The Huron Expositor, 1976-02-19, Page 1Urtill
4 .
Lion class. 111e Beat erfon rxpress
and Carmingyn Gleaner. ote rued
h Jim Wtll'aec echo tt (tyke(' at the
F. 'positor many t ears ago. got
tin st price for best editorial Rage
in the same class.
the OWNA awards mill be
presented at a eoncention ir
Ottawa neat keeekend.
Both twps
interested •
in OHC apt
.Mekillop and luckersmith are
bOth interested ' in joiaing
Seaforth in' sponsoring another
011C apartment for senior
citiicns in the town.,
oclwrstnith Dewitt Reeve
Sill cry said he thbught the
rent geared to income apartments
were good because the). allow
older people to' sum'. independent
longer and at the same time free
house's for families and eliminate
a housing shortage:'.. He said he
thought the apartments were
needed 11),' many Fgmondville
(Continued on Page 14)
Bagfl leader George t-flidebrand. is surrounded by
band members In. ,the gym at SDHS during a
welcome home party Monday night when three bus
loads of the band and spectators arrived home from
Fort 'Myers, Florida. The girls in the band were
piped around the gym and given flags to
. commemorate their trip. (Staff Photo)
Whale No. 5632
$10.00 a Year in Advance
Single copy 25 cents
UC asks permission
or Hydro rate increase
A BUS ON A SNOWBANK — School Pus driver Mrs.
Ina McGrath narrowly escaped injury Thursday
afternoon when her bus skidded on a patch- of ice;
crossed Highway 8 just east of Seaforth and Climbed a
snowbank. The bus was empty as Mrs. McGrath was
Murray Gaunt tells MtKillop annua
Farm mutual law
to alter taking a load of
h Jackie Melanson of United Trails,
if b n't been able to go info a driveway
before it climbed the bank the bus would probably,
have rolled.
from • grass roots
Seaforth's Public' Utilities PUC On ccl'Lat safety equipment it
Commission-11as. asked Ontario neaps: Mr.Seott said Mine of the
Ett.dro to do a rate increase study • PUC's in the- area are tusing the'
for the town so that hydro rates trench boxes 'that are apparently
can be raised here "because ofer- required.
lack of reserve capital -. 1 he P1-'C manager requested
PVC' manager Walter Scott said permission to install a ne'cc putt er
that Ontario Hydro has raised-the line ,Roost Railway St, Onto a 11(.11
amount that it charges the PVC' street to serve. the Dillon house in
for wholesale power he 22 per south \ceSt ASCaf.WHI). M r. Scott
'Alit. 1 he 131.1( December hill said the' doesS hake the right
from Ontario Hydro et as $22,f)00'J to refuse or delay !Suiting sere ices
compared to $15.000 the' month iii to a bu ilding arid said people
bcfores• -Granted December it who put up, a building tcithout
the heat lest load month,
checking on the location coOld lee
he w e' without service's for act hile. • ,
'the' local PU(' , raised' POwer •0. Some PVC's charge customers
,r'elie's to Seaforth cuslomers by 111 Ir'Pereentage of the e'0 :( 'ttlp'
per cent last August. Unless they •
get special , permission from
Ontirrio . Hydro, the PU(.' can't.
raise the rates again for a year,
until August,' 1976, Mr. Scott
Pt'( ,commissioners heard that
the utility is k24,00 in the hole
this month, But several clays
l ater, after bills , were due,
--Mr. Scott said that amount would
he greatly redqed.' Because' of
He dro's 22 -per cent jump,
Seaforth PVC could be Carrying
an extra $-1,000 a m °IA in
exptai'veS Until August, the •
manager • said. An increase of
perhaps 11 per ..cent to Seaford! •
customers Would cuter itterectsed
lit tiro ices ts. Mr. Scott said.
It could he worse, he said.
