The Huron Expositor, 1976-02-12, Page 3„or
A NOT SO SERIOUS GAME — Members of the lunch committee at the Happy
Citizehs euchre played their own game Thursday afternoon because they had to
stop early to get lunch ready. From left they are, Mrs. Lillian Pepper,Airs. Mabel
Scott and Mrs. Chris. Souter. • (Staff Photo)
At. •
• All classes identical and start .prornot •
"The Store That Saves You More"
Makes. Button Holes
Sews on Buttons
No Attachments needed
case extra
Due to the tremendous response.
on this machine during our
January Sale, we are continuing
this price 'fit February 14.
The perfect), Valentine Gift!
Special price in effect 3 more
days only..
Good Selection of
Fully Reconditioned &
The Store that Saves You -More"
,BABv WF AP YARD r,000s
Monday* Thursday
11 a .m.6. pit' ,
Eriday,11 a.m. 4 p,m,
Saturday 9 a.m, 6 p.m. 4,0
Sewing Machine
will be at ' our - store for
demonstrations and repairs
Friday, February 13
4,0 p,m. • 9:00 p.m.
SaturAily, February 14
9:00 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Comp, in and ask for :4'a
'demonstration on any of our
brands • such as Bernina,
Universal, Domestic, Morse,
Brother --, as weir as our
Omega Valentine Special,
'Office locations
Landlords and tenants wishing information,. florms Or assistance
in connection with the Residential Premises Rent Review Act May
call.or visit.,their local rent. review office listed below. The offices
wacommence operation Monday, February 9 .1976. •
London, for the ,
Counties of Middlesex.
Oxford. Elgin. Lambton.
Perth 'and Huron •
Owen Sound, for the
Counties of Grey and
80 Oundas St .
Tel 67-3.1660
Former Post OVA
Building '
3rd Ave E & 9th St E
Tel 376-3202 ,
'251 Goyeau St
Tel 253-8532
(for all correspondence
. including completed -forms)
Ontario Rent Review
BOx 5101
London N6A 4L6'
Ontario Rent Review
Box 625
Owen Sound N4K 5R,
Ontario Rent Review
Box 1605
• Windsor N9A 6F2
. Windsor, for the
Counties of Essex and Kent
If you. live outside the toll-free dialing area for the,office serving
your municipality„dial the operator and ask for Zenith 9-6000. You
will be connected with the rent review office free of charge.
Ministry 9f
Consumer and
Commercial °
Relations -
A FRIENDLY GAME OF CARDS — There were 15 tables in play at the ,Happy
Citi.zen's euchre last week, a lower turnout than usual due 'to bad weather. The
clubplays cards on the first Thursday , of every month, takes a bus trip in the
summer and 21 members bowl every Friday afternoon. Taking a short break in
theft game are, from left., Mrs. Mary Felker, Irene O'Sullivan, Seaforth, Mrs.A.
-Houston, Egmondville and John Tremeer, Seaforth. (Staff Photo)
A WINNER — Happy Citizens club preSident Lorne
Dennis punches- Mrs. Mary McIveris card at the
club's monthly euchre in the Legion Hall. Mr.
Dennis, who has been president for several years,
will be SO next month. Mrs. Baker is the club's
„„, secretary treasurer: (Staff Photo)
Members say
Scho I _board ,.
Members of the Fluron County •
'4atemeril that. the board is
Board of gdOcation reponcled responsible for poor press cover,.
quickly to ,recent remarks •attri- age, 'I urkhcim replied, "The
buted to' .a Goderich councillor wrr.ekly newspapers '1,:rave been
regarding the administration of. keeping' the public'well informed.
1 he London-free Press failed to the educational system in the •
county attend the last three meetings up
Goderich councillor Jim Peters' to today,"
suggested the board ''was a 1 urkheini continued, "Press
bunch of bureaucrats. without coverage is not ,the responsibility
regard for the feelings of the of the hoard." Board vice-chair'-'
people who pill them into office." man Charles Thomas agreed
Peters shirt something has to he saying, "I am proud to be a
done abotiG the hoard,or au-cation member of .thiS hoard and I think
The subject was brought up by we make our decisions in 'a
Myth, trustee John Elliott.. .Who de Mocratic fashion and we should •
sale! would suggest he do a little
ignore thiS type of thing.". further 'research so 'as not to
Godcrich trustee Dorothy Wal- display his ignorance regarding
lace agreed, Saying, "We
my concern and feelings for the shouldn't get too 'excited about .-
good 'people w,ho put me into
this.'' Office:" ' •In ,conclusion chairman Turk- mfilnued, "Some
helm Suggested the board :•ould people appear to be more Capable meet with Goderich council to of telling us how • to -run our
improve Mutual understanding. business instead of looking after
their' own affairs".
USE , Chairman Herb Turkheim also -
took exception to the remarks
from Goderiek• He added, "The
EXPOSITOR latest issue' is indicative . of
personal gripes smite councillors,
WANT=ADS have had lgainsti the hoard over
the past few years."
