
sshicistee 1‘.,lis.,...sii(1st i\rcy cslidthsl. Ilk son,
William C. Barber. tit, Thomas
and a daughter, Mar), Mrs. John
Cordup, Seaforth and by 'six
grandchildren and seven great
'the remains rested at the
Whittles. Ribey Funeral Home,
Seaforth until Thursday when a
secs ice will be conducted at 2
p,m, by Res. M. Fa.. Reuber of
entombment will follow in
PioneetesM a u soleu
Pallhearers will be Wm, Battier
4obert Barber,. Kenneth,
Car no, John Haigh, Chas,-Toop
and Richard Routhier. Flower
heare s will he B.R.Thomgon and
leslie Oliver.
tourists in the summer months
would also ,suffer from poorer
health care.
Jack Riddell, Liberal. member
of the Legislature for Huron-
Middlesex, told the crowd' .he
would resign his seat and give it
to the Conservatives in a bN-''
election, it' it meant saving the
.He said he • asked Health
Minister Frank Miller if the
closing was a political move, "and
was assured it was n
been wiped out by the closing of
the Goderich •(p.-;, Janatric). and
Clinton hospitals and these•
peoPle "'can't 'CO' find jobs
in Huron Coutit.". Mr.1/enomme
Mr. Denomme added that he
was aft
aid many retiring per:-011S
would has e second thoughts
about musing to' Clinton if there
was no hospital availahle:, Mr.
Denon»nc said his Association
i"" pr eparing a brief and ‘‘ollld
present it to the Premier. •
Paul Carroll. chairman of the
Concerned ('itizens.. Cdmmittee
'A long , time Seaton h lodge No, I -'0 and was Master
businessman and former ow ncr 01 1920. He wits chum!, mem be r
Seaforth Creamery, Charles and past president of the Seaford)
Alphetts Barber died Sunday at Lio n s Club a n d \N as a idely known
Byrne Nursing Home Si. among members of the
Thomas. He was in his 9"th year. oraanitation dubs across
Mr. Barber began his career in. Ontario. Ile was aatib.;,,Jnetniber of
the dairy 'business at Palmerston Malloch eletpter"55'GRS'Staforth,.
in 1896 'and hi 1014 ea de • to
Seaforth where he est a kti0,...ied
steers. in which he: operattc'cf the 4
busines it' pained an enviable
reputation for the quality of thil
butter it produced. Mr. Barber
was active in the dairy association
and was a past president of the
Ontario Dairymen's Association,
•- In addition to his interests in
the dairy industry Mr. Barber is as
active in tlie,,,,c,ommtini0- and
•setaed. on many. organiiations,
He was a member of Brittama