Woodstock may have to carry an
additionlal $70.000 :!per month
he:cruise of increased Ontario ,..,
Hydro rates not passed on ,to
power stoners. ,
At their 'regular meetitag,
\Vetinesday afternoon, PLIC
hate ieLts r. linest L)s(a, inci:notra,eend0t sh ahttoet the 137, pn ;11 rsaw.,t,
agreed to
Pay $550.
said an interim account from auditor's
recover more.- 'I he' PUC would Clarkson, Gordon and. Co. 'I he
like tO sue the lots in town that,are total bill is about $1800., Mr, Scott
already subdivided and have said, The PUC has to pay $900 for
sere ices filled , up, he said. an Ontario Hydro audit but antler
PVC employee Doug Smale provincial law must use the
cc as granted a raise from $4.03 to town's auditor too,
$4.25 per hour after receiving 92 commissioners voted to
per cent at a h) dro training school cut back on their advertising
in Orangeville. 1 wo Pill' , budget to approximately $500 per
employees trill attend a one' day year, not including help wanted
driver training school in Cli stun. or rate etrange, .ads. There was
1 he tune limit I'm applications some feeling that neck spaper ads
lid' lineman's job at 011' PU(' wasa duplicate
tended, the' possihilit that ache ertising on telet ision,
a , trained lineman would apply, Mr. Scant sztie (1.)ntario 1.1tir()
said the
US had
(Staff Photo)
Fps . budget 'Cuts second place 13cllr Iticcr Nr•th
C'aricton Place Canaeli'.m and.
' •
• Faced with a 1976 budget. that. closed because' Of insufficie•nt • he issues"stlIllnitted tor'itld42.
' could see, education levies enrolment. ing were' the same for cc cry paper
increasers by up to 50 per cent, ,Prelintinarr indicate- in the' Prot ince. MaY 21 and
the Huron County board of. that ,withont the cmucutting OctOber 197s. 'I he .rxpositor
got an horMuraby mention. us did '• education is considering . a
stringent cost-coiling program to c h a irman • Herb the Goderich Signal Star. for the
reduce that increase• by 'half. . lurkheini said 'I ue,;(1av that the best story in all the
'1 here has already been a free/e spending restraint program .tk wee k he''' °I% all • e s in 'the
Association. First wait to the On erthipment acquisition for . introduced at a closed board
Brampton Guardian.- schools and tarincipals have heat '.. meeting Monday night.
1 he cc-inning rxpositiir . stork ordered' to 'ehop their 1976 While I don't expect the board
was Student reporter Nancy .An budgets by 10 per cent front last: to accept ill these' measut•cs
year's level, • . we're considering. a large dretr's inserkiews with set Lied
will. tic u'riouslc Seaforth area farm keic es. the board also is. studying a
13-point cost-slashing plan which erililti•mslildLfeced the rxpositor's sister paper,
etttuld see many "programs reduce the education mill rate the Brussels Post placed third for
modified.. to become self- ItltTL'ilSe as much as possible in general excellence in its class arid
supporting and might 'see schools (Continued on .Page 14) won a first priie for best news and
feature's c o verage in its eireula•
notes should be congratulated.,
"Bigger is not ,e necessarily
better and cheaper, 'Reeve calm-
obeli '‘<ctid. and 'he noted that it'
Mckillop . thought . big, they'd
have a $30.000 a year Math a
$25.000. second in ,comhiand and
seworay6fliec people under them
doing essentially what pri•,'Se•nt
secretary treasurer Marg Sharp
does by herself,
Mr. Gaunt was. introduced by
McK illop director Donald
Mekerchea• of R.R. 1, Dublin and
thioked by director John H.
Mckeaving of R,R. 1, Blyth •echo
told the MPP "here's something
I-kpon B of E
Iwo a wauk....c in ;„,,,, ,vkle
you can. to to put on a meal }true '"`
weekly newspaper competitions like thiti sponsored by the Ontario Weekly
Newspaper Association.
-I he Fxpositor prayed third for-
. general 1.:cellenee Iii its circula-
lion class behind the. first place ••
your can take home to your wife members agreed to ask prokincial
and pretend it's a Valentine gift''. safety inspectors to advise the
All the .e'ompany's dice tor, ..<„, • ' .
were. present except for .1 .N..'
ha surgery ' the day before in - E d xpos tO/i -„,„,,•atha of RR, ,3, (Tinton. who '
Clinton -. Public• • Hospital. The -
chanter was attended by a large •. . . .
number of policy • holders and wi ns§ .tw 0
their spouses - and community
representative's. Director Lac ern . - ,
G odkin t Inked caterer Valma
Miller ant her staff for the awards •
dinner. saying "It's great to hate
• 1 Ilkron Fxpositor has•ke on someone in yohr home can that the
NU' 0,i4"rdatirm' affecting.