In reply - to councillor Peters
Phone 527-0240
about the provincial govern- Perhaps if everyone could see the
Rent's mandatory. , seatbelt head of someone sprayed across
The outcry in some quarters responsible for-their passengers.
legislation doesn't move me at the pavement — the result of a
all. I suppose the law infringes on short trip through t windshield,
my personal freedom, but so do they would rea'fize it ould be your
most other laws that are designed friend, your child, ourself. The column patting my self on
to protect the community. So next time s eone says to the back for not getting stuck all
When 'People first began living , you, "Send a letter to your MP, . winter,.was practically blocked in
together they gave up certain about seat belt legislation I s-ty: on page three by this time and I
"personal freedoms" (the right to "Send a letter to your MP an decided to let the mis-information
kill each other,. etc.) in the' ask him why some millionaires stand: I didn even add a P.S.
interests of the common good. pay little or no money on income Today I got 'stuck,that some of the
"But if I choose not to wear a tar,"While we the average 'people staff here suggested.
seatbelt I'M hurting no one but are taxed to death."
myself," some people argue. "Send your MP a letter and ask Wednesday night, serene and
Your chances of being hurt in an him, why all wages are going relaxed after an hour and a half of
accident are greater if you're not under controls,„ but all pr i c A----yo ga at the Public school, I drove
wearing a seatbelt,(though some calmly into a muddy hole left over aren't,"
don't admit it) and your injuries"Send a letter to your MP and from sewer construction. The car
' sunk to its axles and once again I will require medical treatment. ask him, why is Wintario
This is where the rest of us spending hundreds of thousands
come in.guess if someone who of dollar's on recreational facili-
feels his personal freedom is ties, .while hospitals the
being restricted by having to wear province are closing by the
a seatbelt, was willing to opt out dozens."
of OHIP and say "If I'm injured in ,The,gom.ernment made the law
an.accident when not wearing my to protect yoe. Only you can
seatbelt, I'll pay my own hospital enforce it to protect yourself."
bills" ,wee could say, "fine, forget ' * * * is *
But as long as we're all paying
l * *
your seatbelt." This column a jinx or either
it's trying to make aliar out' of
for car' accident injuries through me. •
OHIP, I think it's reasonable that You may read this column on
we , all be required to do Thursday or Friday, but because
everything that will cut down 'on of deadlilnes and first of th,e Week
That, statistics . show, means pressures, it's written a whole
these injuries. su
• So it was a, whole two weeks seat belts.
ago from the time you read this Really I think we have a lot ,
more important • things to worry ' that I sat down to gaily writ e
about than the seatbelt law. We about the joys of winter and how 'I
can just wear them and forget it hadn't been stuck once.
nobody is losing jobs or health Mouthing off will get y ou every ...
care or farm land because we time. Tuesday morning after the,
wear them. column was written and set but'
There was a letter to the editor two whole days before the paper
in the Listowel Banner recently is printed I got stuck. In two
' that had some good comments'on inches of snow, • in a ,freshly •,
• the seat belt question. Trevor plowed driveway.
Bridge of Listowel says in part:. , Yes I got stuck so badly that I
Really, what is the bother? Ask couldn't b opduys h
my se
lf out h tTheree
someone•who is crippled for -life, was
or someone who was killed (if y ou cars going by on the highway and
, they couldn't see me behind the could) because they went though
a windshield. I'd bet they would -15 foot snowbanks.
love a second chance to bother, 1 called a tow truck and its
It is ironic, that the people of helpful driver got me out in two
our country have for years desired •
ou re our government to take larger
responsibility in looking after us ,
witness, old" age pension, • .
welfare ; etc,' the s,eat belt Tivited legislation is an attempt to save ,
our lives: Traffic accidents claim - •
more lives than cancer each year.
Scat • belts could reduce this
num her. W ho would protest
legislation concerning' building
safer cars, to save lives? That
would also infringe on freedom.
Those who drive cars • arc
Euchre held
in McKillop
Winners of the euchre held at
Family Paradise were' Ladies'
High - Cathy Glanville; Men's
high - Jack Pike; Ladies` lone
hands, Winnie Glanville; Men's
lone hands - Leslie Glanville;
Ladies' low -, Margaret
Beuermann; Ladies' lone hands -
Don Liphard.
Whiners of the Lost Heir game
were Lorne Glanville and Orville
Beuermann. The next games are
scheduled for February 17th at 8
o'clock. '
seconds. Of course he had an
added advantage ... he sat high
enough to see over the snowbanks
that made me creep hesitantly out
of the driveway and get gnat in-
the first place:
You are invited to Cagan
United United Church.•• Winthrop On
TueSday; February 17 .at 8:00
p.m. for Family Night.. Guests
will be the students from Brazil
who will speak' and- show slides on
their country..',Everyone welcome.
)rinething to Say
by Susan White
We've gotmore than seatbelts °
to be concerned about
needed the services of a friendly
tow truck operator to get out of
the mess.h hole and the
constructionally wasn't very
well marked, the onlookers who
watched the car rise-slowly from
the trench agr4d. My friends and
I agreed too as we pretend
that we were onlookers" too arid
no, just couldn't imagine how
some dummy could drive right s
into that hole.
Just to protect, myself, let me
say right now that I'm looking
forward to lots of shovelling,
pushing and tow truck, calling
(maybe they'll take •to following
me around) for the rest -of the
winter. •
If my luck holds, once I write
about it, it won't happen.
All Types.of Repairs
Phone 527-0270
Donations to the arena fund
received this week include WO •
from Durst Machine Shop 'and
$4OCfrom the Toronto DOMirlion
Donations can be sent to th@
treasurer of the fund, Ernie
Williams, at Box 348, Seafirkth. '
Learn Paltern Cutting
• The Modern Way
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• Viennese fashion designers and German
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Make your own patterns with only two
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. member of the ,family. •
Prove it yourself! DO .not miss this opportunity.
All necessary equipment .isdilable at classes.
'Seaforth PUblic Library'
• Monday, Feb. 16 — 10 a.m.. 2 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.
• Tuesday, Feb. 17 — 10 a.m.., 2 p.m. & 7 :30 p.m.
••• • •••i! • • •• • • t • • • • •A•