Ontario's 53 farm mutual insur-
ance companies is an example of
"grass roots government". Mtn'-.
ray Gaunt, MPP for Huron Bruce,
told about 250 people who
crowded the coinmunit y centre
hall ,to mark the Annuity th
anniversary of Mei< illop Mutual
Friday at noon.-
New provineial
effective at 'the first of this year
has abolished the premuirn not&
that outlook, used to helveto
require their customers to sign,
sort of a promissory note that
would .cot cr . the insuranee cool-
, party in the case of heavy losses.
'the premium notes. which hadn't
been c'alled • Since 1931 have
been replaced by a $1. million,
fund that all the province's
inut flak pay into,
Mr. Gaunt said the Hdea of
abolishing the none came .from
local peuThle.and was prikmoted by
the companies themselves who,
asked the gove•rninent for the
the new provincial law making
seat belt wearing mandatory is rot
example of "legislation coming
down from the tOp." just • the
opposite to the marital law. Mr.
Gaunt said.—lop down. not grass
roots up.- His first exainpl e is
nearly totally acceptable, while
the seeond.•.type of ,laW causes
antaganistile. and . hostility. the
MPP. said.
1 he seat belt law came ft•oin
civil sciwants whiaVVere
by safety ,,,,statistic's 'that it teas
necessary, he said, andf we are
ge'tting • mire cm-d more of this
"top down legislations." Peoples
attitudes are at least partly to
blame, he ~,aid, as they' expe•et
and demand more of government.
"lo everything there is a cost."
People become servants, not
inaster of government when they.
demand they do everything for
them, Mr. (jaunt told the anni-
versary dinner,
Mr. Gaunt, who's been at
Queen's• Park for 13 years, sited
freedom of the litdividual mean's
responsibility and vigilance to
keep '„government responsive.
''Government has an obligation to
meet needs but not
necessarily peoples' wants",. he
said. Mekillop president Stanley
of R.V. 2. Goderieh paid
tribute to the company's. first
directors.. men of foresight who
100 years agd saw the value of..
mutual aid. He named the
directors of the last 25 years who
tare since died, •
the success of Mckillop
Mutual shows that ' "Private
enterprise and a , few dedicated
individual ,. Can start a eompane
that can still compete in today's
world," Sealorth's Mayor 'Betty
Cardi!, said as she brought
congratulations • front the town,
where Mckillop's head office has
}teen sine 1932— Reeve Allan
Cain/Thu:11 of Mekillop 1 ownship
said those who started MeKillop
Motor') and all, thosc; who brought
tefrom nothi)ng to a self sustain e
ing conapan'y without . Prem. mi
illy ‘A ilea (Kea , •
Onrarto Ilk dro lias ad\ ised
1 ilt•kt..T.Nmith oic Lotmk it of
in, re' ased street light rates kw the .•
ye' al. ( le rte ,holes Ml Inrush told
ClillIll 11 at its "Nl.'s,',Iiiil'• jily ,,,iij\
Hight ' ii. ceill nobs -.71":"....14l' ..()Illt
111(.1"CaS(.'. Lor ,1111' ,Irt'as, a llt.'Llc (i. •
Fur B(1( (.41l'Itl I lights, l'',1lt. s
tic -cased Iron! $12..51) to, Si -Jar.,
rgrtiondtille I - lights. . rates
it<reased from $4o.00 to' $50.00,
and .4 - lights Iron! $40.00' to
$42.50: ,Vanastra-- lights horn
5.33'.50 to S36.50, -2 lights' Iron!
$.14.50 no $3(),5ii. 41. ,hoht,e I ron)
$;10.00 tit $3.1.00 ,•ind 2 new Vlore
k ill 'he Stek.00 cacti.
Alirti Soutdmits of 1'roirt stia,
echo' attC11(11A 11112 ',(.?`,`;101-1. lids
ate en' ilf111.1"0‘ al 111 principle '10
prt'llart • tl 'lilrgc sign alireciort
hoard to be lot atea. ar ‘• ri-ii)tra
near the main (ally once. '1 he sign
' 111:111 Vitillifi hit'ili ' and killillt i.
Ckll'h of 1)1(' c .1111.11.1S' 1111'slill'4,',l S
011il rat iiiri 's «Tarl'ir its the
intilliltrial ,ii''' ,. _ -
NI L South 1,1‘, is lc , look 101' the
1.' \ a( I trite and"bring hak I iiis site
proposal for count il's ripprok al.
He said the 'sign \timid cost 'ab ou t
$.10( mid 11)e ' oil Hers <it the
businesses listed on the' sign mar,
Sc mild be responsible for the cosi.
Floodlights for the sign et oribi be
ektrir. he said.
COuneil 'repealed the he lack
preparing the cc ay il or the' (10 ,,intz
of .. Fifth„At entre entrance to
N;rit4irtStra off Higl)kc ay 0 4. •
( lerk McIntosh reported the
lit h Kbudget for Vanastra
Sett age anti 'water system totals,
$55,000 plus water costs, this is
5 totter than last scar, Mr,
McIntosh reported'an infiltration
snide on MC 501 el. system is
planned and the cost of $2,000,
.cc ill be paiiefenit or a reserve fund
which has been set up for
Mv'. McIntosh reported a re•
quest for a W/intatio grant for the
\ anasira liecre•ation Centre has
Ikea.» turned time n by Me Ministry
of ( tifitire and Recreation be-
arise the trainee would housed to
pat reetilar continuing operating
expenses for a munierprilitt . not
the, terms on ,thieh the Wintario
;Jams ate paid out.
ouch of Itet. kiwi on the'
Sink lair Drain was held and there
weer no cc:Fatten appeals rege:,-
tered its dries prior to the court.
I lock (.‘ er a ritten•-appeal. pre-
sr rued at the meeting his 'Adria!
1111111•1*Mil(f ril R. R, 3, Kipper
resulted ar the court bein
adjourned until Mrir< h 2.
'I Ministry of the Falk iron-
mem is to he notified that the
I a mond\ die 'residents. la pofiTie-Td
to c inestronnaire (111. whet'he'r
Chet tote it a save .• works
People in Seaforth and area
hate' orgiunied colleetion points
for donations 40 Guat(mlitia, the
Central American country cchie'h
has been torn by 'several earth;
quakes over the last few weeks.
1he local Red Cross is helping
the Canadian Red Cross rca(47
their goal of raising,$250,000 for
earthquake yictims over the next
seven days,, Cheques or money
orders can he sent to the Seaforth
Red Cross branch, c.'o Mrs.
Kerslake, Box 514,
Seaford) marked "for Guatemala
relief-, The Ontario Red Cross
has ah•eady donated $50,000 to
Gilatemala and is helAg locate
missing pe'rsons there for rela-
tives in Canada.
the Toronto Dominion Bank
branch here is also accepting
donations for earthquake relief in
(Ma tcmala,
A local women, Mrs, Grace
.171.-4,111(.'d to the hostler he a colt '
of t \‘'0 to one agttit1S1 it. Rees e
111oropson said corinkal
abide ht the iii.',1(1CrIt 'iv
approved a restokast for
a building permit from \It's. 1\4are •
tviereani for a garage to he' built
on Lot lb, Concession .1, [I.R.S.
Council approt Lai tiu`.., parylirt;<,
of ri photoe•opier
pank for the clerk-treasure
office 'for $1,132.
he balance of the 19 -5 road
tiibsicly of $21, 155,2t, (for a total
01 593,000t has been approk
the lvliirsU'y of ransport itt ion
and Cmnnittnicatiori a, . •
he Ministry „of Como:untie
and Souaial SCI'‘IntF(
(4 suggested.
controlling costs I K chic ,,0('
HuSset at F,gmondk ille, has
contacted local school boards a n d
cintrehes, including the Roman
•Catholic diocese office in Loinfon
to find out what sort of d011atlOns
hinds were being established fon
ctarthquake victims+. "I got, a t ery
good response from et cry one I
spoke, to,'' Mrs. Hussey said.
Most authorities she talked to
said donattons should go thrOugh
established channels to make
sure that the money gets to the
people it is intended to help.
Mrs. Hussey said people
shouldn't wait until' samcone
comes to. their door collecting. if
they want to give to help the
Guatemalan people. Donations
cari he left With the nearest
minister" or church. or at the
Clinton Community 'Credit Unron,
as Well as local banks -and the Red
Cross, She said. .•
--EVEN A LITTLE DUCK — Everybody you could think of was at the Varna Valentine
Carnival Saturday night ... all decked out in -their best costumes. The carnival was
held in the Varna are!, a former horse barn that people in the community flood
and maintain as'an ice surface. When the weather's right, there's ice and the kids
love it. (Staff Photo)
Tuckersmith streetlight costs up
Local groups collecting
money for Guatemala